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初二 (上) 期末测试 (A卷)一、从A、B、C、D 中找出划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。(5分) 1. full A. dumpling B. use C. minute D. put 2. hope A. cold B. often C. stop D. popular 3. city A. October B. second C. conductor D. office 4. speak A. great B. headC. mean D. breakfast 5. fifth A. than B. ninth C. their D. clothes二、下列各组单词划线部分的读音都相同,将其音标填入题前的括号内。(5分) 1. noodle zoo broom too 2. quarter question quick quite 3. puzzle nut must sun 4. always May play stay 5. street strong truck tree三、以下所给单词均不完整,从A、B、C、D 中选出适当的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确。5分 1. opp _ s _ te A. i . o B. o . i C. a . i D. e . i 2. Febr _ ry A. ar B. ae C. ea D. ua 3. t _ ck _ t A. e . i B. i . i C. i . e D. e . e 4. fr _ t A. ui B. iu C. ue D. eu 5. pr_ ct _ se A. e . i B. a . i C. a . e D. e . e四、根据括号中的要求写出下列单词的相应形式。(5分)1. city (复数) _ 2. little (比较级) _3. quick (副词) _ 4. clean (名词) _5. fifth (基数词) _五、词组英汉互译。(10分)1. 半小时 _ 2. 走过来 _3. 对有害 _ 4. 上学迟到 _5. 生病 _ 6. get out of the lift _7. how often _ 8. have a rest _9. keep busy _ 10. three days ago _六、单项选择 (20分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 1. �Who are you?�_.A. Im a worker B. Im fineC. Im at home D. Im Marys sister 2. �May I _ your ticket, please?�Certainly. Here it is.A. see B. lookC. watch D. find 3. _ happy she is to see her husband!A. What B. What aC. How D. How a 4. �_ did you go to school every day?�By bike.A. What B. WhyC. How D. Which 5. �Where _ the teacher stand?�At the front of the classroom.A. is B. doesC. do D. are 6. My brother is a worker. He works _.A. in a factory B. in an officeC. in a school D. on a farm 7. Bill sits _ the back row.A. on B. atC. in D. with 8. Excuse me. Is there a station _ here?A. from B. awayC. far D. near 9. �Where does your uncle work?�_.A. He works in a hospitalB. He sells shoesC. He likes his work very muchD. He is a worker 10. They had four classes yesterday morning, _?A. hadnt they B. had theyC. didnt they D. did they 11. Please _ me your new coat.A. to show B. showC. showing D. showed 12. �Shall we go out for a walk?�_.A. Yes, you shall B. Yes, pleaseC. Yes, you do D. No, you dont 13. The woman and her husband are _ to see each other(彼此).A. sorry B. busyC. happy D. healthy 14. �How are you?�_.A. Im fine, thank you B. How are youC. Im Li Ming D. Im twelve 15. �What sport do you like?�_.A. Yes, I like it B. I like basketballC. I dont like it D. I like play football 16. _ is the colour TV set?A. How long B. How muchC. How many D. How often 17. Do you enjoy _ TV in the evening?A. watch B. to watchC. watching D. watched 18. �How does Miss Gao come to the factory?�_.A. By bus B. At sevenC. Ten minutes D. Five kilometres 19. �Where was Jim the day before yesterday?�He was _ home. He was ill _ bed.A. in . on B. at . onC. in . in D. at . in 20. �Were they away yesterday?�_.A. Yes, theyre B. Yes, they wereC. No, they were D. No, their werent七、句型转换 (5分)根据括号内的要求,改写句子,每个空格内只填一个单词,使句子意思完整与正确。1. She got to school at seven this morning. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ she _ to school this morning?2. Miss Wang lived in China for about two years. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ Miss Wang _ in China?3. He had noodles for lunch. (用dumplings改为选择问句)_ he _ noodles _ dumplings for lunch?4. The station is two hundred metres from the factory. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ the station from the factory?5. We had a good time last Sunday. (改为否定句)We _ _ a good time last Sunday.八、动词填空 (10分)用各题中所给动词的适当形式填空,使其意思完整与正确。1. �What _ Kate _ (do) now?�She _ (listen) to the radio.2. I usually _ (get) up at six. But this morning I _ (get) up at seven.3. Its raining. Youd better _ (stay) at home.4. �Where _ your mother _ (work)?�She _ (work) in a middle school.5. I _ (not be) here an hour ago.九、翻译选择 (5分)根据所给中文,从A、B、C、D 中选出适当的句子,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。 1. 