2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit13(1)教案 湘少版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit13(1)教案 湘少版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit13(1)教案 湘少版一、Teaching aims:1.Let the ss to know the new words and new sentences.2.Let the ss to say the new words and new sentences. 3.Learn some knowledge about other countries.4.The ss can have a talk with the sentences: when is ? It falls on .二、difficult points and key points:Talk about the new things with “when is ?”“Its on the .”freely.三、teaching aids:1. A tape recorder.2. Some word cards.3. A map.四、teaching steps:Step 1 warming up.1.Greetings.2.Free talk. Step 2 presentation and drill.1.The teacher shows a map to the ss.2.The teacher shows the map to the ss, and Lead the ss to learn the new knowledge. Help them to answer it with: It falls on .3.Then lead the ss how to ask the question. And write the sentence on the blackboard. 4.Show the map to the ss. Tell the countrys name to them in two types.Step 3 Practices1.Listen to the tape recorder and show the pictures.2.Listen to the tape and read after it.3.Group reading. 4.Act it out with opening the books.Step 4 consolidations1.Create a situation and free talk. 2.Evaluations.Step 5 homework附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit13(2)教案 湘少版一、Teaching aims:1.Say the countrys name freely.2.Ask and answer it freely.3.Learning how to help others.二、difficult points and key points:1. Say the countrys name freely.2. Ask and answer freely.三、teaching aids:A tape recorder.Some word cards.A calendar.四、teaching steps:Step 1 warming up.1.Greetings.2.Sing the English song together.Game: Making friends.Step 2 presentation and drill.1. Show the world map.2. Game: Chain game.3. Reading Part D.Step 3 PracticesGame: Travel the world.Finish the Part E.Step 4 consolidations1.play a game: Quick response.2.Evaluations.3.Practice.Step 5 homework


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