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开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案2009年9月1日课题:Unit1 The first day at school本课初备课时共 4课时,本课第1课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标:1,能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话。2,能正确地听、说、读、写day,all.any,a reading room.sure.floor.3, 能正确的听、说、读词汇first,a term,back.each other.glad.a building,a sports hall.table tennis,second.4,正确的听、说、读、写句型Is there a?Yes,there is./No,there isnt. Are there any?Yes,there are?/No,there arentt.How many are there?There are5,能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型It is the first day of They are happy to each othere.Glad to see you.Im not sure.Its /Theyre on the floor.重点难点:1,能比较流畅的朗读对话,并能在掌握对话内容的基础上进一步表演对话。2,能正确的听、说、读、写There be句型的一般疑问句形式及其肯定和否定回答。课前准备: 课件、挂图、录音机。教学过程:一、Revision:1,T:Good morning,boys and girls.S:T:Nice to see you . S:T:How are you?T:My name is Whats your name?2,practise in pairs:老师小结 OK.I see. Youre happy to see each other.(板书。领读,齐读)二、presentation: (一)1,T:This term Ill be your English teacher.Im very happy.Today all the students are back at school.Glad to see you. welcome back to school. 卡片:all glad back 板书: All the students are back at school.Glad to see you .领读齐读2,T:Today is the first of September. (板书:1September )Its the first day of the new term.This is my first class to teach you.卡片:day first 板书: It is the first day of the new term. 领读,齐读(二)1,出示课件:出示一幢大楼的图片,引出a building, a sports hall, a reading room. a table tennis room 2,复习There be的陈述句形式和介绍句型Is there a? Are there any?及其肯定和否定回答。a. sing a song:in the classroom.b. 观看课件:给学生布置任务:用There is /There are的句型介绍所看到的内容,将班级分成四大组,比一比哪一组说的最多最好。将学生说到的内容板书:a library a music room a computer room a TV room offices a playground classrooms a niticeboard blackboards desks chairs bookcase pictures tape recorders a sports hall a reading room a table tennis room.c. 在比赛进行到一半时,教师可采用自问自答的方式引出新句型Is there a?Are there any?及其肯定和否定回答。如:Is there a TV in the building然后自己回答:Yes,there is.或No,there isnt.学生跟说,操练。板书:Is there a.in the building? Yes,there is. No.there isnt.d. 用单词 toilets同法教授Are ther any?Yes,there are. No.there arent.板书e. 用教室里的实物进行操练。3介绍短语on the floor first second third fourth fifth出示挂图:a. 教师指着1/F标志介绍:The table tennis room is on the first floor. Whats on the first floor,too?S:There is a music room on the first floor.卡片:floor on the first floor.b. T:Are there any computer rooms on the first floor?学生看图回答:S:No,there arent.T:The computer rooms are on the second floor.板书:second on the second floorC: 同法介绍:third fourth fifth4,介绍句型How many are there?a. 继续看挂图:T: How many reading rooms are there in the building? 并自己回答There are two.One is on the first floor.The other is on the third floor.b. 根据实际情况对句型进行操练c. 快速记忆游戏,看一分钟。学生抢答: There is a music room on the first floor.5, 听录音,跟读。分角色朗读,表演,评价。三、consolidation:让学生安排各类教室和活动室所在的楼层,以四人小组为单位,设计校园平面图,请二至三组同学上台表演。全班评出最合理的校园图。板书设计:day,all.any,a reading room.sure.floor.first,a term,back.each other.glad.a building,a sports hall.table tennis,second.练习设计:1、听录音,朗读并表演对话。2、抄写四会掌握的单词和句子教后记:参加备课人员李晓萍 冯斌 顾素洁 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案2009年9月1日课题:Unit1 The first day at school本课初备课时共 4课时,本课第2课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标:1,进一步掌握句型Is/Are there? There is/are How many are there?