高考英语二轮复习 完形填空 高度仿真练析 记叙文课件.ppt

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(一),It was Friday afternoon and I was at my second job. I worked thirteen hours a day. Three tourists were passing by my 1 in Miami, Florida, when their car broke down. One of the tourists came and 2 on the door just as I was nearing the end of my shift. She asked if we could push the car to our parking lot so they could 3 it.,1.A. workplace B. garage C. home D. apartment 2.A. pushed B. knocked C. leaned D. stood 3.A. drive B. sell C. stop D. fix,When I 4 finished my work the two girls were still there. I went across and 5 them not to stay there because it was not a safe area. I also asked if I could help them with anything. They wanted to find a hotel near-by where they could 6 .,4. A. hardly B. smoothly C. finally D. gradually 5. A. encouraged B. requested C. ordered D. advised 6. A. work B. stay C. live D. visit,I asked one of the girls to come with me and I would take them to a 7 , but I was a stranger and they were 8 . “Oh, no,” one of them said. “My husband is on the way. We are fine.” Well, that was okay with me. I settled for suggesting a near-by place to stay. Then I gave them my cell number in case they needed any more 9 .,7. A. house B. station C. hotel D. company 8. A. afraid B. puzzled C. curious D. content 9. A. time B. advice C. help D. money,Again, they reassured me that they would be 10 , so I left. Just when I was parking in my drive-way my 11 rang. It was the tourists. They asked if I could help them by taking them to the 12 auto-parts shop. “Okay,” I said, “Im on my way!”,10.A. okay B. happy C. busy D. thankful 11.A. doorbell B. phone C. ear D. clock 12.A. cheapest B. closest C. best D. farthest,I 13 one of the girls to an auto-parts place that was about ten minutes away. I waited for her till she got what she needed, then I drove her back to their 14 where I said my good-bye and left. I hope they got to where they were going 15 .,13. A. walked B. led C. sent D. took 14. A. car B. office C. hotel D. shop 15. A. immediately B. quietly C. comfortably D. safely,(一)三名游客的汽车抛锚了,起初作者提出帮他们找宾馆,因是陌生人,游客拒绝了作者的好意,后来游客还是给作者打来电话,请作者带她们去最近的汽车配件店。 1. A 逻辑推断。由第一句I was at my second job可知,当时作者正在上班,所以说游客的汽车经过他工作的地方(workplace)。 2. B 逻辑推断。其中一名游客来敲门(knock at the door)。 3. D 逻辑推断。由第一段最后一句their car broke down可知,游客的车需要修理(fix)。 4.C 逻辑推断。“当我终于完成工作的时候,两个女孩还在那里”。与本句的still(仍然,还)语气相呼应,用finally。,5. D 逻辑推断。由because it was not a safe area可知作者是善意地提出建议(advise),而不是order(命令)、 request(请求)或 encourage(鼓励)。 6. B 习惯搭配。在宾馆暂住,用stay。live表示“居住”,排除C项。 7. C 原词复现。由上句They wanted to find a hotel可知选C。 8. A 逻辑推断。对这些游客来说,作者是陌生人,所以他们感到害怕。 9. C 原词复现。由上下文可知,作者想帮助这些游客,所以选help。 10. A 近义复现。与上文fine是近义复现。“他们再次向我保证没事(okay),于是我离开了”。,11. B 逻辑推断。根据上段“I gave them my cell number”可知,此时游客向作者打来了求助电话。 12. B 逻辑推断。游客想请作者帮忙,带她们到最近的(closest)汽车配件店。 13. D 原词复现。由上文的by taking them和下文I drove her back可知,作者是开车带(take)游客去的,排除walk(陪同走路)、 lead (to show the way to by going in advance,即“带领”) 和send(派遣)。 14. A 原词复现。作者把该名游客送回她们的汽车那里。 15. D 逻辑推断。“我希望他们安全(safely)到达要去的地方。”