安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 八上 第6课时 Units 5-7习题.doc

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安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 八上 第6课时 Units 5-7习题.doc_第1页
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安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 八上 第6课时 Units 5-7习题.doc_第3页
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第6课时.单项选择。(C)1.(原创题)Would you mind my opening the window?_. Its very cold outside, and I have caught a cold.ANot at allBNever mindCBetter notDNo problem(D)2.(xx芜湖二模)The teacher asked the students to_a story about a trip to the moon.Agive upBturn up Ccut upDmake up(C)3.(xx安徽中考导向预测二模)I dont know when he _back.Please tell me when he _back.Acomes; comesBcomes; will comeCwill come; comesDwill come; will come(D)4.(预测题)In order to sell more products,we need to come up with more_ideas.AtrueBcommonCsimpleDcreative(D)5.(改编题)Could you please teach me how to_“red envelop”(红包)on WeChat?Sure.Let me show you.Agive awayBgive upCgive backDgive out(D)6.(原创题)He watched Journey to the West last night.He thought it was one of_TV programs.AinterestingBmore interestingCmost interestingDthe most interesting(A)7.(预测题)I am sorry to hear that our women badminton players lost the Sudirman Cup._.Failure is the mother of success.ANever mindBIts a pityCWith pleasureDNo problem.(原创题)完形填空。A student came to his teacher in the forest. He asked, “How many _1_ should a person have, one or a lot?”“Everything is as_2_ as eating an apple,” the teacher replied, “pick me that red apple from the highest tree.”The student _3_ and answered, “But its too high, sir! I cant reach it.”“Ask a friend, maybe he will help you,” the teacher answered.The student called another student and stood on his shoulders. “I still cant _4_ it, either,” said the student.“Dont you have more friends?” the teacher smiled.The student asked more friends_5_,and they started standing up on each others shoulders and backs. _6_were trying to build a man wall. But the apple was too high, so the student wasnt still able to pick the apple.Then the teacher called him back. “Did you _7_ how many friends a person needs?”“I did, sir,” the student said, “A lot so that we could solve any _8_ .”“Yes,” the teacher answered, shaking his head in disappointment, “Of course you _9_ need lots of friends. Then _10_ all of these persons there would be at least one smart person. He would point out to bring a ladder!”(B)1. AteachersBfriendsCclassmatesDpartners(D)2. AdifficultBsillyCstrangeDsimple(A)3. Alooked upBfixed upCmade upDtook up(C)4. AfindBresearchCreachDsearch(A)5. Aat onceBon timeCat timesDall the time(B)6. AYouBTheyCWeDI(D)7. AimagineBreportCintroduceDunderstand(A)8. AdifficultyBconditionCdevelopmentDfeeling(C)9. AcompletelyBmostlyCheavilyDsuddenly(D)10. AbetweenBwithoutCoppositeDamong.(预测题)补全对话。A:Hey,do you exercise every day?B:1.CI like exercise very much.A:2.FB:I usually exercise after I finish my homework. I think its good for health.A:3.EExercise makes our body strong.B:4.DA:I eat lots of fruit and vegetables to keep fit.B:That sounds great.A:I think keeping in good health is very important in our life.B:You are right.5.AAWe should put it in the first place.BWhat about vegetables?CYes,I do.DHow do you keep fit?EI think so.FWhat time do you usually exercise?GI often go swimming twice a week.(预测题)任务型阅读。An old man who stole a piece of bread was brought in a court in front of the judge. The old man didnt try to explain anything. Its true that he did steal a piece of bread, but its common that by saying, “I had no choice. I was hungry, and I almost died.”The judge told him, “You know youre a thief and I have to punish you and make you pay ten dollars today. I know you dont have enough money, so Ill pay it for you.”All the audience listened quietly and looked at the judge. The judge took out 10 dollars from his wallet and asked officers to put it in the court bank. Then he stood up, looked to the audience and said, “You should all pay 10 dollars, because you live in a town where the poor have to steal a piece of bread for life.”Finally, the court collected four hundred and eighty dollars. The judge gave it to the old man.If you like the story of“Honest Judge and the Poor Man”,please share it with your friends. It can really tell us something important and something different from our world.1. Why did the judge pay for dollars for the old man?(不超过10个词)Because the old man didnt have enough money.2Whats the audiences town like according to the judges words?(不超过15个词)The poor have to steal a piece of bread for life.3. What can the story tell us?(不超过15个词)It can tell us something important and something different from our world.(预测题) 书面表达。中国的传统文化是许多外国人最感兴趣文化之一。你的加拿大朋友Paul想了解中国古诗。请你以May的身份给他写一封信,简单介绍中国的古诗。要求:1内容要包括古诗的字数,饱含感情,可以唱成歌等。2内容可以适当地发挥,以保证内容的完整、丰富与流畅。3词数:不少于80。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Paul,Im very glad you like Chinese ancient poems very much.Now let me tell you something about them.There are usually five or seven words in each line in a poem.They are full of all kinds of the poets different feelings.They wrote them because they want to express their own thoughts or opinions.They could write them to their country,relatives,loves or friends.In the poems,you can find that in each sentence the last word usually has the same pronunciation.So we can turn them into songs and they sound very beautiful.I think you must be interested in them.You can write to me and communicate with me.If you have any other questions,you can send me an email at any time.With my best wishes!Yours,May


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