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名词解释1. Strategy:is a multi-element plan for achieving policy goals by maximizing the use of a companys present and potential resources (战 略:是由一家公司的现有和潜在资源的利用最大限度地实现政策目标 的多元素计划。)2. Vision: is seeing a desired future situation. The what of corporate vision (the image of what a corporation will be and what it will do) and the how of the corporate vision (the visual image of how a corp. s policy goals will be achieved) provides the conceptual basis for its strategies. (愿景:看到所需的未来情况。什么的(哪些公司将会和它将做些什 么的图像)企业愿景和企业如何视觉(如何将实现公司的政策目标的 视觉图像)为其战略提供的概念基础。)3. Mission: defines the organizations reason for exiting. Mission statements is mechanisms for communicating a companys reason for exiting to its internal and external constituents. Its typically focused on its present business scopewho we are and what to do. (使命:定义退 出本组织的原因。公司使命是沟通退出到其内部和外部的成分的一家 公司的原因的机制。它通常侧重于其目前的业务范围我们是谁和做 什么。)4. The PSR troika: A primary characteristic of strategy is it has a causal relationship with the two elements in the PSR troika. Strategy is the “how” means for achieving policy goal, resources provide the “with-what” means for achieving strategy. These relationships result in an indirect means-end relationship between resources and policy(PSR 三驾 马车:战略的一个主要特性是它有 PSR 三驾马车中的两个元素的因 果关系。战略是如何实现政策目标的手段,资源为实现战略提供 用什么的手段。这些关系间接导致结束资源与政策之间关系的结 束。)5. Consumer centered element: is based on the belief that the survival and success of a corporation is a function of understanding and satisfying customer needs and wants. (消费者为中心的元素:是基于生存和取 得成功的公司对一个功能的理解和满足客户需要的信念。)6. Competition driven element: is based on the assumption that the key to a corporations survival and success is beating the competition. (竞争 驱动元素:是基于一家公司的生存和成功的关键在获得竞争的假设。)7. Market-based pricing element sets the price of a product or service by assessing its value to prospective customers and/or end users, by taking into account the market price that the competitors are charging for comparable products or services. (以市场为基础的定价元素:考虑到 竞争对手正在主管的同类产品或服务的市场价格评估其价值的潜在 客户或最终用户,设置一个产品或服务的价格。)8. Penetration strategies are strategies of concentration.They focus on making sales that require relatively high level of marketing effort and/or expense. The penetration element requires max. commitment to, and investment in, a particular market. (渗透策略是集 中的策略:他们专注于制作要求相对较高的市场营销工作或费用的销 售。渗透元素需要最大。承诺,并在某一特定市场的投资。)9. Skimming strategies are strategies of dispersion.They focus on making sales that require relatively low marketing effort and expanse; and are characterized by minimizing commitment to, and investment in, a particular market. (撇脂策略是分散的策略:他们 专注于做销售,要求相对较低的市场营销工作和广阔 ;其特点是通 过最小化的承诺和在某一特定市场的投资。)10. The vertical-integration element expands a companys area of domain, by including a function that comes before and after the companys present scope of operation. Its always related diversification.(垂直一体 化的元素:通过包括一个功能实现前和公司目前的经营范围后进行公 司区域的扩大。它总是相关多元化的。)11. Segmentation strategy attempts to achieve competitive advantage by saying its product is different than the product by its competitors. (分割 战略企图:说明它的产品与其竞争对手产品的不同来实现竞争优势 的。)简答题1. The Hows that define a firms strategy:(如何定义一家公司的战略: 如何发展业务。如何取悦客户。如何应对不断变化的市场条件。如何 管理业务的每个功能块及发展需要组织能力。如何实现战略目标和财 务目标。如何超越竞争对手。) How to grow the business How to please customers How to respond to changing market conditions How to manage each functional piece of the business and developneeded organizational capabilities How to achieve strategic and financial objectives How to out-compete rivals2. How to test a winning strategy:(如何测试一个成功的策略:战略如 何匹配到公司的情况?战略不会导致可持续的竞争优势吗?战略不 会提高公司业绩吗?所以,才是真正的赢家,战略必须:适合企业的 内部 & 外部情况生成可持续竞争优势提高公司业绩。)