,“I wish I had never been born!” the Brahmin remarked. “Why so?” said I. “Because,” he replied, “I have been studying these forty years, and I find that it has been so much time 1 I believe that I am 2 of matter, but I have never been able to satisfy myself what it is that produces thought.,(二),1. A. lost B. gained C. known D. ignored 2. A. involved B. careful C. composed D. tired,I am even 3 whether my understanding is a simple 4 like that of walking or digesting, or if I think with my head in the same manner as I take hold of a thing with my 5 I talk a great deal, and when I have done speaking I 6 confounded and ashamed of what I have said.”,3. A. puzzled B. ignorant C. clear D. hesitated 4. A. matter B. faculty C. task D. action 5. A. heart B. power C. mind D. hands 6. A. find B. remain C. hold D. grow,The same day I had a conversation with an old woman, his 7 . I asked her if she had ever been unhappy for not 8 how her soul was made? She did not even comprehend my question. She had not, for the 9 moment in her life, had a thought about these subjects with which the good Brahmin himself had 10 a lot.,7. A. philosopher B. friend C. neighbor D. colleague 8. A. catching B. showing C. knowing D. understanding 9. A. briefest B. longest C. saddest D. best 10. A. hatred B. enjoyed C. suffered D. wished,She believed in the bottom of her heart in the metamorphoses(蜕变) of Vishnu(守护神), and provided she could get some of the sacred water of the Ganges(恒河) in which to 11 her ablutions (洗礼), she thought herself the happiest of women. Struck with the 12 of this poor creature, I returned to my philosopher, whom I thus addressed:,11. A. take B. make C. carry D. offer 12. A. sadness B. pleasure C. amazement D. happiness,“Are you not 13 to be thus miserable when, not fifty yards from you, there is an old automaton who thinks of nothing and lives 14 ?” “You are right,” he replied. “I have said to myself a thousand times that I should be happy if I were but as ignorant as my old neighbor; and yet it is a happiness which I do not 15 .” This reply of the Brahmin made a greater impression on me than anything that had passed.,13. A. ashamed B. afraid C. glad D. ignorant 14. A. lonely B. contented C. simple D. frightened 15. A. have B. ignore C. desire D. hold,(二)本文讲述的不同的人对人生不同的认知观,是乐观看待人生,还是悲观看待人生。作者通过一个事例告诉读者一个道理:乐观看待生活是一种幸福。 1. A 篇章开头交待Brahmin对待人生悲观的认识,认为数十年的光阴浪费了,毫无成就之感。依据上下文的逻辑关联此处应指“光阴的浪费”,所以唯有lost与句意吻合。 2. C 此句表明:我确信我已完全物质化了。be careful of(对小心为是)和be tired of(对感到厌烦)句子原意不符,舍去;involved不与of连用,所以排除,不予考虑;而be composed of的意思为“由组成/构成”,故与题意吻合。,3. B 这题难度较大。句意为:我甚至都无知到我是否具有想走路或消化的功能。puzzled(困惑,疑惑),意思是不清楚,想得到明确答案,但此句与下文并无此意,故不符题意;clear(清楚的,清晰的) 和hesitated(犹豫不决的)明显与题意不符;所以,只有ignorant(无知的;愚蠢的)符合句意。 4. B 从上下句看,此处指的是“人体功能”,而“功能”之意,唯有faculty符合,因为faculty指人体和思维功能,多指行动力和理解力。其他皆不符合题意。 5. D 从句意可知:拿着东西,自然是用手。所以最佳答案是hands。,6. B 本句句意是:我讲了一大通,讲完之后,我依旧疑惑不解或对自己所说的话感到羞耻。find(发觉)后面须跟名词作宾语,故不符题意;hold(持有)多指具体的“拥有”或“把持”的行为或“坚持”某种观点,而此处表示是一种精神状态,也不符题意;grow(变得)表示一种持续演变的过程,与本句原意相左;remain(保留)指的是“原先是什么状态,现在依旧保持这种状态”,故remain是最佳选项。 7. C 本题可从短文的倒数第二句中找到答案。,8. D 由句意判断作者是问这位老妇人是否因为不明白灵魂是如何构成的而感到不高兴。catch(懂得)指对某个问题的“顿悟”;know(知道)指的是“大致晓得”,show(演示),从下文来看,这三个选项不符合题意,因为作者在这儿指的是“理解”或“明白”的意思,所以本题最佳选项应选understanding。 9. A 从下文可知,老太从没感到过不幸福或不开心。再则与句中Brahmin形成鲜明对比,因为Brahmin为此suffered a lot所以此空的最佳选项为briefest(最简短的),其他三项与题意不符。 10. C 解释同上,11. B 从句意可知:除非她能从恒河中获得圣水进行洗礼。take(取)和carry(搬运),offer(主动给予)与句意和上下文的意思相悖,故舍去不予考虑。唯有make her ablutions(进行洗礼)符合题意。 12. D 由前一句的意思可以获得本题的最佳选项。 13. A 此处是作者以措辞激烈口吻表示对Brahmin的痛苦人生观不满,并以对比衬托生活在其附近的贫穷老太无忧无虑的充实生活。因此,唯有ashamed(羞愧)符合该题意。,14. B 解释同上。故本题选项中的lonely(孤单地),simple(简朴的)和frightened(恐惧的)与句子原意有冲突,所以舍去;唯有 contented(充实的)切合题意。 15. C 由本句意思可知:哲学家Brahmin辩解的幸福观完全不同于他的邻居那位贫穷老太的幸福生活观。所以,这题的最佳选项的意思应该是“指望”,在四个选项中唯有desire符合题意。,

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