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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake ? 教学设计(八上)1. Teaching aims : A Knowledge objects (知识目标)(1)Talk about how to make a banana milk shake and the different milk shake .(2) Key vocabulary: shake ,milk shake, blender, turn on /turn off , cut up, peel ,pour,put, drink, First, then, next, finally(3) Target language : How do you make a banana milk shake ?B Ability objects (能力目标)(1)Help the students learn to follow instructions.(2) Enable the students to describe a process of making a kind of food.(3) Get the students to know the importance of the teamwork .C Moral objects (情感目标)Making something with our own hands and share them with others, we can get happiness and success from it .2 .Teaching key and difficult points(教学重点难点)(1) Describe a process by using the imperative sentences (2) Follow instructions by grasping the keys words . Key structure :Imperative sentences .3.Teaching aids(教具):ppt, a blender,some fruit,a few bags of milk ,some cups, a spoon, ice-cream, a recorder.4.Teaching procedures(教学过程)Step 1: Greeting and revision (ppt)Teacher : Whats your favorite fruit ?(apples ,pears ,bananas, strawberry, watermelon)拓展:grapes, pineapples, kiwifruit,) Whats your favorite drink ?(juice, tea, coffee, milk)Leading-in Milkshake (由牛奶和冰激淋 搅拌而成的混合饮料)Step 2:Presentation:(PPT) 1: How do you make a banana milk shake ? PPT: What do we need ?(PPT) Blender, knife, spoon ,banana, milk, ice-cream (Teacher show real things ,students learn to pronounce these words .) 2:Describe a processL(Show teaching key and difficult pints )(PPT)First: Peel the bananas;Then :Cut up the bananas Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender Pour the milk into the blender .Next,: Turn on the blender .Finally: Pour the milk shake into a glass and drink it .Step 3:Practice (Writing practice ) Finish 1a Write these words in the blanks in the picture above . Share and check the answers.Step 4: Listening activity(Listening skill practice ) Finish 1b Listen and put the instructions in order . Share and check the answers .Step 5:Pairwork(oral practice with the target language ) Tell your partner how to make a banana milk shake . Ask two students to act it out .Step 6 Lets do the different milk shake 。 Make the milk shake ,please ! (学生动手亲自制作不同水果奶昔)Step 7 summary and homework “How do you make the different shake ?" Make it for your parents Describe a process with “first, next, then, finally”


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