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deficient whenever concentration is less than 19.5% O,2,当空气中氧气浓度低于,19.5%,时就为氧气缺乏,Oxygen Deficiency,氧气不足,Air is oxygen deficient whenev,6,Symptoms of Oxygen Deficiency,氧气缺乏的特征,20.9 % 新鲜空气中氧气含量,19.5 % - 12 %,判断力降低,脉搏和呼吸加快,疲劳,协调能力降低,12 % - 10 %,呼吸紊乱, 循环降低, 疲劳恶化和失去重要功能,在几秒钟到几分钟内出现其他症状,10 % - 6 %,恶心, 呕吐, 行动无力, 失去直觉, 直至死亡,6 % - 0 %,抽搐, 呼吸急促, 呼吸停止, 心跳停止, 在数分钟内出现失去直觉,死亡症状,Symptoms of Oxygen Deficiency,7,Carbon monoxyde (CO)一氧化碳,探头寿命 : 1 to 2 years,Contaminated cells cant transport O2 污染细胞而不能输送氧气,1000 PPM呼吸立即受阻, 失去直觉, 直至死亡,Substance Specific Sensors,10,000 more forced to seek medical attention 10000人需要医疗,“Fuel cell” principle燃料电池原理,29 CFR 1910.,According to the journal of the American medical association (JAMA) at least: 根据美国医疗机构的统计,至少,OSHA (1989) PEL:TWA=35 PPMceiling=200 PPM,10 PPM8小时平均暴露极限,Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) AKA “Sewer Gas”硫化氢“下水道气体”,所有日常操作程序都由一个按钮来控制开机/关机 - 校准 - 获取信息,Work being performed in CS密闭空间中间进行的工作,Read in “Percent LEL”,PEL类型PEL默认报警值TWA:35 PPM35 PPMSTEL:100 PPM100 PPMCeiling:200 PPM35 PPM,2 Versions : 碱性 或 可充电,Carbon monoxide (CO)一氧化碳,Carbon Monoxide,A combustible hazard exists whenever readings exceed 10% LEL 当爆炸下限超过10%时 就会存在燃烧危险,Displacement,惰性气体置换,Microbial action,生物/细菌行为,Oxidation,氧化,Combustion,燃烧,Absorption,吸收,Causes of Oxygen Deficiency,造成氧气不足的原因,Carbon monoxyde (CO)一氧化碳Disp,8,“,Fuel cell” principle,燃料电池原理,Sensor generates electrical current proportional to the O,2,concentration,传感器产生同氧气浓度成比例的电流,Sensor used up over time,(,usually last one to two years),传感器长期使用将会失效,(,通常持续1到2年),Oxygen Sensor Detection Principle,氧气检测传感器原理,“Fuel cell” principle燃料电池原理Ox,9,爆炸或易燃的大气环境,Atmospheric Monitoring,大气检测,爆炸或易燃的大气环境Atmospheric Monitori,10,氧气,链反应,燃烧物,燃烧源,Explosion Tetrahedron,爆炸机理,氧气链反应燃烧物燃烧源Explosion Tetrahedr,11,Dramatically promotes and accelerates combustion,明显加强和加速燃烧,Never use O,2,to ventilate a confined space!,禁止使用将氧气直接通过通风进入密闭空间,Proportionally increases the rate of many chemical reactions,相应地增加化学品反应的速率,Can cause ordinary combustible materials to become flammable or explosive,可将普通可燃物变成易燃或可爆炸物,Oxygen Enrichment,氧气过量,Dramatically promotes and acce,12,29,CFR 1910.146 specifies 23.5 % is oxygen enriched,氧气含量超过,23.5 %,为氧气过量,Other codes are more stringent,其他法规更严格,Most conservative approach is to use 22 % as take action point,大部分保守观点是含量超过,22 %,Oxygen Enrichment,氧气过量,29 CFR 1910.146 specifies 23.5,13,Minimum concentration of a combustible gas or vapor in air which will ignite if a source of ignition is present,可燃气体或蒸气在空气中引起燃烧的最低 浓度,爆炸下限,Minimum concentration of a com,14,Flammability Range,燃烧范围,气体浓度,LEL,UEL,燃烧范围,Flammability