八年级英语下册 Module 4 Seeing the doctor测试题 (新版)外研版.doc

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Module 4 单元测试题Written test part (共95分). 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. Is Betty a serious girl?No, she always talks with others _ a smile. A. by B. with C. in D. to( )2. Linda always stays up late and doesnt take any _. So she isnt very healthy. A. exercise B. danger C. advice D. noise( )3. My father started running one month ago, and he feels very _ now. A. sad B. serious C. safe D. fit( )4. Mary looks _ and thin. Whats wrong?She is ill. A. nervous B. excitedC. lovely D. weak( )5. The doctor gave him some medicine and asked him _ it twice a day. A. take B. to takeC. mix D. to mix( )6. I _ my bike to work now. I think its good for my health. A. ride B. rode C. drive D. drove( )7.Will your sister _the football match this afternoon? Sure. She had a months training and is ready for it.A. pay attention to B. be bad forC. take part in D. keep clear of( )8. Please stop _! Lets begin our class. A. talk B. to talkC. talking D. talked( )9. Tony spent two hours _ the room. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning( )10. Kate is too _ to _ to the store alone.A. younger; go B. young; goC. younger; going D. young; going( )11. I _ Hong Kong before. This is my first time to come here. A. wont visit B. wasnt visitingC. havent visited D. dont visit( )12. The old man is my neighbor. He _ here for about ten years. A. is living B. was livingC. lives D. has lived( )13. The young man _ to his mother twice last month. A. writes B. wrote C. will write D. has written ( )14. _ have you learnt French?Since May 2003. A. How often B. How longC. How soon D. How many( )15. _?I dont feel very well. My right hand hurts.A. How can we do that B. What should you doC. How can I help you D. What do you think of it. 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Western fast food is becoming more and more popular in China. Many Chinese people, especially children, like to eat it. There have been many Western fast food restaurants in China since the 1990s. They 16 hamburgers, sandwiches, fried (油炸的) fish, fried chicken, hot dogs, pizzas and some other 17 of food.Why has Western fast food become so popular with Chinese people? First, it is very convenient (方便的) and 18 a lot of time. You just go into a Western fast food restaurant and order (点) your food, and then your food is 19 soon. Second, you can either eat it there or take it away. Third, both the environment and the service of Western fast food restaurants are 20 . My family 21 Western fast food, but we dont eat at Western fast food restaurants very often. My mum says some Western fast food is 22 to our health, because it is usually high in fat, salt and sugar. So doctors 23 that people, especially children, should eat Western fast food as little as possible. Although cooking at home 24 us much time, it offers healthy and delicious meals that our body needs. Western fast food is only a(n) 25 when we are in a hurry.( )16. A. send B. leave C. sell D. carry( )17. A. pieces B. kinds C. colors D. baskets( )18. A. needs B. sharesC. loses D. saves( )19. A. ready B. soft C. cheap D. sour( )20. A. common B. strange C. excellent D. terrible( )21. A. like B. throw C. return D. taste( )22. A. correct B. natural C. perfect D. harmful( )23. A. promise B. suggest C. hear D. describe( )24. A. takes B. costsC. spends D. pays( )25. A. dream B. message C. choice D. example. 情景交际 (共10分,每小题2分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Im not feeling well today. (26)_B: Im sorry to hear that. (27)_A: Yes. I took my temperature just now. Its 38.B: What did you have for breakfast today?A: (28)_B: Youd better go to see a doctor. (29)_A: Its so kind of you. Thanks a lot.B: Not at all. (30)_A: OK.A. Whats the matter with you?B. I will go to the hospital with you.C. Do you have a fever?D. I think we should go there by taxi.E. And you shouldnt stay up late.F. Maybe I have got a bad cold.G. I just had a glass of milk. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分) AGail Mirabella works as a dog trainer for a circus (马戏团). She used to train her dogs to do tricks when she was a kid. Finally, her hobby turned into her job. Several days ago, she talked to Time Magazine reporter, Cameron Young, about her love for dogs. Reporter: Did you always want to be a dog trainer in a circus? Mirabella: When I was a little kid, I did my first dog show, a kids dog show. And I won the first prize. From then on, I knew I wanted to work with dogs, but who would know Id be in a circus? Reporter: Have you got any dogs growing up? Mirabella: Of course. I got a white shepherd dog when I was a little baby. And then when he died, we got two family dogs. When I was 14, I got one on my birthday. He was a big shepherd dog and reminded (使想起) me of the shepherd dog I had when I was a baby. Reporter: How long does it take to train a dog, one month, half a year or one year? Mirabella: That depends on (取决于) the dog. I have got thirteen dogs and I let them all play together, but I do a lot of special work with each dog. They know I am their owner because I do all the feeding. Reporter: If you werent a dog trainer, what would you be? Mirabella: A dog. Just joking. I would probably still work with animals. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )31. The underlined word “tricks” in Paragraph 1 means “_” in Chinese. A. 动画 B. 装饰 C. 戏法 D. 咨询( )32. Mirabella decided to work with dogs after _. A. she joined a circus B. one of her dogs diedC. she got her first dogD. she won a kids dog show( )33. Mirabella got a shepherd dog for her 14th birthday. Why might this be a special gift? A. It reminded her of a dog she had before. B. She knew she would work for a circus. C. She never had a shepherd dog before. D. She loved dogs very much.