a) How well is strategy matched to firms situation?b) Does strategy lead to sustainable competitive advantage?c) Does strategy boost firm performance?d) So, to be a real winner, a strategy must :e) Fit the enterprises internal & external situationf) Build sustainable competitive advantageg) Improve company performance3. How to select the profit/growth elements in the growth phase of the product life cycle?There is a sound rational: If management believes that its products competitive advantage is not sustainable, or that the product may have a short life expectancy, then the profit element should be used to max. short term ROI(return of investment)(. 如何在产品生命周期的成长阶段中选 择利润/增长元素?有理性的声音:如果管理层相信其产品的竞争优 势是不可持续的或产品可能有短的寿命,然后利润元素应使用到最 大。短期内的ROI (投资回报。)4. When making decision, what should a company take into consideration of the competition?Reputation, core competencies, manufacturing capacity, product range, product designs, quality, distribution, way of doing business (在作 出决定时时, 什么应该公司考虑到竞争的?信誉,核心能力、制造能 力、产品范围、产品设计、质量、分布、做生意的方式。)5 The general rule of strategic elements selection in the industry life cycle position: It is appropriate to select the consumer-centered and primary-demand elements when the industry is in its introductory phase, and to select competition-driven and secondary-demand elements during later phases of the industry life cycle(. 在行业生命周期的位置战略要素 选择的一般规律:当产业处于介绍期时,适当选择以消费为中心和主 要需求的元素,在行业生命周期的后期阶段选择竞争驱动和二次需求 的元素。)6. The disadvantages of diversified element: (多元化元素的缺点:从 事与公司无关的活动。转移到公司专业领域之外。对投资者的利益产 生不利影响。)a)Make the company a conglomeration of unrelated activitiesb)Move a company outside its area of expertisec)Adversely affect investor interest7. Porters five forces: The threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of customers, the bargaining power of suppliers, the threat of substitution, the jockeying for position among current competitors (波特的五种力量: 威胁的新进入者、客户的议价能力、供应商的议价能力、替代、争夺 领导地位在当前竞争对手的威胁。)8. Business model: deals with whether the revenue( 收入 )-cost-profiteconomics of its strategy demonstrate(证明)the viability(生存能力)of the enterprise as a whole.(商业模式:是否收入-成本-利润经济学及其战略证明生存能力的企业作为一个整体处理。一个良好的业务定义 包含了三个因素: 客户群体:谁得到满足。客户需要:什么得到满 足。技术能力和就业能力:如何将价值传递给客户,满足他们的需求。)A good business definition incorporates three factors: Customer groups: Who is being satisfied. Customer needs: What is being satisfied. Technologies and competencies employed: How value is deliveredto customers to satisfy their needs.9. Weak points of profits pursuing: (利润追求的弱点:追求利润会导 致高管短期问题:使决策错误;限制投资;减员和其他设备的削减会 影响企业成长。)Pursuing profits will lead executives to short-term concerns:A Make myopic decisionA Limit investmentA Implement downsizing and apply other cost-cutting devices thatcan affect growth10. Judge of related diversification: (判定相关多元化:它可以是技术 或业务。它取决于我们使用的政策标准还是业务标准。不同的行业概 念(大或小)在于多元化领域之间的协同作用。)A It can be either technical or operational. It depends on if we are using policy criteria or operational criteria.A Different industry concepts (big or small) Synergies between diversified areas.11. Ways of push strategy: (推战略的途径:分销贸易杂志广告或贸易 展广告提供商及零售商销售激励方案与喜欢换季折扣和贸易展折扣 或批量折扣等。为其销售和个人提供培训和技术支持。为分销商和零 售商提供融资支持,延长付款条件等。高管的压力是要选择利润元素: 中小企业用积极的现金流来驱动其需求。大型公司面临着满足或击败 公司盈利能力回收率和每季报表的压力。)A Trade-magazine advertising or trade-show advertisingA Provide distributors and retailers with sales incentive programs likeseasonal discounts and trade-show discounts or volume discountsetc.A Provide their sales and personal with training and technical supportA Provide distributors and retailers with financing support, extendpayment terms etc.There are pressures on executives to select the profits elements:Small and medium sized companies are driven for the need for positive cash flowLarge public companies are under pressure to meet or beat the companies profitability-rahtueradnlde quarterly number.