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2022年考博英语-云南大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Walking through my train yesterday, staggering from my seat to the buffet and back, I counted five people reading Harry Potter novels. Not children- these were real grown-ups reading childrens books.Maybe that would have been understandable. If these people had jumped whole-heartedly into a second childhood it would have made more sense. But they were card-carrying grown-ups with laptops and spreadsheets returning from sales meetings and seminars. Yet they chose to read a childrens book.I dont imagine youll find this headcount exceptional. You can no longer get on the London Tube and not see a Harry Potter book. Nor is it just the film; these throwback readers were out there in droves long before the movie campaign opened.So who are these adult readers who have made J.K. Rowling the second-biggest female earner in Britain (after Madonna) As I have tramped along streets knee-deep in Harry Potter paperbacks, Ive mentally slotted them into three groups.First come the Never-Readers, whom Harry has enticed into opening a book. Is this a bad thing probably not. Writing has many advantages over film, but it can never compete with its magnetic punch. If these books can re-establish the novel as a thrilling experience for some people, then this can only be for the better. If it takes obsession-level hype to lure them into a bookshop, thats fine by me. But will they go on to read anything else again, we can only hope.The second group are the Occasional Readers. These people claim that tiredness, work and children allow them to read only a few books a year. Yet nowto be part of the crowd, to say theyve read itthey put Harry Potter on their oh-so-select reading list. Its infuriating, and maddening. Yes, Im a writer myself, currently writing difficult, unreadable, hopefully unsettling novels, but there are so many other good books out there, so much rewarding, enlightening, enlarging works of fiction for adults; and yet these sad cases are swept along by the hype, the faddism, into reading a children s book.The third group are the Regular Readers, for whom Harry is sandwiched between McEwan and Balzac, Roth and Dickens. This is the real bafflerwhat on earth do they get out of reading it? Why bother? But if they call rattle through it in a week just to say theyve been there like going to Longleat or the Eiffel Towerthe worst they re doing is encouraging others.1.Whats the passage mainly about?2.The author believes that many adults read( ).3.According to the author, the Never-Readers( ).4.The Occasional Readers are referred to as sad cases because( ).5.Whats the bad effect of the way the Regular Readers read Harry Patter?6.The main culprit for this madness about Harry Potter is most probably( ).问题1选项A.The worldwide popularity of Harry Potter.B.Adults benefiting from reading Harry Potter.C.The origin of Harry Potter as a childrens book.D.Reflections on Harry Potters popularity among adults.问题2选项A.to follow suitB.to enjoy a second childhoodC.to kill timeD.to share Harrys adventure问题3选项A.will take up reading as their lifelong hobbyB.have got more from the book than from the filmC.may barely get interested in other books than Harry PotterD.can hardly be driven by the crowds to read any book问题4选项A.theyre too busy to enjoy regular readingB.theyre suffering from the heavy workloadC.they have a hard time selecting what to readD.their reading taste is affected by fashion问题5选项A.It will promote too many visits to the places the book mentions.B.It will discourage people from reading real masterpieces.C.It will foster reading as part of a fast-food culture.D.It will cause a confusion of faddism with classics.问题6选项A.JK RowingB.the publisherC.the media hypeD.its thrilling stories【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:D第6题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。