unit Will you have a robotPPT课件

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Unit7 Will people have robots?sectionA(1a-2b)第1页/共26页学习目标 知识目标:熟练掌握P49-P50的单词和短语;关注fewer,less的用法 语言目标:预测未来重点句型 will do; there will be 能力目标:学习使用一般将来时的陈述句,一般疑问句式预测未来。第2页/共26页PreviewPreview 看谁记得准1.have robots2.use money3.be on paper4.study at home5.there will be6.more pollution7.play a part in8.一百年以后一百年以后9.活到活到200岁岁10.在将来在将来11.空闲时间空闲时间 12.处于很大的危险处于很大的危险中中13.更多地使用地铁更多地使用地铁14.搬到别的星球上搬到别的星球上1.有机器人有机器人2.使用钱币使用钱币3.在纸上在纸上4.在家学习在家学习5.将会有将会有6.更多的污染更多的污染7.参与参与8.in 100 years9.live to be 200 years old10.in the future11.free time12.in great danger13.use the subways more14.move to other planets1.have robots2.use money3.be on paper4.study at home5.there will be6.more pollution7.play a part in8.一百年以后一百年以后9.活到活到200岁岁10.在将来在将来11.空闲时间空闲时间 12.处于很大的危险中处于很大的危险中13.更多地使用地铁更多地使用地铁14.搬到别的星球上搬到别的星球上第3页/共26页Preview 词语连线1.fewer(更少的)2.less(更少的)carstreescomputerssubwaysfree timepollutionwaterfresh airmoney可数名词复数不可数名词第4页/共26页Step1.Pre-listening activitiesWhat will life be like in the furture?第5页/共26页People will have robots in the future.Everything will be free in 100 years.freePeople wont use money.People wont do housework. clean ridecook第6页/共26页 study at home; not go to school主语+will + do+其他主语+wont (will not) +do+其他be on computers;not be on paperkidss第7页/共26页What will life be like by the year 3000?By the year 3000, you wont carry a backpack. It will carry you.第8页/共26页What will life be like by the year 3000?The four-legged jeans of the year 3000 will make sure you have a place to sit everywhere you go.第9页/共26页What will life be like by the year 3000?In the future, if you want to go to another continet, youll be able to drive there.第10页/共26页What will life be like by the year 3000?In the year of 3000, people will live to be 200 years old第11页/共26页What will life be like by the year 3000?pairworkA: Will people have robots in the future? B: Yes, they will. No, they wont.第12页/共26页1.Listen for the main idea(大意).The main idea of the conversation is about_.A. robots.B. the predictions.C. kids.1b Step2.While-listening activities第13页/共26页1. People will have robots in their homes.2. People wont use money. Everything will be free.3. Books will only be on computers, not on paper.4. Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers.5. There will be only one country.6. People will live to be 200 years old.1b 1b 2.Listen for the specific ideas(2.Listen for the specific ideas(听细节听细节). ). Circle the predictions you hear.Circle the predictions you hear.第14页/共26页There will be one country.There will be world peace.Step3.Pre-listening activitiesIn the future.第15页/共26页There will be more people in the city.第16页/共26页第17页/共26页 There will be fewer trees.Whats your prediction about the environment?2amorefewerWe will plant more trees.第18页/共26页There will be less water.more lessWhats your prediction about the environment?2aWe will use less water.第19页/共26页A: Whats your prediction about the environment?B: There will bebuildingsanimalsfresh airpairworklessmorefewer第20页/共26页What will you do to save the earth?What will you do to save the earth? We will We will1.move to other planets2.use less water3.plant more trees4.use the subways more5.play a part in saving the earth6. .第21页/共26页2a1. There will be (more / less / fewer) people.2. There will be (more / less / fewer) free time.3. There will be (more / less / fewer) cars.4. There will be (more / less / fewer) pollution.5. There will be (more / less / fewer) trees.1.Circle the predictions you hear.Step4.While-listening activities第22页/共26页2b_ 1. There will be fewer people._ 2. There will be less free time._ 3. People will use the subways less._ 4. There will be more pollution._ 5. Cities will be very big and crowded.2.Listen for the specific ideas. Check( ) the predictions you hear.第23页/共26页1.Finish your exercise on P75 .( )2.Rewrite 2a into a short text.( )3.Write an article of your predictions about the future.( )第24页/共26页Thank you for listening!第25页/共26页感谢您的观看。第26页/共26页


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