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黑龙江省2020年中考一模英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Jack is very sad, because his grandmother _last week.Apassed awayBpassed byCpassed toDpassed on2 . Do you like Jinan, Mr. Brown?Yes, very much. Ivein Jinan since 1994.AcomeBgotCleftDlived3 . I agreed on her suggestion _let her down, though I thought mine was better.Ain order dontBin order not toCnot in order toDin order that not4 . James first met Erin at _ university and later after graduation(毕业), they often went to _ cinema together.Aa; aBthe; theCan; /D/; the5 . 一Was Susan really sorry for what she had done?一.ANot reallyBWell doneCNever mindDGo ahead6 . His wants to be a pilot. I think his dream will _ in the future.Acome inBcome outCcome overDcome true7 . Do you still remember?July, 15th,2015.Awhen did BRT in the city start to runBwhen BRT in the city started to runChow BRT in the city started to runDhow did BRT in the city started to run8 . When parents leave their kids home alone, many worries _ start to crowd their minds.AshouldBmayCcanDneed9 . I wont tell him about it by phone _ he comes here by himself.Aas soon asBsinceCunlessDthough10 . -Where is Jim? I cant find him. -Oh, heto Beijing.Ahas been toBhas gone toCwentDwas to11 . Fast development leads to a lot of environment problems, which should be taken _ by all the countries in the world.AseriouslyBpolitelyCangrilyDpatiently12 . There is _ food in the fridge, I should buy some this afternoon.AlittleBa littleCfew13 . Joan is my fathers sister. You can call (称呼) Joan.AsisterBmotherCuncleDaunt14 . _ he didnt have breakfast, _ he was late for school.AAlthough; butBAlthough;/C/; althoughDBut; /15 . When you meet new words, why not_in a dictionary?Alook up themBlook them upClook them outDlook at them二、完型填空I once had little passion(激情) in my life. But what happened the other day changed my mind. It was then that I learned how _ it is to have a passion in life.That day I went home in Moms car. When Mom _ at a red light, someone on the side of the road caught my eye. It was a man dressed _ old clothes. He was homeless. That didnt interest me, because I had seen _ like him before. Those people usually looked unhappy and hopeless.But this man was _ in some way. He was not sitting down _ but dancing happily to the music with a _ in his hand. The radio seemed to be the most important thing for him.“Mom, why does that man have a radio _ hes homeless?” I asked.“He _ it,” she answered.“_ why doesnt he use the money to buy food or clothes? He paid for something that he didnt need.”“Well, Sarah, sometimes food and clothes arent the most important.”That man must care more about _ than food or clothes. I soon realized that _ is the key to life.Since then I am always _ what is truly important in life. A home, a meal, clothesthese things are _ part of the life. What we often forget is that we all need a joy, a light in a_ day. We all need a passion which gives a person the happiness to keep going.16 . AstrangeBimportantCdangerousDdifficult17 . AstoodBstoppedCwalkedDexercised18 . AinBonCbyDfor19 . AnoneBfewCallDmany20 . ArudeBpoliteCcommonDdifferent21 . AsadlyBseriouslyCproudlyDhappily22 . AcoatBphoneCradioDscarf23 . AifBwhenCbecauseDalthough24 . AmadeBpickedCfoundDbought25 . ASoBOrCButDAnd26 . AlifeBmusicCnewsDstories27 . AmoneyBhealthChappinessDfriendship28 . Atalking aboutBthinking aboutCwaiting forDlooking for29 . AonlyBallCalsoDnever30 . AwarmBhotCdarkDbright三、阅读单选Sunny English ClubOcean MuseumHealth CentreFor students9:00-17:009:00-17:3016:00-18:00 every SaturdayForm Thursday to Sunday16 Yong Le Street200 Yuan a monthTicket:50YuanTel:38014519 Zhou Yu Street132 Xue Yuan StreetFree examinations for those overTel:3785290Tel:543987170Foreign teachers, English songsand film and more!Show you a full picture of sea livesGive you good advice to keep healthy31 . Sunny English Club is for _AnursesBpolicemenCbusinessmenDstudents32 . One can get free examinations in Health Centre if he is _.A9B17C67D7333 . If you are interested in the life offish, you should go to _.AHealth CentreBOcean MuseumCSunny English ClubD16 Yong Le StreetStress is everywhere in our everyday life. Not only men have it, but also women and young people.The most important reasons of stress are:death, diseases, exams, making money, getting married, moving houses, changing jobs, ending friendships and so on .How do you know whether you have stress? Could you give your answers to the following questions?YesNoDo you easily get angry?Do you often sleep badly?Do you get headaches a lot?Do you take sleeping pills?Do you find it difficult to relax?Do you usually hide your feelings?Do you smoke and drink a lot to keep quiet?Do you find it difficult to put your heart into something?If you answer “Yes” to more than two of these questions, you are one of those people with stress. So what can you do about it?Doing relaxing exercises, talking with friends and listening to light music are all usual ways of relieving(减轻) stress. However, doctors now say that there are easier wayspeople should laugh and smile more often. When you laugh and smile, your body relaxes. They also say that people, especially men, should cry more often, because crying is the natural way of relieving stress.34 . Who has got stress in everyday life?AMen and women. B.Young people.BOnly menCBoth A and B.35 . If you have overproblems listed in the table, you are the person with stress.AtwoBthreeCfourDeight36 . Which of the followings is NOT the reason for stress?ATaking exams.BTaking sleeping pills.CMaking money.Dgetting married.37 . Whats the easier way to relax your body?ATalking with friends.BDoing relaxing exercises.CLaughing, smiling and crying.Dlistening to light music根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Mrs. Greens telephone number was three-four-six-three, and the number of the cinema near her house was three-four-six-four. So people often made a mistake and telephoned her when they wanted the cinema.One evening the telephone rang and Mrs. Green answered it. A tired man said, “At what time your last film begin?”