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北师大版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 一Does your father play sports?一No, he only watches_ TV.Athem inBthem onCthey onDthey in2 . Our science class is _ Monday _ Wednesday.Afrom; toBat; toCfrom; forDin; about3 . -Its said the population of India has almost reached 1.3 billion this year.-Sounds terrible! So _! The government must take measures to control it.AmanyBmuchClargeDsmall4 . Jimmy likes playing football very much. His uncle bought him _ football last year.Aa, theB/, aCa, aDthe, /5 . Lily _ history very much but I like art _.Alike,favoriteBlikes,bestClike,mostDlikes,much6 . -Is this phone _?-No, its_ .Ahers, myBhim, mineCher, myDhis, mine7 . Thanks to the _English course , I can live in the USA easily.Atwo-monthsBone monthsCone monthsDtwo months8 . These jeans are too small. Please bring me a bigger _.AoneBpairCjeansDones9 . _ your sister _ playing the piano these days?AIs, practiseBDoes, practisesCIs, practisingDDoes, practised10 . -_ will your parents come back to Shanghai?-Maybe in a month.AHow farBHow manyCHow soonDHow often11 . Do you like _?Yes. I like them very much.AchickenBriceCapplesDice-cream12 . 一Jack,the shirt looks very good on you.一_. I like it very much.AYou are welcome.BDont say that.CThank you.DI dont think so.13 . Its a fine day. Lets go _ in the sun.AhikingBhomeCshoppingDbasketball14 . Every year, we have our school art festival _ the end of December.AatBbyCinDon15 . We decide _ some shopping this weekend.AdidBdoCdoingDto do二、补全对话7选5请根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余项。A: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. Mothers Day is coming. 16 . A: I think you can take some carnations (康乃馨) for her. They stand for happiness, sweetness and love.B: Thats great. 17 . A: Of course. Come with me, please. 18 . B: Pink.A: What about these ones?B: Wow, they are so beautiful. 19 . A: 45 yuan.B: OK. 20 . A: Heres a card for your mother. Best wishes to her!B: Thank you very much.AIll take them.BHow much are they?CTheyre too expensive.DBut her favorite color is red.EWhat color does your mother like?FCan you show me some carnations?GIm looking for some flowers for my mother.三、完型填空For Pineda, it was a long way to succeed. His story began in El Salvador; where he was born with something wrong with his mouth. He had great_in speaking. At age 2, his familys house burned down. Pineda was hurt _,and his legs needed to be cut. His mother died when he was 8, and he_years on the streets before he was taken in by an orphanage(孤儿院). Finally, at the orphanage, Pineda began to receive support and encouragement. He taught himself to play the guitar. He began his_with other musicians. Then the group went to Chicago, where Pineda, then 18,_the attention of many people, who wondered what they could do to help him. A hospital offered him free medical care. A rich man agreed to_for Pinedas tickets to and from El Salvador. When he was in the hospital, Pineda began_music, and wondered if he might be able to record his own album(音乐专辑)Soon with the help of a musician, “The Sound of Gratitude(感激)” was born. On October 15th, Pineda went to a Chicago club to_his new songs to strangers, and to the friends who had helped him come so far.It was _that Pineda had come into such a good luck, after having so many years of hardship(艰难). “We have a_in El Salvador, Suffer(受难)first, then enjoy. I guess thats whats happening. ” he said.21 . ApreparationBdifficultyCdevelopmentDconversation22 . ApolitelyBwiselyCsimplyDseriously23 . AspentBusedCcostDtook24 . AspeechBeducationCperformanceDsuggestion25 . AinfluencedBcaughtCrefused.Dseparated26 . AaskBlookCpayDwait27 . AwritingBlendingCsellingDpraising28 . AlearnBleadCfindDplay29 . AfreezingBamazingCoutgoingDembarrassing30 . AmeetingBcrossingCsayingDmeaningJanuary l is New Years Day. People usually give parties to celebrate_The Spring Festival comes_It is the most important holiday in_Before the Spring Festival, people_their houses and do a lot of shopping. On the_of the festival family members meet for a big_After_they watch TV until midnight. They enjoy_and eating._, people cheer to welcome the New Year and wish other good_Teachers Day is_September 10. Students give cards or_to their teachers to