Range燃烧范围气体浓度LEL,15,0,100%,LEL,气体浓度,燃烧范围,Combustible Gas/vapor Instruments,Read in “Percent LEL”,可燃气体/蒸气仪器的读数以百分比指示“,LEL”,0100% LEL气体浓度燃烧范围Combustible G,16,A combustible hazard exists whenever readings exceed 10% LEL,当爆炸下限超过10%时 就会存在燃烧危险,Combustible Hazard,燃烧危害,A combustible hazard exists,17,等同于100%,LEL,的气体浓度:,甲烷5.0% /,vol.,丙烷2.2% /,vol.,戊烷1.8% /,vol.,硫化氢4.3% /,vol.,一氧化碳12.5% /,vol.,完全燃烧环境的气体浓度,(100% LEL) ,和 爆炸下限传感器反应的比率不是线性的,无论如何, 顺序通常是一样的,LEL Concentrations for Different Gases,不同气体的,LEL,浓度,等同于100% LEL的气体浓度:LEL Concentra,18,Areas adjacent to CS紧挨密闭空间的区域,Compressors压缩机,5 % - 12 % 判断力降低,脉搏和呼吸加快,疲劳,协调能力降低,9 % 新鲜空气中氧气含量,显示 CO 和 H2S两种读数,Chronic exposure at even low levels harmful 低浓度状况下降造成慢性暴露,PhD Lite / PhD5 数据下载,Dramatically promotes and accelerates combustion 明显加强和加速燃烧,Oxygen (O2)氧气,Oxygen (O2)氧气,所有日常操作程序都由一个按钮来控制开机/关机 - 校准 - 获取信息,29 CFR 1910.,Sensing electrode made to catalyze a specific reaction 传感电极用来催化特殊反应,600 PPM头痛, 不舒服 (1 小时),安装在同一地方的 两种探头,Ex Plus : 爆炸性气体浓度监测仪器,NEW Operating Logic with Navigation Keys,CO Plus (CO+),As poisoning progresses the the LEL sensor will eventually lose is ability to detect any combustible gases 当LEL探头中毒时将最终失去检测任何可燃气体的能力,4 hours 100 PPM 50 PPM,Carbon monoxide (CO)一氧化碳,Combustible sensors may be poisoned Or suffer degraded performance with Prolonged exposure to:,可燃传感器有可能中毒或发生性能退化由于长期暴露于:,Silicones,硅树脂,Tetraethyl-lead,四已基-铅,Halogenated hydrocarbons,卤化碳氢化和物,High concentrations of sulfides,高浓度硫化物,High concentrations of flammable gas,高浓度易燃气体,Poisoning,中毒,Areas adjacent to CS紧挨密闭空间的,19,As an LEL sensor become poisoned the sensors surface and the sensors pores will be coated with oxidized silicone,当,LEL,探头的表面和通道涂上氧化硅时将造成探头中毒,A silicone poisoned sensor will first loose its ability to detect methane, while not exhibiting any noticeable inhibition to detect other combustible gases,硅中毒的探头将首先失去检测甲烷的能力,,As poisoning progresses the the LEL sensor will eventually lose is ability to detect any combustible gases,当,LEL,探头中毒时将最终失去检测任何可燃气体的能力,Poisoning,中毒,As an LEL sensor become poison,20,Toxic Gases and Vapors,有毒气体和蒸气,Atmospheric Monitoring,大气检测,Toxic Gases and Vapors,21,最普遍的:,Carbon monoxide (CO),一氧化碳,Hydrogen sulfide (H,2,S),硫化氢,Combination sensors are available,可以提供复合型探头,Biosystems Toxic Gas Sensors,有毒气体探头,最普遍的:Biosystems Toxic Gas Sens,22,不常见:,Sulfur dioxide (SO,2,),二氧化硫,Chlorine (Cl,2,)/chlorine dioxide (ClO,2,),氯气/二氧化氯,Ammonia (NH,3,),氨气,Phosphine (PH,3,),磷化氢,Nitrogen dioxide (NO,2,),二氧化氮,Hydrogen cyanide (HCN),氰化氢,Nitric oxide (NO),氧化氮,Biosystems Toxic Gas Sensors,有毒气体探头,不常见:Biosystems Toxic Gas Senso,23,Microbial action on material in CS,密闭空间内微生物活动,Products or chemicals stored in CS,储藏在密闭空间内的化学产品,Work