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句首动词形式的判定方法.原形构成祈使句.特点:1.句中没有其它谓语形式的动词. “_D_ quite, boys and girls!” asked the teacher. A. Are B. IsC. Being D. Be2.题干由and/ or分成两个部分,前面没有谓语动词,后面结构完整1. _A_ straight on and youll see a church. You won t miss it. A.Go B. Going C. If you go D. When2. - English has a large vocabulary, hasn t it?-Yes. _A_ more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.A. Know B. Knowing C. To know D. Known3. _A_ to me carefully and you ll know how to solve the problem.A. Listen B. To listen C. Listening D Listened4. _D_ up, or well miss the first bus.A. HurriedB. Hurrying C. To hurry D. Hurryv.-ing短语作主语.特点:瞄语与一谓语形式的动词直接连接,没有逗号隔开._C_ English is her full-time job.a. To teachB. Teaches C. Teaching D. Taught._B_ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk D. Walk._D_ by the teacher many times encouraged Xiao Wen to study harder than before.A. Praised B. Praising C. Having praisedD. Having been praised _C_ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin. A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed _C_ late for class again made the teacher very angry. A. Tom is B. Tom was C. Tom s being D. Tom beingV-ing短语作状语特点:短语后有逗号与一完整句子隔开. _B_ at the station, they found the train had already gone. A. ArriveB. ArrivingC. ArrivedD. To arrive _C_ for many years, the boy changed a lot. A. Not seeing B. Not having seen C. Not having been seenD. Having not been seen _C_ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited _C_ the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks. A. Not completing B. Not complete C. Not having completed D. Having not completedWhen _A_ a story in the room, I heard a loud noise outside.A. readingB. readC. I readingD. to readThough _C_ money, his parents managed to send him to university.A. lackedB. lacking ofpdsiejd eq 01 pdsiejd 6upg eg pdsiejd *vB *A|JB9 Aj9a)|jOMduioq siq ui popueq Aoq 冲 Ripes 冲 Aq 丁 jdseui 01 *q pdJdse|/| 6uudse|/| *g jqsb|/| Guium pue Buipeaj f6ui|edds f6uiudS!| ui duii O| e Udds dqs fd6en6ue| e qb剽瞬判,国砖一旨昏国斐圈瞬I:就. 墨碱a+ oi U9AI9 p Buiaiq 9ai6 oi eg udAifi Buiabh v *sjdAe|d siuud ssep-sjy e 9|eui | Puir Qm pe3BJue 6uiAe|-| p pejue dq oi pd9ejuv *9 Guipejuv *VB *uue uo Aep jaqoue puddspdppdp uopuo| U104 |ji6 冲 fdjneu Anedq 冲 Aq g Bupej a psDej o psaej Buiabh 9 9Dej oj_ VB e93IApe JO, ssoq siq)|se 0 pappap pioujv fuo!enis |nDij4ip e S ou paysiies *Q .pdysjies on pdysies 6upq on eg SuiAsiies on V euie6e luduiuddxa 冲 d)|eui 0 pdppdp 9M f|nsdJ 冲 34B9S 01 Qp目s O Burbss ,9 P.ui pspe *aApAiiudue jsipes 冲 8 psu祁! Udjp|iq9 冲 fs|SQp 冲3-b 口潮疆衡笔段,W国砖一虽国身身墨映:照.6uppe D. Praising _A_ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm. A. To sleep B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having slept-Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day? - _C_ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up. A. GetB. Getting C. To get D. To be getting作插入语特点:瞄语后有逗号与一完整句子隔开,只表示说话人对所说内容 所持态度,不作任何句子成分,去掉后句子意义仍完整. to+v.作插入语 to be honest, to tell you the truth, to begin with, to make things worse. V-ing作插入语 judging from, talking of, generally speaking_B_ you the truth, I don t like the way you speak to me. Tell B. To tell C. Told D. Telling_C_ of football teams, the fans think most of the players in your team are stronger than the ones n our team.A. TalkB. To talkC. TalkingD. TalkedExercises: _B_ information is very important to businessmen.A. To collect B. Collecting C. CollectD. Collected2. _A_ with fire will be dangerous.A. To playB. PlayingC. PlayD. Played3. _D_ in the countryside for a long period, the leader knows the peasants are suffering from ad living conditions.A. To work B. Working C. Worked D. Having worked4. _C_ air and water are harmful to people s health.A. To pollute B. Polluting C. PollutedD. Being polluted5. _D_ the news, they all jumped with joy.A.To hear B. Heard C. Having heard D. Hearing6. _B_ crying sadly, the little child raised his hand and had the tears falling down on purpose.A. To seeB. To be seenC. SeeingD. Being seen7. _A_ you the truth, she knows nothing about the accident.A.To tellB. To be toldC. TellingD. Being told8. _C_ with the old one, the new building looks more beautiful.A.To compareB. ComparingC. ComparedD. Compare9. _B_ at the dark clouds. It is likely to rain soon.A.To lookB. LookC. LooksD. Looked10. _D_ to the left and youll see the police station.A. To turn B. Turning C. Turned D. Turn11. - What do you think made Jim so upset?_B_ his new story book.A. To loseB. LosingC. LoseD. Lost12. -Why do you ask me to get up so early, Mum?-_A_ the first bus to your grandmother.A. To catch B. Catching C. CatchesD. Caught13. “ Helen, _D_ the door when you go out.”A. to lockB. lockingC. locksD. lock14. _D_ in thought, the man still stood in the heavy rain.A. To lostB. LosingC. HavinglostD. Lost15. _D_ by the teacher, Li Ming gave up the habit of talking in class.A. To criticize B. Criticizing C. To have criticized D. Having been criticized


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