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12预习案反馈预习案反馈 1.做得好的小组:做得好的小组:Group Group 2.优秀个人优秀个人 3.需要努力的小组:需要努力的小组:Group 4.存在问题:不认真不仔细,单存在问题:不认真不仔细,单词漏字母、错字母,书写不清词漏字母、错字母,书写不清楚楚3Words:1._ adj.经典的 8._vt.把.分类2._ vi.吹口哨 9._n.谈论,评述3._ vi.犹豫 10._vt.谴责4._ adj.不安的 11._ adv.适当地5._ adj.使人心烦的 12._ n.一把,少量6._ n.结果,效果 13._n.机会,运气7._adj.错误的 14._ adj.真实的,可靠的 classicwhistlehesitateuncomfortabletroublesomemistakenoutcomeclassifyremarkcondemnproperlyhandfulfortuneauthentic4 1._ 伪装,假扮 2._ (把某人)改变或冒充成.3._结识,与.相见 4._ 震惊,惊讶 5._做笔记 6._举起 7._ 交出,移交in disguisepass.off as.make ones acquaintancein amazementmake noteshold up hand over5【learning aims】【学习目标】【学习目标】1.1.To learn about the content of Act One of the play.2.To develop Ss some basic reading skills.3.To arouse Ss interest in appreciating literature.6789MY FAIRLADY窈窕淑女窈窕淑女10Company Logo 11 12Company LogoEliza Doolittle13Turn to page 28,find out the Turn to page 28,find out the characters in the story:characters in the story:Eliza Doolittle(E):a poor flower girl who is ambitious to improve herself.Professor Higgins(H):an expert in phonetics,convinced that the quality of a persons English decides his/her position in society.Colonel Pickering(P):an officer in the army and later a friend of Higgins who sets him a task.14Scanning:To get a brief understanding of Act One.Read the text and try to find out the information as quickly as possible.15 Show Ourselves 秀出我风采秀出我风采内容内容展示小组展示小组评价组评价组展示位置展示位置Task 14组1组前黑板Task 26组8组后黑板Task 3 2组(空格1-3)7组(空格4-7)组空格8-113组后黑板Note:1.先先仔细阅读课文独立完成练习,仔细阅读课文独立完成练习,再再进行讨论,积极展示。进行讨论,积极展示。2.展示小组展示小组快速到位;书写认真、规范。展示完成后回到快速到位;书写认真、规范。展示完成后回到座位完成其他题目。座位完成其他题目。3.评价小组评价小组声音洪亮,面向全班,客观分析,仔细全面。声音洪亮,面向全班,客观分析,仔细全面。16when_ pm,in _where _,Englandwho_,Colonel Pickering,Higginswhat_ meetingshowEliza wanted to sell flower to_,_noticed her pronunciation.11:151914LondonElizafateful Pickering Higgins171.This text is mainly about the first experience of Eliza meeting with _.Professor Higgins Colonel Pickering Both A and B a gentlemen182).The flower girl was worried because_.A.she thought she did something wrong.B.she didnt have the right to sell flowers.C.she didnt want Higgins to write down what he said.D.she thought Higgins was a policeman in disguise.193).Why did Higgins make notes while he was watching the flower girl?A.He thought it was interesting.B.He wanted to know what the girl wanted to do.C.He wanted to study something about phonetics from the girl.D.He was a policeman in disguise.204).From _,Higgins got to know the girl came from the west end of London.A.her clothes B.her language C.her look D.her job of selling flowers5).According to Higgins,if the flower girl was educated well to speak properly,she can do the following EXCEPT_.A.pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party B.serve as a ladys maid C.become a shop assistant D.sell more flowers 21CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playElizaLower classLanguage:calls gentleman“sir”and _(or captain)which is a complimentBehaviour:_ to people of higher classComprehendig respectful“capin”22CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playHenry HigginsLanguage:calls Eliza“_”and Pickering“_”Behaviour:_ to lower class;_ to same or upper classMiddle classrudepoliteyou silly girlmy dear man23CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playColonel PickeringUpper classLanguage:prepared to begin a _ with Henry,whom he does not know;generous with praise to himBehaviour:generally confident and _;but _ Elizapoliteignoresconversation24Choose adjectives to describe each characterin the play.Henry Impatient,rude,confident,superior,self-importantColonel Kind,polite,generous,enthusiastic,eager,confidentElizaAnxious,eager,emotionalambitious,unsure25 Summary The text is a play adapted from a Greek story Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw,and it was shot into a film named My Fair Lady.In this play,Eliza is a flower girl;she wants to get a job as a maid or shop assistant.But her English is bad.One day she met Higgins,a professor convinced that a persons pronunciation decides his or her position in society.26.His friend,Pickering made a bet with him.If he can educate Eliza into a fair lady and pass herself off as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party.Higgins tries his beat to teach Eliza and at last she really attend the party without anyone else knowing she is from the gutter.She changed into a real fair lady,many young fellows want to marry her.27Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar,spelling,etc.1.Come overere,capin,and buy me flowers off a poor girl.Come over here,captain,and buy some flowersFrom a poor girl.2.I aint done nothing wrong bu speaking to that gentleman.I havent done anything wrong by speaking to That gentleman.283.I thought maybe you was a policeman in disguise.I thought maybe you were a policeman in disguise4.How do I know whether ou took me words down right?How do I know whether you wrote down what I said accurately?5.A shop assistant?Now thats sommat I want,that is!A shop assistant?Now thats something I would like to be!29Homework:1.Role play act one of this play after class.2.Preview act two of the play.30Thank you


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