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会计学1中考英语中考英语_八下八下_Units_78第1页/共49页第2页/共49页第3页/共49页第4页/共49页第5页/共49页第6页/共49页第7页/共49页population【典例在线】More than three quarters of the population are Chinese.超过四分之三的人口是中国人。What is the population of Wenzhou?温州的人口有多少?【拓展精析】population指人口总数,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,但当population前有分数、百分数等修饰时,谓语动词用复数形式。population还可以被large/big/small修饰,表示“人口众多或稀少”,但不被many/few修饰。询问人口多少的常用句型:What is the population of.?第8页/共49页注意:many/few可修饰people。how many people意为“多少人”。What is the population of Hangzhou?How many people are there in Hangzhou?杭州有多少人?【活学活用】1)The population of China is much _ than that of England.(2016,广安)Alarger BlargestCmore DlargeA第9页/共49页protect【典例在线】Therere fewer animals.Its important for us to protect them.动物们越来越少,对于我们来说保护它们很重要。He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.他戴着太阳镜以遮挡强烈的阳光。【拓展精析】protect动词,意为“保护;防护”,常用于短语protect.from/against.中,意为“保护使不受”。第10页/共49页【活学活用】2)How can we protect ourselves _ _ the earthquake?We should stay calm first.Awith Babout Cfor DfromD第11页/共49页weigh【典例在线】How much did you weigh last time?你上次体重是多少?Weigh this package for me,please.请给我称一下这个包裹。It is about 20 kilos in weight.这东西重约20千克。My mother is trying to lose weight.我妈妈正在设法减肥。【拓展精析】weigh可作不及物动词,意为“重量是;重”。weigh还可作及物动词,意为“称;称的重量”。weigh的名词形式为weight,意为“重量”。【活学活用】3)He _(weight) only 70 kilos now after taking a balanced diet.weighs第12页/共49页include【典例在线】The price includes both your shirt and your trousers.这个价格包含了你的衬衫和裤子。There are 50 students in my class,including me.包括我在内我们班有50名学生。There are 50 students in my class,me included.包括我在内我们班有50名学生。【拓展精析】include作动词,意为“包括;包含”。including作介词,意为“包括;包括在内”,它和其后的名词、代词一起构成介宾短语。included作形容词,意为“包括的;包含在内的”,常作后置定语。 第13页/共49页【活学活用】4)Twenty people went to his house for his birthday party,_ me.Aincluding BincludeCincluded Dto includeA第14页/共49页 belong to【典例在线】The bicycle belongs to Amy.The bicycle is Amys.这辆自行车是埃米的。【拓展精析】belong to意为“属于;归所有”,其中belong属于不及物动词,常与介词to连用。后接代词作宾语时,要用宾格形式(不可用物主代词);后接名词时,也不能用所有格。belong to sb.be ones“属于某人的”,ones是物主代词,也可用名词所有格形式。第15页/共49页【活学活用】5)The American warships (军舰) have appeared near South China Sea Islands again.We must let the Americans know clearly that the islands _ _ China.(2016,襄阳)Acome from Bbelong toCcare about Dbelieve in6)Are these books _ _?No,they are not mine. They belong to _.Ayour;her Byours;herCyou;hers Dyours;sheBB第16页/共49页This elephant weighs many times more than this panda.这头大象比这只熊猫重许多倍。【典例在线】This hall is four times bigger than my classroom.这个大厅比我们的教室大四倍。Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。The hill is four times the height of that small one.这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。There are four times more books in our library than in yours.我们图书馆的藏书数量比你们图书馆的多四倍。There is three times as much water in this cup as in that one.这个杯子里的水是那个杯子里的三倍。第17页/共49页【拓展精析】倍数的表达用形容词表示甲是乙的几倍时,有以下三个句型:倍数形容词/副词比较级than倍数as形容词/副词as倍数the size/height/weight/length.of用名词表示“量”的倍数时,有以下两个句型:倍数more名词than倍数as many/much名词其他as第18页/共49页【活学活用】1)We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen _ _ we speak.Aas twice much as Btwice as much asCas much as twice Das much twice asB第19页/共49页Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests.科学家们说如今生活在森林里的熊猫不足2,000只。【典例在线】There is a truck collecting rubbish outside.外面有一辆卡车正在收垃圾。【拓展精析】“There be名词(短语)doing sth.”意为“有某人或某物在做某事”。第20页/共49页【活学活用】2)Listen!There _ _ someone _ at the door.It must be your sister.(2015,青岛)Ais;knocking Bis;knockCare;knocking Dare;knock3)瞧!有一些女孩在树下跳舞。(2016,神州)Look!There _ some girls _ under the tree.Aaredancing第21页/共49页Listening to The Toms is a good way to wake up.听汤姆乐队的音乐是醒来的一个好方法。【典例在线】Eating too much isnt good for you.吃得太多对你没有好处。He often listens to music.