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外教一班 敖文平 十一月,俚语,一、Definition of slang 俚语的定义,二、The Origin and Development of Slang 俚语的起源和发展,三、The Function of Slang 俚语的作用,四、Illustrations 实例,五、Materials 俚语相关,美国俚语,一、 Defining slang,俚语(slang)多是用来表达新鲜事物或旧事新说的一种语言, 其所用到的多为粗俗或通行面较窄的方言词汇,属于非习惯性 的用语。俚语大多是地方性百姓在生活中通俗顺口的语言,地 域生活色彩更为浓厚。 随着社会的前进和时代的变迁,俚语成了美国现代生活中不断 演变的文化产物。而当今美国俚语最鲜明的发展趋势可以归结 为简洁明了以及与标准语的融合。,美國俚語,二、The Origin and Development of Slang,俚语最早盛行的群体极为亚文化群,这也就注定了其俚语词汇较难由构字得到, 一般是从日常语言中进行借鉴或赋予新的内涵。因而俚语赋予新义的途径通过夸张、 褒贬义化、语音改变、词义扩大或缩小、截取缩短、婉转等各类修辞方法来实现, 比较字面化。 俚语的形成和发展离不开其身处的历史和文化现实,随着俚语的普及它已理所当然 地向标准语过渡,进入了一些正式的场合。而俚语本身生动简练的特性更是使 得其在表达个性和情感的时候成了最为合适的媒介,这也是俚语能在短时间内 走红的一个重要理由。,美國俚語,三、The Function of Slang,俚语的最大功能是既可以使得表述者的情感淋漓尽致地表达完全, 也可以将一些难以启齿的直接话语通过委婉的方式传递。 比如在俚语表达中一句话常常会被加强语气并进行情感的 丰富“我想你”瞬间就成为了“我想死你了”,夸张的词汇变换 手法瞬时把表述者的情感刻画的十分强烈,有助于彼此关系的拉近。此外在一些比较忌讳的词语例如“死亡”上,寿终正寝(toendonesday)、 与世长辞(toexpire)以及合眼(tocloseoneseyes闭眼,合眼) 都是最为完美的替代选项。同时bunintheoven(烤箱里有甜饼) 在电影乃至生活中也以委婉的方式替代了较为直接的pregnant(怀孕)。,When pigs fly Meaning: Never. If you you say when pigs fly, you mean something will never happen. People sometimes say, And pigs might fly to mean something a person just said will never happen or is impossible. Example: A: Do you think shell ever come back and work with us again?B: When pigs fly she will. (She will never come back again.)A: We might get a raise when another person becomes the president (of this company).B: And pigs might fly. (Itll never happen.),Meaning: A letter from a woman to her boyfriend or husband telling him that she doesnt love him anymore. If a woman writes a Dear John letter to her boyfriend (or husband), she tells him that she wants end their relationship. Example: His girlfriend wrote him a Dear John letter and moved to Japan.,Meaning: Rarely, almost never If you say something happens once in a blue moon, you mean it happens very rarely.A blue moon is the second of two full moons in the same month, which happens rarely. Example: He has a very nice car, but he drives once in a blue moon.,Meaning: To be too old to do something. If you call someone to be over the hill, you say rudely that he/she is old and no longer attractive or productive, not suitable for something, or not capable of doing something useful.,Example: Sam, a famous football player, has decided to retire next year. Although he is only 34, he thinks he is over the hill as an athlete. At the age of 85, she says shes never felt shes over the hill. She always finds something good she can do for other people.,Meaning: Make people (audience) excited, laugh, or enjoy a lot while performing or making a speech If you, your performance, or your speech brings the house down, your performance or speech is so good that the audience enjoys it a lot, becomes excited, applauds (clap their hands), or laughs a lot. Example: Sarah is a musical genius. Her performances always bring the house down. The Prime Minister brought the house down when he made his monumental speech in 1965.,Some useful materials associated Slang,Thanks for your attence,so long,


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