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辽宁省阜新二高2017-2018学年高二英语下学期寒假验收考试试题第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A The Intelligent Transport team at Newcastle University have turned an electric car into a mobile laboratory named “DriveLAB” in order to understand the challenges faced by older drivers and to discover where the key stress points are. Research shows that giving up driving is one of the key reasons for a fall in health and well-being among older people, leading to them being more isolated(隔绝) and inactive. Led by Professor Phil Blythe, the Newcastle team are developing in-vehicle technologies for older drivers which they hope could help them to continue driving into later life. These include custom-made navigation(导航) tools, night vision systems and intelligent speed adaptations. Phil Blythe explains: “For many older people, particularly those living alone or in the country, driving is important for preserving their independence, giving them the freedom to get out and about without having to rely on others.” “But we all have to accept that as we get older our reactions slow down and this often results in people avoiding any potentially challenging driving conditions and losing confidence in their driving skills. The result is that people stop driving before they really need to.” Dr Amy Guo, the leading researcher on the older driver study, explains, “The DriveLAB is helping us to understand what the key points and difficulties are for older drivers and how we might use technology to address these problems. “For example, most of us would expect older drivers always go slower than everyone else but surprisingly, we found that in 30mph zones they struggled to keep at a constant speed and so were more likely to break the speed limit and be at risk of getting fined. Were looking at the benefits of systems which control their speed as a way of preventing that.“We hope that our work will help with technological solutions(解决方案) to ensure that older drivers stay safer behind the wheel.”1.What is the purpose of the Drivel AB A.To explore newmeans of transport. B.To design new types of cars. C.To find out older drivers problems. D.To teach people traffic rules.2.Why is driving important for older people according to Phil Blythe A.It keeps them independent. B.It helps them save time. C.It builds up their strength. D.It cures their mental illnesses.3.What do researchers hope to do for older drivers A.Improve their driving skills. B.Develop driver-assist technologles. C.Provide tips on repairing their cars. D.Organize regular physical checkups.4.What is the best title for the text A.A new Model Electric Car B.A Solution to Traffic Problem C.Driving Service for elders D.Keeping Older Drivers on the RoadB When I was nine years old, I loved to go fishing with my dad. But the only thing that wasnt very fun about it was that he could catch many fish while I couldnt catch anything. I usually got pretty upset and kept asking him why. He always answered, “Son, if you want to catch a fish, you have to think like a fish”, I remember being even more upset then because, “Im not a fish!” I didnt know how to think like a fish. Besides, I reasoned, how could what I think influence what a fish does As I got a little older I began to understand what my dad really meant. So, I read some books on fish. And I even joined the local fishing club and started attending the monthly meetings. I learned that a fish is a cold-blooded animal and therefore is very sensitive to water temperature. That is why fish prefer shallow water to deep water because the former is warmer. Besides, water is usually warmer in direct sunlight than in the shade. Yet, fish dont have any eyelids(眼皮) and the sun huts their eyes The more I understood fish, the more I became effective at finding and catching them. When I grew up and entered the business world, I remember hearing my first boss say, “We all need to think like sales people.” But it didnt pletely make sense. My dad never once said, “If you want to catch a fish you need to think like a fisherman.” What he said was, “You need to think like a fish.” Years later, with great efforts to promote long-term services to people much older and richer than me, I gradually learned what we all need is to think more like customers. It is not an easy job. I will show you how in the following chapters.5. Why was the author upset in fishing trips when he was nine A. He could not catch a fish. B. His father was not patient with him. C. His father did not teach him fishing. D. He could not influence a fish as his father did.6. What did the authors father really mean A. To read about fish. B. To learn fishing by oneself. C. To understand what fish think. D. To study fishing in many ways.7. According to the author, fish are most likely to be found _. A. in deep water on sunny days B. in deep water on cloudy days C. in shallow water under sunlight D. in shallow water under waterside trees.8. This passage most likely es from _. A. a fishing guide B. a popular sales book C. a novel on childhood D. a millionaires biography C Living in a foreign country can be exciting, but it can also be confusing (令人迷惑的).A group of Americans who taught English in other countries recently discussed their experiences. They decided that mismunications were always possible, even over something as simple as “yes” and “no”. On her first day in Micronesia, an island in the Pacific, Lisa thought people werent paying any attention to her. The day was hot. She went into a store and asked,“Do you have cold