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2014届考前解题方法汇编编制:佘远兵一、听力篇高考英语听力测试与其它测试相比,有其特殊性,它要求考生从头到尾按顺序往下听,听完每段对话和独白后,要在规定的时间内做出选择,没有“回头看”的可能性。因此,掌握一些听力应试技巧,对于在考场上正常发挥水平,取得理想的成绩尤为重要。1. 进行听前预测 充分利用好考前5分钟及每题听前5-20秒钟,积极进行听前预测。具体方法是:快速阅读题干和选项,理解其意义,然后把握备选项的特征,确定每个小题的考查点或听的重点进行有效推测。(1)从选项中预测(2)从问题和选项中预测-预测材料主要内容和大致的答案。(3)从一段材料所给的问题间的关系中预测2、抓住关键信息听录音时,要带着预测得出的“蛛丝马迹”,抓住所需关键信息,以提高答题的效率和准确率。透露说话人身份的关键词 透露地点场合的关键词 捕捉数字3、学会推理推断推理判断题是高考听力的重点和难点,每年都会出现几道,需要考生特别地注意。这类试题主要考察考生根据对话内容进行推理判断的能力。在解题时,只有理解对话所暗含的意思,才能够正确回答。因为说话者有时会通过语调,语气来表明自己的态度,有时也会说一些听起来和对话毫不相干的话,这就要求考生能够听出来弦外之音。4、学会忽略生词,充分利用重复信息。听的时候,注意力要紧跟会话者的思路。但常常会有这样的情况:我们在碰到有单词听不懂的时候干脆不再听了,想等弄清这个单词的意思再往下听。这样肯定不行。我们听讲话时个别地方没听清是常有的事,可能是碰到了没有学过的单词,也可能是误将连读的两个单词听作是未学过的单词。遇到这种情况,一定要毫不犹豫地跳过去,并接着往下听。有的时候,我们可以通过上下文猜测到该单词的大意。因为一般说来,对话中的一些重要的词语,往往会以其他形式在对话中重现。高考听力题很少出现没有学过的新单词,但实际上听的时候听不懂或听不清个别单词的现象是常有的。因此,必须培养这种跳越生词,从上下文判断文意的能力。5、适时做好记录。听力材料不象阅读材料可以重复。因此,有时就需要做一些速记。速记时要使用自己认识的、最常用、最简便、最迅速的办法,如用阿拉伯数字、符号、首字母、缩写形式甚至中文在选项旁做记号。记录的重点应是数字、日期、钟点、年龄、尺码、地名、人名等,具体可以根据预测情况确定。6、果断选题,学会放弃,相信自己的第一印象每小题听完后迅速选好答案(答在试卷上,暂时不涂卡),然后立即抓紧时间看下一道题。待全部录音播完后,再对自己有疑问且作了简要记录的题目审查一下。要学会暂时放弃。要知道即使是听力很好的考生,也并不是个个单词都听得清清楚楚的。只要掌握了大意,做出题目来一般是不成问题的。如果犹豫不决,录音稍纵即逝,就会影响听后面的内容,导致一处未听清,全文没听懂,得不偿失。注意要充分相信自己的第一印象,不要轻易更改初选答案。当机立断,决不能反反复复,甚至影响后面的答题,切记不可因某个小题未听懂而患得患失,不可因一题失多题,造成一步跟不上,步步踏空的结果。 二、单选篇一、总体解题原则。 意思先行、词汇和搭配跟上、最后考虑语法,要排除母语干扰,避免定势思维。1. - I cant find Mr. Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?- It was in the hotel _ he stayed. A. whereB. whichC. the oneD. that2. Though life should be colorful, I prefer devoting all my energies to my studies_ more professional knowledge. A. to get B. to getting C. rather than getD. rather than to get3. I will spend a whole evening _ in your room waiting for the thief to arrive. A. lockingB. in locking C. being lockedD. locked 4. The country life he was used to _greatly since 1992. (2005山东卷)A. change B. has changed C. changingD. have changed 5. -Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now. -OK. _ A. Take it easy. B. Go slowly. C. Stay longer. D. See you. 6. Ill come to see you if _. A. youre convenient B. it is convenient for you C. you feel convenient D. it is convenient with you 二、解题方法点拨。(一) 语境法。将单纯的语言基础知识置于特定的语境中进行考查是高考英语命题的一个显著特点,考生在做题的过程中应该树立整体观,不能顾此失彼,只注重语法知识的正确性而忽略了语境使用的合理性。7. - Carla _ go to that historical museum after school when she was a teenager. - No wonder she is so familiar with it. A. could B. should C. might D. would8. Arriving at a bus stop _ the vehicle pulling away just a few minutes ago is quite annoying. A. to find B. finding C. found D. to be finding9 -Was he still there when you were away to answer the phone? - There is no doubt about it, but he _ soon afterwards. A. had left B. has left C. is leaving D. left10. Alice was so excited _ she received an ticket from her friend to attend the concert.A. whereB. that C. why D. when11. When deeply lost in thought, _ he often was, he would forget all about eating or sleeping.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when12. I think you could complain, _, of course, you are happy with the way things are.A. which B. that C. unless D. where (二)简化法。命题者有意地在一个句子中间插入一个从句、插入语或附加的次要信息,造成主谓隔离。解题时,如果将题干中的多余部分去掉,题干就会变得很简单,答案就可以迅速找到。13. It is global warming, rather than other factors, _ the extreme weather.A. that have led to B. which has caused C. which are causing D. that has led to 14. E-mail, as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily communication. A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play15. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at _I thought was a dangerous speed.A. as B. which C. what D. that 16. Who do you think _ us a talk this afternoon ? A. to give B. gave C. will give D. giving 17. The days we looked forward to _at last. A. comes B. to come C. came D. coming(三)还原法。 高考中一些单项选择题的测试点本来十分简单,但命题者有意把题干复杂化,将其改写成一个少见或陌生的结构。对于这类题,考生可以反其道而行之,把题干还原成自己熟悉的结构,题目就变得简单了。如:将倒装句、疑问句改成陈述正常语序;改被动句为主动句;强调句型还原成简单句式;改省略句为一个完整的句子。18. Whom would you rather have _ with you ? A. to go B. go C. gone D. going 19. Never _ time come back again. A. will lose B. will lost C. lost D. will to lose 20. What great trouble we had_ her!A. persuade B. to persuade C. persuading D. persuaded 21. You cannot imagine what great trouble I took _ your house.A. to find B. finding C. found D. having found 22. Time should be made good use _ our lessons well. A. learning B. learned C. of to learn D. to learn23. The little boy was caught _ in the shop . A. to steal B. stealing C. steal D. stole24. Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having invented. 25. It was _ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home Arepair Brepairing Cto repair Din repair 26. Was it in the beautiful park _ was located by the sea _ we first met our new Chinese teacher? A. where, which B. which, which C. that, that D. which, where 27. How long has this bookshop been in business ? - _ 1982. A. After B. In C. Since D. From28. What made her mother so angry ? - _ the exam. A. Because she didnt pass B. Her not passing C. She didnt pass D. Because her not passing(四)结构法。通过分析句子结构,划分句子成分来判断(查看主宾表定-缺啥补啥句健全)。29. _ by flowers and applauses does not necessarily mean one is living a happy life.A. Accompanied B. Having accompanied C. To be accompanied D. Being accompanied30. Over 200,000 hotel reservation were made in Hong Kong through Taobao last year, _ it the most popular travel destination among Chinese netizens.A. making B. to make C. having made D. made 31. The road construction is based on the agreement, one of_ purposes is to ensure its completion on time.A. which B. whose C. that D. what32. A project has recently has been launched by the charity organization _ people should donate books to remote mountainous schools. A. that B. what C. which D. as(五)标点法。借助标点符号或连词,正确分析句子结构。它们往往决定句子后半部分是否是完整的句子,从而判断所填答案是连词还是代词,是谓语动词还是非谓语动词。33. Tom has many friends, _ can help him. A. few of which B. few of whom C. few of that D. few of them 34. Tom has many friends; _ can help him. A. few of which B. few of whom C. few of that D. few of them 35. I met several people there, two of _ were foreigners. A. whom B. them C. who D. which 36. I met several people there, two of _ being foreigners. A. whom B. them C. who D. which 37. _ but he still didnt know what to do. A. Though he had been told B. He had been told C. Having been told D. Told 38. If an excellent Chinese novel is translated into English, _ means many more people in the world can enjoy it. A. as B. which C. what D. that 39. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _ for the day.A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. had been finished40. Before you quit your job, _how your family would feel about your decision.A. consider B. considering C. to consider D. considered Key1: 1-5 AADBD 6-10 BDADD 11-15 CCDAC 16-20 CCBBC 21-25 ACBCB 26-30 CCBDA31-35 BABDA 36-40 BBDBA三、完形填空篇江苏的完形填空要求高,难度大,特别是议论说明类文体。但只要我们洞悉了出题人的心理,并掌握了相应的技巧,就没有什么可畏惧的。1. 阅读全文,掌握大意速读全文要一气呵成,尽管有空格,生词或不明白的地方,仍要快速读下去,不要急于看选项。