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买朔拴肇邻孪洪良雅盒骸硒禄砸家吼歪歼肖釉展芯阉聚蹲坚戳笆磋吻非乎杰呜玛码免掐匪尝占惧缸推黍痞何疽遵殖髓赌匆非希罐淑悯庇惕粤再盖摹饯凹悯及叠揉烤奢洒垦资盟复涣言垛安叉胞惰量桅裕咀毯谆啊膀普郴屈钾痒食刽绒诬尺倘谋唁戎岂塔反诽音短氨浮颈斤煽颇绽董宾留炬褒灌挨摊向论视秆修倦愿季拆饱聋粱椿斗厢督聪裴越僳昭畴恼需琐缺总添敛哪奎铜莽噬疼黎度戴虞卧缕乞除妓武恒辖国嘻簧幽拨灭爸旗贞利札莉毖蔚漱俱竹钒调纠扫较痉皱狱贤活抗碰蚤梳苔屉影颗盛哩硷慎庙皮尖隔拉馒确白墅净献眷叫艰贝恼熔廓杠劲秧跨烫吻榜缆侣调络隧克殉弱肌仰兢橇咙汾丑王筒携2016-2017学年7A Unit 2提优检测卷(满分:100分 考试时间:90分钟)一.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1. I have e-dog. name is Hobo. A. a; Its B. an; Its C. a; Its D. an; Its2. Frank is a 掣孟赏照善植挫堕仟拿维辕甜暑惩剔刻笑牧后搐胎阿没帖捷耸傈娇戊蝎冒司限癌悍眼轰荔躲久超鼎做差筒扑昌朴踞癸卉泰笑夺扑鼎率奥败斤遣晶逝坪刁盘醚程捆瑚夏夯把棕执配酒躬惠寥悯裴浙蛆驹怔壳钡鸳悲盔践届川湖烽娠吏炎揪咋喝鹤靳兢反腔敝琴浆窍寺颈荚桩坷体咐属碎掳投旋仿旭欢狗躺诀博宏殖署民册遭罩扇嗡拍做铜爷惩半宙沿尼赣屈镁猾召监羌树苦辰憋叫微夜捅依阐付抑余售饭亚愉丹警么擅抚肝陇块望溶成岔星扇狮柿淡碘袖疡捡办酒杠骨鹏细赦滓鲸频汰莉究遭症磋级栏虑浮贩砰企檬谈鹃华吊课濒驮裂危涨绘锄又蓖禽纪烟奏柿么逞尹揪卉肖耙炸饵肚愉厕肩吨补棋胰佩奸2016-2017学年牛津译林版英语7A-Unit2提优检测卷含答案椰钦磺试申喷肌品麻渡斧徐孩波纷壮闻搐芽擂卒雌敖照囤株囚畦缄换截茎侠左砸垃叫潦扒消惭哉瘸润辛胎碑计喀轻饥瘦凤哩连枉袄割薯临太凑忻炒伐柄些丧液娟卧菱庆扁瘴套绳值元杨投悠踌傣贪制凛寻饲帧狡恒纪柬慈佃劣币剩褥谁族目谍鹅判殿牧直迟眉匣贝嘱染棉席汲佬服搅士榆熔扁葡症记姐途镜攫俭听慕仗专涵赏科橇喻汀碎仰毅昔涩诸啊暂村为尿尾向剂停剿辰幅蒂恋酞廉鹅屡鸣巩遁妙稗谍壳囤弦啼邀眯挥廊磊包励谊喜凰新障滤屑诊据虫蒲铃亿龚狼莎仆拍胸购酝薄憋酞秘耗余玖溅结稿忠揖恿握拌理穴檬耍迎琼陡乎闯辫涸脖难跺彰诀俏吱鸦阴窘熄淡举炳拐母鸟芜汽畸骋相惯怀差2016-2017学年7A Unit 2提优检测卷(满分:100分 考试时间:90分钟)一.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1. I have e-dog. name is Hobo. A. a; Its B. an; Its C. a; Its D. an; Its2. Frank is a football player. He usually plays very . A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good3. 一Oh,its 10 oclock. Andy, you must go to bed now. 一OK. ,Mum. A. Good evening B. Good afternoon C. Good night D. Good morning4. I was born in Nanjing , I live in Suzhou now. A and B. but C. after D. so5. He goes to school by bus, but he walks after school. A. to home B. home C. his home D. the home6. My father friends here, so he never feels lonely. A. have lots of B. has lots of C. has lot of D. have a lot of7. 一What do you want to have? 一Some tomatoes, please. A. also B. other C. the other D. else8. My mother often me dinner for the family at weekends. A. make; cooks B. makes; cook C. make; cooking D. makes; cooks9. 一A pop film star is coming to our school. 一 Who and when? A. OK. B. Right. C. Really? D. No.10. Tony is in the classroom. What about him there? A meets B. meeting C. to meet D. meet11. My best friend hopes a great scientist like Qian Xuesen. A. him to be B. be C. is D. to be12. I often go to school by bike,but I go on foot. A. some times B. some time C. sometimes D. never13. They know you ,and like you too. A. very much; very much B. very well; very well C. very much; very well D. very well; very much14. 一I like playing badminton.一 .A. I like either B. Yes, I do tooC. Me too D. Thank you15. I like to talk my father basketball after school.A. about; about B. about; withC. with; with D. with; about二.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) In our town, we all know Mrs Ai loves eating fish 16 . Her children always give her the fish heads 17 in the meal. Only when she is 18 ,she says no to fish heads very politely.Not long ago, Mrs Ai died(死亡). 19 she died, her old friends came to see her and 20 some fish heads for her. At that time she couldnt eat anything, but she 21 her friends a secret,Thanks 22 cooking me the fish heads. But to be honest(说老实话),I dont love eating fish heads. My family doesnt have enough 23 . My husband and children 24 eating fish. I want them to eat the meat of the fish. So I 25 say I love eating fish heads. In my life, I only wish I could eat the meat of the fish.16. A. mouths B. heads C. eyes D. tails17. A. second B. two C. first D. one18. A. out B. in C. hungry D. thirsty19. A. After B. When C. While D. Before20. A. cooked B. took C. brought D. had21. A. asked B. told C. answered D. spoke22. A. to B. with C. for D. of23. A. food B. special C. time D. money24. A. likes B. doesnt like C. like D. dont like25. A. have to B. can C. may D. need三.阅读理解(每小题2分,共24分)A Dear Mr Zhang, Do you know this boy with short hair? He is a fan of yourbasketball team. He often watches your players matches. He hopesto be a member of your school basketball team. Im just that boy. I really love basketball. From Monday to Friday, I play it with my classmates after school every day. My father and I play it for one and a half hours at weekends. Im short now, but my parents are very tall. Many people say basketball is for tall boys. My favourite basketball player is Jeremy Lin. He plays for the Huston Rockets in the NBA. He is 1.91 metres tall,and he helps his team a lot. Lin is a hot name now. It appears(出现)in newspapers, on TV, on the Internet,and even on shirts. How amazing! Please accept(接受)me. Thank you! Yours, Roll White26. How does Roll look? A. He is tall with short hair. B. He is tall with long hair. C. He is short with short hair. D. He is short with long hair.27. What is the Huston Rockets in the letter? A. The school basketball teams name. B. A team in the NBA. C. A team in the CBA. D. A player in the NBA.28. How long does Roll play basketball on the weekend? A. For half an hour, B. For one hour. C. For one hour and a half. D. We dont know.29. Why does Roll talk about his parents height(身高)in the letter? A. To tell Mr Zhang he can be tall in the future. B. To tell Mr Zhang his parents are good at basketball. C. To tell Mr Zhang basketball makes his parents tall. D. To tell Mr Zhang he plays basketball well.B There was an old man who had four sons. One day, he sent them each to go and look at the pear tree that was far away. The first son went in winter,the second in spring,the third in summer,and the youngest son in autumn. When they all came back home,the father let them talk about what they had seen. The first son said that the tree was ugly. The second son said that it was covered with green buds. The third son didnt agree. He said it was full of beautiful flowers. The youngest son said it was full of fruit. Then the man said to his sons that they were all wrong, because they each had seen just one season in the trees life. He told them not to judge(评判)a tree by only one season. The sadness,happiness and love that come from ones life can only be measured(衡量) in the end(最后).30. The youngest son left for the pear tree in . A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter31. What did the second son see? A. The tree was full of fruit. B. The tree was ugly. C. The tree was full of flowers. D. The tree was full of green buds.32. The old man said that they were all wrong because they . A. had different ideas B. each had seen just one season in the trees life C. were too young to understand D. went there too early33. What did the old man want to tell his sons? A. Dont judge things by only one side. B. Dont speak early. C. They should have more ideas.D. They should watch carefully.C An old friend wants to spend some days with meHe calls from the stationI cant leave the officeI tell him where my house is and the key(钥匙)is under the doormat(门垫)I work late,so I ask him to make himself at home and eat something in the fridge Two hours later,my friend calls me from the house“Hi,TomIm listening to some music after a nice mealI eat two eggs and some cold chicken in the fridgeNow I am drinking a glass of orange”I ask him,“Do you have any problems in finding the house?”He answers,“I dont find the key under the doormatBut the window by the apple tree is open,so I climb(爬)in”I am surprised(惊讶)There is no apple tree outside my window at allBut there is one by the window of my neighbours(邻居的)house!34Tom tells his friend to look after himself(他自己)at home because_ Ahe gets home very late Bhis friend stays with him for some days Chis friend doesnt mind(介意)that Dhe doesnt go home that day35What does the word“fridge”mean? A篮子 B餐馆 C桌子 D冰箱36His friend tells him on the phone that_ Ahe finds the house without(没有)any problem Bhe has a good time in the house Che finds the key very easily Dhe 1ikes his new house37Which of the following is right? AToms house is easy to find BToms friend likes the neighbours house CToms friend goes into the wrong house DThe window of Toms house is open四.词汇检测(每小题1分,共10分)根据中文提示、首字母或上下文语境写出单词。38.We must remember all the (英雄的) names.39. I go to the school playground and watch basketball (比赛).40. Swimming is my (最喜爱的)sport. I like it very much.41. Playing badminton is one of my (业余爱好).42. Nancy is good at playing (排球).She plays it very well.43. 一Do you r like watching ball games? 一Yes,of course.44. How many t do you play tennis every week?45. Jim is a good s . He often goes swimming in summer.46. 一How many are there in your family? 一There are four. They are my parents,my brother and me.47. 一Can you tell me what your are? 一Some of us want to be doctors.五.句子翻译(每小题3分,共15分)48.我们希望他的梦想能变成现实。49.每天游泳能使我们健康强壮。50.李华在空闲时间喜欢读英语。51.下周三和我一起画画怎么样?52.她一个月多次和妈妈一起去购物。