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2020年贵州省遵义市中考英语试卷第一部分听力(共2小节,满分7.5分)第一节听力选择(共5小题,每小题1.5分,共计22.5分)A、图片理解请听句子,从A、B、C中选择与句子意思相符的正确图片,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑(听两遍)1(1.5分)2(1.5分)3(1.5分)4(1.5分)5(1.5分)B、小对话理解请听对话及问题,从A、B、C中选择正确的答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑(听两遍)6(1.5分)AIn the holeBIn the factoryCIn the bookstore7(1.5分)ASometimesBHardly everCNever8(1.5分)ARock musicBClassic musicCLight music9(1.5分)ASpringBSummerCWinter10(1.5分)ADoing sportsBStaying up lateCStudying for a testC、长对话理解 请听长对话,根据其内容,从A、B、C中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑(听三遍)11(7.5分)(1)What does Lily want to do?ATo get good gradesBTo meet friendsCTo be a volunteer(2)Who will go with Mark to the old peoples home this week?AHis classmatesBHis parentsCHis friends(3)What time does Mark start to work on Saturday afternoon?AAt 2:00 amBAt 2:00 pmCAt 6:00 pm(4)How does Mark always feel from helping others?ASatisfiedBWorriedCExcited(5)Where are they going to meet?AAt the parkBAt the school gateCAt the bus stop第二节听力填空(共1小题,每小题7.5分,共计7.5分 D、短文理解 请听短文,根据其内容填写表格,并将正确答案用黑色墨水笔或黑色签字笔填写在答题卡规定的位置上(听三遍)12(7.5分)Dragon Boat FestivalWhen?It usually comes in(1) How long?They went to Quyuans hometown for (2) daysWhat to do?They visited the museum and(3) some photosWhat to watch?They also watched the boat(4) How?It was really interesing and(5) 第二部分语篇完形(共2小节,满分15分)第一节完形填空阅读短文,根据其内容,从A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑(共1小题,每小题1.5分,共计15分)13(15分)Jim and Steve were twinsThey played on the same football team, and shared all the same toys, the same bedroom and the same friendsThey shared(1) One Sunday, Jim and Steve went(2) to ride their blue bike, but they wanted to go to different placesTheir mother heard the two boys arguing and came outsideShe told(3) to take turns to ride the bikeHowever, they didnt want to share it A few days later, their mother brought a pet(4) home for the boysCant we each have our own eat?asked the boys angrilyThey were(5) of sharing everything Im sorrybut you must share one cat, the mother saidYou will have to(6) the cat and make sure it has enough food and doesnt do anything wrongThen the boys began to share the jobs One day, the cat got into the mothers bedroomAfter a few minutes, the cat had fun playing with the ball of yarn(线) and (7) away the yarn all over the roomSteve saw it and quickly went to find Jim, telling him(8) the cat had done Oh, no! Its our job to clean up the mess, cried JimThe boys quickly picked up the yarn and (9) Just think, Jim, if we had two cats, they would have made a(10) mess, said Steve Thats right, laughed JimMaybe sharing isnt so bad!(1)AanyoneBsomeoneCnothingDeverything(2)AoutsideBinsideCupstairsDdownstairs(3)AusBthemChimDher(4)AdogBcatCfishDbird(5)AtiredBfullCshortDproud(6)AcatchBmeetCfeedDbeat(7)AthrowingBgivingCrunningDgoing(8)AwhereBwhyCwhatDwho(9)Aput it upBput it backCput it onDput it off(10)AhappierBeasierCsmallerDbigger第二节 口语交际(共1小题,每小题10分,共计10分)情景七选五 请阅读下面一段对话,根据其情景,从方框内七个选项中选出能填人对话的五个选项并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑14(10分)APlease remember to protect your eyesBHave a good day, bye!CDont worry!You will go back to school soonDI have to go to school everydayEBecause I can play basketball wih my neighborsFBecause I have to take online lessons at homeGActually, I feel a little bit bored(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 第三部分 阅读、词汇与语法(共4小节,满分40分)第一节案标号涂黑阅读、词汇与语法(共4小节.