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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section B.用所给词的适当形式填空1.He decided _(not go)there.2.There are many _(different)between the two languages.3.Not only his children but also he enjoys _(play)computer games.4.Its raining (hard), however, theyre still working in the fields.5.Well try _(improve)our teaching methods.6.Sometimes when I look into the sky, I feel like (make)a trip somewhere.7.We had a good time yesterday. We (see)many interesting things in the museum.8.Thats all for the text. Now lets go on (learn)the grammar.9.When the teacher came into the classroom, the students stopped (talk)and laughing.10.I kept (think)why I failed in the exam.11.Everything (be)very expensive, so I went home.单项填空1.The story was very _,and I felt very _.Aboring;bored Bbored;boring Cbored;bored Dboring;boring2.There is _ interesting in the movie. Id like to see it again.Aanything Bnothing Ceverything Dsomething3.Did you learn English by _? No. Mr.Smith taught me.Ayou Byours Cyourself Dyourselves4.Frank,it _ that you like to work with animals. Yes,I like animals very much.Alooks Bseems Csounds Dtastes5.May I use your dictionary,Cindy? _.Here you are.ASorry BGreat CThanks DOf course 6.Jim is always so busy he has little time for his family. A .thatB. until C. ifD. which7.The story is long and boring. I it. A. startB. finish C dislike D. like8.The paragliding was exciting. I I was a bird.A. looked B. seemed C. felt likeD. sounded like9.I can carry the box. Because there is in it.A. nothingB. something C. everythingD .anything10.The children to be eating something in the room. A. sawB. seemed C. feltD. stayed 11.The food in the restaurant is .We dont want to eat there.A. cleanB. interesting C. expensiveD. cheap12.How was her vacation? .A. She was freeB. It was not bad C. She was at homeD. It is wonderful13.When did you arrive Gui Yang? I arrived Gui Yang Railway Station at five yesterday afternoon. A. in, inB.at, in C.in, atD.at, at14.I what he was like ten years ago. A .wonder B. think C. seemD. dislike15.We have to put off (推迟)holding our sports meeting the bad weather.A. becauseB. for C.asD. because of完形填空。David and Frank camped out with their parents. They went to the lake by car. And it took _1_two hours to get there. When they got there,they were_2_ to see the green trees and the beautiful lake. The house near the lake looked nice. They would live in it_3_ two days.When their parents unloaded(卸货) the car,the children ran to the lake.“Dont get into the_4_before we come,” the father and mother shouted together.“All right,” they answered and_5_their parents.After their parents joined them,they swam for a long time. Then they felt _6_ and went back to have some food. Though(尽管) the rooms were small,_7_ their beds were comfortable(舒适的)They _8_ well at night.The next day,they woke up early and looked outside. They _9_ their parents walking around the lake. They got up quickly and ran outside to play.The children liked _10_ there. They had a good time.1.A.us Bthem Cyou Dhim 2.A.sad Btired Cangry Dhappy3.A.at Bin Cfor Dbetween 4.A.lake Bmountain Chouse Dcar5.A.played with Bwoke upCwaited for Dshouted to6.A.full Bcold Chungry Dshy 7.A./ Bso Cand Dor8.A.worked Bwoke Chelped Dslept 9.A.tried Bsaw Clearned Dfollowed10.A.nothing Banyone Ceverything Deveryone .阅读理解。 (A)I went on vacation with my family last summer. “Wake up! Its time to go fishing,” my mom woke me up. After having breakfast we got on a boat. Getting up at 6 am. was really early and I was not happy,but later,I had fun.My uncle caught(抓住) a big fish first. And my mom caught one,too. Then I caught a black drum(多须石首鱼)Next,my dad caught a big fish. The captain said no one caught a big fish like this one before. We were all happy when we heard this. Later we tried to catch small sharks(鲨鱼)My grandpa caught one,but it snapped the line(咬断绳子)My uncle caught one,but it also snapped the line. My dad caught one at last. It didnt look so scary but was a little funny.Then our fishing activity was over,and we went back with all the fishes. We were tired but happy!1.Who woke up the writer? AHis father. BHis mother. CHis uncle. DHis grandpa.2.The underlined word “captain” means “_” in Chinese. A船长 B律师 C司机 D飞行员3.Why did they feel happy when they heard the captains words?ABecause someone caught a fish the same size as theirs. BBecause the Black Drum was expensive.CBecause the fish was the biggest(最大的)DBecause the boat went very fast.4.How did they feel when they went back with the fishes?AScared. BLucky. CTired and terrible. DTired but happy.5.What does the writer talk about?AHis summer vacation. BHis favorite fish. CHis favorite activity. DHis happy family. (B)Most American families like to have a vacation in summer.Summer is a good season for vacation.It is often hot in July and August.Children do not go to school in those two months.Some