青少年新概念英语b unit whats your middle namePPT课件

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青少年新概念英语b unit whats your middle namePPT课件_第1页
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青少年新概念英语b unit whats your middle namePPT课件_第2页
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青少年新概念英语b unit whats your middle namePPT课件_第3页
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He Jiongfirst name last name 第1页/共30页Justin Drew BieberWhats his name? first name last name middle name 名 姓 小名 第2页/共30页Whats she/he like?hes cool.Hes tall.Shes old.第3页/共30页sillyWhats Mr. Bean like?Hes very silly.See a video第4页/共30页Im never silly.Im silly all the time.Do you ever do anything silly?What,for example?第5页/共30页keyhouse keyunlock the house with a house keycar keyunlock the car with a car keykey-ring第6页/共30页thumbpoint fingermiddle fingerring fingerlittle fingerWhich finger is the key-ring on?第7页/共30页middle namewrongimpossiblenothing is impossible anything is possible all the timeparkdriveunlockdiscussplaneverywherekey-ringfingersillinessfor examplekeep第8页/共30页wrongsillyimpossiblebelievepick uparriveunlocktalk aboutdiscussfinishlook formiddlesillinesseverywherenever第9页/共30页unlockimpossiblebelievekey-ringeverywherewrongsillydiscussparkplanpick uplook forLets reviewall the timefinishmiddle name第10页/共30页Guess: Who is silly?第11页/共30页 1.Who did silly thing? 2.Where were karens car keys?第12页/共30页Listen again: ture or false1.She arrived home at about 9 oclock2.Karen unlock her house with car key3.William called Karen and talked about the weekend4.Karen and Daisy discussed plans for Sunday5.The key-ring was on her middle finger 第13页/共30页Describe第14页/共30页Match the correct pictureThe key-ring was on my little finger. William, Silliness is my middle name!123456Then I looked for my car keys. I looked in my bag, my in my coateverywhere. We talked about the weekend, discussed plans for Sunday. Then we finished the call.I did something very silly this morning. I picked up some shopping in town.Oh, but I am! Im silly all the time. Believe me!第15页/共30页William: Is there something _, Karen?Karen: Its OK. Im being _.William: Thats _. Youre never silly.Karen: Oh, but I am! Im silly _. Believe me!wrongimpossibleall the timesilly.Fill in the blanks第16页/共30页Karen: I _ something very silly this morning. I _some shopping in town.didpicked up第17页/共30页Karen: I _ home at about 10 oclock, and _ the car in the drive. I _ the house with my house keys.arrivedparkedunlocked第18页/共30页Karen: Then, Daisy _ me on my mobile, and we _ the weekend. We _ plans for Sunday. Then we finished the calltalked aboutdiscussedcalled第19页/共30页Karen: Then I _my car keys. I looked in my bag, in my coat, in the kitchen, _.William: And where were they? looked foreverywhere第20页/共30页Karen: They _ in my hand! The key-ring was on my little finger. William, _ is my middle name! wereSilliness第21页/共30页定义:结构:句型转换:过去式规律变化:Grammar 动词过去式第22页/共30页 一般情况加ed. 以e结尾,加个d. arrive-arrived 单元+单辅,双写辅音,再加 以辅音+y结尾的单词,去y变i,再加ed. 清音 /t/ 浊元/d/ t,d后面读/id/. wantedasked discussed finished helped looked parked picked watchedarrived breathed called cleaned enjoyed showed turned used第23页/共30页on the phoneon the radioon the TVon the computeron+各种通讯工具,表示“在(收音机、电视、电话、电脑等)上”第24页/共30页Pattern PracticeAsk and answer questionsturned on the TV at teatime(at lunchtime)cleaned his teethafter breakfast(before breakfast)第25页/共30页Pattern PracticeAsk and answer questionscalled her parentsat the weekend(on Monday)showed us their flatlast week(yesterday)第26页/共30页Pattern PracticeAsk and answer questionsparked in the roadYesterday(last week)finished the jobthree weeks ago(last month)第27页/共30页Pattern PracticeAsk and answer questionslooked at her photo collectionsix weeks ago(six months ago)discussed the tripa year ago(last winter)第28页/共30页 1.单词短语,每个10遍 2.仿句5个,参考第八页. 3.做完课后练习及练习册. 4. 任选两幅图片背诵 5.熟读课文,于周一到周五上午11:00-21:00打电话读课文。 6.背单词,满分者免抄单词的作业Homework第29页/共30页感谢您的观看!第30页/共30页


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