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2022年考博英语-中国艺术研究院考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题The form and physiology of leaves vary according to the( )in which they develop: for example, leaves display a wide range of adaptations to different degrees of light and moisture.问题1选项A.relationshipB.environmentC.sequenceD.arrangement【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项relationship“关系,关联”;B选项environment“环境,外界”;C选项sequence“序列,顺序,续发事件”;D选项arrangement“布置,安排”。句意:叶片的形态和生理机能因其生长环境的不同而不同:例如,叶片对不同程度的光照和湿度表现出广泛的适应性。选项B符合语境。2. 单选题They arrived at some political agreements that facilitated troop withdrawals.问题1选项A.establishedB.maximizedC.guaranteedD.promoted【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。根据句意:他们达成了一些政治上的协议,这撤军。facilitate意为“促进,帮助,使容易”。A选项establish“创立,建立”;B选项maximize“最大化”;C选项guarantee“保证,担保”;D选项promote“促进,提升”。选项D与之意思最为相近,符合语境。3. 单选题The man had to( )the airport several times in order to become familiar with the control of the plane.问题1选项A.surroundB.circleC.observeD.view【答案】B【解析】考查语法知识。A选项surround“围绕,包围”;B选项circle“盘旋,环绕移动”;C选项observe“观察,遵守”;D选项view“观察,考虑”。句意:为了熟悉飞机的操纵,这个人不得不环绕着机场飞行了好几次。选项B符合语境。4. 单选题The Internet, E-commerce and globalization are making a new economic era possible. In the future, capitalist markets will largely be replaced by a new kind of economic system based on networked relationships, contractual arrangements and access rights.Has the quality of our lives at work, at home and in our communities increased in direct proportion to all the new Internet and business-to-business Internet services being introduced into our lives? I have asked this question of hundreds of CEOS and corporate executives in Europe and the United States. Surprisingly, virtually everyone has said, “No, quite contrary.” The very people responsible for ushering in what some have called a “technological renaissance” say they are working longer hours, feel more stressed, are more impatient, and are even less civil in their dealings with colleagues and friendsnot to mention strangers. And whats more revealing, they place much of the blame on the very same technologies they are so aggressively championing.The techno gurus promised us that access would make life more convenient and give us more time. Instead, the very technological wonders that were supposed to liberate us have begun to enslave us in a web of connections from which there seems to be no easy escape.If an earlier generation was preoccupied with the quest to enclose a vast geographic frontier, the .com generation, it seems, is more caught up in the colonization of time. Every spare moment of our time is being filled with some form of commercial connection, making time itself the most scarce of all resources. Our e-mail, voice mail and cell phones, our 24-hour Interact news and entertainment all seize for our attention.And while we have created every kind of labor-and time-saving device to service our needs, we are beginning to feel like we have less time available to us than any other humans in history. That is because the great proliferation of labor-and-time-saving services only increases the diversity, pace and flow of commodified activity around us. For example, e-mail is a great convenience. However, we now find ourselves spending much of our day frantically responding to each others electronic messages. The cell phone is a great time-saver. Except now we are always potentially in reach of someone else who wants our attention.Social conservatives talk about the decline in civility and blame it on the loss of a moral compass and religious values. Has anyone bothered to ask whether the hyper speed culture is making all of us less patient and less willing to listen and defer, consider and reflect?Maybe we need to ask what kinds of connections really count and what types of access really matter in the e-economy era. If this new technology revolution is only about hyper efficiency, then we risk losing something even precious than timeour sense of what it means to be a caring human being.1.According to the passage, corporate executives think that( ).2.Which of the following is NOT true?3.What is the most valuable resource for the .com generation?4.In the sixth paragraph, the author implied that( ).5.An appropriate title for the passage might be( ).