being performed in CS,密闭空间中间进行的工作,Areas adjacent to CS,紧挨密闭空间的区域,Sources of Toxic Contaminants,有毒污染物来源,Microbial action on material i,24,Permissible exposure limits given in “parts-per-million” (PPM) concentrations,以“百万分之多少”来定义允许的暴露极限的浓度,1 % = 10,000 ppm,Unit Of Measure for Toxic Contaminants,有毒污染物的度量单位,Permissible exposure limits g,25,Time weighted average (TWA) - all measurements averaged over exactly eight hours 8,小时平均暴露浓度,Ceiling,峰值,ceiling is the maximum concentration to which an unprotected worker may be exposed for any period of time,峰值指为保护员工可能暴露的最大浓度,Short term exposure limit (STEL) - average concentration for the most recent 15 minute period,短时间暴露极限,15,分钟的平均暴露极限,The PEL for a particular gas may have only one, or may have all three terms PEL,针对颗粒型气体可以是一种,也可是三种方式,3 Ways to Determine Exposure Limits,3,种判定暴露极限的方法,Time weighted average (TWA) -,26,暴露时间浓度 平均暴露浓度,4 hours 100 PPM 50 PPM,8 hours 100 PPM 100 PPM,12 hours 100 PPM 150 PPM,TWA Calculation,平均暴露浓度计算,暴露时间浓度 平均暴露浓度TWA Calculation,27,Use the lowest numeric value of any applicable ceiling, STEL or TWA PEL as the default ceiling alarm level,使用最低适用的,Ceiling, STEL or TWA PEL,数值来作为,默认报警值,举例:,PEL,类型,PEL,默认报警值,TWA:35 PPM35 PPMSTEL:100 PPM100 PPMCeiling:200 PPM35 PPM,Simplest (And Safest) Approach to PEL,最简单(安全),PEL,方法,Use the lowest numeric value o,28,Colorless无色,Ex Plus : 爆炸性气体浓度监测仪器,TWA Calculation,Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)二氧化硫,Products or chemicals stored in CS储藏在密闭空间内的化学产品,Chlorine (Cl2)/chlorine dioxide (ClO2) 氯气/二氧化氯,29 CFR 1910.,“Fuel cell” principle燃料电池原理,A combustible hazard exists whenever readings exceed 10% LEL 当爆炸下限超过10%时 就会存在燃烧危险,Most conservative approach is to use 22 % as take action point 大部分保守观点是含量超过22 %,200 PPM峰值,Flammability Range燃烧范围,Atmospheric Monitoring 大气检测,4000 PPM迅速死亡,Most conservative approach is to use 22 % as take action point 大部分保守观点是含量超过22 %,PhD5 Features,146 specifies 23.,Ammonia (NH3)氨气,Water vapor水蒸气,PhD Lite 特点,Toxic Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide,According to the journal of the American medical association (JAMA) at least: 根据美国医疗机构的统计,至少,Atmospheric Monitoring 大气检测,Nitrogen monoxyde (NO)一氧化氮,PEL类型PEL默认报警值TWA:35 PPM35 PPMSTEL:100 PPM100 PPMCeiling:200 PPM35 PPM,可燃气体/蒸气仪器的读数以百分比指示“LEL”,Rugged Design,Smart Sensor,4000 PPM迅速死亡,用一氧化碳和 硫化氢进行标定,Colorless无色,用一氧化碳和 硫化氢进行标定,Odorless无味,Sources of Toxic Contaminants,NEW Operating Logic with Navigation Keys,Oxygen (O2)氧气,Combustible Gas/vapor Instruments,氧气 (O2) : Oxy Plus,Exposure to Carbon Monoxide,Atmospheric Monitoring 大气检测,Use the lowest numeric value of any applicable ceiling, STEL or TWA PEL as the default ceiling alarm level 