冀教版中考英语专题复习——形容词 卷一(真题)D卷

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冀教版中考英语专题复习——形容词 卷一(真题)D卷_第1页
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冀教版中考英语专题复习形容词 卷一(真题)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 单选题 (共25题;共50分)1. (2分) (2019八下柳州期末) Without friends, people always feel . A . aloneB . lonelyC . happy2. (2分) (2019九下茂名月考) I am thirsty. Could you let me have _ coke? A . littleB . anyC . someD . other3. (2分) Be _. The ice is thin. You must skate _. A . care; carefullyB . careful; carefullyC . carefully; carefullyD . careful; careful4. (2分) The ticket is_ for a student to afford. A . cheap enough toB . enough cheapC . cheap enoughD . enough easy to5. (2分) In the words unhappy and unusual, the un means . A . veryB . mostC . not6. (2分) When one walks in a forest alone at night, he may be_ because there are many_ animals around them. A . dangerous; in dangerB . dangerous; dangerousC . in danger; dangerousD . in danger; in danger;7. (2分) (2019闵行模拟) The cake my mother made tasted so _ that we ate it up in no time. A . wonderfullyB . terribleC . nicelyD . delicious8. (2分) There is _ in the newspaper. So you do not have to read it. A . something interestingB . anything interestingC . nothing interestingD . interesting nothing9. (2分) (2019邵阳) Shaoyang has changed a lot in the past few years. Yes. It is getting_. A . cleanB . cleanerC . cleanest10. (2分) (2019八上温州开学考) The roads in the city are much _than before. A . wideB . widestC . widerD . the widest11. (2分) (2017九上雅安月考) Now Amy has to get up ten minutes _ in the morning to catch the first bus. A . earlierB . laterC . slowerD . quicker12. (2分) Is that girl Linda? No, thats Mary. Linda is than Mary.A . fatB . more fatC . very fatD . fatter13. (2分) (2019山东模拟) Nowadays square dance has become one of exercises for the Chinese grandmas. A . popularB . more popularC . most popularD . the most popular14. (2分) (2019武威模拟) The boss is so _ that almost no one dares to play jokes on him. A . friendlyB . carefulC . popularD . serious15. (2分) (2019九上长春月考) The _ he is, the_ he feels. A . busily, happilyB . busy, happyC . busier, happierD . more busy, more happy16. (2分) (2019苍南模拟) I really like to watch the TV program I AM A SINGER. Me, too. Its one of the _ TV programs Ive ever seen.A . least boringB . least interestingC . most boringD . most interesting17. (2分) Now farmers are becoming in our hometown. A . more and more richerB . richer and richerC . more rich and more richD . rich and rich18. (2分) Michael, the weather isnt good enough for a picnic, is it? Not in the least. We cant have at this time of the year.A . such a bad dayB . so fine a dayC . a worse dayD . a nicer day19. (2分) (2019江西模拟) What do you think of my plan of going to Hainan this winter? I quite agree. It could be _.A . goodB . betterC . badD . worse20. (2分) Taking buses in Beijing is _than _ a bus here. A . more cheap; takingB . much cheaper; takingC . a little cheap; to take21. (2分) Who will you ask to help with the work, Lucy or Lily? Lily. She is much _.A . carefulB . more carefulC . most carefulD . carefully22. (2分) (2018八上蓬溪期中) What do you think of Tara? She is _than Isabel.A . much popularB . popularC . much more popularD . more much popular23. (2分) A pig is _ than a dog. A . much heavyB . more heavierC . much heavierD . more heavy24. (2分) We will have a _ holiday after the exam.A . two monthB . two-monthC . twomonthsD . two months25. (2分) If overweight people eat less and take more exercise, theyll soon feel much _.A . fatterB . olderC . biggerD . healthier第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共25题;共50分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、


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