论述题1. The framework of strategic management:2. The strategy formulation process: Companys strategic situation analysis (公司战略形势分析) Determine relevance of internal and external factors (确定相关的内部与外部因素) Identify and evaluate alternatives (识别与评价备选方案) Craft the strategy (构建战略)Strategic situation analysis: External factors Social , political, regulatory, and community factors Competitive conditions and industry attractiveness Company opportunities and threats to companys well-being (健康兴盛)Internal factors Resource, strengths, capabilities, and weaknesses Influences of key executives 关键经理人的影响 Shared values and company culture共享的价值观和公司文化3. Please point out what operating policy should take in the growth phase of product life cycle? How to select the strategic elements and marketing tactics?(请指出在产品生命周期的成长阶段应采取什么操作策略吗? 如何选择的战略要素和市场营销策略?)Operating policy: more market share or secondary demand.Select consumer centered element: brand intensity to lock consumers for steady demand; series products to induce consumer with different preferencesSelect penetration: low price for more consumers (attractive price sensitive consumer); enter new sub-segment for more market share Select differentiation: to be No.1 in the sub-segmentSelect competition driven element: from cost reduction to price reduction.Select C.C. Max. and C.C. acquisition to get competition advantages Select profit/growth element depends on situation.4. How to use the push and pull strategies in marketing? (如何在市场营 销中使用的推和拉的战略?)(1) Definition of push and pull strategies. A push strategy use the elements of market mix to influence the channels of distribution.A pull strategy use the elements of market mix to influence the customer and/or end user.(推的策略运用市场营销组合要素影响分销渠道。拉的策略 运用市场营销组合要素影响顾客或最终用户。)(2) Ways of push strategy. Trade-magazine advertising or trade-show advertising. Provide distributor and retailers with sales incentive programs. Provide their sales and personal with training and technical support. Provide distributors and retailers with financing support, extend payment terms, seasonal discounts and trade-show discounts or volume discounts.(贸易杂志广告或商业展示的广告。提供经销商和零售商的 销售激励计划。提供销售和个人培训以及技术支持。给分销商和零售 商提供融资支持,延长付款期限,季节性折扣和贸易展的折扣或优惠 折扣。)(3)The disadvantages of a pure push strategy. If there is no demand from customers, and if retailers are not able to make point-of-sail conversions(转化),the stock will sit on the distributors and retailers shelves. When distributors and retailers are stuck with stock they cannot sell (or only can sell it at below cost), they do not reorder. A failed pure push strategy can also cause the players in the channels of distribution to become resistant to future push strategies, and to cautious about carrying other products by the same manufacturer.(如果顾客没有需求,或者零 售商不能进行销售点转换,那就会给分销商和零售商造成库存积压。 当分销商和零售商不能卖出库存(或仅能以低于成本出售),他们将 不再订货。一个失败的纯推式策略也可导致分销商成员抵抗未来的推 式策略,并谨慎购进同意制造商的其他产品。)(4)Ways of pull strategy. The two most conspicuous( 显著的) forms of pull strategy are consumer advertising and competitive product pricing. Manufactures also try to influence customers and end users by: offering rebates(减免);making their products easier to use, more durable and safe; providing purchase facilitation mechanisms such as low interest financing. (拉式策略两个最显著的形式是消费者广告和有竞争力的 产品价格。制造商也试图通过提供折扣,使产品更易于使用,更耐用, 安全和提供如低利率融资购买便利机制等影响客户和最终用户。)(5)Disadvantages of pure pull strategy. Retailers may have very limited knowledge about the product or not even be aware of its existence. The retailers may be caught without the product, and /or the retailer may be unable to get the product from its distributor. Pull strategy generate demand; but demand without supply can frustrate( 挫 败 ) and the prospective customer.(零售商可能对产品的认识有限或根本不知道该 产品的存在。零售商可能会陷入无产品的情况,或无法从经销商处买 到产品。拉的策略产生需求,但供小于求会挫败潜在客户。)(6)Some combination ways in practice: Identify which element is limiting or inhibiting the effectiveness of the strategy which is the weak link in the chain of events that is needed of make the sale happen. In most cases, the push-to-pull ratio will change over the life of the product. The choice of element is not only about advertising, promotion and pricing. It also influences packaging, distribution, and product design, service, product quality, distribution, reliability, appearance, naming, safety, reputation, performance and other elements of marketing to increase sales.