满分40分)阅读理解(共4小题,每小题10分,共计40分)阅读材料A、B、C、D,根据其内容选择正确答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答15(10分)_By the YouthWhen we were scared, sad and helpless,you gave us courage, warmth and hopesWhen: we had to stay at home to keep away from the illess,you, workers, helped us buy living things;Leaving your chidren behind,you worked in the neighborhood every day,you never complained but smiled the whole dayWhen we needed all kinds of materias,you,drivers,drove them there without thinking twice;running on the streets, between the cites,you made sure things went well as usualWhen we had coughs or fevers,you,_,tried your best to save our lives;Looking afer the paints in the hospital day and night,you never gave up until the sick got wellThere are many people doing jobs in silence;There are manypeople giving hands without telling their namesThanks for your hard work and selflessnessYoure the heroes of the timesYoure the most beautiful in our heartsWe love you!(1)We had to stay at home because Awe didnt want to go outBwe had enough foodCwe didnt want to workDwe wanted to avoid the illness(2)According to the poem, the drivers were AwarmheartedBawfulCcruelDcold(3)Which earn be the best for_? AscientistsBofficersCdoctors and nursesDdrivers(4)Whats the writers purpose of writing this poem? ATo show his praisesBTo show his regretsCTo show his worriesDTo show his wishes(5)Whats the best title for the poem? ATo the pol test peopleBTo the most beautiful peopleCTo the cleverest peopleDTo the most humorous people16(10分)Many students in Zunyi like eating our local foodmashed(捣碎的) potatoes, because it is cheap and deliciousHowever, do you know how to make it?Here are some ingredients and stepsIngredients:1kg of potatoes25g of oilSalt and pepperSteps:First, peel the potatoesTry to cut the potatoes into small piecesSecond, cook the potatoes in a pot filled with water for half an hourNext, when the potatoes are soft, put them in a bowl, and mash them with a forkAfter that, add the oil, salt and pepperIf you like, add some meat!Finallyfry it for a few minutesNow its ready(1)The reason why students in Zunyi like mashed potatoes is that Aits crispy and saltyBits cheap and deliciousCits sweet and cheapDits expensive and delicious(2)What ingredients do we need to make mashed potatoes? PotatoesOilSalt and pepperSugarABCD(3)How long should we cook the potatoes in a pot? A 30 minutesB 45 minutesC 60 minutesD 90 minutes(4)How many steps are necessary for making mashed potatoes? A2B3C4D5(5)Where can you probably read this passage? AIn a story bookBIn a cookbookCIn a guidebookDOn a news website17(10分)China has accepted western fashion and technology as it has developed these years, but a lot of young people a returning to the past for their clothes choices and putting on traditionalhanfu As the government encourages the renaissance(复兴) of tradtional culture,hanfu is getting more and more popular with the teenagersEvery year, we can enjoy different hanfu shows around the citiesThese shows bring us back to Han dynastyWe learn more about the history, culture and beauty from them Hanfu hasnt been in the same style since Han dynastyHowever,this kind of clothes has something in commonThey all have large soft robes(袍子) , with sleeves that hang down to the knees,so the hands cant be seen In modern China, the hanfu lovers are from history fans, cartoon fans to clothes fans Clothes are the basic part of culture, so both the traditional clothes and modern clothes play the same role in culture, said Zhang Jun, a famous reporterIf the people and the country do not even understand our traditional clothes or dont wear them, how can we talk about other important parts of our culture?