问题1选项A.technology renaissance should be pushed forward.B.technology has a profound impact on their lives.C.technology actually results in a decline in their life quality.D.technology should be aggressively championed.问题2选项A.Technology was supposed to free people.B.The .com generation became slaves of technology.C.New technologies occupy much of our time.D.It is difficult to avoid the influence of technology wonders.问题3选项A.Technological wonders.B.Access to information.C.Time.D.Time saving devices.问题4选项A.social conservatives blamed the loss of morality on technology.B.the .com generation was less civil than the earlier generations.C.the hyper speed culture led to the decline in civility.D.technology might make people less impatient.问题5选项A.The New Internet Life.B.The Drawbacks of too Much Access.C.The Failure of Technological Renaissance.D.The Declining Quality of Life.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第二段中的Has the quality of our lives at work, at home and in our communities increased in direct proportion to all the new Internet and business-to-business Internet services being introduced into our lives?. “No, quite contrary.”(我们在工作、家庭和社区的生活质量是否与我们生活中引入的所有新互联网和企业对企业的互联网服务成正比?“不,完全相反。”)可知C选项“技术实际上导致了他们生活质量的下降”符合题意。2.细节事实题。由文章第三段中的Instead, the very technological wonders that were supposed to liberate us have begun to enslave us in a web of connections from which there seems to be no easy escape.(相反,本应解放我们的科技奇迹,却开始把我们束缚在一个似乎无法轻易摆脱的联系网中)但并不是说网络一代变成了技术的奴隶,因此选B。3.细节事实题。由文章第四段中的Every spare moment of our time is being filled with some form of commercial connection, making time itself the most scarce of all resources.(我们的每一个空闲时间都充满了某种形式的商业联系,使时间本身成为所有资源中最稀缺的)可知选C。4.推理判断题。文章第六段中的Has anyone bothered to ask whether the hyper speed culture is making all of us less patient and less willing to listen and defer, consider and reflect?(有没有人问过,高速发展的文化是否让我们所有人都变得不那么有耐心,不太愿意倾听、推迟、考虑和反思?)可知D选项“科技可能会使人失去耐心”符合题意。5.主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了科技给人们生活带来的负面影响,因此B选项“使用过多的缺点”符合题意。5. 单选题These problems are( )examples in the effort to avoid the inevitable effects of shortsighted fiscal planning in the future.问题1选项A.representativeB.aberrantC.insignificantD.illuminating【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项 representative“典型的”;B选项aberrant“异常的”;C选项insignificant“无关紧要的”;D选项illuminating“照亮的,启蒙的”。句意:这些问题是典型的例子,为了努力避免未来目光短浅的财政规划所带来不可避免的影响。选项A符合语境。6. 单选题This will make art groups more directly and effectively( )to audiences, and more responsive to their criticisms and wishes.问题1选项A.availableB.accountableC.subjectedD.submitted【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项available“可获得的”;B选项accountable“有责任的,可解释的”;C选项subjected“使遭受”;D选项submitted“递交,主张”。句意“这将使艺术团体更直接和有效地与观众接触,并对他们的批评和愿望作出更积极的回应。”选项A符合语境。7. 单选题You will get to the church more quickly if you take this( )across the fields.问题1选项A.trackB.passageC.methodD.journey【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项track“轨道,足迹,小道”;B选项passage“走廊,通道”;C选项method“方法”;D选项 journey“旅行,行程”。句意:如果你沿着这条小路穿过田野,到教堂会快一些。选项A符合语境。8. 单选题Some research workers completely( )all those facts as though they never existed.问题1选项A.ignoreB.leaveC.refuseD.miss【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项ignore“忽略”;B选项leave“离开”;C选项refuse“拒绝”;D选项miss“错过”。句意:有些研究人员完全忽略了所有的这些事实,就好像它们根本不存在一样。选项A符合语境。9. 单选题Species with relatively( )metabolic rates, including hibernators, generally live longer than those whose metabolic rates are more rapid.