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太原市2020年(春秋版)中考一模英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Isnt the monkey smart? - _ .AYes,it isnt.BNo,it is.CYes,it is.DNo,it doesnt.2 . Would you mind working in the countryside?_. I will be glad to work there.AOf course notBIm afraid soCI dont think soDYoud better not3 . -_?- Its brown.AWhats thisBHow are youCSpell it , pleaseDWhat color is it4 . Which color do you like _, blue or green? Blue.AgoodBbetterCbestDthe best5 . Would you mind my using your computer?_AYes. Here you are.BNo, you cant.CNo, not at all.DYoure welcome.6 . Could you please tell me how to make _ invitation?AaBanCtheD/7 . Why are you so excited, Henry?Havent you heard the news? The 2022 Winter Olympic Games _ in China.Ais heldBwas heldCwill be heldDhas been held8 . Guess the meaning of the word in bold(加粗的) in the sentence of “I have few close friends,but many acquaintances at school that I like to talk to”Aa kind of musicBpersons slightly knownCa kind of objectDvery bad9 . My parents often tell me _ too much junk food because its bad for my health.Adont eatBnot to eatCeatDto eat10 . Is that _ ruler?AsheBherChers11 . The doctor looks tired and sleepy _ he stayed up late to look after his patients yesterday.AbecauseBifCunless12 . I have to go now. Please remember to _ the lights when you leave.Aturn offBturn downCturn on13 . _ a sports game in the playground next week?Yes, there will.AWill there haveBWill beCWill there beDWill be14 . They can see the words on the blackboard clearly, so they_ wear glasses.Anot need toBdont needCdont need toDneed not to15 . The job isnt challenging enough for me. I want something more _.AcreativeBpracticalCcomfortableDpleasant二、补全对话7选5根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A:Hello,Betty.Theexaminationisover.Whatareyougoingtodotomorrow?B:Imnotsure.16 . ?A:Iwanttogo to theScienceMuseum.B:Whydoyouwanttogothere?A: 17 . .B:Thatsoundsinteresting.A:18 . ?B:Yes,Idloveto.A:Great!Imsurewellhaveagreattime.B:19 . ?Iwanttotakesomephotos.A:Imafraidyoucant.Wearenotallowedtotakephotosinsidethemuseum.B:Gotit.Oh,20 . ?A:Atthegateofthemuseum.Besuretogettherebefore9oclock.B:OK.Seeyouthen.AWhen shall we meet?BWhat about you?CCan I take a camera?DBecause I want to learn more about science.EWhere shall we meet?FMay I bring some photos?GWould you like to go with me?三、完型填空Today, I was sitting on a bench(长椅) at a subway station, eating candies. A woman came and sat next to me. She looked very_I said hello to her and_her some of my candies. She_politely because she had just eaten something and she was_. But the ice was broken and we_for about half an hour. She told me some_things in her life. I understood her. But I tried to_her to notice the good sides. And then she promised that she would often smile and feel hopeful about_When we said goodbye, she was a_person-Her tiredness seemed to be gone. She left with a_, thanking me for talking with her.A few minutes later, I saw a blind man coming. He walked_with a stick in his right hand. I went to him and asked-if I could help him and he agreed._I walked on his left side so that he could catch my arm. We walked into the train and talked all the way to his_He gave me his name card before getting off the train, and I promised to_him. I will and maybe we will meet and walk in the park one day.Today I brought smiles and an enjoyable_to two people and for sure they also made my day brighter.21 . AexcitedBrelaxedChappyDtired22 . AboughtBofferedCleftDlent23 . ArefusedBreceivedCagreedDanswered24 . AhungryBluckyCfullDhealthy25 . AtalkedBwaitedCdiscussedDsat26 . AgoodBunhappyCstrangeDgreat27 . AallowBexpectChelpDmake28 . AlifeBworkCfamilyDtrain29 . AbadBcuteCdifferentDdifficult30 . AticketBcardCgiftDsmile31 . AquicklyBslowlyCquietlyDsuddenly32 . AButBOrCAlsoDSo33 . AclassroomBhouseCofficeDstation34 . AcallBthankCforgetDteach35 . AstoryBtimeCmeetingDparty四、阅读单选You Can Make a Windsock(风筒)Have you ever seen a windsock blowing in the wind? Well, you can