express their thanks. The Mid-autumn Festival comes in September or October. People get_for a family dinner and then eat moon-cakes and watch the full,_moon. May 1 is Labor Day, and October 1 is our National Day. We_have a get-together to celebrate them in public places.31 . AitBoneCtheyDthem32 . AnextBfirstCsecondDlast33 . ACanadaBChinaCAustraliaDFrance34 . AcleanBbuildCsellDdraw35 . AmorningBnoonCafternoonDeve36 . AlunchBdinnerCtimeDbreakfast37 . AschoolBworkCdinnerDpicnic38 . Ato talkBtalkCtalksDtalking39 . AAt nineBAt tenCAt elevenDAt twelve40 . AlookBbookCluckDcook41 . AatBbyCinDon42 . AdrinksBflowersCmusicDe-mail43 . AoffBupConDtogether44 . AoldBtallCroundDdark45 . AusuallyBneverCsometimesDalready四、阅读单选Jack Smith was an important man, so he was often asked to speak at meetings. He loved giving talks at meetings, for he loved his own(自己的)voice. I just want to say a few words, he always began. Then he said a thousand(千)or more words. No one liked listening to him. Then one day he began his talk with the words, I just want to say a few words, and then he gave a short talk. He spoke for about three minutes and then sat down. After the meeting a friend said, That was a very short talk you gave. Why didnt you give a long one?The last time I spoke, Jack said, I heard two men whisper(窃窃私语)to each other at the meeting. One man said, What comes after this talk? and the other man answered, Tomorrow.”46 . Why did people often ask Jack Smith to give a talk?AHe was free.BHe was funny.CHe was rich.DHe was important.47 . What did Jack Smith like to do at the meetings?AGiving long talks.BSaying a few words.CListening to others.DWhispering to each other.48 . Why did Mr. Smith give a short talk one day?AHe thought he was important.BHe cared and loved his own voice.CHe was tired and sat down.DHe knew people didnt like long talks.49 . Why did the man say tomorrow?AHe forgot the day.BHe was too busy.CThe talk was too long.DMr. Smith spoke the next day.I am the captain of a ship from the Singapore Marine Police Force(新加坡海岸警备队). I have been with the Marine Force for eight years, though I was twenty-seven now. I loved the sea because of the cool sea winds, the fresh smell of the sea and the beautiful scenery. I also wanted to catch criminals(罪犯) and so I joined the Marine Police Force and do what I love.Recently, I was out on a boat with a few of my friends. We were not working but the Marine Police Force allowed us to use the sailboat for rest and amusement. We went fishing. We were on our way back when I found a ship with the name PSS Pollu. It was pouring oil into the sea. I was shocked. I picked up a loud speaker and shouted, Stop your pollution at once and follow us back to shore! But PSS Pollu decided to flee. We tried to catch them but their ship was too fast for us. We called the Marine Force base and asked for help. Two fast marine boats were sent and soon caught up with PSS Pollu and surrounded it. The ship had no choice but to give up. Six marine policemen searched PSS Pollu and discovered that it was carrying smuggled cigarettes(走私香烟). The men of PSS Pollu were charged in court. I was rewarded for the matter while off duty.50 . The captain waswhen he became a member of the Singapore Marine Police Force?AeightBtwenty-sevenCseventeenDnineteen51 . The captain love the sea because he.Aliked going fishingBloved the fresh smell of the seaCliked to catch the sea animalsDloved going boating52 . The captain was out on a boat with some friends for.AworkingBstopping criminalsCswimmingDresting53 . Why did the captain call the Marine Force for help?ABecause the PSS Pollu want to flee.BBecause the men of PSS Pollu fight about them.CBecause his boat was too slow.DBecause he couldnt pull the PSS Pollu back to the shore.54 . Whats the best title of this passage?AA Special Day offBFound Smuggled CigaretteCI Was AwardDNot Pollute the SeaTeachers help us become good students and people. So we should(应该) thank them for their hard work. In China, we have a special day - September 10th. On that day, we say thanks to our teachers and sometimes give them small gifts. But how do US students thank their teachers?First of all, US schools have a whole week in May to appreciate their teachers! Teacher Appreciation Day is on Tuesday of that week. They have