人教版[pep]六上Unit 4 I have a pen palppt课件1

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人教版[pep]六上Unit 4 I have a pen palppt课件1_第1页
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人教版[pep]六上Unit 4 I have a pen palppt课件1_第3页
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I Love Going Hiking Write down the hobbies in 3 minutes. (在三分钟内写各种爱好的词组(在三分钟内写各种爱好的词组.) Brainstorm ( (脑力风暴脑力风暴) ) climbing mountains collecting stamps drawing pictures taking pictures flying kites making kites reading a book riding a bike swimming diving going hiking going shopping playing chess playing football playing the violin watching insects watching TV skating Chain Response ( (连锁反应连锁反应) ) Activity 1 When someone says your hobby, you should say another one.(.(如果有如果有人说到你的爱好,你必须说另外一个人说到你的爱好,你必须说另外一个!)!) climbing mountains collecting stamps drawing pictures taking pictures flying kites making kites reading a book riding a bike swimming diving going hiking going shopping playing chess playing football playing the violin watching insects watching TV skating There is/ are I think he likesBecause there is/ are Wu : Whats your hobby? Jone: I like colecting stamps. What about you? Wu: Me too. There is a stamp show on Jone: I have a friend. He likes collecting Wu: Sure! stamps, too. Can he go with us? Sunday. Lets go together. TIME: SUNDAY PLACE: LU VALEY PARK TIME: SATURDAY PLACE: CHANGSHA STADIUM TIME: SATURDAY PLACE: YUELU PARK Linda Mary TIME: SUNDAY PLACE: HUNAN MUSEUM Peter David Today is my birthday. I have a new box of crayons. I like drawing pictures. I often paint pictures with my crayons. My books are very beautiful, because I often draw many pictures on the books. My favorite season is spring. In spring, I often fly kites with my friends in the park. The air is fresh, the wind is soft, the grass is green, and the flowers are beautiful. We run and laugh. Were very happy. Linda Linda likes _ . Mary David Im very happy today, because I get some new stamps now. I often collect stamps from bookstores and post office. Look! Therere flower stamps, sports stamps Theyre beautiful. I like them! David likes _ . Mary likes _ . Peter Tomorrow is Sunday. Im going to the bookstore by bike with Tom. I often go to school by bike. I go to the cinema by bike, too. I like riding a bike with my friends on the weekend. We go to the park by bike. Sometimes we go to the zoo by bike, too. Peter likes _ . Tomorrow is Sunday. Im going to the bookstore by bike with Tom. I often go to school by bike. I go to the cinema by bike, too. I like riding a bike with my friends on the weekend.We go to the park by bike. Sometimes we go to the zoo by bike, too. What s his hobby? He likes riding a bike Nov. 8, 2007 Sunny Peter . TIME: SATURDAY PLACE: CHANGSHA STADIUM TIME: SATURDAY PLACE: YUELU PARK Linda Mary Peter TIME: SUNDAY PLACE: LU VALEY PARK TIME: SUNDAY PLACE: HUNAN MUSEUM David Today is my birthday. I have a new box of crayons. I like drawing pictures. I often paint pictures with my crayons. My books are very beautiful, because I often draw many pictures on the books. My favourite season is spring. In spring, I often fly kites with my friends in the park. The air is fresh, the wind is soft, the grass is green, and the flowers are colourful. We run and laugh. Were very happy. Linda Linda likes _ . Mary David Im very happy today, because I get some new stamps now. I often collect stamps from bookstores and post office. Look! Therere flower stamps, sports stamps Theyre beautiful. I like them! David likes _ . Mary likes _ . Peter Tomorrow is Saturday. Im going to the bookstore by bike with Tom. I often go to school by bike. I go to the cinema by bike, too. I like riding a bike with my friends on the weekend. We go to the park by bike. Sometimes we go to the zoo by bike, too. Peter likes _. riding a bike Today is my birthday. I have a new box of crayons. I like drawing pictures. I often paint pictures with my crayons. My books are very beautiful, because I often draw many pictures on the books. My favourite season is spring. In spring, I often fly kites with my friends in the park. The air is fresh, the wind is soft, the grass is green, and the flowers are colorful. We run and laugh. Were very happy. Linda Linda likes _ . Mary David Im very happy today, because I get some new stamps now. I often collect stamps from bookstores and post office. Look! Therere flower stamps, sports stamps Theyre beautiful. I like them! David likes _ . Mary likes _ . drawing pictures collecting stamps flying kites TIME: SATURDAY PLACE: CHANGSHA STADIUM TIME: SATURDAY PLACE: YUELU PARK Linda David Mary Peter TIME: SUNDAY PLACE: LU VALEY PARK TIME: SUNDAY PLACE: HUNAN MUSEUM A: Whats your hobby? B: I like _. What about you? A: Me too. There is _ on_. B: I have a friend. He likes _,too. A: Sure! Can he go with us? Lets go together. I like Whats your ? Name Favourite color Favourite food Hobby


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