drinks?”The woman there didnt say anything. Lisa repeated the question. Still the woman said nothing. She later learned that the woman had answered her: She had raised her eyebrows (眉毛), which in Micronesia means“yes”. Jan remembered an experience she had in Bulgaria, a country in Europe. She went to a restaurant that was known for its cabbage. She asked the waiter, “Do you have cabbage today?” He nodded his head. Jan waited, but the cabbage never came. In that country, a nod means “no”. Tom had a similar problem when he arrived in India. After explaining something in class, he asked his students if they understood. They answered with many different nods and shakes of the head. He thought some students had not understood, so he explained again. When he asked again, they did the same thing. He soon found out that his students did understand. In India, people nod and shake their heads in different ways depending on where they e from. You have to know where a person is from to understand whether they mean“yes”or“no”.9. These Americans teaching English in other countries found that they _.A. should go abroad for vacationsB. needed to learn foreign languagesC. should often discuss their experiencesD. had problems with munications10. People in Micron esia show “yes” by _.A. nodding heads B. raising eyeb rowsC. shaking heads D. saying “no”11. Tom misunderstood his class at first because_.A. he did not know much about Indian cultureB. he didnt explain everything clearly enoughC. some students didnt understand his questionsD. he didnt know where the students came from12. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?A. In Bulgaria, nodding heads means “no”.B. Jan taught English on a Pacific island.C. Lisa was trying to buy some cabbage.D. I n India, only shaking heads means “yes”.D What are the biggest problems that society will have to deal with in the 21st century There are diseases like AIDS and cancer. Theres climate change, of course. And what about producing enough cheap food and energy for the worlds growing population Whos going to solve all these terrible problems Yes, politicians and world leaders will have a big part to play. Yes, businesses will need to create the economic wealth to pay for some of these things. But whos going to make a much greater difference to something like AIDS or climate change Its going to be a scientist. It is the scientist who can turn some new bit of science into a new technology to solve these problems. If you like thinking about the world around you, why not bee a scientist.It doesnt mean you have to wear a white coat and plastic glasses and spend all your time in a lab as most people often imagine! Scientists do all kinds of a amazing things that are actually interesting!Military scientists develop not only new weapons(武器) but new military technologies that could help make wars out of date. Forensic(法医的) scientists work with the police to find quite small clues to bust (指控)criminals. Scientists work in schools and colleges as the teachers and professors who will train tomorrows scientists. Dont think a scientist is far away! Maybe you like cooking .You could be a food technologist helping to keep fruit and vegetables fresher for longer. Perhaps sport is your thing. Do you know that most top athletes work with sports scientists in order to improve their performance .You could even be the science writer who gets to spend the life studying the latest advances and sharing them with the world. Looking for something to do for the rest of your life, my advice take a long and hard look at science. It is interesting and ever.13. Many problems are mentioned in the first paragraph to _. A. show scientists play an important part in solving them B. introduce the causes of these problems C. show the writers worry about the future world D. suggest they are impossible to be solved14. Most people think the life of scientists is _. A. amazing B. boring C. colorful D. unreal15.The passage is intended for people who_ A. have little knowledge of science B. have no interest in science C. hope for the world peaceD. havent decided on their career第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项Carl Rowan was born in 1925 in the southern city of Ravenscroft, Tennessee. His family was very poor.16.Growing up, Carl had very little hope for any change. There were not many jobs for blacks in the South.17.Racial tensions were high. Laws were enforced to keep blacks and white separate.It was a teacher who urged Carl to make something of himself.18She urged him to write as much as possible. She would even get books for him because blacks were banned from public libraries.Carl entered Tennessee State College in 1942. Carl Rowan did so well in college that he was chosen by the United States navy to bee one of the first fifteen black navy officers. In 1948, Carl Rowan became a reporter. He was one of the first black reporters to write for a major daily newspaper. As a young reporter, he covered racial tensions in the South of the USA and the war in the Middle East. He also reported from Europe, India and other parts of Asia.19In 1987, Carl Rowan created a program called Project Excellence, which rewards black students who do well in school.Carl Rowan died on September 23, 2000, in Washington, D.C. During the last years of his life, he suffered from diabetes and heart problems.20.He worked until the end of his life.A. The schools were not good.B. He won several major reporting awards.C. He said that experience changed his life.D. But he never let bad things slow him down.E. Bessie Taylor Gwynn taught him to believe he could be a poet or a writer.F. The Rowan family had no electricity, no running water, no telephone and no radio.G. The program provided millions of dollars to help African-American students for college.