及其回答。2,能正确的听、说、读、写词汇 a garden, a reading room,floor.3,能正确的听,说、读词汇a toilet, a table tennis room, a sports hall.a swing, a slide, a see-saw.重点难点: 能正确地听、读、写句子Is there?及其回答Yes,there is.No.there isnt及其复数形式。课前准备:1,图片:a toilet a garden a table tennis room a sports hall a reading room a swing a slide a see-saw2,录音机,磁带教学过程:一: revision:1,T:It is the second/third day of the new term,boys and girls.How are you?2,T:Is there a noticeboard in our classroom?Are there any computers in our classroom.Is there a bookcase? How manyare there?3,用Is/Are therein our school?How many. are there? Where is it?are they? 对学生所做的本校-专用教室的调查结果进行检查,完成下表。rooms classroom Reading room Music room Computer room Sports hall Table tennis roomHow many?Floor 在问答过程中,注意师生问与答的角色转换,最终落实到学生之间的问与答。同时通过幻灯片巩固三会词汇。 A toilet a teble tennis room a sports room a reading room.二、Presentation:1,复习与介绍生词a,出示一幅楼层示意图,把a table tennis room a sports hall a reading room的图片逐一贴上黑板,在图下写适当单词,复习这三个单词。B,出示一个游乐场的图,介绍生词a swing a slide a toilet(只指男厕所或女厕所) a see-saw a garden(卡片)c.跟读单词,齐读,开火车读二、sing a song 让学生静听歌曲Two jackets,然后让他们跟唱,教师适时板书歌词中出现的第一单元四会要求的句型结构。利用歌曲Two jackets的曲调,配以课前准备的幻灯片,逐一替换歌词,巩固本教时的词汇教学。如:How many toilets are there?There are four toilets in the school.Are there any toilets on the first floor?No,there arent any on the first floor.三、consolidation:1, 分组竞赛: 学生看、听教师课前作好的课件。小组比赛,用Is there /Are there?Theres/Therse are How manyare there?进行小组竞赛,比一比哪一组能说出最多对话。教师在竞赛后表扬积极参与的学生。,练习册听力板书设计:a garden, a reading room,floor.a toilet, a table tennis room, a sports hall.a swing, a slide, a see-saw.练习设计:1、抄写本单元所学的词汇。2、创设情景,用本单元主要句子,自编小对话。教后记:参加备课人员李晓萍 冯 斌 顾素洁 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案2009年9月1日课题:Unit1 The first day at school本课初备课时共 4课时,本课第3课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标:1,复习本单元所学的词汇。2,进一步掌握句型Is there ain the?Yes,there is./No.there isnt 及其复数形式。3,进一步掌握句型How many are there.?及其回答。4,能初步了解字母组合a 在单词中的读音。重点难点:1,能正确的听、说、读写句子: Is there a in the? Yes,there is./No,there isnt.及其复数形式。2,能正确的听、说、读、写句子How many are there.?及其回答。3,能正确的运用Is there a in the?Yes,there is./No.there isnt.及其复数形式和句子How many are there?及其回答,并能在具体情景中以口、笔头形式进行交流。新课 标 第 一网课前准备:a,一个楼层示意图,上面写有学校的所有专用教室名称。b ,cd g的挂图c,一幅公园图d,板书准备:Unit 1 The first day at school教学过程:A. sing a song学生跟着录音机唱Two jackets, 然后让学生改歌词,再唱这首歌曲,旨在复习巩固第一、二教时的句型。B. Presentation:1, 出示课前准备好的楼层示意图,与学生讨论图上各设施的名称。1T:Lets look and say.Ss:OKT:Whats on the first floor?Ss Theres a reading room and a music room.2,引导学生根据本校上午设施用上面的句型适当扩充进行一段对话,使学生能灵活运用所学语言。C. Ask and answer.1,教师指着楼层示意图,用 Is/Are there?提问图内设施。T:Is there a table tennis room in the school?S:Yes,there is.T:Are there any toulets in the school?S:Yes,there are.2,教师提问几位学生之后,让学生进行同桌问答。3,教师出示C ask and answerT:Is there a table tennis in the school?S:Yes,there is.4.practise in pairs5,教师提供其他情景让学生继续操练。D. work in pairs:1,教师出示D,老师和学生对话。2,学生根据图意自编对话。3,magic eyes:a,游戏目的:进一步掌握句子How many are there?b教师将课前准备的公园图出示一分钟,让学生尽可能多的将图上每种物体的数量记住,然后回答。如教师问How many slides are there in the garden?学生抢答There are two. 对答者给予奖励。E;Listen and repeat1,教师出示本部分挂图,请学生说出图里有什么东西。T:Please look at this picture.What can you see in the picture?S:I can see some cakes.T:Can you spell the wordcake?S:Yes,I can. C-a-k-e.3学生听录音后跟说四个单词及句子。在说的过程中让学生体会元音字母a在重读音节中发。