(1)What clothes does the passage talkabout? (2)Hanfu is getting more and more popular because AChina has accepted western fashionBChina has accepted western technologyCChina has developed in recent yearsDthe govemment encourages traditional culture(3)Who are hanfu lovers in China nowadays? AHistory fansBCartoon fansCClothes fansDAll of the above(4)What does the underlined word sleeves mean? A衣领B衣袖C纽扣D拉链(5)According to Zhang Jun, he thinks Aclothes are not the part of cultureBIts not necessary for us to wear hanfuCclothes help us understand our culture betterDhanfu isnt so important as modern clothes18(10分)Chemistry is everywhere in our daily lifeSometimes its easy to seeAt other times, it can be very hard to see the everyday chemistry at work,but nearly everything you touch has some chemicals(化学物质)in itChemistry helps to make products for useSomething as simple as toothpaste has at least three chemicals that keep your teeth cleanOther things in your daily life are created by chemistry,such as hair products and soapWithout chemistry, we would never have known that we need soap to get the oil out of clothesChemistry also helps us understand the wold around usThanks to chemistry, we know bleach(漂白剂) cant be mixed with vinegar(醋) , because the mixture can produce harmful gasChemistry plays a big role in food preparationCooking food causes it to go through a chemical changeThat is the reason why cooked food often tastes different from uncooked foodToo much or too little of any chemical malerial makes a difference to the result of baking(烘焙)For example, the cake can be too soft or too hardChemistry isnt something that just lives in a laboratory; its somethig that you meet hundreds of times in lifeKnowing how chemistry works wll give you a greater understanding of the life(1)What can the chemistry in soap help us? ATo clean the teethBTo make the teeth strongCTo clean the oil off clothesDTo make the clothes new(2)From the third paragraph, we know that Awe can mix bleach with vinegarBthe mixture can produce useful gasCwe cant mix bleach with vinegarDchemistry cant help us make products(3)The fourth paragraph mainly tells us that Acooked food is much better than uncooked foodBchemistry plays a big role in food preparationCthere are no chemical changes while we are cookingDthe cake cant be too soft or too hard wih chemistry(4)Which of the following shows the structure(结构) of the passage?(Paragraph 1) (5)Whats the main idea of the passage? AChemistry and foodBChemistry around the worldCChemistry and productsDChemistry in everyday life第二节任务型阅读(共1小题,每小题10分,共计10分)阅读短文E,回答问题及翻译画线部分的句子,并将其正确答案用黑色墨水笔或黑色签字笔填写在答题卡规定的位置上19(10分)My name is KateIm a policewomanMy job is to help people give up drugs(毒品)I work as a policewoman because of an unforgettable experience that happened in my teens On my 14th birthday,some close family members had a party for me in a parkI received many giftsMy aunt gave me 100 yuanI was excited and kept on thinking about how I should spend the moneyJust after everyone sang Happy Birthday to me, 突然, 我看到一个小男孩正坐在树下哭泣I wondered why he was sad and went to him with a piece of cakeWhats the matter?The boy looked up but said nothingI passed him the cake and tried to talk with himSeveral minutes later, I knew about his storyHis parents both died of drugs a month ago, so he had to live with his uncle and missed his parents so muchHe always felt sad and afraidHe didnt know what he could doWhat a poor boy!How terrible the drug was!I gave my money to the boy and told him to face the life bravelyFrom then on, I made up my mind to do something against drugs Please value your life, and stay away from drugs!