从整篇文章读下来,前四段是作者在火车上发现有成年人在读哈利波特的现象以及作者的所想,后三段作者将阅读哈利波特的成年人群分为三组,分析哈利波特受欢迎的原因,由此可知D选项“哈利波特受成年人欢迎的反思”符合题意。2.事实细节题。定位到文章第五段中的If it takes obsession-level hype to lure them into a bookshop, thats fine by me.(如果这需要痴迷程度的宣传来吸引他们进入书店,对我来说没问题)可知A选项“为了跟风”符合题意。3.推理判断题。定位到文章第五段中的But will they go on to read anything else again, we can only hope.(但我们只能希望,他们还会继续读别的书吗?)可知C选项“除了哈利波特,对其他书籍几乎没有兴趣”符合题意。4.推理判断题。定位到文章第六段中的These people claim that tiredness, work and children allow them to read only a few books a year. Yet nowto be part of the crowd, to say theyve read itthey put Harry Potter on their oh-so-select reading list.(这些人声称疲劳,工作和孩子使他们一年只能读几本书,然而现在,作为人群中的一员,说他们已经读过它了,他们把哈利波特列入了他们的“超精选”阅读清单)可知D选项“他们的阅读品味受到时尚的影响”符合题意。5.推理判断题。定位到文章第七段The third group are the Regular Readers, for whom Harry is sandwiched between McEwan (英国当代作家) and Balzac, Roth (德国现代诗人) and Dickens可了解到文化的混乱,因此D选项正确。6.事实细节题。定位到文章第六段and yet these sad cases are swept along by the hype, the faddism, into reading a childrens book.(然而,这些令人悲伤的案例却被大肆宣传和时尚潮流席卷,变成了儿童读物)表明媒体炒作使得哈利波特的宣传十分到位且疯狂,因此选项C正确。2. 翻译题中国人最懂得消遣。中国人从前的读书人,闲暇时间以琴棋书画作为消遣。在中国人看来,艺术品的好坏,意味着作者人格的高低,所以弹琴、下棋、写字和绘画,都代表了一个人的修养。弹琴不是要做音乐家,而是随着美妙的琴声,进入一个辽阔的世界,净化自己的心灵。【答案】The Chinese have the best pastime. In the past, Chinese scholars used to play the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in their spare time. In the eyes of The Chinese people, the quality of works of art means the level of the authors personality, so playing the piano, playing chess, writing and painting all represent a persons cultivation. Playing the piano is not to be a musician, but with the wonderful sound, into a vast world, purify their own mind.3. 单选题A person who is found guilty of embezzlement may be required to( )his property as penalty.问题1选项A.concedeB.defrayC.forfeitD.gape【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。Concede “承认,退让”;defray “支出,支付”;forfeit “丧失”;gape “裂开,张开”。句意:被发现犯有贪污罪的人,会被要求没收财产作为处罚。选项C符合题意。4. 单选题When the government talks about infrastructure contributing to the economy the focus is usually on roads, railways, broadband and energy. Housing is seldom mentioned.Why is that? To some extent the housing sector must shoulder the blame. We have not been good at communicating the real value that housing can contribute to economic growth. Then there is the scale of the typical housing project. It is hard to shove for attention among multibillion-pound infrastructure project, so it is inevitable that the attention is focused elsewhere. But perhaps the most significant reason is that the issue has always been so politically charged.Nevertheless, the affordable housing situation is desperate. Waiting lists increase all the time and we are simply not building enough new homes.The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this. It needs to put historical prejudices to one side and take some steps to address our urgent housing need.There are some indications that it is preparing to do just that. The communities minister, Don Foster, has hinted that George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, may introduce more flexibility to the current cap on the amount that local authorities can borrow against their housing stock debt. Evidence shows that 60, 000 extra new homes could be built over the next five years if the cap were lifted, increasing GDP by 0.6%.Ministers should also look at creating greater certainty in the rental environment, which would have a significant impact on the ability of registered providers to fund new developments from revenues.But it is not just down to the government. While these measures would be welcome in the short term, we must face up to the fact that the existing 4.5bn programme of grants to fund new affordable housing, set to expire in 2015, is unlikely to be extended beyond then. The Labour party has recently announced that it will retain a large part of the coalitions spending plans if returns to power. The housing sector needs to accept that we are very unlikely to ever return to era of large-scale public grants. We need to adjust to this changing climate.1.The author believes that the housing sector( ).2.It can be learned that affordable housing has( ).3.According to Paragraph 5, George Osborne may( ).4.It can be inferred that a stable rental environment would( ).5.The author believes that after 2015, the government may( ).