
但主要内容题(main idea。还出现了推断预定读者(2008年)和推断作者运用写作手法的意图(2005年和2007年)。[技巧点拨] 解答这类题的一般步骤是。[技巧点拨] 虽然说细节题的答案一般可以在文章中直接或间接地找到。题序与其题眼在文章中的顺序相同。题干中通常含有refer to。主旨大意题包括。


1、Our lives are shaped by the kind of surroundings we place ourselves in, the people that we allow to influence us, and the goals we give ourselves. If we only 1 and take no action, then we get no further. But if we plan, set a 2 and take action then our life takes a different shape.,(三),1. A. doubt B. dream C. response D. study 2. A. table B. goal C. schedule D. watch,Now, the important parts of goal setting, though, go beyond just writing down a goal statement and thinking tha。

2、一),It was Friday afternoon and I was at my second job. I worked thirteen hours a day. Three tourists were passing by my 1 in Miami, Florida, when their car broke down. One of the tourists came and 2 on the door just as I was nearing the end of my shift. She asked if we could push the car to our parking lot so they could 3 it.,1.A. workplace B. garage C. home D. apartment 2.A. pushed B. knocked C. leaned D. stood 3.A. drive B. sell C. stop D. fix,When I 4 finished my work the t。

3、Many students consider applying for jobs very important after graduation. They think it will 1 their course of lives, their circle of friends, and even their choice of husbands or wives in the future. The following are several suggestions that you should consider when looking for a job. First, you should have an 2 of yourself, your personal interests in particular.,(七),1. A. bear B. Affect C. develop D. conduct 2. A. indication B. impression C. awareness D. expectation,Generally speaking。

4、十一),When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew 16 _______ (old) and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I 17 ___________(short) my sights somewhat 18 _______ decided to change only my country. But it, too, seemed immovable.,older,shortened,and,As I grew into my twilight years, 19 _____ one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, 20 ______ would have none of it. Lying。

5、Mothers Day was coming, a man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away. As he got out of his car, he noticed that a young girl 16 __________(sit) on the street sobbing. He asked 17 _______was wrong with her and she replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose 18 _______ my mother. But I only have seventy-five cents, and 19 _____ rose costs two dollars.”,(一),was sitting,what,for,a,The man smiled and said, “Come on in with me. Ill buy yo。

6、十二),The beauty of saving a relationship is in knowing that it can become better than it was before. If you can survive the hard times it 16 ___________ (make)both of you stronger. Regardless of what events lead to the emotional detachment (分离), it can be solved. Relationships go sour 17 _____ a reason and the distance 18 _________ (grow) between two people is not healthy. But in order to fix the relationship, first you must fix yourself.,will make,for,growing,Accept whats happening in your l。

7、我们阅读一篇文章,首先是要了解其 大意,明确其主旨。因此,主旨大意题是 常考题。主旨大意题包括:主要内容(main idea, mainly about)型、文章标题(title)型、写作目的(purpose)型。八年来共考了15 道题,其中mainly about只考过3题(2008,2012,2013),title题考了6题(2007, 2010, 2011,2012,2013,2014),purpose题考了6题(2007, 2008, 2009, 2011,2013,2014)。,这类题,近两年广东高考每年考两小题。 技巧点拨弄清文章的大意,关键是找到主题句。 主题句的位置:主题句通常在文首、文末或首尾呼应,有时也在文中,或没有主题。

8、这类题的题干中常有purpose, 或者后面接有表示目的的动词不定式,如:intend to, meant to,(in order) to等。 技巧点拨 我们可以根据文章的主旨和体裁来推断作者的写作目的。因此,文章的首尾段或每段的首尾是阅读的重点,作者的写作意图往往就隐含在其中。,(1) to entertain readers(使读者愉悦、发笑):常见于个人经历或故事类的文章。 (2) to persuade readers(说服读者接受某种观点):常见于广告或议论文。广告是作者要推销一种产品或一种服务:吸引更多的游客读者或订户观众等;议论文是为了说服读者接受或赞同某一观点。 (3) to inform 。

9、文章标题就是对文章的主要意思的概括,因此,解答这类题的方法与解答主旨要义题的方法基本相同,都是寻找主题句,或归纳主要内容。,(1)概括性:准确而又简短。 (2)针对性:内容范围相符,“帽子”不大不小。 (3)醒目性:新颖奇特,能引发读者急迫的阅读欲望。,但主要内容题(main idea, mainly about)的选项多用句子的形式,而标题多用短语(特别是名词短语)的形式,且具有以下3个特点:,1.正确选项一般含有抽象名词或概括性词语,不出现细节信息,不含过分肯定或绝对意义的词。 2.概括全面、范围一致、说明道理的选项一般是正确答案。,推。

