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(一),A. Homeless and shy. B. Wise and powerful. C. Hardworking, kind and optimistic. D. Painful and very unfortunate.,1. What do you think of the young boy mentioned in the passage?,C 推理判断题。根据第一段中的to fetch water for himself and his step family every early morning and evening与Yet, the young boy bore no hate against his step family, loved them and carried out his task.以及第二、三段的事例判断,他很勤劳、善良、乐观,不但不记恨他的继亲而且还爱他们并履行他义务。故选C正确。,2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. His step family first had sympathy for the young boy. B. His step family tried to force the young boy out of it. C. The young boy was forced to carry water for his family. D. The young boy alone made it a routine to fetch water.,D 推理判断题。根据第一段中的the young boy carried his pot and headed forevery early morning and evening可知,这个少年每天早晚去遥远的小河为家里取水就是他的例行公事,故选D正确。选项A和B显然错误,C项文章没提及。,A. He met beggars for water and gave them some. B. His step mother questioned him for his buckets. C. His step mother stopped him giving others water. D. The thirsty people often drank his water for free.,3. What happened to the young boy when returning from the stream?,A 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,这个少年每天取水回来的路上都会遇到一些因为口渴而向他讨水喝的人们,而且他每次都给他们一些水喝。故选A正确。,A. was so unreliable B. gave up sympathy C. was a friend of the deliverer D. finally failed to keep his words,4. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that the young boy _.,D 推理判断题。根据第三段的but considered for a moment and then gave the strange man some water可推知,这个少年为了挽救这个邮递员最后还是违背自己的诺言而给了他一些水喝。故选D正确。,5. We can know from the passage that the step mother of the young boy was _. A. strict B. cruel C. kind D. brave,B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的When he got home, his step mum noticed the half-filled pots, and suddenly attacked himthis time more cruelly.可推知,这个男孩的继母对他一直是残忍的。故选B正确。,pot n. 壶;罐 swear vi. 发誓 mail carrier 邮递员 apparently adv. 显然地;明显地 good deeds 善事;好事 additional adj. 附加的;额外的 in vain 徒然/劳;白费力 due to the lack of 由于缺少 bear no hate against 没有对生恨,助读强化,(二),A. handled critical situation B. chased criminals C. performed dangerous tasks D. participated in rescue,1. The underlined part in Para. 1 can be replaced by _.,A 词义猜测题。第一段提及我曾经在警察局的Victim Assistant Unit工作,再根据下画线部分后面的信息victims of violent crimes可猜测,作者的工作应该与处理紧急情况或干预犯罪事件有关。故选A最佳。,A. She cried when she was sent to the hospital. B. She had to stay at the hospital the whole night. C. She would be sent back home the next day. D. She might be hurt by her step father at home.,2. What do we learn about the little girl in Paragraph 3?,D 推理判断题。前文提及小女孩夜晚遭受侵犯,且根据第三段倒数第二句But she smiled and said it would be nice to be someplace she could sleep and be safe from her daddy.可知当天晚上小女孩被安置到安全的地方。由此推断,小女孩极有可能是在家遭受继父的伤害。故答案选D正确。,A. Because she wanted to ask for security. B. Because she lost contact with her mom. C. Because she was shocked by being hurt. D. Because she longed for warmth of family.,3. On the way to the Guardian Home, why were the girls eyes full of tears?,D 细节理解题。根据“顺藤摸瓜”法。由关键信息(藤)the girls eyes full of tears将信息定位于原文第四段第一句(瓜) On the way to the Guardian Home she noticed my daughters car seat.及最后一句(瓜) I wish I was your little girl because I know she is safe with you and you would never let her daddy hurt her.可得知,她渴望家庭的温暖。故选D正确。,A. disappointed B. helpless C. sorrowful D. depressed,4. Hearing the little girls crying words, the author was _.,C 细节理解题。由关键信息(藤)the little girls crying words将信息定位于原文第五段第一句I had to turn my head and look out the window because of the crying words brought to my heart.及短语brought to my heart可推测,作者在听到小女孩的心声后为她感到难过。故答案选C正确。,A. The author can not forget all the victims. B. The author appeals to stop home violence. C. Children can avoid molest on their own. D. Girls are often the victims of violent crimes.,5. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?,B 推理判断题。根据最后一段首句的have never forgotten和第二句I just wanted to remind everyone that those little victims are the bravest children I have ever met.的字里行间可推知,作者同情家庭暴力的受害者并呼吁停止家庭暴力。,victim n. 受害者 neglect vt. 忽视 so-called adj. 所谓的 hug vt. 拥抱 violent crime 暴力犯罪 step-daddy(=step-father) n. 继父 catch hold of 抓住 arrive on the scene 到达现场,助读强化,(三),A. He had no friends at first. B. He was a fragile boy. C. He enjoyed being alone. D. He looked a little nervous.,1. What do we know about the boy under the tree?,A 细节理解题。由第二段最后一句Only 50 feet away, , but the boy seemed to want to be anywhere other than where he was.可知,刚参加露营活动时Tommy是孤立没有朋友的,故选A。,A. was worried about Tommy B. was unable to handle Tommys problem C. was ready to help Tommy D. was sure of making friends with Tommy,2. As an instructor at a high school leadership camp, the author _.,C 推理判断题。由第三段第一句I walked towards him, saying;第三句I invited him to join the activities and meet some new people.及第五句I somehow knew it wouldnt be right to push him, either. 一系列的动作中可看出作者愿意帮助Tommy。考生应从文章的字里行间揣摩作者表达的意思。,A. His mothers love. B. The authors determination. C. The authors friendship. D. The authors care.,3. What made the boy under the tree change?,D 推理判断题。根据第五段的第一、二句可推断出,正是作者的关心(让其他的指导员特别留意他及尽可能地和他交朋友)改变了Tommy。故选D正确。,A. Because Tommy asked her to call him. B. Because Tommy died in a car accident. C. Because she wanted to tell the news. D. Because she wanted to show gratefulness.,4. Why did Tommys mother call the author?,D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的倒数第二句I just wanted to thank you for making a difference for Tommy.可得知。,A. To tell us a moving story. B. To show us the importance of kindness. C. To advise making friends with others. D. To share the ways to be a good instructor.,5. What is the main purpose of the passage?,B 写作目的题。根据文章大意:我通过发动同学帮助坐在树下的男孩Tommy使他最后融入集体,交到新朋友,最后他的母亲来电感谢我对Tommy的影响和全文最后一段可得知,作者写这篇文章的目的是告诉我们对他人小小的一个善举可能会影响别人(即善举的重要性)。故选B正确。,instructor n. 教员;指导员 fragile adj. 脆弱的;虚弱的 date n. 约会 participate vi. 参与;参加 other than 除了 staff meeting 员工/内部会议 fly by 飞逝 in that instant 在那一瞬间 pullaway from 把从拉开; 使脱离,助读强化,Thank you !,


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