(确定哪些元素会限制或抑制策略的有效性,这是做买 卖时事件链的薄弱环节。在大多数情况下,推拉的比例会在整个产品 的生命周期里变化。元素的选择不单单是广告、促销和定价,它也影 响包装、分布、产品设计、服务、产品质量、可靠性、外观、命名、 安全、信誉、业绩和其他如市场增加额等元素。)判断题1. Maximizing profits adversely affect growth. (利润最大化不利影响 增长。)2. Aggressively investing in growth reduces profits. (积极投资增长降 低了利润。)3. Most companies need profits to fund their growth, or need profits as aprerequisite (先决条件)to raise additional debt or equity capital.(大多数公司需要基金其增长,或需要利润作为先决条件提高额外的债务或 股权资本的利润。)4. The senior management of many companies may want to focus on growth, but because profit is frequently a necessary precondition for growth, they are driven to pursue profits. (许多公司高级管理层可能想 要侧重于增长,但利润频繁地是增长的必要前提条件,因为他们驱动, 以追求利润。)5. The purpose of vertical separation is to maintain options and flexibility.(垂直分离的目的是保持选项和灵活性。)6. Contrary to popular belief, owning and controlling your own supplies does not automatically results in better service. “If you want good service, you have to go outside the company”. (与普遍的信仰,相反拥有和控 制自己的用品并不自动导致在更好的服务。如果你想要良好的服务, 你有去在公司以外。)7. Sustainability does not mean that a strategy should last forever: all strategies have a finite life expectancy.(可持续性并不意味着战略应该 永远:所有战略都有有限的寿命。)8. The primary responsibility for managing product sustainability rests, not with a companys lawyers, but with a companys management. (初 级产品可持续性管理责任,不是用公司的律师,但与公司管理层。)9. The tactical options include initiatives, such as the use of switching-costs barriers. (战术选项包括的倡议,例如切换成本障碍 的用途。)10. When a corporate strategy is not sustainable, it can result in damageto, or failure of, the entire company. ( 当公司的战略是不可持续的它 可以导致损坏或整个公司的失败。)11. The purpose of a primary-demand strategy is to increase the total size of the market, for a product or service category. (基本需求战略的目的 是增加市场的产品或服务的类别的总大小。)12. The purpose of a secondary-demand strategy is to maintain or increase a companys market share, of a product or service category. (次 要需求战略的目的是类别的保持或增加公司的市场份额,产品或服 务。)13. Skimming is not a pejorative. (撇脂不是贬意。)14. Product oriented characteristics can also be quasi-market oriented when they related to user benefits. ( 面向产品的特性也可以是准以市场 为导向时,他们相关的用户利益。)15. Material includes capital, physical plant, raw materials and parts; as well as intangibles such as information, patents and trademarks, distribution networks, technology, human resources know-how, employee and customer loyalty, marketing reputation, and the ability to borrow. (材料包括资本、物质设备、原材料和零部件;以及无形资产如信息、 专利和商标、分销网络、技术、人力资源专业知识、员工和客户忠诚 度、市场营销的声誉和借钱的能力。)16. Methods include a ranges of management, manufacturing and marketing functions and process, such as motivational, negotiating and alliance skills, and other intangible resources that are covered by the terms benchmarking, best practices, outsourcing, total quality management, core competencies and competitive capabilities. (方法包 括范围的管理、制造和市场营销职能和进程,如谈判和联盟的动机, 技能和其他无形资源覆盖的基准、最佳做法、外包、全面质量管理、 核心能力和竞争能力的条款。)填空题1. The consumer-centered element is driven by the companys policy: its purpose for existing and its operating domain. It related to corporate strategy. (在以消费者为中心的元素是由公司的政策、其用途的现有 的和其经营的域驱动的。与它相关的企业战略。)2. A company is using a consumer-centered strategy when the design of the product, how and with-what materials it is manufactured, and how it is marketed are dictated by a concern for satisfying a consumer want or need. (一家公司正在使用一个以消费者为中心的战略时设计的产品, 它如何和用什么材料制作的以及如何在销售时出于满足消费者要关 注的一个问题或需要。)3. Core competencys narrow perception: Its initially focused on a companys specialized expertise in R&D, development and manufacture.(核心胜任能力的狭隘的观念:最初重点是R&D、开发和制造的一家 公司的专门知识。)