parties with gifts and snacks that week. There are also signs(宣传报) everywhere to show their love for teachers.US students like to give small gifts to their teachers, and the teachers love getting thank-you notes from their students. Teachers also like getting arts and crafts from students.Should we say thanks to our teachers only on these specials days? No. We should thank our teachers all year round. Always show your love for your teachers. It helps them do a good job.55 . In America, Teacher Appreciation Day is _.Ain SeptemberBin MarchCin the fifth month of the yearDin the seventh month of the year56 . US students DONT _ to appreciate teachers.Ahave partiesBhave meetingsCgive giftsDput up(张贴) signs57 . Teachers like getting _ from students.Aonly thank-you notesBexpensive giftsCthank-you notes, arts and craftsDcards58 . The writer thinks _.Awe should thank teachers all the timeBteachers should appreciate studentsCshowing thanks to their teacher cant help them do a good jobDstudents should give more gifts to their teachers59 . The best title(标题) of the article can be _.ATeachers in the USBTeachers in ChinaCSchools in the USDGive Thanks to TeachersSydney TowerAddress: 100 Market St. SydneyPhone: 02 9333 9222Fax: 02 9333 9208Open time: 9:00 am to 10:30 pm (Saturdays to 11:30 pm)Ticket: $60 (for an adult)$30 (for a child)Website: www.sydneytower.com.auHow to get there: train to Town Hall Station and a short walk along Market StreetHow to book tickets: by phone/ fax or through the webAttraction: Sydneys best views are just beginning! Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 360views of our beautiful city.Sydney TowerAddress: 100 Market St. SydneyPhone: 02 9333 9222Fax: 02 9333 9208Open time: 9:00 am to 10:30 pm (Saturdays to 11:30 pm)Ticket: $60 (for an adult)$30 (for a child)Website: www.sydneytower.com.auHow to get there: train to Town Hall Station and a short walk along Market StreetHow to book tickets: by phone/ fax or through the webAttraction: Sydneys best views are just beginning! Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 360views of our beautiful city.60 . Sydney Tower is _ in Sydney, Australia.Athe busiest streetBthe biggest stationCthe most beautiful parkDthe highest point61 . Sydney Tower opens at _.A8:00 amB9:00 amC10:30 pmD11:30 pm62 . If an adult with two children goes to visit Sydney Tower, he has to pay _.A$60B$90C$120D$150五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写根据下列句子中所给单词的首字母提示写出所缺的单词,在填写答题卷时,要求写出完整单调(毎空只写一词)63 . Our class was very excited when we won the first p_in the sports meeting64 . This new electric car can run at a s_of 150 kilometers an hour65 . The students on the educational exchange have learnt a lot about Chinese c_66 . It is impolite to e_others room without knocking at the door67 . Eating healthy food can help to i_your memory六、回答问题(题文)My name is Janet. Im in London. Here are my new friends Li Ying and Riley. Li Ying is from China and Riley is from the USA. We are in the same class.Every morning,we take the school bus(校车)at 7:20. After ten minutes(分钟),we get to school. And our class starts at 8:20. At 11:50, class finishes. At noon, we have seventy minutes to have lunch. Then we start the class. At about 3:10 in the afternoon, the school day is over. For Li Ying and Riley, they dont get used to(习惯)the school life here. But they have their favorite subjects.For Li Ying, her favorite subject is science, because our science teacher Mr. Johnson is a funny man. He can always make his class easy so that we can learn it easily. And science is my favorite subject, too. Rileys favorite subject is geography. For her. its a useful subject.根据短文内容,回答问题。68 . (小题1)Where is Li Ying from?_69 . (小题2)How do they get to school?_70 . (小题3)How long do they have classes in the morning? _71 . (小题4)When do they start the first class in the afternoon? _72 . (小题5)What is the third paragraph mainly about? _七、材料作文73 . 假设你是Tom,请根据表格中的信息, 用现在进行时描述你的三位朋友,不少于60字。Name Doing WhereJack Writing stories at homeLinda singing and dancing in the music roomDaming making model planes at school Hello,everyone! My names Tom.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、2、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、回答问题1、七、材料作文1、


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