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8th editionSteven P. RobbinsMary Coulter1720. Learning Objectives You should learn to:Explain the difference between managers and leaders( 管理者与领导者的区别)Describe the trait(个性特征) and behavioral theories of leadershipExplain the Fiedler contingency model(菲德勒权变模型)Contrast the Hersey-Blanchard(何塞-布兰查) and leader participation (参与)models of leadershipSummarize the path-goal (路径-目标) model1730. Learning Objectives (cont.) You should learn to: Explain the various sources (多种来源)of power a leader might possessDescribe how leaders can create (创造)a culture of trust(信任)Explain gender (性别)and cultural (文化)differences in leadership174一一. Leadership 领导领导 1 . Leader(领导者) someone who can influence others(影响别人) and who has managerial authorityvall managers should ideally(最好最好) be leadersvnot all leaders have the ability to be an effective manager 2. Leadership (领导) process of influencing a group toward the achievement of goals a heavily researched topic(一个热门的研究题目)175二二. Early Leadership Theories 早期理论早期理论 1. Trait Theories(特质理论) leader traits(领导者个性特征领导者个性特征) - characteristics that might be used to differentiate leaders from nonleadersvmight be used as a basis for selecting the “right(合适)” people to assume(任命) formal leadership positions proved to be impossible to identify a set of traits that would always differentiate(区分) leaders from nonleadersvexplanations based solely (仅仅)on traits ignored the interactions (相互作用)of leaders, their groups, and situational factors Ex.17-1 Seven Traits associated with leadership 176二二. Early Leadership Theories(续续1)2. Behavioral Theories(领导行为理论) knowing what effective leaders do would provide the basis for training leaders(知道有效领导者做什么,用于领导的训练)(1) University of Iowa Studies(依阿华大学的研究依阿华大学的研究) - Kurt Lewin(勒文)vexplored three leadership styles(领导模式) Autocratic(独裁式)- leader dictated(指定) work methods Democratic(民主式民主式) - involved (参与)employees in decision makingused feedback to coach employees laissez-faire(放任式放任式) - gave the group complete freedomvresults were mixed with (不确定)respect to (就)performance-satisfaction higher with democratic leader177二二. Early Leadership Theories(续续2) 2. Behavioral Theories (cont.)(2) Ohio State Studies(俄核俄州大学俄核俄州大学) - identified two dimensions of leadership(两个影响领导的维度),组合出四种领导方式vinitiating structure(以工作为重以工作为重) - extent to which a leader was likely to define and structure her/his role and the roles of group members to seek goal attainmentvConsideration(以人为重以人为重) - extent to which a leader had job relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for group members ideas and feelingsvfindings - high-high leaders achieved high group task performance and satisfaction however, high-high was not always effective(不是始终有效的领导方式)178二二. Early Leadership Theories (续续3.) 2. Behavioral Theories (cont.)(3) University of Michigan(密歇根大学密歇根大学) Studies - identified two dimensions of leadership:两种领导方式vemployee oriented(员工导向员工导向) - emphasized interpersonal relationships accepts individual differences among subordinates associated with high group productivity,高生产效率vproduction oriented(生产导向生产导向) - emphasized the technical or task aspects of the job concerned with accomplishing the groups tasks associated with low group productivity and low job satisfaction,低生产率和低员工满意179二二. Early Leadership Theories (续续4.) 2. Behavioral Theories (cont.)(4) Managerial Grid(管理方格理论管理方格理论) - two-dimensional grid (两维方格)that provides a framework for conceptualizing leadership stylevdimensions are concern for people and concern for production(关心工作关心工作)vfive management styles(五种管理方式) described impoverished (1,1),贫乏型- minimum effort to reach goals and sustain organization membership task (9,1),任务型任务型 - arrange operations to be efficient with minimum human involvement middle-of-the-road (5,5),中间型中间型 - adequate performance by balancing work and human concerns 1710二二. Early Leadership Theories (续续5.) 2. Behavioral Theories (cont.)