(1)Is Kate 14 years old now? (2)How did the boy feel after his parent died? (3)What did Kate do for the boy after hearing his story? (4)将画线处译为英文 (5)将画线处译为中文 第三节短文填空(共1小题,每小题1.5分,共计15分阅读下面短文,在空白处填人一个适当的词,或填人括号中所给单词的正确形式20(15分)In the US, the(1) (sixteen) birthday is specialPeople usually have(2) (importance) celebrations for teenagersThat is(3) the party is their first step to be an adultSome of the parties are very big celebrations and cost a lot of moneyEveryone(4) (wear) beautiful clothesThese parties(5) (hold) in hotels and there are even music group playing People usually give gifts(6) the sixteenyearoldsSome gifts can be very expensiveThe young people enjoy(7) (they) at the party with singing and dancingHowever, other parties are simpler and people just have them at homeSometimes(8) (family) celebrate them in other ways, such as going on a special trip together, watching(9) interesting movie or eating a big meal in a nice restaurantHow do you plan (10) (celebrate) your birthday?第四节 短文改错(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)21(10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改同桌写的以下作文文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处错误涉及一个单词的增加和删除,以及其它单词的修改增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号,并在其下面写出该增加的词删除:把多余的词用()划掉修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2请在答题卡的指定位置上答题;3只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分 Last week, MrKing came to Beijing by plane, On he first day, he rode a bike to the Great Wall and stayed there for five hourOn Tuesday, he went to Wangfujing Street to do some shoppingOn Wednesday, he watched Peking Opera and eat Peking DuckThen, he spent two days visit many famous places in TianjinHe was surprising at the development of China MrKing said, The highspeed trains are so fastYou can go to much places you want Everything is very convenient at herePeoples life is good than beforeChinese people are kind but friendlySol want to make friends with themI have good time in China(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 第四部分书面表达(满分20分)22(20分)2020年3月3日是联合国第七个世界野生动植物日,我国提出了维护全球生命共同体的主题我们的世界因这些生物而丰富多彩、妙趣横生保护它们,就是守护我们的未来下面,让我们一起来听听熊猫惜惜的倾诉吧!假如你是熊猫惜惜,请根据以下信息给人类朋友写一封80词左右的书信要求:1信中包含所给信息内容;2适当增加细节,使行文连贯注意:1文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称:2书信的开头和结尾已为你写出,不计人总词数1基本信息:13岁,来自四川,中国的象征;爱好(自主发挥)2我的烦恼:朋友少,家园常常遭到破坏3我的愿望或建议(自主发挥,至少两条)参考词汇:symbol(n象征)、destroy(v破坏)Dear friends, My name is Xixi_Yours,Xixi2020年贵州省遵义市中考英语试卷参考答案与试题解析第一部分听力(共2小节,满分7.5分)第一节听力选择(共5小题,每小题1.5分,共计22.5分)A、图片理解请听句子,从A、B、C中选择与句子意思相符的正确图片,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑(听两遍)1(1.5分)【分析】略【解答】A【点评】略2(1.5分)【分析】略【解答】A【点评】略3(1.5分)【分析】略【解答】B【点评】略4(1.5分)【分析】略【解答】A【点评】略5(1.5分)【分析】略【解答】C【点评】略B、小对话理解请听对话及问题,从A、B、C中选择正确的答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑(听两遍)6(1.5分)AIn the holeBIn the factoryCIn the bookstore【分析】略【解答】C【点评】略7(1.5分)ASometimesBHardly everCNever【分析】略【解答】B【点评】略8(1.5分)ARock musicBClassic musicCLight music【分析】略【解答】A【点评】略9(1.5分)ASpringBSummerCWinter【分析】略【解答】略【点评】略10(1.5分)ADoing sportsBStaying up lateCStudying for a test【分析】略【解答】B【点评】略C、长对话理解 请听长对话,根据其内容,从A、B、C中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑(听三遍)11(7.5分)(1)What does Lily want to do?ATo get good gradesBTo meet friendsCTo be a volunteer(2)Who will go with Mark to the old peoples home this week?AHis classmatesBHis parentsCHis friends(3)What time does Mark start to work on Saturday afternoon?AAt 2:00 amBAt 2:00 pmCAt 6:00 pm(4)How does Mark always feel from helping others?ASatisfiedBWorriedCExcited(5)Where are they going to meet?AAt the parkBAt the school gateCAt the bus stop【分析】【解答】CABAB【点评】略第二节听力填空(共1小题,每小题7.5分,共计7.5分 D、短文理解 请听短文,根据其内容填写表格,并将正确答案用黑色墨水笔或黑色签字笔填写在答题卡规定的位置上(听三遍)12(7.5分)Dragon Boat FestivalWhen?It usually comes in(1)How long?They went to Quyuans hometown for (2) daysWhat to do?They visited the museum and(3)some photosWhat to watch?They also watched the boat(4)How?It was really interesing