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Unit 1Whats the matter练习题一、翻译短语。1.感冒 2.胃疼 3.发烧 4.量体温 5.头疼 6.休息 7.陷入 8.使惊讶的 9.习惯于 10冒险 11.用尽 12.离开 13.掌管,管理 14.放弃 二、 词形变换1. stomach (复数) 2. foot(复数) 3. tooth (复数) 4. lie(过去式) (现在分词) 5. hurt (过去式) 6. breath (动词) 7. climb (名词) 8. knife (复数) 9. mean (过去式) 10. important ( 名词) 11. decide (名词) 12. die (形容词) (名词) 13.she (反身代词) 14.we (反身代词) 三、根据所给单词首字母和句意填空。1. I have a toothache, I have to see a d_.2. Whats the matter with you? I have a s_ throat.3. When you have a headache, please lie down and r_.4. She is tired, she should go to bed early, she s_ go to the party.5. To his s_, they all agreed to go with him.6. He e_ most or all the passengers to get off the bus.7. Aron almost lost his life because of a_.8. He found himself in a very difficult _ (情况)9. Do we have the same _ (勇气) as Aron?10. I sat in the same way for too long without _ (移动).四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. You should _ (drink) enough water every day. 2. He _ (have) a headache last week. But now he is _ (feel) better.3. Its important for us _ (study) hard .4. My grandpa exercises for 3 hours to stay _ (health) every day.5. Its easy _(say), but difficult _(do).6. He only thought about _ (save ) a life.7. Tom didnt give up _ (smoke).三、选择填空。( )1. My son has friends in shanghai, so he doesnt feel lonely (孤独的) at all.A. few B. little C. a few D. a little( )2. Mary a very bad cold, so she had to see a doctor.A. made B. took C. had D. did( )3. You should eat more fruit and vegetables healthy.A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stays( )4. Eating healthy food is for all of us.A. boring B. hardly C. important D weak( )5. You look tired. I think you go to work today.A. arent B. may C. shouldnt D. should( )6. We should not eat junk food.A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too( )7. When did your stomachache start? .A. About two days. B. Two days later I C. About two days ago D. For two days( )8. The boy needs more English conversations.A. practice B. practices C. to practice D. practicing( )9. I am sorry _ that youre not feeling well. A. and hear B. to hear C. heard( )10. _ a good idea. A. That sounds like B. Thats sounds like C. Thats like D. That like( )11. Whats the matter _ you? My back hurts.A. with B. for C. at D. on( ) 12. You should _ more water when you have a fever.A. drinks B. drinking C. drank D. have( ) 13. Hes ill. He must go to _ a doctor in the hospital. A. look B. watch C. see D. visited( ) 14. -How are you? -Im feeling _.A. good B. well C. better D. fun( )15. There is a pen _ on the floor, whose is it? A. lie B. putting C. lying D. lieing ( ) 16.- _ did the headache start? - About two hours ago.A. When B. What C. where D. How( ) 7. I cant sleep, so I _ listen to quiet music, and I _ listen to exciting music.A. should; should B. shouldnt; shouldnt C. should; shouldnt D. can; dont( ) 18. _ her husband,she has now become a famous film star. A. Because B. Thanks to C. Thanks for D. With the help( ) 19. David _ a stomachache. So he _ eat anything 24 hours.A. has, should B. had, should C. have, shouldnt D. has, shouldnt( ) 20. There must be _ wrong with the clock. It doesnt work. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything五、翻译句子:1、司机看到一位老人躺在马路边。 _2、24岁的司机王平,没有多想就停下了车。 _3、据说很多人不想帮助别人,因为他们不想有任何麻烦。 _4、我该怎么办? _5、我应该量体温吗? _6、你应该离开电脑休息一下。 _7、我认为你应该躺下来休息。I think _六、用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空。(10 分)have, should, play, need, keep, enjoy, help, shouldnt , 1. Carlos has a bad headache, so he _ to go to the doctor.2. A lot of vegetables _ you to keep in good health.3. Roses mother wants her _ the piano every day.4. Exercise every day can _ healthy.5. Students _ sleep for nine hours every night.6. Most of the students _ listening to the pop music.7. You _ study when youre tired.8. Whats the matter with Sonia? She _ a headache.七、阅读理解。Its important for us to be healthy. But how can we keep healthy? First, you should eat fruit and vegetables three or four times a week. Then eat some tofu every day because its good for people, both the young and the old. Milk is also necessary,especially (尤其) for women. So you should have milk twice & day. It can help you to be strong. Next, doing more exercise is better. You can do morning exercises or evening exercises. After supper you should take a walk.1. You should eat_ three or four times a week.A. fruit and fish B. vegetables and mutton C. tofu D. fruit and vegetables2. Tofu is good for _.A. young people B. old people C. young and old people D. students3. Why do people have milk? _A. Its delicious. B. Its a kind of drink.C. Its bad for you. D. It can help you keep strong.4. You should have milk _.A. four times a day B. five times a week C. twice a day D. twice a week30. The passage mainly tells us_.A. how to keep healthy B. what health isC. why health is important D. how often you can eat tofu2


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