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Click here to type page title,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,LivingwithStress,bc,Copyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc.,Living with Stress,BOS,Bc,Click here to type page title,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,1998, 1998 & , .,:,:,2,?,a,3,a.,.,4,.,.,s.,5,s:,“,”,”,6,.,:,:,a,.,a.,;-a,a.,.,(,(.,),),专,专,业,业,提,提,供,供,企,企,管,管,培,培,训,训,资,资,料,料,7,.,.,a,8,a,.,a,a,a,.,9,?,a,10,aaa.,.,(12),.,(,(.,),),专,专,业,业,提,提,供,供,企,企,管,管,培,培,训,训,资,资,料,料,11,(22),;,(),(.,),12,.,a.,13,?,a,14,.,a,15,.:,(12),.,?,1.,2.,3.,(.,).,?,aa?1.,.,16,(22),.,?,4.,:,.,.,5.,6.,6.,.,(,(.,),),专,专,业,业,提,提,供,供,企,企,管,管,培,培,训,训,资,资,料,料,17,a.,(),(),?,I?,18,; a,;,a-, ,.,19,(12),Never,Rarely,Sometimes,Often,Almost,Always,I eat at least one hot, balance meal per day,I get 7-8 hours sleep at least 4 nights per week,I give and receive affection regularly,I have at least one relative within 50 miles on whom I can rely,I exercise to the point of perspiration at least twice per week,I limit myself to less than half a pack of cigarettes per day,I limit myself to fewer than 5 alcoholic drinks per week,I am the appropriate weight for my height,I am able to speak openly about my feelings when angry or worried,I have an income adequate to meet basic expenses,I get strength from my religious beliefs,I regularly attend club or social activities,I have a network of friends and acquaintances,I have one or more friends to confide in about personal matters,I am in good health (including eyesight, hearing, teeth),I have regular conversations with people I live with about domestic,problems; e.g. chores, money, and daily living issues,I do something for fun at least once per week,I am able to organize my time effectively,I limit myself to less than 3 cups of coffee (tea or soda) per day,I take quiet time for myself during the day,Respond to each of the following questions.,Event,.,.(.),专,专业提,供,供企管培,训,训资料,20,(22),:,1,2,3,4,5,:,0-15,16-30,31-45,46-60,61+,!a.,!.,!;a.,!;.,!.,“,“,”,”,21,(110),.,:,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,.:, a, , .66 .,.,.(.),专,专业提,供,供企管培,训,训资料,22,Very,Moderately,Somewhat,A Bit,Not at all,Beginning new job or position,Poor job description,Ambiguous lines of authority,Poorly defined responsibilities at work,Setting work goals,Meeting work goals,Failure to understand or accomplish assignments,Lack of necessary skills & abilities to perform adequately at work,Too tired to get work done,Difficulties with career decisions,Overwork,Pressured deadlines,Many emergencies at work,Uncooperative coworkers,Too much responsibility at work,Fear of error,Hours too long,Section 1 - Work,For each event that applies to you, how stressful is the event?,Event,(210),23,Very,Moderately,Somewhat,A Bit,Not at all,Family members interfering with work,Pressure to do well at work,Lack of company concern about workers,Promotion,Personal achievements at work,Change to a different line of work,Equipment malfunctions at work,Work interference in personal life,Insufficient in-service training or supervision,Boredom with work,Little opportunity for advancement,Responsibility without authority,Lack of privacy at work,Irregular work hours,Change in responsibilities at work,Trouble with boss,Change in work hours or conditions,Section 1 - Work (Continued),For each event that applies to you, how stressful is the event?,Event,(310),.(.),专,专业提,供,供企管培,训,训资料,24,Very,Moderately,Sometimes,A Bit,Not at all,Section 2 - Family,For each event that applies to you, how stressful is the event?,Event,Holidays, family celebrations, family vacations,Starting a significant relationship,Marital difficulties,Illness in family,Divorce,Death of a spouse,Death of a close relative,Death of a distant relative,Problems with children,Alcoholism or drug problems in family,Son or daughter leaving home,Sex difficulties,Difficulties with other family members,Divorce or remarriage parents,Divorce or remarriage of children,Difficulty in meeting obligations to family,Child care responsibilities,Birth of a child or adoption,Abortion, miscarriage or still birth,Increase in number of arguments with spouse,Family conflict over