问题1选项A.prolificB.sedentaryC.sluggishD.measured【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项prolific“多产的,丰富的”;B选项sedentary“定居的,静坐的”;C选项sluggish“萧条的,迟钝的”;D选项measured“量过的,慎重的”。根据句中关键信息“hibernators”以及后半句“通常比代谢率更快的物种活得更长”可知,填空处应指代谢率相对缓慢,所以选项C符合语境。句意:代谢率相对缓慢的物种,包括冬眠动物,通常比代谢率更快的物种活得更长。选项C正确。10. 单选题Jazz tends to be a casual dialogue form of dance quite( )in the repetitive and mechanical form of the waltz.问题1选项A.lackingB.lackedC.lack ofD.for lack of【答案】A【解析】考查语法知识。空格处词语用来修饰前面的dance,所以是形容词性。lack 与dance之间是主动关系,因此应使用lack的现在分词形式来修饰。所以选项A正确。11. 翻译题An unremarked consequence of our new information ageone that will influence readers, writers, and publishers in the futureis that bad writing, chat speak, text, millions of message board posts that come from and lead nowhere, are having a cheapening effect on all written content. Editors and news directors today fret about the Internet as their predecessors worried about radio and TV, and all now see the huge threat the Web represents to the way they distribute their product.The idea that the practice and craft of writing can simply retool itself for the digital age overlooks the fact that the Web is giving rise to totally unique forms of expression, a writing that is different from the kind traditionally found in books.For lovers of literary writing, who are now watching the marketplace and Internet erode the remains of nineteenth-century print culture, these assurances may not be particularly consoling. We have no choice but to accept them. Arguing against the forces of digitalization is as much a losing battle as cursing the coming of the evening tide.But before we invest ourselves too deeply in this future, consider this: If new technologies expose the biases inherent in print and text, so the converse is true as well. Coding skills are highly marketable in the twenty-first century. We, as a civilization, are duty-bound to encourage technological know-how.However, before we make the mistake of convincing ourselves that a knack for writing software is more valuable than the ability to simply write well, we might consider looking anew at the souvenir that is the book. One day, computer programsthese objects of our fascination and frustrationwill learn to write themselves. And well be left with our ideas, however grand or shallow.【答案】信息新时代有一个不太会引人注意的后果,那就是蹩脚的写作。闲聊也好,文本也好,还有留言板上不计其数的跟帖都来无踪去无影,使文字内容大打折扣,对未来的读者、作者和编辑都将产生很大影响。今天的编辑和新闻主管为因特网而苦恼不已,恰如其前辈们担心收音机和电视那样(会抢他们的饭碗)。他们都认为网络形成的巨大威胁会影响自己产品的销路。有一种观念认为,写作练习及技巧完全可重振写作,以适应数字时代。这种观点忽视了这样一种事实:网络正在引发一些非常独特的表达形式,这种写作完全不同于常见的传统书本模式。对喜爱文学写作、正目睹图书市场和因特网侵蚀十九世纪印刷文化残余的人而言,这些断言可能并不怎么令人宽慰。但除了接受,我们别无选择。与数字化势力抗辩无疑是一场必败之仗,就如同诅咒晚潮的到来一样徒劳。但在尚未过深卷入前,我们不妨考虑一下:如果说新技术暴露了印刷和文本的固有偏见,那么反过来也可以说,书面文字极其适合揭示数字时代的短视。编码技术在21世纪极为畅销。随着文明的发展,我们应义不容辞地鼓励掌握技术诀窍。然而,要是以为编写软件的诀窍比流畅写作的能力更有价值,那就错了。在尚未犯错之前,我们或许有必要重新审视一下历史的纪念品书籍。有朝一日,电脑编程这一既让人着迷又令人失望的东西将学会自己编程。而我们的思想会被弃之一旁宏观高论也好,肤浅短见也罢。12. 单选题Famed singer Stevie Wonder cant see his fans dancing at his concerts. He cant see the hands of his audience as they applaud wildly at the end of his superstition.Blind from birth, Wonder has waited his whole life for a chance to see. Recently, Wonder visited Mark Humayan, a vision specialist. He thought that a new device currently being studied by Humayan might offer him that chance.The device, a retinal prosthesis, is a tiny computer chip implanted inside a patients eye. The chip sends images to the brain and allows some sightless people to see shapes and colors. Wonder hoped the retinal prosthesis might work for him. “Ive always said that if ever theres possibility of my seeing,” said Wonder, “then I would take the challenge.”Unfortunately for Wonder, that challenge will have to wait. Humayan explained that the device isnt ready for people who have been blind since birth. Their brains may not be able to handle signals from a retinal prosthesis because their brains have never handled signals from a healthy eye.The retinal