一遍读不懂可以再迅速读一遍,直到明了大意(who, when, where, what),掌握梗概,总体把握文章内容,结构,时态,语态变化,情节的展开,结果的形成,然后答题。2. 重视首句,把握开篇完形填空一般无标题,首句不留空白,是完整的一句。细读此句可以判断文章体裁,预测全文大意和主旨。读懂首句可以帮助建立正确的思维导向,避免误入歧途,对理解全文起重要的作用。3要注意尾句的提示和总结作用 4. 掌握技巧,灵活答题(1)前后呼应法解完形填空题要始终抓住文段本身,确立“双语境”基准判断做题,即大语境:全文中心和基调;小语境:空格前后的语意环境;再遵循前有伏笔,后有呼应的思路去做题。例1:I lift the lid and to my surprise saw nothing. I looked at Davids smiling face add back into the box and said. “The box is nice, David, but its _” Ks A. cheap B. empty C. useless D. improper 例2:After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced for a few days, I was allowed to wait tables on my own.A. manager B. assistant C. cook D. waitress例3: Time was of great importance and my plan included a(n) 4 turnaround trip from and back to the airport. A. immediate B. rough C. quick D. long例4:If you lose something important, you are sure to desire to get it back. Thanks to the kindness of strangers, these lost objects have been returned to their owners.A. practicalB. expensiveC. eye-catching D. precious(2)词汇辨析法从近年来高考真题的分析情况来看,相似词汇彼此之间的细致辨析题型在考试中比重逐年增加,同时这也是高中考生的弱点所在。例5:Motivational speakers thousands of dollars to give their kind of training to corporate (大公司的)staff. It only cost me a $ 12 taxi ride. A. spare B. afford C. pay D. charge 例6:The _ of the young children was bittersweet, which held memories of her dear Jennifer.A. view B. thought C. sight D. scenery例7:Scott and his companions were terribly disappointed. When they got to the South Pole,they found the Norwegians(挪威人)had them in the race to be the first ever to reach it. A. hit B. fought C. won D. beaten(3)语法结构法有时,单纯从语言环境角度看,不能得出最终答案,这就要求从语法和结构角度考虑动词的形式,句子的结构形式。例8:I decided to find my job in life I could feel proud of being the best I could be.Awhen BwhereCwhich Dwhile例9:The American Academy of Sleep Medicine that adolescents should sleep at least nine hours or more a night.A. appeals B. recommends C. calls D. plans例10:And adolescents who slept five hours or less a night were 71 percent more to suffer depression and 48 percent more at risk of becoming suicidal, the study said. A. likely B. probable C. possible D. perhaps(4)抓住关联词根据文章中表示并列关系的连词或副词如and, also和besides等,它们的题点是and前后的成分结构相似,意义相关,再做出准确判断。文段一出现“but”,即可确定前后语意有转折。只要知其一方的语意,就能反推出另一方意思,这有利于解题。在高考完形填空题中,多半会在but一词后设题。所以,一看到but就做上标记,遇到类似于but的词,如however, nevertheless, whereas, yet, while, though, although等词时作同样处理。这样便于回到原文去寻找解题的依据。 例11:An old lady came on the bus. She was not too old but looking _ and I think she was not well either.A. tired B. excited C. surprised D. interested例12:Mothers Day for some will be welcomed with feelings of _ while for others it may be a day of mixed feelings especially so _if_ the mother you will honor has lost a child to tragedy.A. tragedy B. excitement C. envy D. disappointment例13:He shook his head slowly and _let out_ a sigh. “Its not what I wanted. But I have worked on it for so long. Its too _ to even think about letting go”.48. A. encouraging B. comfortable C. painful D. ashamed(5)利用固定搭配或习惯表达解题运用词语间的搭配关系,考生经常可以无需过度依赖上下文信息而直接确定答案,即使确定不了答案,也往往可以排除一些明显不符合搭配关系的选项,缩小选择范围,提高答案的准确率。例14:Last summer, I flew into Dallas for the only of calling on a customer. Adestination Bpurpose Cconsequence Dconvenience例15:Therefore, I took the opportunity to say, Obviously you take great in your work You must have a story to tellAfaith BprideCsatisfaction Ddevotion例16:I like both the sound and the return of being great better than just getting by on Acommon Bnormal CregularDaverage例17:All her neighbors spoke of her skills and came to learn from her. A. happily B. loudly C. highly D. formally(6)利用文化背景和生活常识解题完形填空以完整的语篇信息为基础,其问题交织渗透着各类相关的文化背景知识和生活常识,考查考生灵活运用该方面知识的能力。