10、技巧点拨,除推断隐含意义外,广东自主命题十年来,还出现了推断预定读者(2008年)和推断作者运用写作手法的意图(2005年和2007年)。不过,这两类题一共只出现了3次。 推断预定读者的主要方法是留意作者的用词,体会作者的语气。 作者运用某种写作手法的意图, 或是要引出主题、突出主题,或是要吸引读者关注主题, 或是要把主题说明得更清楚, 等等。运用写作手法的主要意图有:,1.开头提出问题让读者关注主题。 2.简介相关事物为了引出主题。 3.列举具体事例说明文段的主题。 4.运用比拟或比喻让读者易理解抽象或陌生的事物。 5.引语说明或论证。

11、推理判断题要求考生根据文章的某个句子、段落或全文所提供的事实进行逻辑推理,推断出作者没有提到的或者没有明说的事实或者可能发生的事实。旨在考查考生透过词语的字面意义去理解作者的言外之意或弦外之音的能力。 这类试题包括很多种,但广东自主命题八年来,主要考查了推断隐含意义、推断目标读者、推断写法意图、推断观点态度等,其中重点是推断隐含意义。,技巧点拨 解答这类题的一般步骤是: 1.定位信息:通过寻读找到相关信息点。 2.字面理解:理解相关信息点的字面意义。 3.深层理解:结合语境和常识,在字面意义的基础上进行符合。

12、技巧点拨 虽然说细节题的答案一般可以在文章中直接或间接地找到,但是与阅读材料一模一样的正确选项是几乎没有的。而是用不同的词语或句型表达相同的意思,即语意转换。解题时注意以下几点:,1. 顺序性原则:一般说来,题序与其题眼在文章中的顺序相同。如第53题的答案信息会在第52题的答案信息之后。 2. 定位信息点:通过寻读法(scanning),用题干中的关键词在文中搜索,迅速确定相关词句或信息点所在的位置,缩小阅读范围。题干中可用来在文中搜索的关键词可能是专有名词、数词、实体名词,以及这些词的同义表达等。,3. 理解信息点:在。

13、技巧点拨,这里的是非判断题,主要是指true或NOT true,以及含EXCEPT等词的这类题。解答这类题,一定要看清,是选与文章内容相符的选项还是选不相符的选项,或是选文中没有谈及的内容。 特别注意:NOT true这类题,要求选出一个错误选项,也就是说,有三个选项是正确的。考生千万不要看到一个正确选项时,就以为这是要选的正确答案,这点非常容易出错。 Not true这类题涉及的信息点跨度大,要注意做记号。,经典例题,51. Which of the following statements is NOT true?,A. Food poisoned can make people sick. B. Food poisoning means d。

14、四),A. aims help us make overall control of life B. life will lose its meaning without intentions C. impossible things are possible with purposes D. setting intentions are necessary for our work,1. All of the following statements may be false EXCEPT _____.,C 细节理解题。由第二段第三句“But with itpossible.”可知,有了目标,宇宙的所有力量会共同努力让一切不可能的事情变成可能。故选C。,A. people think its wrong to dream B. reality helps us realize dreams better C. passion is a challenge for dream D。

15、一),A. Homeless and shy. B. Wise and powerful. C. Hardworking, kind and optimistic. D. Painful and very unfortunate.,1. What do you think of the young boy mentioned in the passage?,C 推理判断题。根据第一段中的to fetch water for himself and his step family every early morning and evening与Yet, the young boy bore no hate against his step family, loved them and carried out his task.以及第二、三段的事例判断,他很勤劳、善良、乐观,不但不记恨他的继亲而且还爱他们并履行他义务。故选C正确。,2. Which of th。

16、要求考生根据语境判断代词(this, that,it,they,them,one等)或代动词(do,does, did等)究竟指代什么。题干中通常含有refer to。此类题在广东近八年高考中只有2013年考过1个小题。,技巧点拨,一般说来,代词的指代内容大多在它的前一句中,或者前几个句子中,有时也在它的后一句中。找到指代的内容后把它放在这个代词的位置上,看一看这句话是否合理,与前后的内容是否一致,然后再判定它是否为正确答案。,经典例题,(2014山东)We bought three bags of popcorn and three sodas each. Then, we sat and watched. The Music Man followed 。

17、根据上下文猜测生词的含义是考生必须掌握的一项重要阅读技能,因此,词义猜测题是高考阅读理解的必考题型。这类题包括猜测单词、短语、句子的意思和判断指代内容。,要求考生根据语境猜测生词、短语或句子的意思,或者推断熟词生义。题干中常含有mean,is closest in meaning to,refer to, be replaced by等。这类题在广东高考最近八年来,每年考查12个小题。,技巧点拨,1.根据接近或递进关系:由and或or等可确定生词的义域,推知它的大致意义。 2.根据选择或相对关系:对比or(要么,或者)前面和后面的句子或词语,来猜测生词的含义。,解答。

18、七),A. all the girl students who cant go on their diet B. those who cant control their eating properly C. those who want to become thin by eating less D. some fat ladies who go on their diet properly,1. According to the passage, the problem of eating disorder happens among ____.,B 推理判断题。第一段后半部分说,饮食没有规律的患者并非只有肥胖的人,还包括减肥者以及暴饮暴食者,故C、D错误。此外,这种现象并非发生在所有女生身上,故A也错误。因此答案选B(最具有概括性)正确。,A. we shouldnt eat too much an。

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