4. Core competencys broaden perception: include intellectual property, manufacturing and marketing skills abilities, other methods and material resources that allow a company to satisfy consumer needs, achieve and maintain competitive advantage. A company may use core competency max. to improve productivity and competitiveness, and keep its financial bottom line healthy, while at the same time using the core competency acquisition element to facilitate moving the company into a growth industry and position the company for the future expansion. (核心能力 扩大知觉包括知识产权、制造和营销技能的能力,其他的方法和材料 资源,使公司能够满足消费者的需求,实现和保持竞争优势。一家公 司可能会使用核心能力最大。提高生产力和竞争力,并保持其财务底 线健康的而在同一时间使用核心胜任能力采集元素以促进移动公司 进的增长行业和定位为公司未来的扩展。)5. The book ,Thomas and Robert Waterman listed and discussed eight factors which called “attributes of excellence”. One of these attributes is “stick to the knitting”means specialization. “Dont put all your eggs in one basket”means diversification. (本书 ,托马斯和罗伯特沃特曼列出和 讨论的八个因素称为 卓越属性。这些特性之一就是坚持针织 意味着专业化。不要把所有鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里 意味着多 样化。)6. The purpose of Vertical integration can be to reduce dependency, increase control, facilitate growth. Vertical integration can be backward or forward. The better in product-orientation means better materials and/or components, better design and/or technology, and/or manufacturing skills. (纵向一体化的目的可以是减少依赖关系、增加 的控制、促进增长。垂直一体化可以向后或向前更好的产品定位手段 更好材料、元件、更好地设计或技术,或制造技能。)7. Market orientation goes beyond how a product is presented. Because market orientation includes how a manufacturer or distributor perceives (感口)a product, market orientation can drive a products design and development. (市场定位超出了一种产品的呈现方式。由于市场定位 包括如何制造商或经销商感知一种产品,市场定位可以开一个产品的 设计和开发。)8. Close to the customer: listening closely to what customers say they want and need/how is used/what the product is used for/learning what customers like and dont like. (接近客户:密切倾听客户所说的他们 想要和需要/如何用什么产品用于与学什么客户喜欢和不喜欢。)9. Market orientation assumes that when referring to “a better mousetrap” means a mousetrap that work better, that is safer, long lasting, easier to use, more reliable, more effective, cheaper, or that catches more nice. (市场定位假定时指的 一个好的捕鼠器意味着捕鼠器这项工作更 好,这就是更安全、持久、易于使用、更可靠、更有效、更便宜或捕 获的更好。)10. Quasi-market oriented characteristic can be explicit( 外在的 ) or implicit(内在的),depending how directly they relate to benefiting the user, Explicit quasi-market oriented characteristics need no explanation. But the relevance of implicit quasi-market oriented characteristics may require explanation. (准市场面向的特征可以是外在的或内在的,具 体取决于如何直接受益用户的先后,明确以市场为导向特点无需解 释。但隐式准市场面向特征的相关性可能需要解释。)Every product, industry and company can be seen as having a life, which goes through four stages: the introductory phase, growth phase, mature phase, decline phase. (每个产品、行业和公司可以视为具有生命,要 经历四个阶段:介绍性阶段、成长阶段、成熟阶段下降阶段。)11. The identification of life-cycle positions can be difficult, because they are qualitative phenomena (there are not quantitative measurement);they are characterized by imprecise start and finish dates(can only be defined after the fact); they share large areas of overlap with the phases that precede and follow them. (查明的生命周期的位置可能很 困难,因为它们是定性现象(有不定量测量);他们的特点是不精确 的开始日期和完成的日期(可以只定义事实后);他们与之前和之后 他们的阶段分享大面积的重叠。)12. The industry environment can be the critical variable in survival and success of a product or company, and the industry life-cycle position can be a critical factor in strategy formulation. (产业环境可以是生存和成 功的产品或公司中的关键变量和行业生命周期位置可以是在战略制 定中的一个关键因素。)13. The problem with focusing principally or exclusively on one life-cycle is the other two life cycles get ignored. The danger of focusing on one life cycle, is the one that is ignored may be the determining factor. (产业环境可以是生存和成功的产品或公司中的关键变量和行业生 命周期位置可以是在战略制定中的一个关键因素。)14. The skimming element provides companies with a very practical and cost-effective way to identify product-market combinations that warrant further investment. So skimming strategies frequently result in the development and implementation of product-specific and location-specific strategies. (.撇脂元素提供了非常实际和具有成本效 益的方式来标识产品市场组合,值得进一步投资的公司。所以撇脂战 略经常导致特定产品和特定位置的战略的实施与发展。)


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