prosthesis and other devices, however, show great promise in helping many other sightless people who once had vision see again. Perhaps one day soon, some formerly sightless people may be in Wonders audience looking upand seeing himfor the very first time.Wonders willingness to take part in retinal prosthesis studies and the results of those studies are giving new hope to people who thought they would be blind for the rest of their lives. More than one million people in the United States are considered legally blind, meaning that their eyesight is severely impaired. Another one million are totally blind.Two types of specialized cells in the retinarods and conesare critical for proper vision. Light enters the eye and falls on the rods and cones in the retina. Those cells convert the light to electrical signals which travel through the optic nerve to the brain. The brain interprets those signals as visual images. Rods detect light at low levels of illumination. For instance, rods allow you to see faint shadows in dim moonlight. Cones, on the other hand, are most sensitive to color. Some diseases can damage cells in the retina. For instance, macular degeneration causes blindness and other vision problems in 700,000 people in the United States each year. The condition is caused by a lack of adequate blood supply to the central part of the retina. Without blood, the rods, cones, and other cells in the retina die.Devices such as the retinal prostheses wont prevent or cure our eye diseases, but they may help patients who have eye disorders regain some of their vision. Different forms of retinal prostheses are currently being developed. On one type, a tiny computer chip is embedded in the eye. The chip has a grid of about 2,500 light-sensing elements called pixels.Light entering the eye strikes the pixels, which convert the light into electrical signals. The pixels then send the electrical signals to nerve cells behind the retina. Those cells send signals via the optic nerve to the brain for interpretation.Many people who have had a retinal prosthesis implanted say they can see shapes, colors, and movements that they couldnt see before. “It was great,” said Harold Churchey, who received his retinal prosthesis 15 years after he became totally blind. “To see light after so longit was just wonderful. It was just like switching a light on.”1. Why did Steve Wonder visit Mark Humayan?2. Whom is Marks retinal prosthesis ready for?3. For detecting colors, we depend, in the first place, on( )4. Why does macular degeneration cause blindness and other vision problems?5. Which of the following statements about the function of retinal prosthesis is true according to the passage?问题1选项A.He thought Marks device might recover his eyesight.B.He thought Mark might need his help in developing the device.C.He thought Mark might want to listen to his Superstition.D.He thought Mark might implant a chip into his right eye.问题2选项A.For those who have been blind from birth.B.For those who still have faint vision.C.For the blind who once had eyesight.D.For those who still have one healthy eye.问题3选项A.interpretation by the brain.B.cones of the retina.C.rods of the retina.D.optic nerve.问题4选项A.Macular degeneration causes improper interpretation by the brain.B.Macular degeneration makes the retina less sensitive to the light.C.Macular degeneration changes the functions of rods and cones.D.Macular degeneration causes inadequate supply of blood in the retina.问题5选项A.It can prevent some eye disorders.B.It can cure some eye disorders.C.It can help recover eyesight to some degree.D.It can repair the damaged cones.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。根据原文第二段的内容“Wonder自打出生眼睛就看不见,他一生都在等待一个机会。最近,Wonder拜访了视力专家Mark Humayan。他认为目前Humayan正在研究的一种新装置可能会给他提供这个机会。”由此可知,Steve Wonder拜访Mark Humayan的原因是他认为Mark Humayan的设备可能会恢复他的视力,选项A正确。2.判断推理题。