第二部分:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) Whenever we hear about “the homeless”, most of us think of the Developing world. But the21is that homelessness is everywhere. For example, how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a22country like Germany? Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making23for the homeless of Berlin, Germanys capital. They first24one long hot summer when most Germans were25on holiday. Kurt and his wife stayed at home, made sandwiches,26 a table in the street and gave food to the homeless. The Mullers soon realized that food and clothing werent27. “What these people also need is warmth and28,” says Rita. The Mullers didnt29to give their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime. Rita30there was somebody at home to answer the phone and their home was always31to anyone who couldnt face another night on the street. The couple were soon32all their time and money, so Kurt visited food and clothing panies to33donations. Today, over thirty panies34donate food and other goods to the cause and volunteers help to35them to the homeless. The public also give clothes and money and a shoe producer36new shoes. Kurt and Rita receive no37for their hard work. “ We feel like parents,” says Rita, “and parents shouldnt38money for helping their children. The love we get on the streets is our salary.” Though Rita admits she often gets39, she says she will continue with her work because she likes the feeling of having made a40 in the world. 21.A. result B. truthC. reason D. idea22.A. traditional B. developing C. typical D. wealthy23.A. preparations B. housesC. meals D.suggestions24.A. began B. met C. called D. left25.A. asleepB. alone C. across D. away26.A. brought upB. set up C. put aside D. gave away27.A. enoughB. necessaryC. helpfulD.expensive28.A. fame B. freedomC. courage D. caring29.A. hesitateB. agreeC. pretend D. intend30.A. made senseB. found out C. made sure D. worked out31.A. open B. crowded C. noisy D. near32.A. costing B. wasting C. taking D. spending33.A. pay for B. ask for C. look into D. carry out34.A. pletely B. calmly C. regularly D. roughly35.A. advertise B. sell C. deliver D. lend36.A. donates B. produces C. designs D. collects37.A. permissionB. payment C. direction D. support38.A. borrowB. raise C. save D. expect39.A. surprised B. excited C. tired D.amused40.A. profit B. difference C. decision D. rule第三部分 写作(共两节,满分50分)第一节:语法填空(共10小题;每题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在标号为41-50的相应位置上。 Mr.Johnsonlivedinthewoodswithhiswifeandchildren.Heowned41farm,whichlookedalmostabandoned42(lucky),healsohadacowwhichproducedmilkeveryday.Hesoldorexchangedsomeofthemilkinthetownsnearby43otherfoodandmadecheeseandbutterforthefamilywithwhat44 (leave).Thecowwastheironlymeansofsupport,infact.Oneday,thecowwaseatinggrass45itbegantorainheavily.Whilemakinggreateffortstorunaway,she46(fall)overthehilland died.ThentheJohnsonshadtomakealiving47 thecow.Inordertosupporthisfamily,Mr.Johnsonbegantoplantherbsandvegetables.Sincetheplantstookawhiletogrow,hestartedcuttingdowntrees 48 (sell)thewood.Thinkingabouthischildrensclothes,hestartedgrowingcottontoo.Whenharvestcamearound,hewasalreadysellingherbs,vegetablesandcottoninthemarket49 peoplefromthetownsmetregularly.Nowitoccurredto50 thathisfarmhadmuchpotentialandthatthedeathofthecowwasabitofluck.第二节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 With so many types of cancers threaten our health, its great to hear a positively result of a cancer story. Jim Koch was a iowa man whose 54-year-old wife, Lora had breast cancer.He was sure of their story was a beautiful one.It was just after their first treatment when Jim re-asked his wife to marry him. They had already married for 26yearsThe youngest daughter of the couple happily took photos her fathers moved gesture.Their story reminds us that true love do exist and will carry us through,in sickness and in healthy.第三节:书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你班将与本周六去龙湾度假村(Longwan Resort)春游。请你根据以下信息给外教Adam写信,邀请他参加。1. 出发及返回时间2. 活动:骑车,钓鱼,划船,烧烤。注意:1.词数:100词左右。2.可适当加入细节,以使内容充实,行文连贯3.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。高二英语答案1-5 CABDA 6-10 CDBDB11-15 AAABD16. F 17. A 18. E 19. B 20. D 21-25 BDCAD26-30 BADAC31-35 ADBCC36-40 ABDCB41. a 42.Luckily 43.for 44.was left 45when 46.fell 47.without 48.to sell 49.where 50.him短文改错51.threatenthreatening 52.positivepositively 53第二句中的Iowa 的aan 54 去掉of或ofthat 55their-her 56when-that 57 already后加been 58.movedmoving 59.do does 60.healthy-health书面表达One possible version:DearAdam,Im one of your students Li huaOur class is planning to go for an outing this Saturday,so I am writing on behalf of our classmates to invite you to join usSince spring is ing with all the trees turning green and blossoming,we all think it is a good opportunity for us to get close to nature and relax ourselvesWere scheduled to gather at the school gate at 9:00 am,and take a bus to Longwan Resort,which will take about half an hourThe varieties of activities will definitely appeal to usWell have a lot of fun riding bicycles,fishing,rowing boats in the lake and even barbecuingAbout 3 hours later,Well be back to schoolIm sure you will like this programWe sincerely hope you can e and enjoy a good time with usYoursLiHua


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