人教英语七上Unit 2Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c a

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Section APeriod Two Hi, everyone. Im Dengdeng. This is my family. Let me introduce them! This is my father, Deng Chao.This is my mother, Sun Li.These are my grandmothers.This is my grandmother.This is my grandfather.That is my sister. To learn to use demonstrative pronouns this, that, these & those to introduce peopleTo learn to use Who questions to ask about peoples identitiesTo learn to identify people My names Dave. This is my _. fatherfather_my_.motherThis is motherparents_ y_.parentsThese areLets meet Daves family.介绍人物 That is my_.grandfathergrandfather_.grandmotherThat is my grandmother_my _.grandparentsose are grandpa ents And _ my sister._my_. sisterbrothersThose are brothers thats friends_ my _.These are friends 用来指示人或事物的代词称为指示代词指示代词有:this, that, these, those等 this, that 用来代替单数名词; those, these用来代替复数名词 This is a pen. Those are his friends.指示代词 指示代词单数复数thisthatthesethose时间或空间上较近的人或物时间或空间上较远的人或物 单数 复数近指 this these远指 that those谓语V is areThis is a bike and thats a car.Those are her books.These are my classmates.比 较 =that is Practice那些苹果是红色的。这本书是新的。Those apples are red.This book is new. B: Hes their grandfather.A: Whos he?Guessing Game whos = who is hes = he is辨别人物 A: Whos she?B: Shes her mother.A: Whore they?B: Theyre her grandparents. shes = she is theyre = they are whore = who are Look at the pictures and make conversations.PracticeJanes brother Janes mother Janes fatherJanes friends Janes sisterJane Who is he/she?He/She is Who are they?Theyre Who are they? They are my friends.hos he? Hes my father. W s s She is my mother.Who are they? They are my brother and sister. Now read the sentences and patterns below. A: That _ my family. Thats my mother.B: _ he?A: _ my father.B: Whos _?A: Shes _ sister.B: And _ they?A: _ my grandparents.3a Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.Whos (Who is)myHes (He is)iswho are (whore)sheThey are (Theyre) Pair work3bLook at the picture. Make sentences with the words in the three boxes.thisthat these those my your father mothergrandfathergrandmotherparents grandparentsbrother sister This is my mother. This is my father.That is my brother.Is this your sister?Is that your grandfather? Are those your grandparents? Bring some family photos to class. Take turns to ask and answer questions about the photos. 3c Who is he? He is Prince(王子)George. He is Georges father, Prince William. ho is she? She is his mother, Kate.She is his sist r. Introduce people:This is my grandmother.Thats my friend.These are my grandparents.Those are my sisters.Identify people:A: Who is she? B: Shes my sister.A: Who are they? B: They are my parents.课时重点回顾 按要求进行改写。1. this (复数) _ 2. friend (复数) _3. hes (原形) _4. that is (缩写) _ 5. she (复数) _ 6. who are (缩写) _7. those (单数) _ 8. family (复数) _ 9. I am (缩写) _ thesefriendshe isthatstheywhorethatfamiliesImQUIZ Translate and write them down.1. - 他是谁? - 他是我的朋友。2. 那是保罗,那是安娜。他们都是我的 朋友。Thats Paul and thats Anna. They are my friends.- Who is he?-He is my friend. 3. 这是他的铅笔。4. 那些是你们的桔子。5. 这些是他们的父母。This is his pencil.Those are your oranges.These are their parents. Review the grammar weve learnt today.2. Finish the exercises in Learning English.3. Preview the new words and expressions.4. Preview 1a-1d on page 10.


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