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沈阳市2019年英语三年级上册专项训练:情景交际和阅读理解B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello, my name is Amy. I get up at six forty. I have breakfast at 7:10. And then I go to school. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I have lunch in the canteen at school. I go home at four fifty. I have dinner at seven oclock. I go to bed at nine thirty.1 . I get up at_.( )A6:40B6:302 . I have _at 7:10. ( )AlunchBbreakfast3 . I have _classes all day.(全天; 一整天) ( )AfourBsix4 . I have lunch _. ( )Aat schoolBat home5 . I go to bed at _. ( )Aseven oclockBnine thirty二、情景交际6 . 当你想让别人指向黑色门时,你可以说:_ ( )APoint to the black door, please.BStand up, please.7 . 你想让别人递给你面包,应该说:_AI like the bread.BPass me the bread.CCut the bread.8 . 当你想告诉朋友这是你的教室时, 你可以说:_( )AThis is my classroom.BThis is my school.CThat is my classroom.9 . 你想知道同学的书在哪儿,应说:( )AWheres your book?BWheres your bag?10 . 当你向别人介绍自己时,说( )AThis is Peter.BIm Peter.CNice to meet you.三、排序题11 . 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的话。(_) The lion wanted to eat the mouse.(_) The lion let the mouse go.(_) The lion caught the mouse.(_) The lion and the mouse became good friends.(_) The next day, the mouse helped the lion get out from the net. (_) A mouse woke a lion up.(_) The mouse said, “Please dont eat me.”四、任务型阅读读对话,选择正确的答案Chen Jies mum: Dinners ready.Help yourself.Children: Thanks.Chen Jie: What would you like, Amy?Amy: Id like some fish, please.Chen Jie: Would you like some soup?Amy: No, thanks.Id like some juice.Chen Jie: What would you like, Sarah?Sarah: Id like some beef.Chen Jie: Would you like some soup?Sarah: Yes, please.Chen Jie: Id like some chicken and noodles.A. B. C. D. E. F.12 . Chen Jie_13 . Amy_14 . Sarah_阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Hello, my names John. Im in Ren Min Primary school. I love winter best. Ill have a Thanksgiving Day in November and a Christmas party in December. Im now China. And then Ill have a Chinese New Years Day in January. My birthday is in February, so after the New Years party, Ill prepare (准备) for my birthday party.15 . The Thanksgiving Party is in November. (_)16 . The Christmas Party is in November, too. (_)17 . Johns birthday is in January. (_)18 . John likes winter best. (_)五、选内容补全对话19 . 根据短文,选择合适的选项填入短文下面的横线中,有一项是多余的。AOrange juice or milkshake?BIts a long sausage in the bread.CWhere are we going?DId like a hot dog.EWhat would you like?FThats fun!GNo, I havent.Simon: Hurry up, Daming!Daming: (1) _Simon: To an American fast food restaurant.Daming: Good!Simon: (2) _ Have you ever eaten a hot dog?Daming: (3) _ What is it? Is it a real dog?Simon: No, Daming. (4) _ Its delicious.Daming: OK. (5) _Simon: Id like a hamburger. And what to drink? (6) _Daming: Id like some milkshake.根据自己一天的规律将下列时间序号填入句中Aat twelve oclock in the morningBat half past five in the afternoonCat half past seven in the morningDat nine oclock in the afternoonEat half past six in the morning.I get up 20 . . I go to school 21 . . I have lunch 22 . . I watch TV at five oclock in the afternoon. I do homework 23 . . I go to bed 24 . .六、匹配题25 . 将左右两部分搭配,使其成为通顺的句子。(_) 1. Whats her name ?ATwo.(_) 2. Let me sweep the floor.BIts white.(_) 3. What colour is the wall?CHer name is Amy. (_) 4. Is she in the study?DOK.(_) 5. How many English books do you have?ENo, she isnt.七、看图题根据图片提示,回答下列问题。26 . What are you doing? _27 . Where are you going? _28 . Is it your bathroom? _29 . Can you swim? _30 . Is he going to the park? _第 6 页 共 6 页


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