年仁爱版九年级上册Unit 1 Topic 3 第2课时 Section B讲学稿

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2020年精编仁爱版英语资料Unit1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better. . Section B P19-20 第2课时 学习目标与要求:1.进一步学习现在完成时中延续性动词与for及since 引导的时间状语的搭配使用。 2. 讨论社会福利措施,反映社会正在日益进步。模块一:温故知新学习内容摘 记1. 复习for和since引导的时间状语的用法区别【回顾】现在完成时态的时间状语可总结出: (1)for+_(时间点时间段), (2)since+ _(时间点时间段) since+_(时间点时间段)+ago, since+ 从句(从句时态是:_。【练习】完成书本P20-2b的练习,用for或since 填空。模块二:自主学习 (独立进行)预时20分钟(Self-study & Self-exploration)学习内容摘 记Step 1 词汇学习 1.请将 P19-20的新单词在抄写本上每个抄写6遍,中文一遍。Step 2 短语学习-请同学们在课本上找出下列短语,英汉互译。(要求:短语在课本上划出)无家可归的人_ 数以百计的_过正常的生活_ 在困难中,在贫困之中_ 决定要做某事_=_ 医疗_ 提供给某人某物_; 为某人提供某物_对.感觉好_ 合适的方式_Step 3 课文学习 1.理解课文P19-1a,自己读2-4遍,然后根据1a完成1b。Step 4 句型及词的用法学习-知识点归纳。4.1. 学习合成词:两个完整意义的单词合在一起构成新的单词,新的词义。hometown: home+town , classroom: class + room .【练习】完成书本P20-3的练习,并理解新词的含义。不会的可借助工具书。4.2 The article says one city has a wonderful program. since it started, it has helped hundreds of people return to work and live a normal life. 这篇文章中 写到有个城市开展了一个极好的项目。自从该项目开展以来,它已帮助数以百计的人们重返工作岗位并 过上正常的生活。【归纳 】say+从句,表示“ _”。“过正常的生活”的表达是_【拓展】She was smiling but her eyes said she was unhappy.她微笑着,但从她的眼睛可看的出她并不快乐。从上句看出: said的原形是_, say还有“_”之意。4.3 Well, once they find people in need, they decide on suitable ways to help them.噢,他们一旦发现有需要帮助的人,就确定适当的方式来帮助他们。【归纳】_ 意为“一旦”, _ 意为“需要帮助的”,decide on 在这里意为“_”, 那么“决定某事”是_.【链接】 I only met him once . 我只见过他一次。 Once there was an old man in the village. 在村庄里曾经有一位老大爷once还有两个意思: 一意为_,二意为_. 【练一练】4.3.1 ( ) _ you get lost, please call me. A. Though B. Until C. Before D. Once4.3.2 ( ) We havent _ a plan. Could you give us some advice? A. decided on B. decided to C. decided with D. decide on4.4. The program also provides them with houses=provides houses for them. It trains them so that they can find jobs again.这个项目还向他们提供住处,并且培训他们以便他们能再次找到工作。【归纳】表达 “提供给某人某物”的句型是: _=_ so that 意为“_“; 引导目的状语从句。【链接】It was so crowded in the market that we got lost yesterday. 昨天市场上如此拥挤,以致我们都走散了。sothat表示“_”,引导结果状语从句 【练一练】4.4.1 ( ) Please _ the poor people _ some food and clothes. A. provide; for B. provide; with C. provide ; of D. provide; from4.5区分短暂性动词和持续性动词,并学会在不同的时态中运用。在现在完成时态中,当与一段时间连用时,短暂性动词要改为延续性。请看例句: I borrowed the book three days ago. 我三天前借了这本书。(过去时) I have kept the book for three days. 这本书我借了3天了。(现在完成时)短暂性动词-延续性动词borrow-keep, die-be dead, buy-have , begin/start-be on, join-be a member of / be inleavebe away from ,come to-be in/at , go out-be out , become-be,put on-wear, catch a cold-have a cold , get to know-know, fall asleep-be asleep4.5.1 完成练习 。1. His father _ (die) in 1992. His father _ (die) for many years.2.He _ (leave) the army because of a leg wound in 2002. He _ (leave) the army for nine years because of a leg wound.3.He _ (come) to Beijing in 2003. He _ (come) Beijing since 2003.小组内成员互查完成情况并给予等级评定: 模块三:交流研讨 (小组交流、合作、展示)预时35分钟 (Cooperation ,Exploration &Show)研讨内容摘 记Step 5 听读(10) 1.教师播放P19-1a的对话,学生跟读。 Step 6合作 大组长组织,组员共同探讨下面研讨内容,并形成统一的组内意见;【研讨内容】 讨论一:核对模块二Step 2 归纳本课时的重点短语或句型。讨论二:核对模块二Step 2 课本上P19-1b 根据1a填空。讨论三:核对模块二 Step 4句型及词的用法学习-知识点归纳。Step 7 展示 【大组展示方案】展示任务一:讨论一:模块二Step 2 归纳本课时的重点短语或句型。建议:将本组答案在白板上展示,并带读其他同学的学习气氛。展示任务二:讨论二:模块二 Step 4句型及词的用法学习-知识点归纳部分的(4.1 ;4.2)。建议:将本组答案在白板上展示,并解释短文含义。展示任务三:讨论二:模块二 Step 4句型及词的用法学习-知识点归纳部分的(4.3, 4.4)。课堂评价要素:1、 合理评价组员,全员参与,有序展示;2、 书写规范,工整美观,双色笔运用得当;3、 发音清晰,声音洪亮;4、 面向全体,自然大方,肢体语言运用得当;展示生动活泼,独具特色。模块四:教师精讲(预时7分钟,认真听讲并记录要点)训练内容摘 记现在完成时态中与表示一段时间的状语连用时,瞬间动词与延续性动词之间的转换。模块五:当堂训练(预时20分钟)一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. If a girl works in an office, working for another person, answering telephones, typing and so on, we call her s_.2. The boy is badly hurt. A nurse is cleaning the w_.3. When a f_ breaks out, we should call 119 at once.4. We try our best to help the students _ _ (在贫困之中).5. All the farmers are pleased with the _ _ (医疗) in China.