people like to stay at home,read books,do housework,or watch TV.Many families take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or a nice lake.Some people have enough time and money to travel(旅行) to other countries like France,Japan and Australia.They usually fly to these countries.Many families travel by car or by train to see interesting places in their own countries.Their favorite cities are New York,Chicago and Los Angeles.Not everyone likes to go to busy cities.Some families travel to mountains.1._ is a good season for vacation.AWinter BSummer CSpring DAutumn2.Some people like to stay at home during their vacation instead of _.Awatching TV Breading books Cgoing to work Ddoing housework3.Many families like to have their lunch _ during their vacation.Ain the office Bnear a river Cnear a big factory Dnear a nice lake4.If you have _,you can travel to other countries.Amoney and time Bfriends and time Cmoney and friends Dfood and friends5.Which of the following is NOT true?AIt is often hot in July in the US. BAmerican kids dont have classes at school in August.CNew York is one of Americans favorite cities. DEveryone likes to go to busy cities. (C)My family and I went on vacation in Las Vegas last year. It was an exciting trip. But on the last day,there was something bad.My family went to watch a show. There were many people in the cinema watching it. When the show was over,people started to leave. My nineyearold sister walked with me. But a few minutes later,some people separated us. I couldnt find her!I thought she would be with my parents. But when I found them,my sister was not there. After two hours,we still didnt find her. We had to go back to our hotel. To our surprise,my sister was at the hotel. She said a kind woman took her back.The thing taught me an important lesson. I need to look after my sister well. And there are always good people.1.The writer thought the vacation was _. Abad Binteresting Cboring Dexciting2.The family _ on the last day.Avisited a museum Bwatched a show Cdid some shopping Dstayed at the hotel3.The underlined word “separated” means “_” in Chinese. A分开 B斥责 C绑架 D注意4.Where did they find the writers sister?AIn a classroom. BAt the hotel. CIn the cinema. DIn the police station.5.Which can be the best title?AMy Family BNo One Helped Us CA Lesson in a Trip DBe Kind to Children.任务型阅读。My name is Eric. Last July,I went to Walt Disney World in Orlando,Florida. It was a wonderful trip. I went there with my family. We_had_lots_of_fun_there.We took my dads new car to Florida. It was a long trip,but we enjoyed ourselves on the way.We went to a dinner showJolly Holiday. It had fun characters and lots of singing. We enjoyed it. I went on rides with my dad,brother and sister. We went on Splash Mountain. We went through a tunnel. We saw different Disney Characters. My mom took photos of me with different Disney Characters. We saw Cinderella at the Magic Kingdom. She gave a show with her friends. At the Beach Club Resort,my family saw Chip and Dale. They walked around to meet everyone.26、27题完成句子;28题简略回答问题;29题总结并写下第三段的主题句;30题将文中画线句子译成汉语。26We took _to Florida. 27Erics trip was _28Who took photos of Eric with different Disney Characters?_29._30._根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。(A) I felt tired last week,so I_21_(decide) to take a trip to Yuntaishan,Henan. Last Friday,I took the train to Xinxiang _22_ my classmate,Liu Fang. It was about 55 kilometers away from Yuntaishan. The train _23_(leave) Beijing at 9:35 pm. There were many people on the train.M_24_ people on the train slept at night,but we talked happily. The train arrived in Xinxiang at 4:21 am the next day.At the train station,we w_25_ about half an hour for the bus to Yuntaishan. When we g_26_ off the bus,we found a restaurant and had a good breakfast. Then we walked into Yuntaishan. We visited Tanpuxia in the morning. In the afternoon,we visited Hongshixia. Everything there was _27_(interest)But we took few _28_(photo) because of the rain. The next day,it was sunny. We went to the Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟) and Shaolin Temple. They were _29_(wonder)At Shaolin Temple,I bought something for _30_(I),and Liu Fang bought a gift for his brother. We really enjoyed this trip.(B) I love vacations. But sometimes I 11 (stay)at home with my family.I didnt go out last May Day because there 12 (be)too many people everywhere. I 13 (watch)TV in the morning. In the afternoon, I listened to music and 14(do)some reading. It was very relaxing. Last weekend, I didnt stay at home.It was sunny all day, so I went to Nanxi River with my family. We 15 (have)great fun playing in the water.连词成句。1was,on,week,everyone,here,last,vacation_.2very,nice,tasted,everything,really_3a,time,did,everyone,good,have_?4like,do,it,you,how_?5do,to,but,read,was,books,there,nothing,much_.


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