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大学英语辅助练习【成教专升本班用】东南大学继续教育学院2010年2月修订Book TwoUnit One The Dinner PartyI. Choice.1. A charming smile her face.a. lit intob. lit onc. lit outd. lit up2. The Romanis calculated from the date when Rome was supposedly founded.a. erab. timesc. dayd. epoch3. While I like the dress very much, I cant afford it.“While”a. Whenb. Althoughmeans.c. As long asd. Whereas4. He went into the cafe andin a comer.a. was seatingb. seated downc. seated himselfd. was sitting5. Something rather odd had sprung 叩.”Sprung up means.-a. happenedb. jumped upc. grown upd. blown6. When she, she found herself in a hospital.a. came outb. came toc. came overd. came up7. When she came in from the rainstorm, she looked_ she had taken a shower with her clothes on.a. asb. likec. as ford. asif8. She hasher earlier interest in love stories.a. outgrownb. outgrown inc. outgrown upd. grown9. They hope tothe source of the infection.a. trace downb. track outc. track downd. track up10. Metalsin low temperatures.a. extendb. contractc. widend. control11.1 dontbeer tonight.a. feel like drinkingb. feel like to drinkc. fieel drinkingd. feel to drink12. A fit of dizzinessthe patient.a. came acrossb. came uponc. came throughd. came over13. We are pressed for time. Every second.a. addsb. calculatesc. timesd. counts14. They found the roomwith people.a. crowdedb. crowdingc. to crowdd. crowd15. Cheersfrom the group when the pop singer got out of the car.a. rang upb. rang outc. rang offd. rang backDeveloping cross-cultural awareness usually goes along with learning a new language and being exposed to a new culture: such reveals both cultural similarities and differences. And sometimes it is the 2 between cultures that surprise us 3 the differences.Cross-cultural awareness is the ability to 4 cultures - your own culture and others 5 objective, non-judgmental comparisons. It is an appreciation 6, an understanding of cultural pluralism - the ability to get rid of our ethnocentric tendencies and 7 another culture on its own terms. Many cross-cultural 8 go sour due to a lack of such 9.Studying a second language 10 learning the culture is like learning how to drive a car 11 a drivers manual but never getting 12 a steering wheel. We study a foreign language in order to communicate with people who have learned their native language not in a classroom,13 in natural, everyday interactions with people and situations in their culture. They have learned the intentions 14 words and phrases most 15 consciously thinking about them; it has been part of their 16 and they have taken it for 17. We, however, as adults _18 a second language, must make a 19 effort to examine the cultural 20 of the language we want to learn.1. a. developmentb. awarenessc. exposured. learning2. a. languageb. judgmentc. similaritiesd. differences3. a. as much asb. as many asc. so muchd. the same as4. a. exposeb. understandc. possessd. compare5. a. in terms ofb. in the event ofc. in case ofd. by means of6. a. aboutb. withc. ofd. for7. a. acceptb. to acceptc. acceptingd. to accepting8. a. interactionsb. comparisonsc. situationsd. understandings9. a. a cultureb. an examinationc. exposured. an awareness10. a. withoutb. withc. ofd. because of11. a. to studyb. studyc. by studyingd. in studying12. a. fromb. withc. alongd. behind13. a. andb. butc. as well asd. however14. a. behindb. withc. fromd. but15. a. byb. aboutc. withd. without16. a. languageb. interactionsc. cultured. own17. a. mistakeb. their culturec. grantedd. sure18. a. learningb. to learnc. learnd. having learned19. a. greatb. consciousc. mored. similar20. a. meaningb. contextc. awarenessd. communicationUnit Two Lessons From JeffersonI. Choice.1. John always tries to help people, but recently he has been kind and generous.a. especiallyb. speciallyc. chieflyd. principally2. He is of French but he is now an American.a. beginningb. startc. origind. source3.1 should like to rent a house, modem, comfortable and in a quiet neighbourhood.a. all in allb. above allc. after alld. over all4. The football match was televised from the Workers Stadium.a. aliveb. livingc. lived. lively5. Why did you turn down my request?”Tum down“ means.a. rejectb. submitc. grantd. allow6. He was admittance to the classroom for not being properly dressed.a. declinedb. deniedc. rejectedd. deprived7. We must appoint a date for our next meeting.Appoint means.a. agreeb. decide onc. maked. admit8.1 prefer.a. swimming than playing tennisb. to swim rather than play tennisb. to swim rather to play tennisd. swimming to play tennis9. In their withdrawal, the enemy left thousands of machine guns.a. forb. inc. outd. behind10. Ill have tosome excuse for being late.a. inventb. discoverc. find outd. invite11. The newly-discovered medicine had itsonly on ordinary colds.a. influenceb. affectc. impressiond. effect12.1 havent practised _during these four months.a. to writeb. writingc. writed. written13. Ifs oreciselv the people whohistory.a. produceb. setc. created. organize14. This carpet is_ that one.a. more superior tob. far superior thanc. more superior thand. far superior to15. He preferred that nothingabout his family.a. be saidb. should have saidc. should sayd. had been saidIt is impossible to be entirely objective when we observe another culture. within the context of a particular culture, we have been influenced and shaped by its 2, even if we cannot articulate (明确表达)them.3 it should be ones goal to 4 another culture with pure 5, this is very hard to do. We must remember that in comparing cultures.6 does not mean bad or 7一 it just means “different”.It is important to remember that although many moments of discomfort 8 when we are interacting with people from other cultures,9 is inherently better or 10 than any other. Each culture has its own set of values, norms, and ways of doing things 11 are considered “right“ for it.12 one cultures way of doing things is right for its people does not necessarily 13 it is “right“ for everybody, and herein lies the potential 14 in cross cultural encounters.Becoming more 15 of the influencing of cultural values has many 16 consequences. It leads to better understanding of ourselves and 17 others. We become more 18 and less defensive, and we can _19cultural differences as well as the similarities. After all,_20 is the spice of life.1. a. Having been brought upb. Brought upc. Being brought upd. Having brought up2. a. waysb. countryc. educationd. values3. a. Whenb. Ifc. Althoughd. Unless4. a. observeb. learnc. compared. discuss5. a. interestb. objectivityc. mindd. subjectivity6. a. misunderstandingb. bad impressionc. differenced. refusal7. a. inferiorb. goodc. similard. opposite8. a. feelb. findc. occurd. create9. a. one countryb. one culturec. no one countryd. no one culture10. a. bestb. worsec. worstd. superior11. a. thatb. whatc. ifd. and12. a. Thatb. Whatc. Whetherd.Why13. a. discoverb. provec. meand. is14. a. understandingb. similarityc. conflictd. difference15. a. kindb. thanc. considerated. aware16. a. potentialb. influentialc. positived. negative17. a. ofb. forc. byd. with18. a. understandableb. appreciativec. awared. tolerant19. a. enjoyb. understandc. compared. ignore20. a. varietyb. differencec. similarityd. misunderstandingUnit Three My First JobI. Choice.1. There was a(n)of excitement at the meeting.a. mannerb. air2.the uniform, he must be a postman.c. spaced. skya. Judging byb. Judged byc. Judging atd. Judge from3. The men of this tribe hold everythingcommon.a. tob. atc. ind. for4. This was the last straw. This sentence means.a. I couldn bear any more.b. I had nothing but a straw.b. I had to catch at this last straw.d. I didnt care a straw about it.5.1 was so pleased to have theto visit your country.a. necessityb. possibilityc. chanced. prospect6. His storyfalse.a. provedb. protectedc. providedd. prevented7. She divided the applesthe children.a. intob. amongc. tod. from8. Can you teach me how to run the business?Run means 一a. moveb. takec. flowd. manage9. At first the worldlittle importance to the actions of Hitler.a. consideredb. madec. attachedd. attacked10. The cakeflour, butter, eggs and sugar.a. composesb. consists ofc. constitutesd. is consisted of11. He is seriously ill., he is absent from school today.a. As a resultb. In a resultc. With a resultd. For a result12. They are no longer short ofdoctors.4tShort of meansa. in want ofb. in the way ofc. with the help ofd. in control of13. The temperature in their city on a summers dayfrom 28 to 36.a. differsb. numbersc. rangesd. keeps14. The beggarwhisky.a. smelt outb. smelt ofc. smelt awayd. smelt off15. particulars, applythe information desk.a. lb; forb. For; toc. lb; tod. For; forIn most cultures, when you meet acquaintances fbr the first time during a day, it is normal to greet them. The main purpose of this greeting is to a good relationship between the people 2, and each language usually has _3 set phrases that can be used fbr this purpose. Sometimes, though, there can be considerable 4 in the type of phrases that can be used, and 5 misunderstandings can easily arise. The following is a true story.A young British woman went to Hong Kong to work, and at the 6 of her arrival she knew 7 about the Chinese culture or language.8 her way to school one day, she went to the bank to get some money, lb her surprise, the bank clerk asked her if she had had her lunch before she went to the bank. She was extremely surprised at 9 a question because in the British culture it would be regarded as an indirect 10 to lunch. Between unmarried young people it can also show the young mans interest in 11 the girl. Since this bank clerk was a complete stranger _12 the British girl, she was very much surprised. After a moment she answered that she had already eaten quickly. Then she went on her way to her school and was even more surprised when one of the teachers asked her the 13 question. By now she realized that it could not be an invitation,14 was confused why they all asked this question. In the following days she was asked the same question again