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高考英语考纲词汇词形练习复习9( 1 ) 担忧,焦虑,着急,为.担心 1. Mother always _ when the girls stay out late. 2. Lack of rain is beginning to _ the farmers. 3. Im _ about you. And so is Mr Reid. 4. She looks tired and _. ( 2 ) 值得.的, 有价值的,配得上的,价值 1. His behavior is _ of great praise. 2. He is _ to take his place. 3. The _ of the discovery was not realized until a hundred years after his death. 4. The exhibition is well _ a visit. 5. What is _ doing is _ doing well. ( 3 ) 年轻人,青年,年轻,年青的 1. He spent his _ in Scotland. 2. The _ of today are very fond of dancing. 3. He is too _ to go to school. 4. _ babies sleep a great deal. ( 4 ) 想象,设想,想象力 1. Try to _ being on the moon. 2. You didnt really see a ghost -it was only _. ( 5 ) 疾病,病的 1. He looked worried and _. 2. As a child he had several _. ( 6 ) 毕业,毕业生,大学毕业的,研究生的 1. I _ from high school. 2. 48% of Negro high school _ are unemployed. 3. The teacher is taking a _ course in maths. 4. After my _ I went to the front to serve in the army. ( 7 ) 和蔼,温和,高雅,温柔 1. My new teacher is both _ and encouraging towards me. 2. Handle that vase _ for it will easily break. 3. The nurse handled the baby with such _ that it didnt wake. ( 8 ) 高,高度 1. What is the _ of the mountain? 2. _ is an advantage in playing basketball. 3. The shelf is too _ for me to reach. 4. He climbed _ up the mountain. 5. Here he was, a _ trained journalist in Paris. 6. They spoke very _ of him. ( 9 ) 健康 1. She is quite well in _. 2. _ is better than wealth. 3. The children looked wonderfully _ with their bright eyes and glowing. 4.This is _ plant. ( 10 ) 危害,损害,有(无)害 1. The drought did a lot of _ to the crops. 2. Doctors say smoking _ our health. 3. Follow the directions carefully, or this medicine may be _. 4. The grass-snake is a _ creature. 答案: ( 1 ) 1.worries 2. worry 3. worried 4. worried ( 2 ) 1. worthy 2. worthy 3. worth 4. worth 5. worth, worth ( 3 ) 1. youth 2. youth 3. young 4. Young ( 4 ) 1. imagine 2. imagination ( 5 ) 1. ill 2. illnesses ( 6 ) 1. graduated 2. graduates 3. graduate 4. graduation ( 7 ) 1. gentle 2. gently 3. gentleness ( 8 ) 1. height 2. Height 3. high 4. high 5. highly 6. highly ( 9 ) 1. health 2. Health 3. healthy 4. healthy ( 10 ) 1. harm 2. harms 3. harmful 4. harmless


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