(2) Managerial Grid (管理方格, cont.)vfive management styles described (cont.) country club (1,9),俱乐部型俱乐部型 - attention to human needs and creation of comfortable work environment team (9,9),团队型- committed people motivated by a common purpose, trust, and mutual respectvconcluded that managers should use (9,9) style little empirical evidence to support this conclusion (几乎没有经验证据支持这个结论) no rationale for what made a manager an effective leader1711Contingency Theories Of Leadership 领导权变理论领导权变理论 *. Basic Assumptionsleader effectiveness depends on the situation(领导的有效性与情景有关)must isolate situational conditions or contingencies(必须分离出情景条件或者说情景变量)1712 1. Fiedler Model(菲德勒模型) effective group performance depends on matching the leaders style(领导方式) and the degree to which the situation permits(让) the leader to control and influence(控制和影响) Least-Preferred Coworker (LPC,最喜欢的员工最喜欢的员工) - measures the leaders style of interacting with subordinates来刻画领导模式vhigh LPC - least preferred coworker described in relatively favorable terms leader is relationship orientedvlow LPC - least preferred coworker described in relatively unfavorable terms leader is task oriented三三. Contingency Theories (续续1)1713三三. Contingency Theories (续续2 ) 1. Fiedler Model (菲德勒模型,cont.)model assumes that leaders style was always the same and could not change in different situationsthree contingency factors (三个权变因素)that identify eight possible leadership situations that vary in favorability(有利性)。三个因素如下:vleader-member relations(领导与成员关系领导与成员关系) - degree of confidence, trust, and respect members had for leadervtask structure(任务结构任务结构) - degree to which job assignments were formalized and procedurizedvposition power(职务权力职务权力) - degree of influence a leader had over power-based activities1714* Findings Of The Fiedler ModelCategoryLeader-MemberRelationsTask StructurePosition PowerI II III IV V VI VII VIII Good Good Good Good Poor Poor Poor Poor High High Low Low High High Low LowStrong Weak Strong Weak Strong Weak Strong WeakFavorableUnfavorableModerateGoodPoorPerformance绩效RelationshipOrientedTaskOriented1715三三. Contingency Theories (续续3) 1. Fiedler Model (菲德勒模型,cont.) results indicated that:vtask-oriented leaders performed better in situations that are very favorable to them and in situations that are very unfavorablevrelationship-oriented(关系导向) leaders performed better in situations that are moderately favorable implications for improving leadershipvplace leaders in situations suited to their stylevchange the situation to fit the leader considerable empirical support (经验支持这个理论模型)for the model Unrealistic(不现实)to assume that leader cannot alter(改变) their style1716三三. Contingency Theories (续续4) 2. Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Theory(何塞-布兰查情景领导理论)appropriate leadership style is contingent on the followers readiness(成熟性)vreadiness - extent to which people have the ability and willingness (能力和意愿)to accomplish a specific taskreflects the reality that it is followers who accept or reject the leaderbased on two leadership dimensions(两大领导维度)vtask behaviors:任务行为者任务行为者vrelationship behaviors:关系行为者关系行为者1717三三. Contingency Theories (续续5) 2. Situational Leadership Theory (续)four leadership styles defined by the two dimensions(识别出四种领导风格或方式)vTelling,命令型命令型 - leader defines roles and tells people how to do their jobs,-people are neither competent nor confidentvSelling,推销型推销型 - leader is both directive and supportive people are unable but willing to do necessary tasksvParticipating,参与型参与型 - leader and follower make decisions people are able but unwilling to do the jobvDelegating,授权型授权型 - leader provides little direction or support . -people are able and willing to do the jobtests of the theory have yielded disappointing results(实证研究结论,令人失望)1718Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Model1719三三. Contingency Theories (续续5) 3. Leader-Participation (领导-参与)Model 3.1 理论起源和基本观点:Victor Vroom (佛如姆)and associates(同事)- relate leadership behavior and participation to decision making(考察了领导行为与决策的关系)provides a sequential set of rules to follow in determining the form and amount of participation in decision makingvrule selection determined by the situationprovides an excellent(非常有力的) guide to help managers choose an appropriate leadership style to fit the situation1720 3. Leader Participation Model(cont.)