“Im sorry,” said Mrs. Green, “but you have the wrong number. This is not the cinema.” “Oh. It began twenty minutes ago,” said the man, “I am sorry about that. Goodbye.” Mrs. Green was very surprised, so she told her husband. He laughed and said, “The mans wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so telephoned the cinema. The mans wife heard him, but she didnt hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening and the husband will be happy.”38 . Mrs. Greens telephone number was _.A3634B3463C4636D346439 . People often made a mistake and telephoned her when they wanted _.Ato sleepBthe shopCthe cinemaDthe visit40 . When Mrs. Green answered the phone, who didnt hear her ?.AMr. GreenBThe manCThe mans wife.DAnybody.41 . Why was Mrs. Green very surprised after she answered the telephone? Because.Athe man rang a wrong numberBthe man said sorry to herCthe man didnt answer her and said another thingDthe mans voice was very slow42 . what will the man most probably do after the telephone?Astay at home.Bgo to the cinema.Cgo to Mr. Greens.Dgo to work.阅读理解。We all want to protect our planet, but were mostly too busy or too lazy to put up big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment.Here are some tips you can take to improve our environment.Use compact fluorescent light bulbs(节能灯). It is true that these bulbs are more expensive, but they last much longer and they can save energy and in the long term your electricity bill would be reduced.Donate. You have lots of clothes or things you want to throw away. If they are still usable, give them to someone who needs them. You may also choose to give them to associations(协会).Turn off your devices. When you do not use a house device, turn it off. For example, if you dont watch TV, turn it off. Turn off the light when you leave a room. Its an easy habit to take up which will help you save a lot of money.Walk or cycle. Driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution. If you want to use your car, ask yourself the following question: do I really need my car? Walk or use your bike if the journey is a short one.43 . What does the author think of compact fluorescent light bulbs?AThey are too expensive for many families.BThey can save energy but they cant last long.CThey are expensive but they are brighter than the usual lights.DThey are expensive, though, in fact, they are cheaper than the usual lights.44 . If you dont like some of your clothes because of their style, what should you do with them?AThrow them away.BKeep them in the closet.CGive them to someone who may need them.DClean the floor with them.45 . In the fifth paragraph, the writer mainly wants to tell us .Ato save electric energyBnot to destroy some devicesCthat some devices cant last longDto take good care of our devices46 . In which part does the writer tell us to reduce pollution?AUse compact fluorescent light bulbs.BDonate.CTurn off your devices.DWalk or cycle.47 . Whats the best title for this passage?AHow to Save MoneyBFour Ways to Protect the EnvironmentCWe Are too Busy to Change the EnvironmentDWhat Makes the Biggest Pollution?四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词48 . I think Confucius is more a _(思想家)than a writer.49 . Our teacher asked us to write a review for the _(讨论)50 . People not only in China but also from many other countries are still _ (影响)by Confuciuss thoughts.51 . Do you _(推测)that he will be back?52 . My father is a _ (明智的)man.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空词形填空53 . Enjoy _ (you) at the party, my boys!54 . There isnt _ (someone) in school on weekends.55 . Tom _ (feed) some chickens on the farm yesterday.56 . There arent any _ (different) between the twins.57 . Do you find anything _ (enjoy)?58 . We shouldnt eat _ (health) food every day.59 . Mr. Green goes to America _ (two) a year.60 . There are few people in the dining hall, so we can have dinner _ (quiet).61 . I think August is _ (hot) than the other months in a year.62 . I expect him _ (come) back early tomorrow.六、填空Nowadays, camping has been popular among young people. Its a great way to be outside and enjoy the nature. Whether you 63 . (更喜欢) to be in the woods, mountains, or by the river, you are sure to have a wonderful experience when you go camping. Here is some advice 64 . (为了) camping.Fire may be 65 . (危险的) , so just use fire out when you must.Make sure to put the fire out when you dont use it.When you are talking, keep your 66 . (说话声) down. If you talk loudly, you may disturb (打扰) other people and you will 67 . (也) miss the chance to see wild animals outside.It is necessary to put up your tent only in safe areas. If you put up your tent in other areas, you may get into trouble. Remember to do it for your 68 . (安全).Dont forget to take your camera so that you wont miss the wonderful natural wonders. Later, youll understand 69 . (多么) nice they are. Make sure your camera has enough power.People often get 70 . (丢失)in the forest . Its a good way to take a map that 71 . (帮助) you to get the right 72 . (方向). Now, people usually take GPS with them. Maps and GPS can help you find the way easily.七、汉译英:单词/短语词组归纳73 . 其他的事物_74 . 收集许多东西_75 . 丑陋的狗_76 . 坏天气_77 . 开始时很容易_78 . 决定(不)做某事_79 . 裁剪_80 . 忙于做某事_81 . 很少的东西_82 . 做某事是很有意思的_83 . 与某人分享某物_84 . 做完某事_八、话题作文85 . 书面表达根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上。假如你是李华,现就读于一所国际学校。你校将举行“学习传统文化,促进文化交流”的主题活动,请选择你喜欢的一个传说故事或一种传统工艺品,用英语写一篇短文,分享中国传统文化。内容包括:你的选择及喜欢的原因(至少两个原因);相关的传说或历史;3.呼吁大家一起学习和保护传统文化。作文要求:1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称、老师和同学的真实姓名。2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。开头已经给出,不计入总词数。As an ancient nation, China has at least 5000-year history, and, at the same time, Chinese people have left lots of traditional and worthy cultures and arts to us. _第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:单词/短语1、八、话题作文1、


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