让我把票给你捡起来吧。A. Let me pick the ticket up for you.B. Let me to pick the ticket up for you.C. Let I pick up the ticket to you.D. Let mine to pick up the ticket for you. 2. 昨天你们上的什么课?A. Which lesson had you yesterday?B. How many lessons did you have yesterday?C. What lessons did you have yesterday?D. What lessons were you have yesterday? 3. 我叔叔住在城外的一个小村子里。A. My uncle is live in a small village outside the city.B. My uncle lives in a small village outside the city.C. My uncle lives outside the city in a small village.D. My uncle living in a small village outside the city. 4. 昨天他没在这儿。A. He wasnt out yesterday.B. He stayed here yesterday.C. He wasnt here yesterday.D. He wasnt away yesterday. 5. 我非常喜爱看故事书。A. I very enjoy reading story books.B. I enjoy read story books very much.C. I enjoy to read story books very much.D. I enjoy reading story books very much.十、补全对话 (10分)根据对话内容,每空填入一个适当的词,使对话完整与正确。A: 1 can I do for you?B: I 2 a new bike.A: Look at this. Its very 3 .B: The one 4 the right looks very nice, 5 .How 6 is it?A: Two 7 yuanB: Thats too expensive (贵).A: What 8 the one 9 to it? Its only one hundred yuan.B: All right. Ill 10 it.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _9. _ 10. _十一、完形填空。 (10分)Mary was 1 English girl, but she lived 2 Paris. She was seven years old. Last year her mother 3 her, You are six years old, Mary, and you are going to begin 4 to a school here. You are going to like it very much because its a very nice school.Is it a beautiful school? Mary asked.Yes, it is, her mother said.Mary went to school, and enjoyed her lessons. Her mother always 5 her to school in the morning and 6 her home in the afternoon. Last Monday her mother went to the school 7 4 oclock, and Mary ran out of her classroom.Weve got a new girl in our school today, Mummy, she said.Shes six years old, too, and she is very nice, but she isnt English. She is a German. (德国人). Does she 8 English? Marys mother asked.No, but she 9 in English, Mary 10 happily (高兴地). 1. A. a B. an C. the D. 2. A. at B. on C. in D. with 3. A. said to B. said C. spoke D. talked 4. A. go B. went C. gone D. to go 5. A. takes B. took C. brings D. brought 6. A. brought B. brings C. took D. takes 7. A. in B. on C. at D. of 8. A. speak B. tell C. speaks D. tells 9. A. to B. laugh C. laughs D. laughing 10. A. says B. say C. to say D. said十二、阅读理解 (10分)One day Liu Hongs class had an exam (测验) in English. Theteacher marked (评分) the students papers and then gave them back to the students. Liu Hong looked at his paper. He got 84 marks.Class was over. The students all went out and played on the playground (操场), but Liu Hong still sat there. He did the exercises again. Then he gave his paper to the teacher. This time he got the exercises right.One of his classmates (同学) said to him, Whats the use of doing the exercises again? You wont get more marks for that. With a smile, Liu Hong answered, I dont look at a thing in this way. I dont study for marks. 1. The story is about _.A. a boy B. a girlC. a teacher D. a class 2. _ class had an exam in English one day.A. Liu Hongs B. Li HongsC. Li Leis D. Wei Huas 3. Liu Hong got _ marks.A. eight-three B. eightyC. eighty-five D. eighty-four 4. All the students _ on the playground after class.A. goes to play B. went to playC. went play D. playing 5. Liu Hong _.A. didnt go out B. didnt goC. came in D. went out 6. Liu Hong stayed in the classroom and _.A. talked with the teacherB. did all the exercises againC. did some of the exercises againD. looked at his paper 7. This time he got _.A. 90 marks B. 95 marksC. 99 marks D. everything right 8. He gave his paper _.A. to his father B. to his motherC. to the teacher D. to one of his classmates 9. _ said, You wont get more marks for that.A. The teacher B. His friendsC. His classmates D. One of his classmates 10. Liu Hong didnt study for _.A. an exam B. his parentsC. marks D. his teacher


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