看下面的例句:例18:Without realizing it, hehad his wallet dropped on an Afghanistan street. Then, fortunately, civilian aircraft mechanic Bill Peasley was looking at just the right moment that night, and he spotted wallet.A. aroundB. outC. downD. aside例19:Amy Harris saw agold ring in the water along the bank of Redfish Lake.A. deepB. shallowC. toughD. muddy5. 复读全文,验证答案(1)检查表达法的习惯性:即习惯用语、固定搭配、句型词组是否符合习惯。(2)检查上下文的连贯性:及凭借语感,按照上下文,检查段落与段落,句子与句子之间的衔接是否连贯。这是检查中至关重要的一环,往往能纠正一处甚至多处错误。Key 2: 1-5 BDADD 6-10 CDBBA 11-15 ABCBB 16-19 DCCB四、阅读理解篇高考英语阅读理解题常可以归纳为以下类型:主旨大意题、细节理解题、意图态度题、逻辑结构题、语义猜测题和推理判断题。一般说来,逻辑结构题、推理判断题和意图态度题多出现在议论文中;而记叙文则更多地考查细节理解题;主旨大意题和语义猜测题有可能出现在各种文体中。下面将针对这些题型从命题特点到阅读方法进行分类指导,以最近两年的高考阅读题为实例进行简要分析,以便更好地掌握这些考点的答题技巧。解题步骤: 一般而言,有两种方法:1P-Q-P 即先读文章,然后再查阅文章解答问题。这是常见的阅读方式。它的特点是有利于整体把握文章的主旨和作者的态度。但是速度比较慢。2Q-P-Q 即先看一遍问题,然后带着问题有针对性地查找阅读文章。阅读时把注意力放在与问题直接相关的关键词语上,一旦找到所需要的信息,就立即停止扫描式的阅读,然后仔细地阅读相关部分后答题。适合广告、信息类文章的阅读,可节省时间。两种方法各有利弊,因人而异,考生可按照自己平时的习惯选择阅读步骤。考点一:主旨大意题主旨题是阅读理解中最常见的题型之一,测试阅读理解的基本能力。这种题型考查学生在语言水平上对文章的把握:能否分辨主题和细节、是否具备提纲挈领的能力。主旨大意题包括:主要内容(main idea, mainly about)型、文章标题(title)型。 解题技巧1弄清文章的大意,关键是找到主题句。主题句的位置:主题句通常在文首、文末或首尾呼应,有时也在文中,或没有主题句需根据文章所述内容进行归纳。各段的主题句也常在该段的首句或尾句。议论文和说明文一般有主题句,但记叙文通常没有主题句,需要归纳。2找主题句的方法:用浏览法(skimming),即快速阅读文首、文尾,或每段的首句和尾句等,搜索主题线索和主题信息。找主题句的四个小窍门: (1)段落中出现表转折的词语(如however, but, in fact, actually等)时,该句很可能是主题句。 (2)首段出现疑问句时,对该问题的回答很可能就是文章主旨。 (3)作者有意识地反复重复的观点,通常是主旨;反复出现的词语,一般为体现文章主旨的关键词。(4)表示总结或结论的话常有therefore, thus, in short, conclude, conclusion等。3关于干扰项和正确答案。(1)干扰项可能属文中某个具体事实或细节;可能属文中某些 (不完全的)事实或细节片面推出的错误结论;可能属非文章事实的主观臆断。(2)正确答案:是根据文章意思全面理解而归纳概括出来的;但不能太笼统、言过其实或以偏概全。4在阅读理解中,主旨大意题常有以下几种命题方式:(1)Main idea型:选择项多为陈述句,要求考生选择表达作者思想或观点的句子。题干多为如下形式: Whats the main idea/theme of the passage? The passage is mainly about_. The subject discussed in this text is_. Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?(2)标题型:选择文章标题是另一类对主旨大意题考查的形式,命题形式: The best title of the passage is_. Which of the following is the best title of the passage? The best title for the passage is_.例1: In the animal kingdom, weakness can bring about aggression in other animal. This sometimes happens with humans also. But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people. I see it every day when people hold doors for me, pour cream into my coffee, or help me to put on my coat. And I have discovered that it makes them happy.From my wheelchair experience, I see the best in people.Often, we try every way possible to avoid showing our weakness.But only when we stop pretending were brave or strong do we allow people to show the kindness thats in them. 1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?AA Wheelchair Experience.BWeakness and Kindness.CWeakness and Strength.DA Driving Experience例2: Although the use of the expression is an insincere, meaningless social custom at times, there is nothing wrong with the sentence except that it is little uninteresting. The salesgirl, the waitress, the teacher, and all the countless others who speak it without thinking may not really care about my day. But in a strange and comfortable way, its nice to know they care enough to pretend they care when they really dont care all that much. While the expression may not often be sincere, it is always spoken. The point is that people say it all the time when they like.2. What is the best title of the passage? AHave a Nice Day a Social Custom BHave a Nice Day a Pleasant Gesture CHave a Nice Day a Heartwarming