八年级英语上Unit5 Helping基础练习

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八年级英语上Unit5 Helping基础练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What you when the captain came in?Aare; doingBdid; doCwere; doing2 . To our , theyve finished the work in a short timeAsurpriseBsurprisingCsurprisedDsurprises3 . Lethim_you_ourschool.Atoshow,aroundBshow,forCshow,aroundDtoshow,for4 . Rickto play tennis, and heits not funny.Adoesnt want; thinkBwants;thinksCdoesnt want;thinks5 . The man _ great wealth is hard to _.Awith; get on with himBof; get along withCwith; get alongDof; get on with him6 . Not everything can be done_the old methods.Abecause ofBinstead ofCup toDaccording to7 . While I dinner last night, Angela called me and asked about homework.AhaveBwill haveCwas havingDam having8 . Henry Ford founded his car company _ the beginning of the 20th century.AinBbyCforDat9 . Tom _in the river when he suddenly heard “Help! Help!”Ahas swumBwill swimCswamDwas swimming10 . -How much are those socks? - They are _ very good prices. Only two dollars _ three pairs.Ain; forBat; inCat; for11 . Mo Yans books have been sold out in many bookstores _ his winning of the Nobel Prize.AbecauseBsinceCasDbecause of12 . May I use your ink (墨水)? Ive _ mine.Arun outBrun afterCrun out of13 . - Why didnt Mary see me wave(挥手)to her?- She in the other direction.AlookedBhas lookedCwas lookingDis looking14 . While I _to the programs, my mother _outside.Alistened; was washingBwas listening; washedCwas listening; was washingDwas listening; is washing15 . Welcome to our restaurant. Please have _ seat.AtheBsomeCa二、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)16 . The duty of a soldier is to p_ his country.17 . Jims trousers are s_to mine. I think there are no differences between them.18 . We had fun there. No one s_ to be bored.19 . Dont throw away l_ here and there. It pollutes the environment.20 . He never r_to any of my letters.21 . Our teacher often tells(告诉) us not to f_with each other.22 . Its not p_ to look around when you are speaking to others.23 . Our teacher often w_us not to swim in rivers or lakes.24 . Keep quiet(保持安静)and dont s_ in the library.25 . The dustbin is full. Why didnt you e_it ?根据所给首字母或中文填写单词,每空一词。26 . There are many plants and flowers in my g_.27 . After an hours walking, she was very tired. So she l_ on the bed.28 . She asked w_ theres a boy called Li Lei in our school.29 . The dog is sleeping on the c_ of the Renmin Street.30 . The thief has already s_ 15 bikes and 10 watches.31 . After class we should _ (复习) what we have learned in class from time to time.32 . Beijing Hutong is one of the _ (邮票) I collected ten years ago.33 . When the accident happened, I was _(邮寄) the letter in the post office.34 . Go _ (路过) a cinema, youll find the park on your right.35 . Could you please tell me how I get to _ (中央的) library?第 3 页 共 3 页

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