make one of your own! This is a fun project that you can do with things you may have. You just need to follow a few easy steps.You will need: one piece of heavy colored paper five ribbons strong tape a string a pencilWhat to do:Step 1: Draw pictures on the paper. You can write your name on it. Do anything that will make it special to you.Step 2: Make the paper into the shape of a tube. Hold one of the shorter edges(边缘) over the other. Then make them together with the tape at each end and in the middle.Step 3: Use a pencil to make a hole into both sides of the tube. The holes should be only on one end of the tube. Pull the string through both holes. Then tie the ends of the string together.Step 4: Now make five holes around the top of the other end of the tube. Put a ribbon through each of the holes. Tie a knot in the ends. Make sure the knots are bigger than the holes.Now your windsock is ready to use, but how does it work? The shape of the tube plays an important part. Wind blows through the tube and makes it fly and dance around. Hold the windsock up in the air by its string and run around. It will fly behind you. You can also hang it outside and watch it dance around on its own!36 . You draw pictures on the paper to make the windsock _.AfunBheavyCstrongDspecial37 . Which of these things do you need for Step 2?ATape.BRibbons.CA pencil.DA string.38 . What do you do after you put ribbons through the holes in the tube?AMake holes in the tube.BTape the tube together.CTie knots in the ribbons.DPut a string through the hole.39 . What is the main purpose of this article?ATo tell an interesting story.BTo explain how to do something.CTo teach an important lesson.DTo show what a windsock is like.Hi, my name is Li Xin and I live in Shanghai now. But I was born in a small village and studied in the primary school there. There were many children in the village and we were at the same school. Li Ting was my good friend and we often did our homework together. There was a small river near our village. We often played there in summer. In winter we didn t go there often. Now Li Ting lives in Nanjing with her parents. We often send emails to each other.Hello, I m Martin and I live in a big town with my family. When I was eight years old, we were in a small village. There was lots of grass there. Children in the village liked to play games on the grass. And our dogs were always with us, My sister Lucy was good at drawing. So some of us were always in her pictures. Now there is a picture on the wall in my room. In it, I m running after a mouse on the grass.40 . Where does Li Ting live?AIn Shanghai.BIn Nanjing.CIn a small village.DIn a big town.41 . What did Li Xin and Li Ting often do together?AThey often walked to school together.BThey often played near the river together.CThey often played on the grass together.DThey often did their homework together.42 . How do Li Xin and Li Ting often communicate(交流)with each other?ABy phone.BBy postcard.CBy email.DBy letter.43 . What was Lucy good at?ARunning.BDancing.CSinging.DDrawing.44 . 下列哪项陈述是正确的?ALi Xin is in Shanghai.BLi Xin is Li Ting s sister.CMartin seldom played on the grass.DMartin is running after a dog in the picture.The sound of the rain hitting the windows wakes me up and it sounds just exactly as it did 15 years ago, which made me think of my girlhood.It was my second day of school and it was raining heavily. I couldnt get away from the habit I had at home, so I fell asleep right at my desk. I woke up to find myself not in the classroom but carried on Dads back. We were halfway home. It was the last time I felt close to him.After that, he never carried me or hugged (拥抱) me as other fathers did to their children. I was not troubled by this thought. I was proud of it, for I felt independent (独立的) and grown up. However, there were times when I felt sad for not having got comfort from him,One day, I was writing Chinese characters as my homework. I hated doing this more than anything. Dad came and stood behind