七年级英语下册 why do you like koalas 说课稿 人教新目标版

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七年级英语下册 why do you like koalas 说课稿 人教新目标版_第1页
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七年级英语下册 why do you like koalas 说课稿 人教新目标版_第2页
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Animals are close friends of our human beings. Protecting the animals and environment is external topic. Today I am going to talk about partA of Unit 3, Book 3, “Why do you like Koalas?” First I would like to explain my teaching objectives.1) Aims on knowledge.a. to enable students to understand and speak “Why do you like Koalas? Because it is interesting.”;b. to enable students to describe a kind of animan with some adjectives, such as interesting, fun, cute, ;2) Aims on abilitya. to develop students ability of listeing and speaking;b. to train the students ability of working in groups;3) Aims on emotion;a. to foster students consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition;b. lead students to make friends with animals and protect animals.As we all know, the main instructional aims of English in Junior Middle School is to cultivate the students basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of English. So in this lesson I will mainly use “Task-based” teaching method, I will arrange 3 kinds of activities:singing, guessing game and having a compitition.The key point of this lesson is to enable students to express their preferances and reasons in their life in proper way with the pattern of “Why do you like Because it is ” The different point lies in the writing part. Students are required to write some sentences to describe a kind of animal. Before the task, some useful adjectives will be provided to help students express freely.Now I will specify my teaching procedures.Step 1: warming-up 1) free talk between teacher and students about their pets and their experience of visting the zoo. It provide situation to review learned knowledge for the next step;2) sing the song together: “going to the zoo”It is important to form a good English atmosphere for students by singing.Step 2: presentation 1) Listening to an video about the voices of different kinds of animals and let students write the names of animal they hear; 2) Show a picture of a zoo and let students say the names of animal they can see in the picture;Step 3:practice 1) Students work in pair to talk about their favourite animals using the pattern: “I want to see why do you like,because it is”; 2)playing a guessing game: Divide the whole class into four groups to have a competitin. The teacher read a sentence to describe a kind of animal each time and students guess what it is as quickly as they can according to the information given by teacher. The group who can get the right answer in the shortest time will be winner.All the students try to write 5-6 sentences to describe a kind of animal that they are familiar with, This is an individual work. Then one student of a group of four members read his /her description and the other members guess what the animal is . The members take turn to complete the task.Homework; Ask students to write a composition“My pet or my favourite animal ”


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