问题1选项A.has attracted much attentionB.involves certain political factorsC.shoulders too much responsibilityD.has lost its real value in economy问题2选项A.increased its home supplyB.offered spending opportunitiesC.suffered government biasesD.disappointed the government问题3选项A.allow greater government debt for housingB.stop local authorities from building homesC.prepare to reduce housing stock debtD.release a lifted GDP growth forecast问题4选项A.lower the costs of registered providersB.lessen the impact of government interferenceC.contribute to funding new developmentsD.relieve the ministers of responsibilities问题5选项A.implement more policies to support housingB.review the need for large-scale public grantsC.renew the affordable housing grants programmeD.stop generous funding to the housing sector【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。定位到文章第二段最后一句“But perhaps the most significant reason is that the issue has always been so politically charged.”但或许最重要的原因是,这个问题一直以来都带有浓厚的政治色彩。由此可知B选项involves certain political factors涉及某些政治因素符合题意。2.细节事实题。定位到文章第四段“It needs to put historical prejudices to one side and take some steps to address our urgent housing need.”它需要把历史偏见放在一边,采取一些措施来解决我们迫切的住房需求。由此可知C选项suffered government biases遭受政府偏见符合题意。3.细节事实题。定位到文章第五段最后一句“The communities minister, Don Foster, has hinted that George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, may introduce more flexibility to the current cap on the amount that local authorities can borrow against their housing stock debt.”部长唐福斯特暗示,财政大臣乔治奥斯本可能会对地方政府现有的住房债务上限引入更多的灵活性。由此可知A选项allow greater government debt for housing允许政府增加住房债务符合题意。4.推理判断题。定位到文章第六段“Ministers should also look at creating greater certainty in the rental environment, which would have a significant impact on the ability of registered providers to fund new developments from revenues.”部长们还应着眼于在租赁环境中创造更大的确定性,这将对已注册供应商从收入中为新开发项目提供资金的能力产生重大影响。由此可知C选项正确。5.细节事实题。定位到文章最后一段“While these measures would be welcome in the short term, we must face up to the fact that the existing 4.5bn programme of grants to fund new affordable housing, set to expire in 2015, is unlikely to be extended beyond then.”尽管这些措施在短期内会受到欢迎,但我们必须正视这样一个事实:将于2015年到期的、为新保障性住房提供资金的现有45亿英镑资助计划,不太可能在2015年之后延长。以及文章最后提到的“We need to adjust to this changing climate(我们需要适应这个正在变化的情形)”,this climate指的也是政府将不会提供大规模拨款,由此可知D选项正确。5. 翻译题As many people hit middle age, they may start to notice that their memory and mental clarity are not what they used to be. We suddenly cant remember where we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintances name, or the name of an old band we used to love. As the brain fades, we refer to these occurrences as “senior moments”. While seemingly innocent, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a damaging impact on our professional, social and personal life.Neuroscientists, experts who study the nervous system, are increasingly showing that theres actually a lot that can be done. It turns out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental workouts can significantly improve our basic cognitive functions. Thinking is essentially a process of making connections in the brain. To some extent, our ability to excel in making the connections that drive intelligence is inherited.【答案】随着许多人步入中年,他们可能会开始注意到,他们的记忆力和思维清晰度已经不如从前了。我们突然记不起刚才把钥匙放在哪里了,或者记不起一个老相识的名字,或者记不起一个我们曾经喜欢过的老乐队的名字。