and again, and she spent hours trying to explain 15 why so many people kept asking her this.16, she came to a conclusion: the people who 17 inquiring her about the same thing must be concerned about her 18. She was somewhat underweight at the time, and so she concluded they must be worrying that she was not 19 very well! Only much later 20 that the question had no real sense at all - it was only a greeting.1. a. build onb. build upc. build outd. build into2. a. concernb. concerningc. concernedd. to concern3. a. the number ofb. the amount ofc. an amount ofd. a number of4. a. differencesb. similaritiesc. likelihoodd. changes5. a. parentalb. politicalc. culturald. musical6. a. instantb. momentc. periodd. time7. a. everythingb. anythingc. nothingd. something8. a. Inb. Byc. Ond.With9. a. thatb. suchc. withd. so10. a. determinationb. informationc. impressiond. invitation11. a. phoningb. hopingc. datingd. inviting12. a. tob. forc. withd. without13. a. sameb. curiousc. differentd. amused14. a. andb. thenc. sod. but15. a. with regardsb. as toc. as ifd. as soon as16. a. In the endb. In the wayc. In a wayd. At the end17. a. areb. have beenc. wered. has been18. a. cultureb. problemc. salaryd. health19. a. thinkingb. sleepingc. laughingd. eating20. a. she discoveredb. did she discoverc. she did discoverd. does she discoverUnit Four The Professor and the Yo-Yo1. He said he had_ this subject for ten years.a. teached2. You have beenb. pursuedc. demanded_ from all the others for this job.d. affordeda. decided3.the TV set _b. chosen outc. askedand see if you can find whats wrong with it.d. singled outa. Tell; apartb. Take; apartc. Separate; apart4.1 dont know why he revertedhis old habit of smoking.d. Cut; into piecesa. tob. backc. away fromd. on5. Madame Curie once said:Life is not easy fbr any of us. We must work, and above all we must ourselves.We mustthat each of us is able to do something well.a. believe; believe inb. believe in; believec. believe; believe d. believe in; believe in6. He longs to take part in the 1 l,h Asian Games in Beijing,he often dreams about it.a. so much thatb. too much thatc. so thatd. so much so that7. Theyeach other at that time. Which of the following cant be used in the above sentence?a. corresponded withb. communicated withc. kept writing tod. corresponded on8. The patient was_ the possibility of recovery. He was to die.a. overb. inc. underd. beyond9. At the meeting I_ all our problems to the representatives.a. pointed outb. pointed atc. pointed tod. pointed about10. Without vour help I couldntthe detailsa. work; upb. work; outc. work; atd. work; on11. They were very_ in their demands but tremendous in their offer.a. moderateb. modemc. modeld. modest12.1 moved into the Dongfang Hotel because it is_ in its price.a. cheapb. expensivec. modemd. moderate13. If youd like to succeed in the work, you must take _about it.a. gainsb. painsc. effectd. effort14. Lets leave the things as they are; we can always make changes later onif necessary.a. fbr the presentb. at presentc. to the presentd. up to the present15. He looked at her witha. curseb. currencyc. curtaind. curiosityCustoms officers at a London airport yesterday found 40,000 pounds of drugs which were being smuggled (走私)into Britain in boxes marked 2 Medical Supplies”. The police 3 have suspected for some time that drugs were being brought into the country in this way. The 4 is believed to be the work of a well-organized international group. Four men were arrested at 5 airport and held for questioning,6 it is unlikely that they are the organizers. In 7 they declared that they were unaware 8 what the boxes contained and had acted in good faith in bringing 9 into Britain. This is the third time 10 five months that attempts have been _H to smuggle illegal goods through Customs by 12 them to be medical supplies. They are frequently packed in _13 containers with different marks on the surface,14 a warning is given that they may be 15 if they are not handled with care.16 are all determined to put a complete 17 to this practice. said one of the Customs officers today.4There is 18 way these people are going to get away with this any 19. We have the full cooperation of the international police 20 are anxious as we are to track down the main source of supply.”1. a. worthwhileb. worthlessc. worthd. worthy2. a. Recentb. Urgentc. Emergentd. Current3. a. couldb. mustc. mightd. would4. a. behaviorb. movementc. operationd. development5. a. theb. anotherc. oned. some6. a. sob. becamec. butd. when7. a. factb. turnc.returnd. case8. a. inb. byc. ond. of9. a. itb. suchc. themd. that10. a. forb. besidesc. outd. among11. a. madeb. hopedc. takend. carried12. a. receivingb. declaringc. findingd. achieving13. a. sameb. curiousc. funnyd. special14. a. whileb. thenc. andd. but15. a. hannedb. damagedc. injuredd. wounded16. a. Web. Hec. Theyd. You17. a. stepb. holdc. stopd. hinder18. a. someb. noc. oned. any19. a. oneb. longerc. wayd. time20. a. whichb. whoeverc. whosed. whoUnit Five The Villain in the AtmosphereI. