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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-广西大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题Lets test the temperature of a basin of water with both hands( )together in the water.问题1选项A.placingB.placeC.being placedD.placed【答案】D【解析】句意:让我们把两只手一起放水中,以测试水温。语法题。考查时态语态。此处hands和place之间是被动关系,因此用过去分词。故D正确。2.翻译题1. 实践发展永无止境,认识真理永无止境,理论创新永无止境。2. 我喜欢锻炼,无论是散步还是游泳,都使自己的身心能够放松,以保持旺盛的精力 来对付繁重的工作。3. 学霸应该更合适,因为它的意思是你目标明确,学习刻苦,你必须要好好规划自己 的生活。4. The firm has veered so far from the place I joined right out of college that I can no longer in good conscience say that I identify with what it stands for.5. Families will be coining together, often traveling many miles to celebrate the Spring Festival with fireworks, parades and feasts. From Birmingham to Beijing, the celebrations will no doubt be spectacular.【答案】1. There is no end to practice, to seeking truth, or to making theoretical innovations.2. I like to exercise from taking a walk to swimming, both of which make myself relax physically and mentally, in order that I can keep energetic to deal with heavy work.3. A scholar-lord is more appropriate because it means that you work hard with a clear purpose. You have to manage your life well.4. 从我大学毕业入职高盛以来,这家公司已经发生了转变,现在我不能够问心无愧地说我同意这家公司的立场。5. 为了庆祝新春佳节,人们不顾路途遥远与家人团聚,共赏烟花,共庆游行,共享盛宴。无论是在伯明翰还是在北京,春节庆典无疑都将是精彩纷呈的。3.单选题An( )of the moon has revealed no evidence of life.问题1选项A.explorationB.explanationC.interviewD.invasion【答案】A【解析】句意:月球勘探已经表明月球无生命迹象。考查名词辨析。exploration 探索,勘探,探测;explanation 解释; interview 面试;invasion 侵入。因此A项符合句意。4.单选题These goods are( )for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market.问题1选项A.essentiallyB.completelyC.necessarilyD.remarkably【答案】A【解析】句意:尽管其中一些产品可以在国内销售,但是这些产品基本上是出口销售。考查副词辨析。Essentially本质上;根本上;基本上;completely完全地;necessarily必要地;remarkably明显地。因此A符合句意。5.单选题In spite of the( ), it seemed that many of the invited guests would still show up.问题1选项A.deviationB.distinctionC.controversyD.comparison【答案】C【解析】句意:尽管有争议,但看来很多被邀请的客人还是会出席的。考查名词辨析。deviation背离;distinction区别,优秀,荣誉,优待;controversy争论,辩论,论战;comparison比较,比喻。in spite of表示“尽管”,因此前后句子为让步转折的逻辑关系。因此C项“争议”符合句意。6.单选题He( )meant to give his opinion, not to start an argument.问题1选项A.merelyB.sincerelyC.actuallyD.definitely【答案】A【解析】句意:他仅仅是打算提出自己的观点,并非想展开辩论。考查副词辨析。merely 仅仅;sincerely 真诚地,诚恳地;actually 确实;definitely 明确地;确定地。因此A符合句意。7.单选题If any man here does not agree with me, he should( )his own plan for improving the living conditions of these people.问题1选项A.put onB.put forwardC.put outD.put in【答案】B【解析】句意:如果这里有人不同意我的意见,他应该提出自己的计划,改善这些人的生活条件。考查短语辨析。Put forward表示“提出”,符合句意。8.单选题Looking ahead, he decided to( )his present job.问题1选项A.stick toB.stick upC.stick withD.stick down【答案】A【解析】句意:考虑得长远些,他决定坚持做目前的工作。考查短语辨析。stick to 坚持;stick up 竖起;stick with 继续做;stick down 把写下来,放下。因此A项符合句意。9.单选题THE old Rack space headquarters was stuffed to the gills. In 2007 the company, which offers (1)and web-hosting services, had more than 1,000 employees in downtown San Antonio. People were crammed at(2)tables in the hallway. They often had to go to a different building or(3)the lifts to talk to people in other departments.Still, when Graham Weston, the companys co-founder and chairman, suggested that they (4)a shopping mall, staff were(5)The mall was vacant. Its site, the encircled suburb of Wind crest, was slightly grotty, not least(6)the huge dead mall right off the highway.Building a campus from scratch, however, would have taken several years at least. Anyway. The place was cheap. “Nobody wants a mall anymore. says John Engates, the chief technology officer. Except Rack space, and others like it, who have come to see a(7) mall as a blank canvas? In 2008 it opened its new headquarters, and won a prize for community economic development. Now it has more than 3,000 workers on site, with plans to hire hundreds(8)by the end of the year.Plenty of enclosed malls are, of course,(9)thriving. And after several abstemious years, shoppers are(10).In February, according to the Commerce Department, retail sales were 1.1% higher than they had been in January-higher than (11), and a welcome sign of recovery.But many American malls had(12)before the recession started, and the countrys nascent recovery is not likely to(13)them. Americas retail sector is probably overbuilt; in the fourth quarter of 2011,according to the National Association of Realtors, its(14)rate was 16.9%. Mass are vulnerable to systemic shocks; if an anchor stores closes, or if vacancies linger, other vendors quickly suffer. And(15)the malls that were built in the heyday of the genre are starting to look shop soiled. The new fashion is for mixed-use developments, or the outdoor malls that are designed to look like a friendly downtown shopping district. In some cities, people are returning to actual downtown shopping districts, as new urbanists always dreamed they would.问题1选项A.cloud-computingB.cloud-computedC.cloud-computeD.cloud computer问题2选项A.unfoldingB.foldC.foldingD.folding问题3选项A.shuttle aroundB.go upC.go aroundD.shuttle问题4选项A.go intoB.move intoC.take intoD.walk into问题5选项A.happyB.skepticalC.sadD.depressed问题6选项A.due toB.becauseC.because ofD.as问题7选项A.deadB.dirtyC.greatD.shopping问题8选项A.fewerB.moreC.lesD.little问题9选项A.tillB.evenC.stillD.yet问题10选项A.shrinkingB.reducingC.dropping downD.perking up问题11选项A.expectationB.imaginedC.imaginationD.expected问题12选项A.become troubleB.troublesC.run into troubleD.arouse troubles问题13选项A.findB.reviveC.saveD.help问题14选项A.vacancyB.vacantC.reservedD.hooked问题15选项A.few ofB.many ofC.much ofD.little of【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:B第6题:C第7题:A第8题:B第9题:C第10题:D第11题:D第12题:C第13题:B第14题:A第15题:B【解析】1.考查词义辨析。And连接空格和“web-hosting services网络托管服务”, 因此此处应该表示“云计算”。故选A项。2.考查词义辨析。根据“crammed塞满的”和空格处所修饰的名词“tables桌子”可知,此处表示“折叠桌”。3.考查短语辨析。shuttle around 穿梭;go up 上升;go around走访;shuttle频繁往来,往返运送。前文谈及地方拥挤,他们需要跑到另一栋楼,而且根据后面的“lift电梯”可知A符合句意。4.考查短语辨析。该处句意为:建议他们搬进商场。Go into 进入,从事;move into 搬进;take into 无此搭配; walk into 走进。故选B项。5.考查形容词辨析。happy 快乐的,高兴的;skeptical 怀疑的;sad 悲哀的,难过的;depressed 抑郁的,沮丧的。此处表示“当公司的创建人之一兼主席Graham Weston表示他们要搬到一家购物中心时,员工们都还持怀疑态度”,故选B项。6.考查短语辨析。空格前后是直接的因果关系,而且空格后是名词性结构,因此选C项。7.考查形容词辨析。前文谈及到“空置的商城”,以及根据后文“as a blank canvas作为一块空白的画布”可知,此处应该选A项“dead死去的;无感觉的;呆板的” 修饰“mall商城”,因此A项正确。8.考查形容词辨析。根据前后可知此处句意为:现在,该公司有3000多名员工,计划年底前再招聘数百名员工。9.考查副词辨析。此处句意为:当然,还是有为数众多的封闭式商场生意依然兴盛。故选C。10.考查动词/动词短语辨析。选项均为对应动词或短语的现在分词形式。根据前半句“And after several abstemious years经历了几年节制消费”,可知,后半句与其形成对比关系,故只有D项“perk活跃起来,回暖”符合句意。11.考查动词辨析。该处句意为:据美国商务部的数据,2月份的零售额同比1月份增加了 1.1%比预期高,是可喜的复苏迹象。此处填入动词expect的过去分词形式表被动。12.考查短语辨析。该处句意为:但是许多美国人开办的购物中心在经济衰退期来临前就已陷入困境。run into trouble 陷入困境。故选C项。13.考查动词辨析。空格所在句由并列连词and引导,根据前半句的关键词“recession萧条”可知,后半句应该填入“复兴”,即此句表示“国家初 期复苏势头不可能得到复苏”。因此B项正确。14.考查形容词辨析。前面句意为:美国的零售业很可能建设过度了,因此推测该处表示“空置率”。故选A。15.考查短语辨析。空格处修饰的名词是“the malls商场”,这是可数名词的复数形式,因此,C和D项排除。前文谈及“购物中心容易遭受系统冲击带来的影响, 其余的商家也很快遭殃”,以及该句表示“还有许多类似在繁荣时期建立的购物中心开始变得陈旧起来”。因此,B项符合句意。10.单选题The first that he had to do was to( )the English thoroughly; and you must know that his was a thing not easy to do.问题1选项A.defeatB.overcomeC.vanquishD.conquer【答案】B【解析】句意:他得做的第一件事是彻底战胜英语,并且你必须知道这不是件容易的事。考查动词辨析。defeat 击败,打败,战胜(对手);overcome 战胜(某人), 克服,解决(事情);vanquish 征服,彻底击败,战胜; conquer 占领,攻克,(比赛中)击败。空格处动词的宾语为English (英语),因此B符合搭配跟句意。


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