( )34. How many dogs has Mirabella got? A. 12. B. 13. C. 14. D. 15. ( )35. What job would Mirabella do if she were not a dog trainer? A. Selling kinds of dogs. B. Taking care of animals. C. Doing tricks in a circus. D. Working for the Time Magazine.BMy friends and I bought our favourite candies from Mrs Pratchetts Store every day on our way to school. My favourites were Sherbet Suckers and Liquorice Bootlaces.Thwaites told me I should never eat Liquorice Bootlaces. Thwaitess father was a doctor. He said that it was made from rats (耗子的) blood. The father told his young son a lot about Liquorice Bootlaces after he found that his son ate it. “Every ratcatcher in the country,” said the father, “takes his rats to the Liquorice Bootlace Factory and they pay him for each rat. Many ratcatchers have become rich by selling rats to the factory.”“Dont ever eat them,” said the father. “If you eat, youll get ratitis.”“What is ratitis, Daddy?” asked young Thwaites.“Its a very terrible disease (疾病),” said the father.“I see. But what will happen to me if I catch it?” asked young Thwaites.“Your teeth will fall out one by one,” answered the father. “And a short tail will grow out of your back. There is no medicine for ratitis. I know. I am a doctor.”We all enjoyed Thwaitess story. We asked him to tell us this wonderful story many times on our walks to and from school. But any of us didnt stop buying Liquorice Bootlaces except Thwaites.根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。36. What were Sherbet Suckers and Liquorice Bootlaces?_37. How did many ratcatchers become rich according to the story?_38. Why did Thwaitess father tell him the story?_39. What did the writer think of the story?_40. Did Thwaites listen to his father?_. 词汇(共10分,每小题1分)A) 根据语境及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。41. Peter has a kind h_. He always helps people in trouble. 42. Bob takes exercise every day and has never had a serious i_. 43. I feel so s_ this afternoon that I cant open my eyes. 44. My brother reads the d_ newspaper each morning.45. P_ I lost that watch. Now I cant find it everywhere.B) 根据句意从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式,每个短语限用一次。fast food, take ones temperature, feel awful, all over, in excellent condition46. Now she _ after one hours running.47. There are books in the room _, because Bill likes reading a lot. 48. The children are _ and you dont need to worry about them. 49. John had a high fever and the nurse _. 50. My father doesnt let me eat too much _. 完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。51. 刚才妈妈带我去操场散步了。Mum _ on the playground just now.52. 它对人们的健康可能是非常有害的。It can be very _ peoples health. 53. 那就是你感到累的原因。_ you feel tired. 54. 我儿子感冒了,不想吃任何东西。My son _ and he didnt want to eat anything. 55.自那时以来,我就没有吃过冰激凌。_, I havent eaten an ice cream. 综合填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。每词限用一次,其中有两个词是多余的。nothing, move, cause, final, something, lucky, know, return, begin, break, drive, takeLast Sunday afternoon there was a car accident on No. 5 Street. One car hit the other and it (56)_ a traffic jam. Both drivers got hurt in the accident. One drivers arm was (57)_ and the other driver couldnt move his neck. As soon as the two drivers got out of their cars, they (58)_ arguing (争吵). Both of them said that the other was wrong. However, the other drivers were not interested in (59)_ who did wrong; they just wanted to be able to leave at once.(60)_ someone called the police. Two policemen soon arrived. Seeing that it was not a serious accident, they asked the two drivers to (61)_ their cars to the side of the street so that traffic could continue (继续) to move along the street. Then the police (62)_ the two drivers to the police station. There, the drivers each described how the accident happened and they both said it had (63)_ to do with them. However, the policemen decided that both drivers were wrong because they (64)_ too fast and carelessly.The two drivers also had to take the alcohol (酒精) test. (65)_, they did not drink any alcohol before driving. Otherwise (否则), the result would be more serious!. 书面表达(共10分) 假如你是李明,你的网友Mike发来电子邮件询问你是如何保持身体健康的。请根据下列写作要点给Mike回复一封80词左右的电子邮件(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。写作要点:1. 我对每个人都友善、有礼貌,因此我总是很快乐;2. 我很活跃,每天进行锻炼;3. 我有健康的饮食习惯;4. 我每天都睡眠充足。Dear Mike,Thank you for your email. Here is what I do to stay healthy. _Could you tell me what you do to stay healthy? Im looking forward to your email.Best wishes,Li Ming答案. 1-5 BADDB 6-10 ACCDB 11-15 CDBBC. 16-20 CBDAC 21-25 ADBAC . 26-30 FCGBD. 31-35 CDABB 36. Candies. 37. By selling rats to the Liquorice Bootlace Factory.38. To stop Thwaites from eating Liquorice Bootlaces.39. Wonderful. 40. Yes, he did. 41. heart 42. illness 43. sleepy 44. daily45. Perhaps 46. feels awful 47. all over 48. in excellent condition 49. took his temperature 50. fast food. 51. took me for a walk 52. harmful to 53. Thats why 54. caught a cold 55. Since then . 56. caused 57. broken 58. began 59. knowing 60. Finally 61. move 62. took 63. nothing 64. drove 65. Luckily. One possible version:Dear Mike,Thank you for your email. Here is what I do to stay healthy. First, I am kind and polite to everyone, so I am always happy. Second, I am active and do exercise every day. In the morning I run for half an hour and in the afternoon I play table tennis for an hour with my friends. Third, I have a healthy diet. I eat lots of vegetables and fruit every day. I never eat junk food. Finally, I have enough sleep every day. I usually sleep for nine hours at night.Could you tell me what you do to stay healthy? Im looking forward to your email.Best wishes,Li Ming


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