二、根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. -He is a _(秘书) of this big company.-Great! He has been away from the _(军队)only for one year.2.Our government is trying his best to help those people _ _ (处于困境之中)to make them live better. 3.There is a girl waiting _ (在楼下) in the hall.4. Most animals are afraid of _(火).5.He has stayed at home for a week because of his leg _(伤口).6. He remembered passing her on the _(楼梯).7. The exam results went up on the _(公告).8. He is a son of a _(渔夫),and he is also an _(工程师) in an excellent computer company.三、单项选择。( ) 1. The film _ for fifteen minutes when I get to the cinema. A. started B. has started C. start D. has been on( ) 2.My father _ the Party since we came here.A. has been a member of B. joined C .has joined D. join( ) 3. -Do you remember when flood _ in her hometown? -Yes, last summer?A. carried out B. worked out C. broke out D. took out ( ) 4. The school _ the students _ delicious food .The students feel very happy. A. provide; to B. provides; of C. provides; with D. provides; for( ) 5. Thought he _ for many years, I cant forget the first time we met. A. died B. has died C. has been dead D. is dead ( ) 6.The boy always feels good about _. A. he B. his C. him D. himself( ) 7. -Oh, youre late again. The film _ for twenty minutes. -What a pity! A. has begun B. began C. has been on D. have been on( ) 8.The old photo makes me _ my childhood. A. think of B. think over C. thinking of D. thinking over( )9.I must go home now. I have been away from home_. A. since 9 oclock B. for two hours ago C. for 9 oclock D. at 9 oclock( ) 10.I think _ is necessary _him the news. A. that; to tell B. this; telling C. it; to tell D. it; tell( ) 11.The government helped the _ people build the house. A. disable B. disabled C. homely D. homeless提高题(选作)四、阅读理解Each nation has many people who help to take care of others. For example, some high school and college students in the U.S.A. often spend many hours as volunteers in the hospitals, orphanages (孤儿院) or rest homes. They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems.Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old. They paint, clean up or repair their houses, do their shopping or mow (割,修剪) their lawns. For boys who no longer have fathers, there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and some other men take these boys to baseball games or fishing trips and help them get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go to play games. Some of these clubs show films or organize short trips to the mountains or some places of interest. Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to know the problems and needs of young boys and girls.Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1.In America, it takes most of high school and college students little time to be volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or rest homes.( )2 .Some young volunteers can go and play in the homes of people who are sick or old.( )3.If a boy has no father, he can get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers in an organization called Big Brothers.( )4.Most of the clubs dont like to use the high school and college students as volunteers because theyre too young to remember anything.( )5.If you bring happiness to others, you will feel happy too.【学生自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足)今日一得 今日不足


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