4,学生扩充更好的体会:bookcase plane crayon tape stapler radio skating name。板书设计:Is there ain the?Yes,there is./No.there isntHow many are there.?练习设计:1,默写本单元所学的单词和句子。2创设情景,用Is there a in the.? Yes,there is./No,there isnt.和How many are there?教后记:参加备课人员李晓萍 冯斌 顾素洁 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案2009年9月1日课题:Unit1 The first day at school本课初备课时共 4课时,本课第4课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标:1,通过复习,能熟练的掌握本单元所学的场所和有关游乐场中设施单词。2,能较熟练的在情景中本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。重点难点:1,熟练的掌握场所类和有关游乐场中的设施单词。2,能综合运用本单元所学过的单词、句型和日常交际用语。3,能初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话课前准备:1,学生自带一张自己房子的图片,2,几张已学过的表示地点的图3,录音机和磁带教学过程:A:Free talk1, 请学生表演 Read and say部分的对话。3, 出示课前准备的地点图片,与学生进行对话,谈论天气和去游玩的计划,如:Its a sunny day,Shall we go and play?引导学生用Good idea或Yes OK等回答。教师在与学生的对话中有意引进了shall we go和good idea这两个句子,为Read and act 课文里Shall we go and play there 的引出打下基础。B.Read and act1,出示a house的图片说This is my house. 学生跟读 house2,教师问学生:Whats near my house,guess.引导学生用Theres a park near your house来猜测。在学生猜的时候在问学生:Whats in the park?并鼓励他们用歌曲Two jackets 中的 Are there any jackets on the bed?的音调来边唱边猜,这样可提高学生的学习兴趣。如果学生一时猜不出来,教师可用简单的英语做一些提示。在学生猜出来以后教师一方面给予奖励,一方面把有关的图片贴在黑板上。如slide swing trees3,教师在这时可提问Anything else?Whats near the trees?教师做出闻花香的动作,引出a flower 学生跟读,教师指着教室里的花说:There are a lot of flowers.学生跟读。在指着话花和树说:There are a lot of flowers and trees.最后教师指着黑板上的图问:Whats near my house?Do you know?学生很快就能用Is there a park near your house?来猜出答案。T:Shall we go and play there?S:Good idea/Yes.No.4.听录音、学生看书跟读。4, practise in pairs:Whats near your house?(拿出图片)CLook find and 1,教师出示一些图片,一秒钟后消失。T:How mqany cars are there in the streets? S:There are2.同学互问互答。D.Consolidation:教师和学生共同在黑板上画一幅游乐场所的图,四人小组活动,比赛:A:Glad to see you.B.B:Glad to see you,AA:Is there a park near your house?B:Yes,there is.Its small.But there are a lot of flowers and trees.A:Are there any slides in it?B:Yes, there are.A:How many slides in it?B:There are two.A:Shall we go and play there?B:Good idea.板书设计:Is there ain the?Yes,there is./No.there isntHow many are there.?练习设计:1. 抄写本单元所学的单词和句子,并能默写。2. 背诵并表演Read and act.3. 学生自编对话教后记:参加备课人员李晓萍 冯斌 顾素洁 王增琴 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课时间:2009年9月11日课题:Unit2 A new house本课初备课时共 5课时,本课第 1课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标:1、 能正确理解、掌握对话内容、并能朗读、初步表演对话。2、 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇a study、 a bedroom、a wall、a door、a bed3、 能正确地听、说、读、词汇large、 beside、between、live4、 能正确地听、说、读、句型Whats in / on / under / beside / behind/between? Theres a /an in / on/under/beside/behind/betweenThereare somein/on/under/beside/behind/betweenThere isnt a/an There arent any 重点难点:1、教学重点:能正确理解、掌握对话内容、并能朗读、初步表演对话。 2、教学难点:能比较流畅地朗读对话并能在掌握对话内容的基础上进一步表演对话课前准备1. 教师准备校园、家庭平面图等。2. 录音机、磁带。3. 学生准备一张家庭平面图。教学过程:A Revision1Free talkGlad to see you. Its the fifth day of the new term2. 课件出示Unit 1课文图片进行问答Whats in your school? There is a building in my school.How many classrooms are there ? There are Is there a sports hall? Yes / noAre there any reading rooms in the building? Yes, there are /No, there arent .Wherere the computer rooms? They re on the second floor.B. Presentation and practice出示课件Yang Ling家的新居平面图进行问答1复习单词a bathroom, a bedroom, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room, a sitting-room. 2借助图片,教师描述新居的情况。