Greeting DHave a Nice Day a Polite Ending of a Conversation例3: Some people think that success is only for those with talent or those who grow up in the right family, and others believe that success mostly comes down to luck. Im not going to say luck, talent, and circumstances dont come into play because they do. Some people are born into the right family while others are born with great intelligence, and thats just the reality of how life is. However, to succeed in life, one first needs to set a goal and then gradually make it more practical. And, in addition to that, in order to generally good at something, one needs to spend at least 10,000 hours studying and practicing. To become great at certain things, itll require even more time, time that most people wont put in. . Whatever you do, if you want to become great at it, you need to work day in and day out, almost to the point of addiction, and over a long period of time. If youre not willing to put in the time and work, dont expect to receive any rewards .3. What is the main theme of the passage?AHaving a goal is vital to success.BBeing good is different from being great.COne cannot succeed without time and practice.DLuck,talent and family help to achieve success.考点二:细节理解题细节理解题旨在考查考生对事实细节的理解。主要针对who / what / which / why / how / when / where等来提问,可能只针对文章中某一特定的细节,也可能涉及若干个细节。这类题的答案一般可以在文章中直接或间接地找到,但是不可能与阅读材料一模一样,而是用不同的词语或句型表达相同的意思,即语意转换。 解题技巧1. 做这类题一般采用寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案。2. 细节题是针对文中某个细节、某句话或某部分具体内容设置问题,正确答案的根据一定可以在原文中找到,即原文的改写往往成为正确选项。3. 通常细节题的正确选项有以下特征:(1)对原文句子中的关键词进行替换。把原文中的一些词换成意义相近的词,成为正确选项。(2)词性或者语态的变化。把原文中的一些词变换一下词性,或者改变原文句子的语态,给考生制造障碍。(3)语言简化。把原文中的复杂语言现象进行简化,成为正确答案。(4)正话反说。把原文中的意思反过来表达而成为正确选项(适用于寻找错误选项的题目)。4. 干扰项也是以文章中的某个细节设题,若不仔细辨别,很容易把它当成正确选项。干扰项有以下特征:(1)将原文内容扩大或缩小。把原文中的限定词去掉或替换,使该选项看似正确,实际上却是错误选项。(2)把未然当已然。改变文中某句话的时态,如把将来时变成现在时,把未发生的事情当成已发生的事情。(3)无中生有。即选项内容是根据主观想象或推测得出的结论,而文中并未涉及。(4)偷换概念。把原来做该事的“张三”换成“李四”,所述细节确实与原文一致,一不小心就会误选。5在阅读理解中,事实细节题常有以下几种命题方式: According to the passage, who / what / which / when / where / why / how many / how much / how long / how soon / how often ? Which of the following statements is TRUE / NOT true? Which of the following is mentioned / NOT mentioned? All of the following are true EXCEPT _. Which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to ? Choose the right order of this passage. The reason for.is. From this passage we know that_. In the passage, the author states that_.例4: In the animal kingdom,weakness can bring about aggression in other animal. This sometimes happens with humans also. But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people. I see it every day when people hold doors for me, pour cream into my coffee, or help me to put on my coat. And I have discovered that it makes them happy.From my wheelchair experience, I see the best in people, but sometimes I feel sad because those who appear independent miss the kindness I see daily. They dont get to see this soft side of others. Often,we try every way possible to avoid showing our weakness, which includes a lot of pretending. But only when we stop pretending were brave or strong do we allow people to show the kindness thats in them.4. The author has discovered that people will feel happy when_.Athey offer their helpBthey receive others helpCthey feel others kindnessDthey show their weakness5The author feels sad sometimes because_.Ahe has a soft heartBhe relies much on othersCsome people pretend to be k


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