-5 Leadership StylesvDecide(决断型决断型) - leader makes decision alone, either announcing or selling to groupvConsult Individually(个别咨询型个别咨询型) - leader makes decision after obtaining feedback from group members individuallyvConsult Group(顾问团型顾问团型) - leader makes decision after obtaining feedback from group members in meetingvFacilitate(促进型促进型) - leader, acting as facilitator, defines problem and boundaries for decision-making after presenting it to groupvDelegate(授权型授权型) - leader permits group to make decision within prescribed limits三三. Contingency Theories (续续6 )1721三三. Contingency Theories (续续6) 4. Path-Goal(路径-目标) ModelRobert House(罗伯特.豪斯) - leaders job is to assist followers in attaining their goals that are compatible相容 with the overall objectives of the group or organizationleader behavior is:vAcceptable,接受接受 to the degree that group views it as a source of immediate or future satisfactionvMotivational,激励,to the extent that it: makes satisfaction of subordinates needs contingent on effective performance provides the coaching, guidance, support, and rewards necessary for effective performance1722三三. Contingency Theories (续续7) 4. Path-Goal Model (路径-目标,cont.) identifies four leadership behaviors,识别出四种领导行为vDirective,命令式命令式 - describes tasks, sets schedules, and offers guidance on task performancevSupportive,支持式支持式 - shows concern for subordinatesvParticipative,参与式参与式 - relies on subordinates suggestions when making a decisionvAchievement oriented,成就导向式成就导向式 - sets challenging goals Assumes(假定) that a leader can display any or all of the behaviors depending on the situation Path goal1723三三. Contingency Theories (续续8.) 4. Path-Goal Model (路径-目标,cont.) two classes of contingency variables(权变变量)vEnvironment(环境环境) - outside the control of the follower determine the type of leader behavior required if follower outcomes are to be maximizedvPersonal - characteristics of the follower determine how the environment and leader behavior are interpreted leader behavior will be ineffective when:vit is redundant(多余的) with sources of environmental structure vit is incongruent with(不一致) follower characteristics most evidence supports the logic underlying (蕴涵的逻辑) the model1724* Path-Goal Theory小结小结 Environmental Contingency Factors Task Structure Formal Authority System Work GroupLeader Behavior Directive Supportive Participative Achievement orientedOutcomes Performance SatisfactionSubordinateContingency Factors Locus of Control Experience Perceived Ability1725Contemporary Issues In Leadership 1. Leaders and Power(领导与权力) five sources of power(五种权力来源)vLegitimate(法定法定) - authority associated with a positionvCoercive(威胁威胁) - ability to punish or control followers react out of fearvReward(奖励奖励) - ability to give positive benefits provide anything that another person valuesvExpert(专业专业) - influence based on special skills or knowledgevReferent(声望、品德声望、品德) - arises because of a persons desirable resources or personal traits leads to admiration and desire to be like that person1726四四. Contemporary Issues In Leadership (cont.) 2. Creating a Culture of Trust(创造信任的文化)Credibility(可信性可信性) - honesty, competence, and ability to inspire(激发,鼓动)vhonesty is the number one characteristic of admired leadersTrust - belief in the integrity, character, and ability of the leadervconfident that rights and interests will not be abused(滥用)vimportant for empowering subordinates must trust employees to use their new authorityvtrend toward expanding non-authority relationships within and between organizations widens(扩大) the need for trust1727* Building Trust(建立建立信任信任 )PracticeopennessTell thetruthMaintainconfidencesShowconsistencyFulfill yourpromisesTrustSpeak yourfeelingsDemonstratecompetenceBe fair1728四四. Contemporary Issues In Leadership (cont.) 3. Leading Through Empowerment(通过授权领导)managers increasingly leading by empowermentvneed for quick decisions by people who are most knowledgeable(最清楚)about the issues(问题)vlarger spans of control(控制幅度增大) resulting from downsizing meant that subordinates had to be empowered to deal with work load 4. Gender and Leadership(性别与领导)gender provides behavioral tendencies(行为倾向) in leadershipwomen adopt more democratic style, share power and information, and attempt to enhance followers