me for a moment, watching me scrawling (潦草地写) on the paper. Then he said, This kind of writing needs patience. Your writing is not strong enough. Press harder. I followed his advice for the next two weeks, but as: I could see little improvement (改进), I followed my own method-the fast way. His advice didnt improve my writing but our relationship. As I grew older, I found out that he had finished his schooling in Grade 6, which was the highest grade in town then, so he was considered to be a scholar (学者). People used to ask him to write something to put on the walls, but he never felt very useful.He often said to me, As you can see, this family is going to count on you. We are useless to improve anything for your future. You have to get an education to change the life for yourself. As a result of his expectations, I have made it through high school and college.45 . Where did the writer fall asleep?AAt home.BAt school.COn Dads back.DIn Dads arms.46 . Why did the writer feel sad sometimes?AHer father didnt care much for her.BShe didnt get comfort from her father.CHer father seldom carried or hugged her.DShe was troubled by her fathers thought.47 . Which is the right order of the following things according to Paragraphs 4-5?a. Dad stood behind me.b. I wrote Chinese characters.c. I followed my own method again.d. I pressed harder when writing Chinese characters.Aa-d-c-bBa-c-d-bCb-a-d-cDb-c-a-d48 . How did her father feel after writing something for the people around?AUseless.BComfortable.CProud.DShameful.49 . What is the writers purpose in writing this passage?ATo tell her understanding of real life.BTo keep her fathers way of education.CTo ask people to follow their fathers suggestions.DTo show what matters to her personal development.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写50 . Letmehavealookatyour _(护照).51 . Hecouldnotcomeupwitha _(合适的) answer.52 . Sheisagood _(听者) atclass.53 . Youshouldbecarefulwhenmakinga _(承诺).54 . Weshouldlearntomakeeye _(交流).六、用单词的正确形式完成短文选词填空,注意所填词的正确形式。they is in whos boy Alice his an too sisterHere55 . a photo of my family. I am a girl. My name is56 . . Im57 . China. Im a student(学生) in No.3 Middle School. This is my father.58 . name is Dale Brown. He is59 . English teacher in our school. And this is my mother. She is a teacher,60 . . Those two61 . are my brothers Bob and Frank.62 . this girl? She is my63 . , Jenny. My grandparents arent in the picture.64 . are in Beijing.七、多任务混合问题阅读短文,并按要求完成文后各题。(1)Having a good breakfast is important for you. You can easily understand it. By breakfast time you have not eaten anything for about twelve hours. (2)Your body needs food for morning activities. One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit.(3)On a cold morning a cup of hot drink is necessary. A good breakfast helps you smile more easily. It helps you to be friendlier and also to work better and play more happily. Your whole day will be more fun after you enjoy a good breakfast.65 . 将(1)处画线句子换一种说法,使其意思不变。Its important for you to _.66 . 对(2)句中画线的单词“food”进行提问。_67 . What is a good breakfast?_68 . What are the advantages(益处)of a good breakfast?(请举出至少两个益处)_69 . 将(3)处画线句子翻译成汉语。_八、材料作文70 . 根据短文内容回答问题,并将答案写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。某校正在开展走进新时代,争当合格中学生的演讲比赛,请以We act,we improve为主题,写一篇演讲稿,谈谈中学生除了学习课本知识之外,还应该做些什么?演讲稿应包括以下内容:(1)学会自立,诚实友善,举止文明;(2)培养习惯,发展兴趣,不断创新;(3)关心他人,和谐相处,懂得感恩;(4)要求:(1)要点齐全,并适当发挥;(2)文中不得出现真实的姓名与校名;(3)卷面整洁,书写美观,可适当加 23 分;(4)词数:90 词左右开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。Ladies and gentlemen,We have entered a new areaAs students,_九、其他语音找出下列划线部分读音与众不同的选项。71 . AplaneBhatCdadDmap72 . AdeskBpencilCwellDshe73 . A underBcupCblueD uncle74 . AdogBnotebookCthoseDno75 . AfineBniceChisDfind76 . AgoodBlookCbookDroom77 . AthankB theseCthoseDfather78 . AwhiteBwhatCwhereDwho79 . AyesB yellowCyouDfamily80 . AniceBCindyC colorDgrace第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、多任务混合问题1、八、材料作文1、九、其他1、


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