七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Unit 3 How do you get to school课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Unit 3 How do you get to school课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 3 Unit 3 How do you get to school课件2 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit3 Unit3Howdoyougettoschool SectionB11a 2c rideabike gobybike takethebus gobybus takethetrain gobytrain takethecar gobycar Howdoyougettoschool takethesubway gobysubway walk goonfoot taketheplane gobyplane busstop busstation Doyouknowtheseplaces subwaystation trainstation Matchthewordswiththepicture 1 busstop3 busstation2 trainstation4 subwaystation b a d c 1a A Howdoyougettoschool B Well Iridemybiketothesubwaystation ThenItakethesubway 1b Tellyourpartnerhowyougettoschool Imagineyouusetwotypesoftransportation bike car bus train plane subway Listenandcheck thethingsthatMarywantstoknow 1c Listenagain HowdoesBobgettohisgrandparents home Check 1or2 1d 1e TalkabouthowBobgetstohisgrandparents home Speaking A Howdoesgrandpagettothepark B First he to C Next he to D Finallyhe Practice Togettothepark firstgrandparideshisbiketothesubwaystation Nexthetakesthesubwaytothebusstation Finallyhegetstothepark A HowdoesNinagotothelibrary B First she to C Next she to D Thenshe Togotothelibrary firstNina to Nextsheto Thenshe boatn 小船 rivern 河 江 bridgen 桥 villagen 村庄 村镇 villagern 村民 ropewayn 索道 Newwords dreamn 梦想 睡梦v 做梦 betweenprep 介于 之间 leavev 离开 afraidadj 害怕 畏惧 many lotsofadj pron 许多 crossv 横过 越过 2a Lookatthepictureandtitlebelow Guesswhatthepassageisabout CrossingtheRivertoSchool 2b Readthepassageandanswerthequestions Fastreading HowdoesLianglinggotoschooleveryday Hegoesonaropewaytocrosstherivertoschool 1 Howdothestudentsinthevillagegotoschool 2 Whydotheygotoschoollikethis 3 Doestheboylikethisschool Why 4 What sthevillagers dream Doyouthinktheirdreamcancometrue Whyorwhynot Carefulreading 细读每个问题 确定每句话的意思 2 带着问题读短文 在短文中寻找相关信息 确定问题回答的依据 3 找到答题依据后 再根据问题是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句来确定如何回答 4 最后 再读一遍课文 检查一下答案正确性 阅读指导 1 Theygoonaropewaytocrosstherivertoschool 2 Becausethereisabigrivertheirschoolandthevillage There snobridgeandtheriverrunstooquicklyforboats 3 Yes hedoes Helovestoplaywithhisclassmates Heloveshisteacher 4 Theirdreamistohaveabridge Yes Ithinkso Manykindpeoplewillhelpthem Answer 1 Forthestudentsinthevillage itis togettotheschool 2 Theyhavetocrossavery riverbetweentheirschoolandthevillage 3 Theycannotgobyboatbecausetheriverrunstoo 2c Readthepassageagain Completethesentenceswiththewordsfromthepassage difficult big quickly 4 Itisnoteasytocrosstheriveronaropeway buttheboyisnot 5 Thestudentsandvillagerswanttohaveabridge Cantheirdreamcome afraid true 1 whattheythinkofthetrip thinkof认为e g WhatdoesBobthinkofthetrip 鲍勃认为旅行怎么样 Whatdo doessb thinkof 某人觉得 怎么样 Howdo doessb like Languagepoints 2 Thereisaverybigriverbetweentheirschoolandthevillage Between and 在 与 之间between是个介词 表示在两者之间 e g MaryisbetweenJaneandLindaintheline 在队伍中 玛丽在简和琳达之间 3 Sothesestudentsgoonaropewaytocrosstherivertoschool cross横过 穿越 马路 河等 e g Lookcarefulbeforeyoucrosstheroad 过马路前要细心看 4 Butheisnotafraid afraidadj 害怕 恐惧 1 beafraid 害怕的e g Thegirlisveryafraid 小女孩很害怕 2 beafraidof 害怕 e g Mysisterisafraidofsnakes 我妹妹害怕蛇 5 He slikeafathertome like 像 作介词 不是动词 e g Thefishlookslikeabigboat 那条鱼看起来像条船 介词 Janelikeshistoryverymuch 简很喜欢历史 动词 I Completethesentences 1 Isiteasyforthem get toschool 2 Theriverrunstoo quick forboats 3 Hisbrother cross theriveronaropewayeveryday 4 Canthisdream come true come toget crosses quickly Exercises 5 Allthe village wanttohaveanicebridge 6 Ittakessixhourstogettohis grandparents home villagers grandparents II Fillintheblanks 1 There sashop ourschoolandthepark thinkofcometruebyboatonaropewaybetween between 2 ThestudentsinKaishandaogoestoschool 3 Howdotheycrossthebigriver Theygo 4 Whatdoyou thenewviolin 5 Hisparents dreamistohaveabighouse Theythinkitcan soon thinkof onaropeway byboat cometrue Howdoyougettoschool Completetheconversationlikethis A HowdotheygettotheGreatWall B First they C Next they D Finallythey TogettotheGreatWall firstthey to Nextthey to Finallythey

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