他经常听音乐。Dont listen to them!别听他们的话!【拓展精析】listening to The Toms是动词ing短语在句中作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。listen to为固定短语,意为“听”。listen为不及物动词,接宾语时需要介词to。第22页/共49页【活学活用】4)Our English teacher often says to us,“_ _ English well is very important.”ALearn BLearningCLearned DTo learningB第23页/共49页die from与die of【典例在线】His father died from an accident.他的父亲死于一次事故。He died of a strange illness.他死于一种怪病。【拓展精析】第24页/共49页【活学活用】1)Do you know that Mr. Zhang passed _ _ last week?Yes. He died _ illness.Aaway;of Bon;fromCby;with Doff;asA第25页/共49页一、根据句意及首字母提示补全下列单词。1Whats the _ of your town?Its about three thousand.2Its very important for us to _ the environment.3Can you _ yourself to us?Sure!My name is Ann and I come from England.4They are going to travel across the Pacific Ocean by _5He never gives up his dream. He works hard every day to _ it.populationprotectintroduceshipachieve第26页/共49页二、根据句意及汉语提示补全下列单词。6They have decided to make use of the latest _ (科技)7The _ (政府) is going to build a road through the mountains.8More and more young people choose to study _(在国外)9Youd better go out to enjoy the beauties of _(大自然) in spring.10The computer plays an important role in _ (现代的) life.technologygovernmentabroadnaturemodern第27页/共49页三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。11有一些学生在操场上打篮球。There _ some students _ basketball on the playground.12据我所知,他将离开半年。_,he will be away for half a year.13她是亚洲最成功的歌手之一。She is one of the _ in Asia.14自从她离开学校,我就没收到过她的信。_ she left school,I havent heard from her.15我的花园是你的花园的三倍大。My garden is _ than yours.areplayingAs far as I knowmost successful singers Ever since three times larger 第28页/共49页四、单项选择。16Climbing hills _ _ good for our health.Aare Bis Cwas Dwere17I work in the library.My duties (责任) _ _ cleaning desks and tidying books.Aprovide BdevelopCinclude Dbegin18The history proves those islands belong _ _ China.Ato Bat Con DatBCA第29页/共49页19_ _ the population of China?About 1.4 billion. Everyone knows China has the _ population in the world.AWhat are;mostBWhat is;largestCHow many are;mostDHow many are;largest20The box _ _ about 50 kilos.Its so heavy. Let me help you carry it.Aleads Bhas Cweighs DgoesBC第30页/共49页文化艺术【话题分析】分析近几年全国中考真题关于“文化艺术”相关话题的书面表达可发现,考查角度有两个:传统经典故事。如:曹操称象(2014,黄冈);司马光砸缸的故事(2016,济宁)等。对当今文化生活发表观点和看法,包括音乐、艺术、文化及娱乐项目等。如:写出对选秀节目的看法Different Ideas on Talent Shows(2015,凉山)等。第31页/共49页【常用句式】开头句:There are all kinds of music in the world.Music makes people happy.Many children are interested in the traditional stories and legends.In China,television is very popular.Many people spend most of their spare time watching it.The Sound of Music is one of the most popular American movies.中间句:As is known to all,television is one of the most important ways of getting information,such as the news all over the world,history,culture and interesting stories.第32页/共49页She is the most beautiful goddess and all people admire her.He shot down nine suns and saved the people on the earth.I think he is the bravest character Ive ever know.He is considered to be one of the best romantic poets in China.In his lifetime,he wrote a lot of poetry.He has quite a few friends who helped him struggle to bring peace back to the land.结尾句:The story spread and was handed down from generation to generation.All of these children are music fans.Different kinds of music make them happy.As for me/From my point of view/In my opinion,its important to.第33页/共49页【真题剖析】(2016,济宁)假如你是李梅。你的美国笔友Tom在昨天的Email中告诉你,最近他对中国文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,希望你能给他介绍一些经典故事。请你根据下面所给图画,给Tom回复一封Email,向他讲述这一经典故事,并希望知道他对该故事及主人公的看法。 Sima Guang hit the tank(缸) 第34页/共49页要求:1.