教学生词:live largeYang Lings house is big. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, a kitchen, a dinning-room and a large sitting-room. Yang Ling and her parents live in this house. 3. 根据图片自由问答 ,教学There isnt a /anThere arent any Is there a study/a kitchen/a garden/a dinning-room in Yang Lings house? Yes, there is./No, there isnt a study/a kitchen/a garden/a dinning-room in Yang Lings house, Are there any bedrooms/ reading rooms in it? Yes, there are./No, there arent any bedrooms/ reading rooms in it. How many bedrooms are there? There are4出示一张中国地图和Yang Ling卧室的平面图,复习a map of China, 教学a map of world, wall, on the wall. 对话引出介词beside, between.a. This is Yang Lings house. Its large, Yang Ling and her parents live in this houseb. 指着Yang Ling卧室图进行提问,教学介词beside, between.Wheres the desk/telephone?C Read and say1. 再次出示本课图片,请学生留意听对话录音。学生听整段对话,模仿跟读两遍。2. 学生自读对话,教师巡视并给予个别指导。3. 学生以四人小组为单位,分角色朗读对话。4. 四人一组自由练习,表演对话。5. 请二至三组学生表演对话。D Consolidation1学生出示家庭平面图进行自由问答。 2 示范表演。3 评选出优胜者。E Assign homework1. 听录音,朗读并表演对话。2. 抄写要求四会掌握的单词和句子。3. 课后参观同学家庭,了解这些家庭的家庭设施,并用英语向全班报告。板书设计:Whats in / on / under / beside / behind/between? Theres a /an in / on/under/beside/behind/betweenThere are somein/on/under/beside/behind/betweenThere isnt a/an There arent any 练习设计:1,抄生词,用新句型编对话。2,预习下节课的内容。教后记:新课 标第 一网参加备课人员李晓萍 王增琴 冯斌 顾素洁 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课时间:2009年9月11日课题:Unit2 A new house本课初备课时共5 课时,本课第 2课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标:1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇large、 beside、between、live、under、behind2. 能正确地听、说、读、写句型Whats in / on / under / beside / behind/between? Theres a /anin/on/under/beside/behind/betweenThere are somein/on/under/beside/behind/betweenThere isnt a/an There arent any 重点难点:1,介词beside、between、under、behind的正确运用。2,能把握住单词beside、between、behind的重音。课前准备1. 教师准备盒子、玩具兔子、课文图片。2. 录音机、磁带。3. 学生准备一张家庭平面图。4. 分组竞赛的材料袋教学过程:A Revision1. 出示课文图片进行对话。A: Whats in Yang Lings house / bedroom?B: Theres / There are in/on/under/beside/behind/betweenThere isnt / There arent in/on/under/beside/behind/betweenA: Is there / Are therein/on/under/beside/behind/between B: Yes, there is./ No, there arent.2. 抢答。教师出示课文图片数秒,学生抢答,说得多者为优胜者。B. Presentation and practice1. 教学介词:beside、between、under、behind教师出示一只玩具兔子和一个盒子进行问答,引出介词beside、between、under、behind。T: Whats this in English ? S: Its a rabbit.T: Where is the rabbit ? S: Its in / on the box.T: Is it in / on the box ? (变化位置)S: (Help to answer) Its beside / between / under / behind .2Compare: beside、between、behind.通过听读训练,让学生感知单词的重音所在。3. Drill:教师说口令,学生做动作。学生边做边说。C Say a rhyme .1. 投影出示小诗,学生试读。2. 听录音跟读3. Read it out.4. Rewrite the rhyme. (注重培养学生进行创造性思维能力。) eg. Do you like my house/ Little mouse?Heres the sitting - room, theres the sofa .Heres the bedroom, theres the chair.D. Consolidation1 分组竞赛。a. 教师把四张有窗户的卧室图分给四小组,让学生按教师的指令布置房间。如教师说Theres a bed near the window . Theres a desk beside the sofa Theres a map on the wall . Theres a telephone between the books on the desk . Theres a ball behind the door . There are some shoes under the bed .等。学生逐个把有关的图贴上去。b. 根据卧室图进行问答。 c. 学生对照图进行整体描述。