使用最低适用的Ceiling, STEL or TWA PEL数值来作为默认报警值,Water vapor水蒸气,Carbon Monoxide (CO),The “Silent Killer”,一氧化碳“无声杀手”,Atmospheric Monitoring,大气检测,Colorless无色According to th,29,CO is the leading cause of accidental Poisoning in America!,一氧化碳造成的事故在美国排在前列,CO causes more accidental poisonings than any other chemical substance,一氧化碳比其他化学物质引起中毒事故要多,According to the journal of the American medical association (JAMA) at least:,根据美国医疗机构的统计,至少,1,500 persons killed per year 1500,人每年死于一氧化碳中毒,10,000 more forced to seek medical attention 10000,人需要医疗,Carbon Monoxide,一氧化碳,CO is the leading cause of ac,30,Produced as a by product of incomplete combustion,不完全燃烧产物,Associated with internal combustion engine exhaust,由可燃发动机排放,Vehicles,交通车辆,Pumps,泵,Compressors,压缩机,Carbon Monoxide,一氧化碳,Produced as a by product of in,31,Bonds to hemoglobin in red blood cells,附着在血液中的红血球上,Contaminated cells cant,transport O,2,污染细胞而不能输送氧气,Chronic exposure at even low levels harmful,低浓度状况下降造成慢性暴露,Carbon Monoxide,一氧化碳,Bonds to hemoglobin in red blo,32,Colorless,无色,Odorless,无味,About the same weight as air,同空气重量差不多,Flammable ( LEL is 12.5 %),易燃(爆炸下限为,12.5 %),Toxic!,有毒,Characteristics of Carbon Monoxide,一氧化碳特征,Colorless无色Characteristics,33,OSHA (1989) PEL:TWA=35 PPMceiling=200 PPM,Osha (1996) pel:TWA =50 ppm,Niosh / acgih tlv (1996):TWA =25 ppm,Exposure to Carbon Monoxide,暴露于一氧化碳,OSHA (1989) PEL:TWA=35 PP,34,Headaches,头痛,Fatigue,疲劳,Nausea and other “flu-like” symptoms,恶心或其他“流感”症状,Loss of consciousness,失去直觉,Brain damage,大脑受损,Coma,昏迷,Death,死亡,Symptoms of Exposure to Carbon Monoxide,暴露于一氧化碳的特征,Headaches 头痛Symptoms,35,35,PPM8 hr.,平均暴露极限,200 PPM,峰值,600 PPM,头痛, 不舒服 (1 小时),2500 PPM,失去知觉 (30 分钟),4000 PPM,迅速死亡,Toxic Effects of Carbon Monoxide,一氧化碳的毒性伤害,35 PPM8 hr. 平均暴露极限Toxic Eff,36,Hydrogen Sulfide (H,2,S),AKA,“,Sewer Gas,”,硫化氢,“,下水道气体,”,Atmospheric Monitoring,大气检测,Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) AKA “S,37,Produced by anaerobic sulfur fixing bacteria,由缺氧硫磺和细菌混合生成,Especially associated with:,特别同以下有关,Raw sewage,未处理污水,Crude oil,原油,Marine sediments,海洋沉淀污,Tanneries,皮革制品,Pulp and paper industry,纸浆和造纸工业,Hydrogen Sulfide,硫化氢,Produced by anaerobic sulfur f,38,Colorless,无色,Smells like “rotten eggs”,臭鸡蛋味 (,at low concentrations) (,低浓度),Heavier than air,比空气重,Corrosive,具有腐蚀性,Flammable (LEL is 4.3 %),易燃(爆炸下限为,4.3 %),Soluble in water,可溶于水,Extremely toxic!,剧毒,Characteristics of,Hydrogen Sulfide,硫化氢特征,Colorless无色Characteristics,39, 0.1,PPM,有味,10 PPM8,小时平均暴露极限,15 PPM15,分钟短期暴露极限,100 PPM,失去嗅觉,300 PPM,失去直觉( 30 分钟,.),1000 PPM,呼吸立即受阻, 失去直觉, 直至死亡,Toxic Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide,硫化氢毒性影响, 0.1 PPM有味,40,Gas diffusing into sensor reacts at surface of the