文章需包括所有图画的内容,可以适当发挥,使全文连贯;2文中不得出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息;3100 词左右(邮件的开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Tom,Im very happy that you are interested in traditional Chinese stories.Well,let me tell you a famous one with the name “Sima Guang hit the tank”_Im looking forward to hearing from you.Li Mei第35页/共49页【审题指导】本篇书面表达要求考生写一封邮件,讲述“司马光砸缸”的故事。写作时要注意邮件格式。另外在邮件中问候别人时要用第一人称和一般现在时态;但在讲述故事时要用第三人称和一般过去时。叙述故事要注意条理清晰、顺序正确。【写作导图】第36页/共49页第37页/共49页【范文欣赏】Dear_Tom,Im_very_happy_that_you_are_interested_in_traditional_Chinese_stories.Well,let_me_tell_you_a_famous_one_with_the_name_“Sima_Guang_hit_the_tank”Once Sima Guang was playing hide and seek with seven children in the backyard.There was a large water tank in the yard.It was full of water.When the kids were playing,one child accidentally fell into the tank.Other children were so frightened that they started to run,crying for help.However,Sima Guang was different.He thought it over and then had an idea.He picked up a big stone and threw it at the tank.“Bang!” the tank broke and the water ran out.The kid was saved.Do you like the story?What do you think of Sima Guang?I_am_looking_forward_to_hearing_from_you.Li_Mei第38页/共49页【名师点评】文章结构完整,语句流畅,表达清楚,行文连贯,无语法错误。文章包括了所有的图画内容,故事作了适当发挥,情节完整,语言丰富。文中用了be full of,pick up,run out等词组及so.that句型和crying for help分词作状语,显得文采盎然。第39页/共49页【小试牛刀】你准备参加学校“英语角”开展的“用英语讲故事”活动,你选取了“曹冲称象”这个大家熟悉的故事。请你根据右边图片内容,用英语写一篇80词以上的小短文。注意:标题、开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。第40页/共49页How Cao Chong Had the Elephant WeighedCao Cao was very glad to have received an elephant as a present.He wanted to know how heavy the elephant was,but there was no scale (秤) big enough to weigh such a huge creature.One day,Cao Chong said to his father.“Ive found a way to weigh the elephant.” Can Chong asked a man to lead the elephant onto a boat.When the boat stopped sinking,the man draw a line along on the boat side.After the elephant was led away,Cao Chong had some men put stones into the boat until the water reached the line.Cao Chong asked the ment to weigh each stone from the boat and put down the number.“Add up all the numbers and we will know the weight of the elephant.” Cao Chong said to his father with kind of pride.第41页/共49页注意:many/few可修饰people。how many people意为“多少人”。What is the population of Hangzhou?How many people are there in Hangzhou?杭州有多少人?【活学活用】1)The population of China is much _ than that of England.(2016,广安)Alarger BlargestCmore DlargeA第42页/共49页注意:many/few可修饰people。how many people意为“多少人”。What is the population of Hangzhou?How many people are there in Hangzhou?杭州有多少人?【活学活用】1)The population of China is much _ than that of England.(2016,广安)Alarger BlargestCmore DlargeA第43页/共49页【拓展精析】倍数的表达用形容词表示甲是乙的几倍时,有以下三个句型:倍数形容词/副词比较级than倍数as形容词/副词as倍数the size/height/weight/length.of用名词表示“量”的倍数时,有以下两个句型:倍数more名词than倍数as many/much名词其他as第44页/共49页【拓展精析】倍数的表达用形容词表示甲是乙的几倍时,有以下三个句型:倍数形容词/副词比较级than倍数as形容词/副词as倍数the size/height/weight/length.of用名词表示“量”的倍数时,有以下两个句型:倍数more名词than倍数as many/much名词其他as第45页/共49页二、根据句意及汉语提示补全下列单词。6They have decided to make use of the latest _ (科技)7The _ (政府) is going to build a road through the mountains.8More and more young people choose to study _(在国外)9Youd better go out to enjoy the beauties of _(大自然) in spring.10The computer plays an important role in _ (现代的) life.technologygovernmentabroadnaturemodern第46页/共49页二、根据句意及汉语提示补全下列单词。6They have decided to make use of the latest _ (科技)7The _ (政府) is going to build a road through the mountains.8More and more young people choose to study _(在国外)9Youd better go out to enjoy the beauties of _(大自然) in spring.10The computer plays an important role in _ (现代的) life.technologygovernmentabroadnaturemodern第47页/共49页第48页/共49页第49页/共49页


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