and(5)【分析】【解答】【点评】略第二部分语篇完形(共2小节,满分15分)第一节完形填空阅读短文,根据其内容,从A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑(共1小题,每小题1.5分,共计15分)13(15分)Jim and Steve were twinsThey played on the same football team, and shared all the same toys, the same bedroom and the same friendsThey shared(1)D One Sunday, Jim and Steve went(2)Ato ride their blue bike, but they wanted to go to different placesTheir mother heard the two boys arguing and came outsideShe told(3)Bto take turns to ride the bikeHowever, they didnt want to share it A few days later, their mother brought a pet(4)Bhome for the boysCant we each have our own eat?asked the boys angrilyThey were(5)Aof sharing everything Im sorrybut you must share one cat, the mother saidYou will have to(6)Cthe cat and make sure it has enough food and doesnt do anything wrongThen the boys began to share the jobs One day, the cat got into the mothers bedroomAfter a few minutes, the cat had fun playing with the ball of yarn(线) and (7)A away the yarn all over the roomSteve saw it and quickly went to find Jim, telling him(8)Cthe cat had done Oh, no! Its our job to clean up the mess, cried JimThe boys quickly picked up the yarn and (9)B Just think, Jim, if we had two cats, they would have made a(10)D mess, said Steve Thats right, laughed JimMaybe sharing isnt so bad!(1)AanyoneBsomeoneCnothingDeverything(2)AoutsideBinsideCupstairsDdownstairs(3)AusBthemChimDher(4)AdogBcatCfishDbird(5)AtiredBfullCshortDproud(6)AcatchBmeetCfeedDbeat(7)AthrowingBgivingCrunningDgoing(8)AwhereBwhyCwhatDwho(9)Aput it upBput it backCput it onDput it off(10)AhappierBeasierCsmallerDbigger【分析】本文主要向我们介绍了双胞胎Jim和 Steve :他们分享所有的东西,他们共享同一个卧室,同样的朋友,他们都在同一个足球队踢球,两个男孩都有相同的玩具下文具体介绍了一个周日它们分享自行车而引发的故事【解答】(1)D代词辨析A任何人;B某人;C没有什么;D所有的;根据上句They played on the same football team, and shared all the same toys, the same bedroom and the same frends他们在同一支足球队踢球,共用同样的玩具,同一间卧室,同一个朋友,可知他们分享所有的东西,故答案是D(2)A副词辨析A外面;B里面;C楼上;D楼下;根据后面ride their blue bike骑自行车,应该是去外面,故答案是A(3)B代词辨析A我们;B他们;C他;D她;根据上句Their mother heard the two boys arguing and came outside他们的母亲听到两个男孩在争吵,就走了出去,这里应该是告诉他们,故答案是B(4)B名词辨析A狗;B猫;C鱼;D鸟;根据下文Im sorrybut you must share one cat可知是猫,故答案是B(5)A形容词辨析A累的;B满的;C短的;D自豪的;根据上句Cant we each have our own eat?asked the boys angrily孩子们气愤地问:难道我们每个人都不能吃自己的东西吗?可知分享所有的东西他们很累,故答案是A(6)C动词辨析A抓;B遇见;C喂;D打;根据下句 make sure it has enough food and doesnt do anything wrong确保它有足够的食物并且没有做错任何事,可知应该是共同喂这只猫,故答案是C(7)A动词辨析A扔;B给;C跑;D去;根据上句the cat had fun playing with the ball of yarn(线),猫在玩毛线球时玩得很开心,应该是把线扔的到处都是,故答案是A(8)C疑问词辨析A哪儿;B为什么;C什么;D谁;根据题干,是宾语从句,做done的宾语,用what,句意告诉他猫做了什么,故答案是C(9)B动词辨析A把它挂起;B把它放回去;C把它穿上;D把它放下;根据The boys quickly picked up the yarn and 应该是把毛线捡起来并放回去,故答案是B(10)D形容词辨析A更开心;B更容易;C更小;D更大;根据语境,Just think, Jim, if we had two cats, they would have made a(10)mess如果有两只猫,应该是它们会把事情弄得更糟,修饰mess要用bigger故答案是D【点评】考查完型填空根据所给的短文对意思有所了解,然后根据短文的大体意思,选择每个符合题意的答案,使短文更通顺第二节 口语交际(共1小题,每小题10分,共计10分)情景七选五 请阅读下面一段对话,根据其情景,从方框内七个选项中选出能填人对话的五个选项并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑14(10分)APlease remember to protect your eyesBHave a good day, bye!CDont worry!You will go back to school soonDI have to go to school everydayEBecause I can play basketball wih my neighborsFBecause I have to take online lessons at homeGActually, I feel a little bit bored(1)G (2)F(3)C(4)A(5)B【分析】你好,王先生!嗨,李雷你这几天过得怎么样?实际上,我觉得有点无聊为什么?因为我要在家里上网络课,我真的很想念我的同学别担心!你很快就要回学校了我希望如此但是一旦我下课后玩电脑游戏,我的父母会生气的!也许你父母是对的毕竟,玩游戏太久对你的眼睛有害请记住保护你的眼睛好的,非常感谢,王先生!祝你今天愉快,再见!【解答】细节推理题(1)G根据上文How are you going these days?以及下文Why?,可知这几天过的并不是很快乐,结合选项应用G表示实际上,我觉得有点无聊故选G(2)F根据上文Why?,应用because 来回答,再根据下文中miss my classmates,结合选项应用F表示因为我要在家里上网络课故选F(3)C根据上文miss my classmates以及下文I hope so,


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