板书设计:large、 beside、between、live、under、behindWhats in / on / under / beside / behind/between? Theres a /an in / on/under/beside/behind/betweenThere are somein/on/under/beside/behind/betweenThere isnt a/an There arent any 练习设计:1. 抄写本单元所学的要求四会的单词,完成练习册听力部分。2. 根据课文情景,表演对话。教后记:参加备课人员李晓萍 王增琴 冯斌 顾素洁 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课时间:2009年9月11日课题:Unit2 A new house本课初备课时共 5课时,本课第 3课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标:1. 进一步掌握句型 What s in/ on/ under/ beside/ behind/ between?及其回答There is a in/ on/ under/ behind/ between./ There are some in/ on/ under/ behind/ between。2. 能正确掌握词汇 a door 以及介词的用法.3. 熟读对话,并初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。重点难点:1,能正确地听、说、读、句子Whats in / on / under / beside / behind / between? Theres a / anin / on/ under / beside /behind/ betweenThere are somein / on / under /beside/ behind / betweenThere isnt a / an There arent any 课前准备l. 磁带和录音机 2. 实物:玩具狗,文具用品等 3. 单词图片4. 课文挂图C 5. 歌曲Do you like my house?教学过程:1. Sing Do you like my house?2. Free talk and revision1) Greetings.2) Look at the picture of the text and answer the questions.How many rooms are there in my house? What are they?3) Read the text together. 3. Presentation and practice1) Review the words:T: Whats in the picture? (showing the word picture)S: There is a in the picture.2) Practice:T: Whats in the box?S: There is a toy dog in the box.(the same method to practise it)T: Whats under the book?S: There are some pens under the book.板书: What s in/ on/ under/ beside/ behind/ between?There is a in/ on/ under/ behind/ between。There are some in/ on/ under/ behind/ between。( practise those sentences using the things in the classroom)4. Learn C & E1) Summarize the usage of the sentences(pay attention to the word some)What s in/ on/ under/ beside/ behind/ between?There is a in/ on/ under/ behind/ between。There are some in/ on/ under/ behind/ between。2) Students look at the picture of Part C and ask questions.3) Work in pairs to finish the pictures of Part C 4) Read Part E by yourselves and try to understand.5) Explain the dialogue and try to act it.5.Have a dictation of the words6.Homework1) Make a new dialogue (talk about your bedroom)2) Do some written work板书设计:What s in/ on/ under/ beside/ behind/ between?There is a in/ on/ under/ behind/ between。There are some in/ on/ under/ behind/ between练习设计:1 默写本单元所学的单词和句子。2 创设情景,用本单元所学的主要句子,自编小对话。教后记:参加备课人员李晓萍 王增琴 冯斌 顾素洁 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课时间:2009年9月11日课题:Unit2 A new house本课初备课时共 5课时,本课第 4课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标: 1复习本单元所学的词汇。2进一步掌握句型Whats in / on / under / beside / behind/between? Theres a /an in / on / under / beside / behind / betweenThere are somein / on / under / beside /behind / betweenThere isnt a / an There arent any 3能初步了解元音字母a在单词中的读音。重点难点:能正确地听、说、读、句子Whats in / on / under / beside / behind / between? Theres a / anin / on/ under / beside /behind/ betweenThere are somein / on / under /beside/ behind / betweenThere isnt a / an There arent any课前准备1、C D G三部分的课件图片。2、录音机、磁带。3、学生准备一张卧室图。教学过程:A Say a rhyme1 学生跟着录音说小诗。2 改编诗词,自由朗读、表演。B Revision1出示课前准备的家庭卧室图,先师生师范表演,然后学生自由谈论图片并表演。T: Whats in s bedroom / house ?S: Theres a / anin / on/ under / beside /behind/ betweenThere are somein / on / under /beside/ behind / betweenT: Is there / Are there ?S: Yes, there is. / No, there arent.2 引导学生根据班级的摆设,用上面的句型适当扩充进行一段对话。