money,Trouble with in-laws,Wife or husband begins or stops working,Change in number of family get-togethers,Child with special needs,Family violence,(410),25,Section 3 - Individual Roles,For each event that applies to you, how stressful is the event?,Event,Vacations,Feeling unattractive,Personal injury or illness,Pregnancy,Noticeable aging,Travel,Outstanding personal achievement,Change in personal habits (smoking, bedtime, meals),Problems from being too successful,Lack of personal privacy,Difficulty in meeting obligations to yourself,Failure to meet personal goals,Not enough time for yourself,Problems with drug or alcohol dependence,Problems with weight,Not enough time to get things done,Involved in lawsuit or other court procedure,Change in living condition,Change in residence,Change in recreational activities,Philosophical or religious preoccupation,Change in religious activities,Very,Moderately,Sometimes,A Bit,Not at all,(510),26,Section 4 - Social Being,For each event that applies to you, how stressful is the event?,Event,Identification as a group leader,Following along with a group,Major responsibility to or for a social group,Feeling excluded from a group,Starting new relationship(s),Ending old relationship(s),Special care in maintaining relationship(s),Not having freedoms & privileges acquaintances enjoy,High popularity,Feelings of superiority towards friends & acquaintances,Feeling unwanted and alone,Lack of social stimulation,Death of a close friend,Close friend moves away,Problems with social discrimination,Feeling victim of ethnic, racial, religious, or sexual prejudice,Change in social activities,Very,Moderately,Sometimes,A Bit,Not at all,Feeling inferior,(610),27,Section 5 - Environment,For each event that applies to you, how stressful is the event?,Event,Noisy or unfriendly neighbors,Construction work in neighborhood,Problems with traffic,Problems with shifts in population,Problems with schools,Local politics or election results,Adjustments to new neighborhood,Neighbors fail to maintain their property,Problems with municipal services or utilities,Vandalism or other minor crime in neighborhood,Violent crime in neighborhood,Ethnic or racial conflict,Lack of recreational facilities,Home does not have a space you can use just for yourself,Construction or major renovation of home,Very,Moderately,Sometimes,A Bit,Not at all,Home is messy or cluttered,Home does not feel comfortable or relaxing,(710),.(.),专,专业提,供,供企管培,训,训资料,28,Section 6 - Finances,For each event that applies to you, how stressful is the event?,Event,Not enough money to pay the bills,Loss of income,Increased expenditures,Declining net worth,Lack of funds for recreation,Major purchase,Financial loss,Cash flow problems,Loss of credit,Dramatic increase in net worth,Inheritance,Major financial gain,Business readjustment,New mortgage or loan,Foreclosure of mortgage,Very,Moderately,Sometimes,A Bit,Not at all,(810),.(.),专,专业提,供,供企管培,训,训资料,29,:,A:,:,:,.,a.,“,“A ”,“,“,”,”,.,a,“,“ ”.,.,“,“ ”a.,.,(910),30,.,(1010),1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,I,31,a,.,32,:,s,t. .,s,A,a.,.,.,.a,., .,.(.),专,专业提,供,供企管培,训,训资料,33,A,.,., ,.,a .,5.,:,s,t. .,s,34,(12),5 10a ,.,10.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,.,a- aa.,.,a., a,.a, ,.,.,35,(22),.,.,., ,.,6.,7.,5 ,.,36,.,a .,1.,2.,3.,a ,.,.,.,4.,5.,(, , , ,).,a.,37,a ,.,1.,a5.,2.,.,3.,a,.,9.,a,.,.,4., a.,aaa .,5.,a.,- .,.,.(.),专,专业提,供,供企管培,训,训资料,38,.,1.,(.,“,“I,”,“,“Ia,”,”).,2.,(., “I,”,“,“I,”,“,“I,”,”).,3.,(.,“,“I, Ia,I, I,”,”).,39,:,A,a,10,“”,40,?,a,41,(12),?,a.,.,.,s.,:,a., ,.,.,.,a, , ,.,42,LivingwithStress,KeyTakeaways (2of2),Managingstress:,Thereareseveralactions youcantakeandtechniquesyoucan practice to managestress.,Defineyourlife purpose,Conduct apersonalinventory,Maintaingood physical andemotionalhealth to minimize yourvulnerabilitytostress,Identifystresstriggereventsand begin to examinewhereyou areoutofalignment withyourpersonalintegrityand where youarenot fulfillingyourtrue purposeinlife,Moderateyour physical andemotionalreactions to stressbyutilizingstress managementtechniqueslike theones describedinthis module,.,(,.,) 专,业,业提供,企,企管培,训,训资料,


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