冀教版英语五上Lesson 14 May I G to Beijingppt课件1

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冀教版英语五上Lesson 14 May I G to Beijingppt课件1_第1页
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Lesson 14Its the capital city of our country.我学我学习习我快乐我快乐Tiananmen Squarethe Palace Museumthe Summer Palace the Great Wall hotel restaurantshopmay may 可以可以far fromfar from 远离tooto tooto 太太而不能而不能work hard 努力学习努力学习go shopping go shopping 去购物去购物I dont know.I dont know.我不知道。我不知道。1.What does Li Ming want to do ?Listen and answer the questions.He wants to go on a trip to Beijing.2.What does his mother think?He is too young and busy,and Beijing is far from Shijiazhuang.3.Does his mother go to Beijing with Li Ming?Yes,she does.4. How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing ?Its two hundred seventy-eight kilometres.How does Li Ming talk to his mother ? (小提示:将课文中含有小提示:将课文中含有May I ?的句子的句子及答语找出来。)及答语找出来。)1.Listen again and repeat, then discuss in groups.2.Show in groups.May I go on a trip to Beijing? Yes, you may.May I go to Tiananmen Square? Yes, you may.May I go shopping? Yes, you may.May I eat in restaurants? Yes, you may.May I go to a hotel? Yes, you may.May I live in Beijing? No, you may not.(观察上面的句子,小组讨论句式:观察上面的句子,小组讨论句式:May I?的用法,然后讲一讲。)的用法,然后讲一讲。)Group work我我研研究我成长究我成长vMay I?句型用来表示请求对方的许可,在口语当中?句型用来表示请求对方的许可,在口语当中常用常用can代替代替may,其后面跟动词原形。其回答如下其后面跟动词原形。其回答如下:重点知识都来重点知识都来讲讲May I ? 肯定回答肯定回答 否定回答否定回答Yes, you may. Yes, please.Yes, of course.Sure.No, you may not.No, you cant.No, please dont.No,you mustnt. Group work(用(用May I?句型及答语描述下?句型及答语描述下列图画,然后展示。)列图画,然后展示。)我我练练习习我最棒我最棒G:Dad,may I go on a trip to Beijing? B:Yes, you may.G:May I go to Tiananmen Square? B:Yes, you may.G:May I go shopping? B:Yes, you may.B and G :I may go on a trip to Beijing.B:Mum,may I eat in restaurants?G: Yes,you may.B:May I go to a hotel? G:Yes,you may.B:May I live in Beijing? G:No,you may not.B and G:I may go on a trip to Beijing.旧曲新唱:新吉祥三宝旧曲新唱:新吉祥三宝Read the dialogue in groups. Find out the difficult points that you dont understand.Then talk about them in groups.(小组读对话,小组读对话,找出疑难问题,并讨论解决遇到的难题。)找出疑难问题,并讨论解决遇到的难题。)疑难问题大疑难问题大家家研研:1.Youre too young to go, Li Ming. 李明,你太小了不能去。李明,你太小了不能去。tooto “太太而不能而不能”例如:他太小了不能上学。例如:他太小了不能上学。He is too young to go to school.疑难问题都疑难问题都来来讲讲:2.Beijing is far from our city. 北京离我们城市北京离我们城市很远。很远。 far from 意思是意思是“远离远离”。例如:例如:My home is far from our school. 3.You work hard in school .你在学校很努力。你在学校很努力。也可以说成:也可以说成:You work hard at school .work hard 意为意为“努力学习努力工作努力学习努力工作”。Hard是副词,意为是副词,意为“努力地努力地”,而而hard work 则意为则意为“艰难的工作艰难的工作”在这里在这里hard是形容词,是形容词,意为意为“困难的困难的”。同学们快快将同学们快快将智智慧果慧果带回家吧!带回家吧! Shanghai is far _ our city. A. of B. on C. by D. from -May I go to Beijing with you, Mum? -_ A .Yes,you may not. B. No,you may. C. Yes,you may. D. No,you dont.Beijing is the (首都城首都城市市)of our country.capital city -May I go to a hotel? -_ A .Yes,you may not. B. No,you may. C. No,you may not. D. No,you dont.Youre a good girl. You _ (学习很努力学习很努力)in school.work hardMay I go a trip Beijing?A. to, on B. on, to C. for, to说一说我们这节课学了什么?说一说我们这节课学了什么?Homework:如果周末你想去一个地方,你如何说如果周末你想去一个地方,你如何说服你的父母?服你的父母?请仿照课文内容,用上请仿照课文内容,用上“May I ?”句式,编一个对话。句式,编一个对话。


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