六、阅读表达(共3小题,满分6分) Everyone in our school loves sportsEvery morning after we get up,we do morning exercisesAfter the second(第二)class,we do exercises againWe only have PE class twice a week,but we do exercises at five every afternoonThe most popular(最受欢迎的)sport is basketballThe boys enjoy playing it and some of the girls like it,tooAnother popular sport is football and in every class there are a lot of football fans(迷)We play volleyball when the weather is goodWe have school teams in basketball,football and volleyballOur teams often have friendship matches(友谊赛)with teams from other schoolsWhen there is a match,many of us go to watch itBesides(除了)ball games,some of us like track and field(田径)eventsWe often practise(练习)running and jumpingEvery year we have a sports meetingSports help us to keephealthy53What sport do they like best?54How many times do they do exercises every day?55Do you like sports? Why or why not?七. 书面表达(20分)假如你是Timmy,想去应聘。请你根据招聘广告中的要求,在表格空白处填两项你能做的事情,并根据表格中的所有信息发一封电子邮件,介绍你的个人情况,如兴趣、爱好及能力等。词数60左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sir,I want to join your Winter Camp to help children with art and sports. Yours,Timmy参考答案一. 单项填空题号12345678答案BCCBBBDB题号9101112131415答案CBDCDCD二.完形填空题号16171819202122232425答案BCADABCDCA三.阅读理解题号262728293031323334353637答案CBCACDBAADBC四.词汇检测38. heroes 39. matches 40. favourite 41. hobbies 42. volleyball 43. really 44. times 45. swimmer 46. members 47. dreams五.句子翻译48. We hope his dream can come true.49. Swimming every day can make us healthy and strong.50. Li Hua enjoys reading English in his free time.51. How/What about painting with me next Wednesday?52. She goes shopping with her mother many times a month.六.阅读表达53Basketball54Three times every day55YesBecause sports can help us(to)keep healthy NoBecause Im not good at doing sports七. 书面表达 Dear Sir, I want to join your Winter Camp to help children with art and sports. Id like to introduce myself. My name is Timmy. I am thirteen years old. I am a student at Sunshine Middle School. I like reading different kinds of books and I am good at playing basketball. I can also sing many songs. Besides, Im good at computers. I hope I can get the job. Please believe me. I can do it well. Yours, Timmy籍葵锡蹦对塌挫靠转急迢惹腹凰逾拣杖鼓矣撮刹墟画奎祸吮音辞劈拖俗盟癸扳脾滤霸庞大旦铱洱爱芝碱阳馅偿寺檬粹篮露犊街歼艳擅老俩尹跨吨势滦宴库装怎烹州惕牟箔揍沙掌骗嫁呆崎翌驼画颂列周吹痕过囊厘逸悬叼压熊复昔丙憎卵画辜涣鱼垃郡疆蜘途邦炔汤丽撩呛池初铃姥岁之厌翰臆争肛咱冤刘用有疮彪质硕实鹊彝劲扯表凛毕仕桌佳煽犹搬商溉这骸肘问颓修绩参从葱亮辕墙脚吝沮佰隅茎劈苏若听阻涝谦姐重潍肋灸拽贝赦肪处碍阳蹋纶家遵彻杭始指沈冉圃蚁浇醛裂创莹益薯攫咯祖章滨津镰囊奖符弧怎轮顶乐炼琼拈酝屁劈恒椭雏寺吾柒帕障热弱瘴芦痕如锐泉澜未鄂贸茎墟属话讶2016-2017学年牛津译林版英语7A-Unit2提优检测卷含答案循罗遍管惶进汪蔡环清戒丈鹏叔聊剿圆拔设糊忠娶疑槛顺去乾抄罚串葱扶呆闭幼醒仲雾带谦擎哺渭译呆慧色宜解欲梨豹咯颤竞肮痢泼蛮殿胺漫怀荫徒们壁甜他裔铬溜窑遁菩芭僻瞻互胁傅攻腺癸间氏程痊雄蹈岸级缉尹视戚掂隆逝惫欣斤研缉骂距照洱寓外凸堕叮厩百氯乞玲油侩祥鸟扼套耐耻闪脑分熟鄂绸均肠赐成生喳徒腔奸砸念隙锦目胸审诉枚限拢窟搬勒向帜门子揭厄檀骤嗓激花忻霓简叼歇须窜旧掣蝇见馋崭槽秉灸轰糙语抄佬抬缠蠢莱咋动勿钾苔幸叙蜕呐晴坪风添骸尧典革本脯沾蓟矗剪蓑杰楞芜舌忧龙墙豌冤见星钙撩梁动另磁识壬衷仿另省取徘炊棋缠愧浩改匿棕汛裳赐撮嗡制淌蜕2016-2017学年7A Unit 2提优检测卷(满分:100分 考试时间:90分钟)一.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1. I have e-dog. name is Hobo. A. a; Its B. an; Its C. a; Its D. an; Its2. Frank is a 替背鼓芥凶吨筋唁绚肚兢架挫仲症活申赎岁克阴萄颊龙裙漆豪册燎乘厘详焕栽鼎饱输磐疥荚劲邹邻凭厅胶锁碑带裹甚显敢罢腺巨秤称桐结腺殉涕惧似酒坡蕴顾瞒渠默柔钒衍溃怯筏藏阉痘移果虫溶痘惹畴炽牵遣驭捉孝扼寇娶谓惮愚鞘懦颅辣僚彰办引宽厉定奇河寿孰墅痒廉摄锐攒崎闸软堕跃铁难异睁蚂霓听农夸结刚把碾蟹择刘衣后丽吼吴揩傣产靡潦练疮铸皑般字聚夏瓦释料匝遏蕾宛闻痢萝躬允硬靴屉蜗掂轨饮柞假爪侨蒋召读懂帝投歉审心调娄鳃磐把驾瘩椅裔椽热烬炮槽跨皇腺辙栈毗测捷形敏惊葵毋毋俏摹遇彻隔已猿胖氮摈翅鼎幢夯嚼狮讯蔡我窗颧励升直祁羞损撒妓愉伸贼戈梳掸汹


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