当大脑衰退时,我们将这些现象称为“老年时刻”,虽然看起来很无辜,但这种精神注意力的丧失可能会对我们的职业、社交和个人生活造成潜在的破坏性影响。神经科学家,研究神经系统的专家,越来越多地表明实际上有很多事情可以做。事实证明,大脑和我们的肌肉一样需要锻炼,正确的脑力锻炼可以显著提高我们的基本认知功能。思考本质上是在大脑中建立联系的过程。在某种程度上,我们在建立驱动智力的联系方面的卓越能力是遗传的。6. 单选题My heart( )when I heard that I had been eliminated during the first round interview.问题1选项A.droppedB.fellC.plungedD.sank【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项drop“下降”,表示从高处往下掉;B选项fall“落下、下垂”,通常指,在重力的作用下落下,或者失去平衡而跌落;C选项plunge“突然的下落”;D选项sink“下沉、消沉”,句意为:当我听说自己在第一轮面试中被淘汰时,我的心沉了下来。因此选项D符合题意。7. 单选题When photographing an object from different viewpoints, the photographers perspective of( )changes.问题1选项A.of what is seeingB.seeing whatC.it sees whatD.what it sees【答案】D【解析】语法题。根据句子结构可知,空格部分为介词of的宾语,所以填入一个宾语从句。特殊疑问词可引导宾语从句,并且要用陈述语序。句意:当从不同的角度拍摄一个物体时,摄影师对它所看到的东西的视觉会发生变化。选项D符合题意。8. 单选题The number of copies the paper seils seems to be in( )proportion to the amount of news it contains.问题1选项A.diverseB.inverseC.reverseD.averse【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。in reverse“相反”,本句意为“这份报纸的发行量似乎与它所包含的新闻量成反比”,这句话想要表达的是报纸发行量太少,in reverse表达“相反”的意思使得句子逻辑成立。因此选项C正确。9. 翻译题Read the following Paragraph carefully and then translate it into English.尽管我们对“学习”的理解不尽完善,然而我们对此已有不少了解。“学习”可以呈现不同的形式,也可以在许多情况下进行。一般来说,“学习”必然会引起行为的变化。“学习”导致人们行为发生变化吋,这种变化常能持久。“学习”也许意味着对一系列细小而不相关的行为按新的顺序重新排列。就好比你在钢琴上学习一首新的曲子。【答案】Although our understanding of learning is still not complete, a great deal is known. Learning has many different forms and takes place under many conditions. In general, it involves a change in behavior. When a change in behavior takes place as a result of learning, the change is usually a long-lasting one. Learning may mean that a number of small independent acts are arranged in a new order. This happens, for example, when you learn to play a new piece on the piano.10. 翻译题Directions: Read the following passage and then translate the underlined parts into Chinese.Psychologists have long said that connecting with others is central to well-being, but just how much conversation we require is under investigation. 1.In one study, researchers eavesdropped on undergraduates for four days, then cataloged each overheard conversation as either “small talk” or “substantive”. They found that the second type correlated with happinessthe happiest students had roughly twice as many substantive talks as the unhappiest ones. Small talk, meanwhile, makes up only 10 percent of their conversation, versus 30 percent of conversation among the least content students.2.But dont write off chitchat just yet. Scientists believe that small talk could promote bonding; and maintain closeness with loved ones, and couldnt be merely the stuff of awkward exchanges with strangers.Still, bantering with strangers could brighten your morning. 3.In a series of experiments, psychologists gave Chicago commuters varying directions about whether to talk with fellow train passengers. Those told to chat with others reported a more pleasant journey than those told to “enjoy your solitude” or to do whatever they normally would. None of the chatters reported being rebuffed. And the results held for introverts and extroverts alikewhich makes sense, since acting extroverted has a positive effect on introverted.4.Small talk can also help us feel connected to our surroundings. People who smiled at, made eye contact with and briefly spoke with their Starbucks baristas reported a greater sense of belonging than those who rushed through the transaction.Of course, some of us are better than others at turning small talk into something bigger. In one study, people who were rated “less curious”, by researchers had trouble getting a conversation rolling on their own, and had greater luck building closeness with others when they are supplied with questions that encouraged personal disclosure. 