sensing electrode,气体扩散进入探头在传感电极表面发生反应,Sensing electrode made to catalyze a specific reaction,传感电极用来催化特殊反应,Use of selective external filters further limits cross sensitivity,使用选择性的外部过滤起来降低交叉干扰,Substance Specific Sensors,特殊传感器,Gas diffusing into sensor reac,41,外部过滤器,毛细管,传感电极,电极计数器,电解液,参照电极,Electrochemical Toxic Sensor,电化学有毒气体传感器,外部过滤器毛细管传感电极电极计数器电解液参照电极Electr,42,CO & H,2,S,每种气体都有 监测仪器,每种都有读数,用一氧化碳和 硫化氢进行标定,CO Plus (CO+),为过滤的,CO,探头对,CO and H,2,S,都有反应,CO,和,H,2,S,读数都标示 为,CO+(,不能量化),价格为两种探头的一半,要求更多的培训,只能用一氧化碳标定,Duo-Tox,安装在同一地方的 两种探头,显示,CO,和,H,2,S,两种读数,成本低于两种单独探头,用一氧化碳和硫化氢 进行比松,CO and H,2,S Sensor Choices,一氧化碳和硫化氢探头,CO & H2SCO Plus (CO+)Duo-ToxCO,43,Smart Sensor,According to the journal of the American medical association (JAMA) at least: 根据美国医疗机构的统计,至少,CO和H2S读数都标示 为CO+(不能量化),As poisoning progresses the the LEL sensor will eventually lose is ability to detect any combustible gases 当LEL探头中毒时将最终失去检测任何可燃气体的能力,3 Ways to Determine Exposure Limits,Ex Plus : 爆炸性气体浓度监测仪器,Soluble in water可溶于水,5 % - 12 % 判断力降低,脉搏和呼吸加快,疲劳,协调能力降低,Ex Plus : 爆炸性气体浓度监测仪器,Combustion燃烧,Short term exposure limit (STEL) - average concentration for the most recent 15 minute period 短时间暴露极限 15分钟的平均暴露极限,Atmospheric Monitoring 大气检测,CO causes more accidental poisonings than any other chemical substance 一氧化碳比其他化学物质引起中毒事故要多,Combustible sensors may be poisoned Or suffer degraded performance with Prolonged exposure to: 可燃传感器有可能中毒或发生性能退化由于长期暴露于:,Rugged Design,完全燃烧环境的气体浓度 (100% LEL) 和 爆炸下限传感器反应的比率不是线性的, 无论如何, 顺序通常是一样的,Microbial action生物/细菌行为,Headaches 头痛,Proportionally increases the rate of many chemical reactions 相应地增加化学品反应的速率,200 PPM峰值,“Fuel cell” principle燃料电池原理,Work being performed in CS密闭空间中间进行的工作,Biosystems,便携式气体检测仪器,1,to 4,气体检测仪,: PhD Lite,1 to 5,气体检测仪,: PhD 5,Toxi Plus,Toxi Ultra,Ex-Plus,Smart SensorBiosystems便携式气体检测,44,PhD Lite,气检仪,1,到4个检测通道,使用便利,Rugged,结构紧凑,便宜,性能良好,PhD Lite 气检仪1到4个检测通道,45,PhD,Lite,特点,所有日常操作程序都由一个按钮来控制,开机,/,关机 - 校准 - 获取信息,Navigation Keys,可选择碱性或镍氢电池,智能型探头,智能泵,PhD Lite 特点所有日常操作程序都由一个按钮来控制开,46,PhD,Lite,特点,前屏显示,防水设计,多语言显示,数据下载(可选功能),Touch ID,系统(可选功能),PhD Lite 特点前屏显示,47,PhD5,“,最基本的密闭空间气体检测仪,1,到5个检测通道,一个按钮操作,数据下载接头,Optional “Touch ID”,自动存储下载系统,信息和读数多语言显示选择,PhD5 “最基本的密闭空间气体检测仪1到5个检测通道,48,PhD,5,Features,One Button Operation,On / Off - Calibration - Acknowledgments,NEW Operating Logic with Navigation Keys,Interchangeable Batteries (Alkaline - NiCad),Smart Sensor,Rugged Design,Smartest Pump Ever,PhD5 FeaturesOne Button Operat,49,PhD,5,特征,所有日常操作程序都由一个按钮来控制,开机,/,关机 - 校准 - 获取信息,可更换碱性或镍铬电池,智能型探头,智能泵,PhD5 特征所有日常操作程序都由一个按钮来控制开机/关机,50,PhD,5,特征,背光式液晶显示,坚固的防水外壳,多语言显示,数据下载(可选功能),Touch ID,系统(可选功能),PhD5 特征背光式液晶显示,51,PhD 5 & PhD Lite Sensors available,Oxygen (O,2,),氧气,Lower Explosive Limit (%LEL),爆炸下限,Carbon monoxyde (CO),一氧化碳,Hydrogen sulfide (H,2,S),硫化氢,Duo-Tox (CO & H,2,S),一氧化碳&硫化氢,Sulfur Dioxide (SO2),二氧化硫,Ammonia (NH3),氨气,Chlorine (Cl2),氯气,Phosphine (PH3),磷化氢,Nitrogen monoxyde (NO),一氧化氮,Nitrogen dioxyde (NO2),二氧化氮,PhD 5 & PhD Lite Sensors avail,52,主要区别,PhD,Lite,结构设计紧凑,Super Rugged,价格低,PhD,5,可更换电池,顶部显示,自动背光式液晶显示,4,点 / 5 通道,主要区别 PhD Lite PhD5,53,PhD,Lite,/ PhD,5,数据下载,自动数据下载,购买后可升级,ID,可程序化,探头失效日期可程序化,PhD Lite / PhD5 数据下载自动数据下载,54,气体检测仪wangchengliang课件,55,The Toxi Family,Single gas detectors,检测氧气和有毒气体,使用便利,Rugged,结构紧凑,好的性能和价格,The Toxi FamilySingle gas det,56,The Toxi Ultra family,Toxi Ultra,Oxy Ultra,背光式液晶显示,自动校准,可选择的振动报警功能,3,种操作模式,数据下载,可互换探头 (,Toxi Ultra),The Toxi Ultra familyToxi Ultr,57,Toxi / Oxy UltraSensors available,Oxygen (O,2,) : Oxy Ultra,氧气,Carbon monoxyde (CO),一氧化碳,Hydrogen sulfide (H,2,S),硫化氢,Sulfur dioxyde (SO,2,),二氧化硫,Ammonia (NH,3,),氨气,Chlorine (Cl,2,),氯气,Nitrogen monoxyde (NO),一氧化氮,Nitrogen dioxyde (NO,2,),二氧化氮,Toxi / Oxy UltraSensors avail,58,Toxi Plus family,Toxi Plus,Oxy Plus,背光式液晶显示,自动校准,可选择的振动报警功能,3,种操作模式,Toxi Plus familyToxi Plus,59,Toxi / Oxy PlusSensors available,氧气 (,O,2,) : Oxy Plus,一氧化碳 (,CO),硫化氢 (,H,2,S),二氧化硫 (,SO,2,),Toxi / Oxy PlusSensors availa,60,Ex Plus :,爆炸性气体浓度监测仪器,2,Versions :,碱性 或,可充电,可,选择的振动报警功能,高性能,Ex Plus : 爆炸性气体浓度监测仪器2 Version,61,探头寿命,PhD Lite,PhD 5,Toxi,Ex Plus,O2,1,year,2,year,1,year,LEL,1,year,2,year,1,year,1,year,CO,2,year,2,year,2,year,H2S,2,year,2,year,2,year,Duo-Tox,2,year,2,year,探头寿命PhD LitePhD 5ToxiEx PlusO2,62,基本维护操作,电池检查和充电,清洗,损坏部件更换,探头更换,(life-time : 1 to 2 year),探头校准,基本维护操作电池检查和充电,63,As poisoning progresses the the LEL sensor will eventually lose is ability to detect any combustible gases 当LEL探头中毒时将最终失去检测任何可燃气体的能力,PhD5 Features,用一氧化碳和 硫化氢进行标定,CO causes more accidental poisonings than any other chemical substance 一氧化碳比其他化学物质引起中毒事故要多,Can cause ordinary combustible materials to become flammable or explosive 可将普通可燃物变成易燃或可爆炸物,Atmospheric Monitoring 大气检测,The Toxi Ultra family,Smells like “rotten eggs” 臭鸡蛋味 (at low concentrations) (低浓度),可互换探头 (Toxi Ultra),100 PPM失去嗅觉,Three basic kinds of hazards:三种基本危险,10,000 more forced to seek medical attention 10000人需要医疗,15 PPM15分钟短期暴露极限,High concentrations of sulfides高浓度硫化物,According to the journal of the American medical association (JAMA) at least: 根据美国医疗机构的统计,至少,Carbon Monoxide,Ex Plus : 爆炸性气体浓度监测仪器,10 % - 6 % 恶心, 呕吐, 行动无力, 失去直觉, 直至死亡,Corrosive具有腐蚀性,Sources of Toxic Contaminants,探头寿命,探头寿命 : 1,to 2 years,有很多原因可造成探头失效,O,2,:,暴露于高浓度,CO,2,LEL :,硅树脂,(,润滑剂), 含铅汽油,高浓度可燃气体,硫化物,Others :,探头干化,探头摔落,.,As poisoning progresses the th,64,


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