使学生能灵活运用所学语言。C Ask and answer1 教师出示图1与学生进行示范对话。Picture 1 T: Whats in Picture 1?S: Theres a dog in the basket.2 学生就图片进行自由问答,3 抢答。教师报图片,要求学生进行问答。Picture 2 A: Whats under the bed?B: There is a football under the bed.D Look and say1 出示图1,并用不同的声音扮演对话双方,帮助学生了解意思。A: There isnt a pencil.B: Heres a pencil for you.2 师生示范表演对话。新课 标 第一网3 Practise in pairs.4 Act it out.G Listen and repeat1 出示图片自由问答。eg What are these? What colour is the rabbits hat?2 投影出示单词,听录音跟读。3 学生朗读单词及句子,在说的过程中让学生体会元音字母a在重读闭音节中的发音规律。4 例词扩充:bag map bad dad back an am5 教师通过比较、归纳元音字母a在重读开闭音节中的发音规律板书设计:Whats in / on / under / beside / behind/between? Theres a /an in / on/under/beside/behind/betweenThere are somein/on/under/beside/behind/betweenThere isnt a/an There arent any 练习设计:1.默写本单元所学的单词和句子。2 创设情景,用本单元所学的主要句子,自编小对话。教后记:参加备课人员李晓萍 王增琴 冯斌 顾素洁 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课时间:2009年9月11日课题:Unit2 A new house本课初备课时共5 课时,本课第5 课时个人复备栏李晓萍教学目标:1 通过复习,能熟练地掌握本单元所学的介词和有关家庭设施类单词。2 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。 重点难点:1 能熟练地掌握本单元所学的介词和有关家庭设施类单词2 能综合运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。3 能初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。4,培养学生的综合运用语言的能力。课前准备1. 教师准备一只玩具老鼠、E F两部分的课件图片等。2. 学生准备一张家庭平面图。教学过程:A. Free talkMake the dialogue of A Read and say.a. 学生示范表演。b. 自由表演。B. Look and read1. 出示课件图片,指导学生看图,体会其中的幽默。2. 学生看图,教师提问。T: Wheres the mouse in Picture 1 /2 / 3 S: Its in / on / under / beside / behind / between / near3. 教师分别出示各图,要求学生用Theres a mouse in / on / under / beside / behind / 4. 教师出示一只玩具老鼠让一学生随意放,并提问,学生根据实际情况抢答。T: Wheres the mouse now ?S: Its beside my school.C. Find the differences1 出示课件图片,学生相互提问认读图上的各个物品,注意名词的单负数形式。2 教师根据图画内容作出示范:Theres a table in Picture 1. There isnt a table in Picture 2.There are some eggs in Picture 1. There arent any eggs in Picture2. 3 同桌讨论,找出不同之处。4 小组竞赛,看哪组说得又快又准确。D Consolidation 创设到同学家作客,参观同学的新居或卧室。用本单元所学的句型及日常交际用语表演对话。并能将之以前所学的内容联系起来。板书设计: Its in / on / under / beside / behind / between / near练习设计:1. 抄写本单元所的单词和句子,并能默写。2. 背诵并表演Look and read。3. 学生创设情景改变或自编对话。教后记:参加备课人员李晓萍 王增琴 冯斌 顾素洁 赵福兴开发区小学 五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案备课时间:2009年9月27日课题:Unit3 At a Music lesson本课初备课时共5课时,本课第1课时个人复备栏冯斌教学目标:1、能正确理解、掌握A部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2、能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语。3、初步掌握会话中出现的四会单词和句型。重点难点:能正确理解、掌握A部分会话。课前准备:1、准备本课会话的投影片。2、准备录音机和磁带。3、把本课出现的歌曲的歌词复印在投影片上。4、黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 At a Music lesson。教学过程:A、Listen to a song 听歌曲 We can sing and dance.B、Free talk 师生交流 C、Revision 复习1、出示图片,让学生看图认读单词,复习以前所学的词汇。sing , dance, play the violin, 2、活动:听听、说说、做做。学生听教师口令边说、边做动作,巩固以前所学词汇。D、Presentation and drill新授和操练1、出示图片,让学生认读并试着拼读单词。sing , dance, play2、师生问答,学习学习并操练Can you? 及其答语和What can you do?句型。T : Boys and girls, can you sing the song “We can sing and dance”?Ss: No, we cant.T : What can you sing?S1: We can sing “In the classroom”.T : What can you sing?S2: We can sing “Hello! How are you?”T : Can you sing “Where is the Thumb King?”S3: No, I cant.T : What can you do?S4: I can play the piano.T : Shall we learn the song “We can sing and dance” now? Pleas


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