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小学英语六年级下册期中测试题姓名 班级 评分:_一、 听音,选择。(10分)( )1. A. 1k B 15cm .50kg( )2. A.clean Bclmb C. climb( )3. .tke . ail Ctook( )4. A play football . pa te iano C. gby lane( )5. A. wsh B.wtch C. wear( )6. uy B bk C. in( )7.A. i B ske C. snae( )8. A.reset B. prens C par( ) A. I fine. B.Im ine. C.Im fie. ( )10 A.Hes d. B. He sick. C. Shestin.二、 听录音,判断对错。(10分). 23 . 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . Yetedy was Wnsday. ( ) 7. ikerowed boat lt Suy. ( ) . Weent t viit ourgaparens last igh. ( ) 9 I wt skainlast ear ( ) 10 om s sick yeterday. ( )三、 听问题,选答句。(1分)( )1. A: I enttthebokstore. B: I bout soe bok. :I bogh sme os. ( ) A:heees eephts. B: Se w lephnts. C:Sheoing toseelphants ( )3. A: Yes, I did. B:Yes, I do. C: Yes, Im ( )4. A: No, he esnt.B: No, s dint. : , I did ( ).A: Ss any. B:Shs aller. C:hes gon to tehosil 四、 听录音,填词。(分). A: did thy goer? : The tee by . 2. We many at zo. 3. A:Dd sh good fooi Xjg? : Ys, anshe some he. 4 I o y hoid. 五、 听录音,判断句子对错。(0分)( )1. Tom wen t ee iml ast eekend ( )2. Tm lies nmls. ( )3.Toom en shoppig ( ). Tmsdad eadsome agaznes. ( ). Tomsfamily had god timelat weeknd. 笔试部分六、选择(10分)( ) 1. What_Amy_last wend ? A. dd, do . , do C. de, () . ike_his cothseveryda A.ash Bwahs C.wshd( ) 3 W_hava footba matc tomorow.A. are goi B.aregot C. ae ging t( ).- W di yu o yted?- I _gits AbuyB.uhtC.bruht() 5 -How _aryou ? -Im 16 cmta. A. lB.tall C.heay() 6.Lok, the are_th insects careully. A atc BwathigC.watched( )7. He i an _, he raspictures .actorB.leanerC.artist( ) 8. played _pin. A. the C( ) 9. Igeu _7:o_themoring. B. A.at t at inC.in in( ) 10. lke g _on Sundays A. ishigB. oihC.s七、根据提示填空。(分)、It is_ _(比.高)both of u oeter.2、I _(打扫)mom and _ (洗) clohs last Sturdy.3、I _a ol I staeat hom all wekend and _.(睡觉)、There_ _(没有) lbrary i my old shool.5、We_(去)t Hannan _(坐)ae last wintrhliday.八、补全对话。(把编号写在横线上)(5分). Wha didou do yeterday? B owidou there? Wha da is day? .Wa d you othre? E. What day wasyteday?F i yu paycompterame withyour couin?G.Yes, I did. : ?B: Iws Stury.: ?: I went o visit y ousi. A: ?B: I wentbyke.A: ?B: I plyed comuter game wthmos A: Diyou eatgood foo yu ousi om?B: . Itas deicis. 九、阅读理解。(10分)On Ntional y, w hd a lg holid. e h seveys. I wnt to ana wih m arent. Mygradparens liedn a bautiful village n Hain. e visited thm. We wet o seete bl aevr day e swm ini. W et fihing. My grandcooked o foofo uevry ay he safood istasty leit. W ok many ctures. was ecit. ( ) . Iwent Hannith A: fher nd mothe B:grandprt( ) . Thr re day on Ntona ay. : wek B: sevn( ) 3.Iw oNational Day. A:veyhppy B: tire( ) . I ca in Hinn.:entfishig B: swim nd oishi( )5. We ategoodfod . A: on Nioal Da B:every dayRead ad wite T or F.(10分) r Browalway wet toa brer ishme,buthe never okhi son there busehe as ooyou.O dy when hi on,ill,wa 8 yearsd,he took h there for thfirst time.Thy drakf bo half a hor.l dank a lot,thn r Broun a,Y u ays e areful noto driktop mch But ow do you know thtyouhe nk.(已经喝得)nogh?Wll,remener.Can ose thosetwo lights ate endof thesreet?Whn the loolk fou,you ae drunkenoug and houdo home. B,Dad,saiBill,I n ny see one light te of he seet. ()1.Mr.roun always nt t h ba withis sn. ( )2.Bill to te ba weneas iheen( )3.We n e tht ill drank ttle for the frs m.()4Mr Bro ht be a teacher,ad eaughtBll howtlem ats.( )5.Infact(事实上)terere to its at te enof the sreet.十、根据答句问问题。(分). A: :We goin to th zoo hi Suay. 2.A: B: tdierat :00 last night.3.A: :Jhnwentschool y bus A: B: ary bought sme sory- boks in tboksore 5. A: B:N, ent icesatig last wee. 六年级期中听力材料及参照答案一 . B: 1cm 2. A: clean 3.C: tk .B: play the pio 5.C: wer 6. A: uy . B:skate 8.A: present 9. A:Im fie. 0 B: esic.二. 1. i takinpture. () . Tim wen ikng la eekend () 3. Am cnrow a bt. () 4. Whatoyou uall do after schol? Ioftenread books. () 5. htdi yo o at he pary? We ag nd daned. () 6. Tdayi Thursday.() 7 reid y g las unay? Iwn to a pk What id yodohee? I flewkite () . Di you watch TV lst nght? No,Ivsed gradparentswth my parents. () . wnt to Beijng lastwnerandInt kiing Beijing ,to. () 1. Hwdouf,T?You look tired Ys,I h afevr yesterday()三 1. htdi you d inte ookste? ()2. Wha does sh do at the z?(A) 3. Are yu gong to n eniner? () 4.Did y mor wac cartoons ytery evenin? (B) 5 Hodoesmy fee? (A)四 1. ow got bot 2. saw elepans 3. e bought prsens 4 earnd Cinese 五. Hello, I M ail ha agd time at weend. Let me tel you I went t the natr park oseeanimls I to mny pcres fortem. The analwersoute other di huewok ad ooked dinerat hoe fhr ea se nspapers In theening, e te dinner ad watched TVtogehe. Thtas f. Wha aout you? hatdid youdo last wked?1. . . 4. . 六 . . D G七. 1 A 2. . A . B 5 八. 1. cos 2. China 3. famil 4.wrter . sngr 6. well . dne8. ictures 9. swn0. nxt九. 1.Whee ar oingthSnday/Wt dd youdo this Sud? 2. When id yueat dinner lat ngt? 3. Ho didJohtoschool? . Wht di ay uyinthe ooksore? . Didyou o hig/ st week?十. 略。


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