根据第五段的第一句“The retinal prosthesis and other devices, however, show great promise in helping many other sightless people who once had vision see again. 然而,视网膜假体和其他装置在帮助许多曾经有过视力的盲人重见光明方面展现出了巨大的希望。”由此可推断,Mark的视网膜假体装置是为那些曾经有过良好视力的人准备的,所以选项C符合原文。3.判断推理题。根据原文第七段的内容可知,视网膜中有两种特殊的细胞对正常的视力至关重要杆状细胞和视锥细胞。第七段还提及“Cones, on the other hand, are most sensitive to color. 另一方面,视锥细胞对颜色最敏感。”由此可知,选项B正确。4.细节事实题。根据关键词“macular degeneration”定位到第七段后半部分的内容“For instance, macular degeneration causes blindness and other vision problems in 700,000 people in the United States each year. The condition is caused by a lack of adequate blood supply to the central part of the retina. Without blood, the rods, cones, and other cells in the retina die. 例如,黄斑变性导致美国每年有70万人失明和其他视力问题。这种情况是由于缺乏足够的血液供应到视网膜的中央部分。没有血液,视网膜中的杆状细胞、视锥细胞和其他细胞就会死亡。”由此可知,选项D符合原文。5.细节事实题。根据第八段的首句“Devices such as the retinal prostheses wont prevent or cure our eye diseases, but they may help patients who have eye disorders regain some of their vision. 像视网膜假体这样的设备不能预防或治愈我们的眼病,但它们可以帮助有视力障碍的患者重获一些视力。”由此可知,视网膜假体能在一定程度上帮助恢复视力,所以选项C符合原文。13. 单选题Now let us look at how we read. When we read a printed text, our eyes move across a page in short, jerky movement. We recognize words usually when our eyes are still when they fixate. Each time they fixate, we see a group of words. This is known as the recognition span or the visual span. The length of time in which the eyes stop the duration of the fixation varies considerably from person to person. It also varies within any one person according to his purpose in reading and his familiarity with the text. Furthermore, it can be affected by such factors as lighting and tiredness.Unfortunately, in the past, many reading improvement courses have concentrated too much on how our eyes move across the printed page. As a result of this misleading emphasis on the purely visual aspects of reading, numerous exercises have been devised to train the eyes to see more words at one fixation. For instance, in some exercises, words are flashed on to a screen for, say, a tenth or a twentieth of a second. One of the exercises has required students to fix their eyes on some central point, taking in the words on either side. Such word patterns are often constructed in the shape of rather steep pyramids so the reader takes in more and more words at each successive fixation. All these exercises are very clever, but its one thing to improve a persons ability to see words and quite another thing to improve his ability to read a text efficiently. Reading requires the ability to understand the relationship between words. Consequently, for these reasons, many experts have now begun to question the usefulness of eye training, especially since any approach which trains a person to read isolated words and phrases would seem unlikely to help him in reading a continuous text.1.The time of the recognition span can be affected by the following facts except( ).2.The author may believe that reading( ).3.What does the author mean by saying “but its one thing to improve a persons ability to see words and quite another thing to improve his ability to read a text efficiently.” in the second paragraph?4.Which of the following is NOT true?5.The tune of the author in writing this article is( ).问题1选项A.ones familiarity with the textB.ones purpose in readingC.the length of a group of wordsD.lighting and tiredness问题2选项A.requires a reader to take in more words at each fixationB.requires a reader to see words more quicklyC.demands an deeply-participating mindD.demands more mind than eyes问题3选项A.The ability to see words is not needed when an efficient reading is conducted.B.The reading exercises mentioned cant help to improve both the ability to see or comprehend words.C.The reading exercises mentioned cant help to improve an efficient reading.D.The reading exercises mentioned has done a great job to im


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