2012高中英语课时讲练通配套课件 Unit2《The United Kingdom》Period 3新人教版必修5

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2012高中英语课时讲练通配套课件 Unit2《The United Kingdom》Period 3新人教版必修5_第1页
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2012高中英语课时讲练通配套课件 Unit2《The United Kingdom》Period 3新人教版必修5_第3页
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,动词过去分词和动词不定式及动词的-ing形式称为非谓语动词,是高中阶段学习的重点内容,也是高考的常考内容之一。学习过去分词时应该注意以下几点:一、了解过去分词的基本概念。二、掌握过去分词的最基本的用法。三、过去分词和现在分词及不定式在具体应用时的区别。,观察下列句子,注意宾语与黑体部分在语态上的关系, 在句中所起的作用及充当的成分。 Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. 如今当有人提起英格兰时,你会发现威尔士也包括在内。,Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way. 最后,在20世纪早期,英国政府想通过同样的和平方式与爱尔兰组成联合王国。 . . . ,so Pingyu had a photo taken standing on either side of the line. ,因此,萍玉就跨着这道线拍了一张照。,在以上各句中,宾语与黑体部分在语态上是被动关系,黑体部分用来说明宾语,在句中作宾语补足语。过去分词作宾语补足语的情况如下: 1. 表示“意欲;命令”的动词如like, want, wish, expect, order等之后。 The father wants his daughter well educated . 这位父亲想让女儿接受良好的教育。,I would like my house painted white. 我想把我的房子漆成白色。,2. 感官动词(词组)feel,hear, listen to, see及notice,observe,watch,help等之后。 I saw an old man knocked down (看到有位老人被撞倒)by a car just now. Many customers felt themselves cheated (感到自己被骗了).,3. 使役动词have, get, make, leave, keep表示“致使”等,后面可用过去分词作宾语补足语。 Have you got your films developed? 你拿胶卷去冲洗了没有?,在“have /get宾语过去分词”结构中,具有以下几种含义: 意为“主语请别人做某事”。 He wants to have his eyes examined tomorrow. 译:明天他想检查一下眼睛。(“检查”的动作由医生来进行),意为“遭遇、遭受某一不愉快、不测的事情”,此时不宜用get。 He had his money stolen. 译:他的钱被偷了。(被别人偷去了) 意为“使完成某事”,事情既可以是别人做完,也可以由主语参与完成。 We will have all the work accomplished by this Friday. 译:到星期五我们就会把所有的工作完成。(主语自己可能参与),4. “with宾语过去分词”结构中,过去分词作介词with的宾语补足语。这一结构在句中可以作后置定语、状语(表示时间、方式、条件、让步、原因、伴随等)。 With water heated,we can see the steam rising. (作条件状语) She stood in front of him, with her eyes fixed on his face. (作方式状语),The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back. (作伴随状语) With the road blocked, we had to make a detour (绕道走). (作原因状语) With the matter settled, we all went home. (作时间状语) The palace with soldiers guarded is the presidents residence (住所). (作定语),1. 句型转换 I felt that I was fooled by a group of fools. I felt myself fooled by a group of fools. I am very happy to see that the fact has been clarified. I am very happy to see the fact clarified.,When he entered, he found that the headmaster was seated at the back of the classroom. When he entered, he found the headmaster seated at the back of the classroom. As the ground was covered with a layer of ice, he couldnt walk without falling. With the ground covered with a layer of ice, he couldnt walk without falling.,When he was a child, his mother noticed he was interested in arithmetics. When he was a child, his mother noticed him interested in arithmetics. The boss ordered all the work be finished before 11 pm. The boss ordered that all the work should be finished before 11 pm.,My father will have someone paint the fence. My father will have/get the fence painted. The boy hurt his left hand when he was playing on the lift. The boy had his left hand hurt when he was playing on the lift.,The girl suffers from autism and locks herself in her room all day long. The girl suffers from autism and keeps herself locked in her room all day long. The dustmen were on strike and left the rubbish piled for a week. The dustmen were on strike and the rubbish were left piled for a week.,2. 单项填空 Claire had her luggage _ an hour before her plane left. 2011陕西高考 A. check B. checking C. to check D. checked 【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词的用法。结构“have sth. done”意为“某事/某物被做”。句意:飞机起飞前,克莱尔的行李接受了检查。由于名词luggage与动词check之间为被动关系,故选择过去分词作宾补。,Even the best writers sometimes find themselves_ for words. 2011浙江高考 A. lose B. lost C. to lose D. having lost 【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意:即便是最优秀的作家有时也会难以找到合适的词汇表达。“find oneself +done”表示“感到自己被”,由于空格处和themselves有逻辑上的动宾关系,所以选用过去分词作宾语补足语。其他选项形式不对。,Thank you!,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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