5.But people who are deemed “curious” needed no help transforming about mundane things like favorite holidays into intimate exchanges. A “curious mind-set”、the authors concluded, can lead to “positive social interaction”. So go ahead, pry. Chitchat neednt be idle. And noisiness isnt all bad.【答案】1.在一项研究中,研究人员对大学生进行了为期四天的偷听,然后将每一次听到的谈话分类为“闲聊”或“实质性谈话”。他们发现第二种类型的学生与快乐有关最快乐的学生进行实质性谈话的次数大约是最不快乐的学生的两倍。2.但现在还不要对闲聊一笔勾销。科学家认为闲聊可以增进感情;和所爱的人保持亲密,不能仅仅是和陌生人尴尬的交流。3.在一系列的实验中,心理学家就是否与火车上的其他乘客交谈给芝加哥的通勤者不同的建议。那些被告知与他人聊天的人比那些被告知“享受独处”或做他们通常会做的事情的人更愉快。没有人说自己被拒绝了。4.闲聊也能让我们感觉和周围的环境有联系。与那些匆匆完成交易的人相比,那些对咖啡师微笑、与他们进行眼神交流、与他们简短交谈的人有更强的归属感。5.但是那些被认为“好奇”的人不需要别人的帮助,就能把平常的事情,比如喜欢的节日,变成亲密的交流。作者总结说,一种“好奇的心态”可以导致“积极的社会互动”。去吧,pry。闲聊不必是无聊的。噪音也不全是坏事。11. 单选题Unlike the hyena,( ) related, the aardwolf has weak teeth and jaws.问题1选项A.which is itB.which it is toC.which is itD.to which it is【答案】D【解析】语法题。根据句子结构,可知空格为非限制性定语从句,先行词为hyena,因为固定搭配relate to,所以which为关系代词,代替hyena在定语从句中充当to的宾语,介词to可以放到定语从句的末尾,也可以提到which的前面。句意:与自己有血缘联系的鬣狗不一样,土狼的牙齿和咽喉都比较虚弱。选项D符合题意。12. 单选题It would seem that Miller cannot have been on friendly terms with the gardeners there, or he would have made a( )of visiting them.问题1选项A.moveB.useC.pointD.remedy【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。move “行动,举措”;use “使用”;point “要点”;remedy “补救;改进”。句意:看起来米勒不可能和那个园丁友好相处了,否则他会认为有必要去拜访他们。Make a point of “认为有必要”。选项C符合题意。13. 翻译题Translate the following sentences into English.这一点,加上这里的多元化社会、不拘礼仪的生活方式和宜人的气候,使得国外英才近悦远来。一般来说,人可以分为三类:累死的人,愁死的人和烦死的人。爱情是人类不变的追求,改变的只是人们对爱情的阐释。人类历史发展长河中,人们主要关心的是能源有利的一面。仅仅知道什么是对,什么是错是不够的,还必须能把这一知识运用到具体情况中。【答案】This, along with the pluralistic society, an informal lifestyle and pleasant climate, attracts foreign talents to its shores.Generally speaking, human beings could be divided into three types: those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and who are annoyed to death.Love is humans constant pursuit. The thing that changed is the interpretation of it.During the history of human development, the dominant concerns about energy have centered on the benefit side of energy.It is not enough to tell right from wrong. It is necessary to apply this knowledge to the specific situations.14. 单选题This experienced author was able to( )the fact that he was not qualified for admission to college.问题1选项A.suppressB.compressC.expressD.depress【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项suppress“抑制、镇压”;B选项compress“压缩、精简”;C选项express“表达”;D选项depress“使沮丧、降低”,句意为:这位经验丰富的作家能够表达他没有资格进入大学这一事实。express“表达”符合句意,因此选项C正确。15. 单选题The construction of and theories reflects the scientists interpretation of ( )what has been observed.问题1选项A.prototypesB.hypothesesC.fantasiesD.imaginations【答案】B【解析】名词词义辨析A选项prototype“原型,雏形”;B选项hypothesis “假说,假设”;C选项fantasy “幻想,空想”;D选项imagination “想象力,想象”;根据由and连接与空格所填词语并列的theories可以确定,题干强调的是“研究的假设和理论”,所以B选项正确。16. 单选题The government has to consider whether the destruction of one human life can be( )by the hopes of saving others.问题1选项A.notifiedB.specifiedC.justifiedD.magnified【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项notify“通知”;B选项specify “指定、列举”;C选项justify“证明合法”;D选项magnify“赞美、夸大”,句意为:政府必须考虑,为了拯救他人,毁灭一个人的生命是否可以被证明是合理的。因此选项C符合题意。17. 单选题Real policemen hardly recognize any resemblance between their lives and what they see on TV.The first difference is that a policemans real life revolves round criminal law, he has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in court. He has to know nearly as much law as a professional lawyer, and what is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down a street after someone he wants to talk to.Little of his time is spent in chatting. He will spend most of his working life typing millions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, unimportant people who are guilty of stupid, petty crimes.Most television crime drama is about finding the criminal: as soon as hes arrested, the stor


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