
Unit 1。Section A 2 Grammar Focus-3c。_______________ 2. — 你们会说英语吗。


1、Unit 1,Unit 1,Can you play the guitar?,Section A 2 Grammar Focus-3c,Grammar focus,cant = can not, 你会游泳吗? _______________ 不,我不会。 _______________ 2. 你们会说英语吗? ______________________ 是的,会。 ______________________,一、 阅读 Grammar Focus 部分, 完成下列句子。,No, I cant.,Can you swim?,Can you speak English?,Yes, we can., 她会下棋吗? _________________ 不会。 _________________ 贝尔和简会跳舞吗? _______________________ 是的,会。 _________________ 你会做什么事情?_______________。

2、Unit4Lesson2 English maths science PE music art computer Chinese drawpictures playfootball skip dance playthepiano playtheerhu sing watchthefilms WhatsubjectsdoesLucyhave Shehasscience maths art readi。

3、Unit3 Unit3Howdoyougettoschool SectionB11a 2c rideabike gobybike takethebus gobybus takethetrain gobytrain takethecar gobycar Howdoyougettoschool takethesubway gobysubway walk goonfoot taketheplane go。

4、unit3Atschool Touchandsay Touchandsay chair Touchandsay Touchandsay Game Listenanddo 听口令 做一做 Let sfind Game Game Let sguess abag achair apencil abook Tobeatidyboy girl putawayyourschoolthings Emotiona。

5、Unit4Lesson1 Lucyisinanewschool Whatsubjectsdoyouhavethismorning 一Warmingup What syourfavouritesubject WhatsubjectsdoesLucyhave Shehas and Whatdoesshedoafterschool Sheoften Sometimesshe Pairwork What。

6、3 Placesandactivities Goingtoschool Module2 Unit6 PiggyBank Aboutyou Lookandlearn Lookandread Look askandanswer Readandanswer Readandanswer Joe sjourneytoschool Igotothenearestundergroundstationonfoot。

7、unit1,My school,A teachers office,A classroom,A hall,A library,A music room,An art room,A gym,A playground,A playground,A gym,An art room,A music room,A library,A hall,A classroom,A teachers office。

8、JT Unit 1 Lets go to school! Lesson 5,D,A,C,E,B,b,c,e,d,a,Exercise 练习,一、把相应的大、小写字母连起线来。,二、写出横线上所缺字母,注意大小写!,a c,C E,b,D,Exercise 练习,三、翻译下列单词、词组和句子。,3. a Chinese book,4. an English book,2. storybo。

9、Unit 3 How do you get to school ? Introdu ce “How do you go to school ?” “Do you walk or ride a bike ?” Words between bitwi:n 介词,意为“介于 之间”,常不 and连用,连接两个并列的成分。 eg: There is a very big river between。

10、Unit 5 Our School 我们的学校 garden 花园 playground 操场 library 图书馆 teachers office 教师办公室 school gate 学校大门 toilet 洗手间 school ga。

11、How are youHow old are youAsk and answerWhat can you doWhat do you likeWhat can you seeWhat do you haveWhats this thatWh。

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