self-worth(自我价值)men more directive, command-in-control style1729四四. Contemporary Issues In Leadership (cont.) 4. Gender and Leadership (cont.)Is different better(有各自的长处有各自的长处)?vWhen rated by peers, employees, and bosses, women executives score better than male counterpartsvexplanations of difference in effectiveness include:Flexibility(灵活性), teamwork(团队工作), trust(信任), and information sharing(信息共享) are replacing (替代)rigid structures, competitive individualism(个人竞争), control, and secrecy(保密)best managers listen, motivate, and provide supportwomen do the above better than menvthere is still no “one best” leadership style(没有最佳的领导方式)cant assume认为 that womens style is always better1730* Where Female Managers Do Better(女领导者的优点女领导者的优点)1731Contemporary Issues In Leadership (cont.) 5. Leadership Styles in Different Countrieseffectiveness of leadership style influenced by national culturevLeaders constrained by the cultural conditions their followers have come to expectmost leadership theories developed in the U.S.vemphasize follower responsibilities rather than rightsvassume self-gratification(自我满意) rather than commitment to duty(尽职)vassume centrality of work(以工作中心) and democratic value orientationvstress rationality(理性) rather than spirituality(精神)1732四四. Contemporary Issues in Leadership (cont.) 6. Sometimes Leadership is Irrelevant!leader behaviors(领导者行为) may be irrelevant in some situationsfactors that reduce leadership importance include:vfollower characteristics(下属特性) - experience, training, professional orientation, or need for independence replace the need for leader support and ability to reduce ambiguity(减少模糊性)vjob characteristics(工作特性) - unambiguous(清楚) and routine tasks, or tasks that are intrinsically(内在的) satisfying, place fewer demands on leadersvorganizational characteristics(组织特性) - explicit(清楚的) goals, rigid(固定的) rules and procedures, and cohesive(内聚力的) work groups can substitute for formal leadership1733Current Approaches to Leadership Transactional LeadershipLeaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements. Transformational LeadershipLeaders who inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization by clarifying role and task requirements.Leaders who also are capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on their followers.1734Providing Online Leadership Challenges of Online LeadershipCommunicationvChoosing the right words, structure, tone, and style for digital communicationsPerformance managementvDefining, facilitating, and encouraging performanceTrustvCreating a culture where trust among all participants is expected, encouraged, and required,1735Empowering Employees EmpowermentInvolves increasing the decision-making discretion of workers such that teams can make key operating decisions in develop budgets, scheduling workloads, controlling inventories, and solving quality problems.Why empower employees?vQuicker responses problems and faster decisions.vAddress the problem of increased spans of control in relieving managers to work on other problems.1736Heroic Leadership: Basics of Leadership Give people a reason to come to work. Help them to develop a passion for their work Instill in them a sense of commitment to their colleagues Develop their sense of responsibility to customers Be loyal to the organizations people1737SummaryManagers versus Leaders why leadership is an important behavioral topic.Early Leadership Theories researches show about leadership traits. the findings of the four behavioral leadership theories. the dual nature of a leaders behavior.Contingency Theories of Leadership how Fiedlers theory of leadership is a contingency model.1738Summary (contd) Contingency Theories of Leadership situational leadership vs. the leader participation model. how path-goal theory explains leadership.Cutting Edge Approaches to Leadership Difference between transactional and transformational leaders. charismatic and visionary leadership.Leadership Issues in the Twenty-First Century the five sources of leaders power. the issues todays leaders face. The reasons why leadership is sometimes irrelevant.


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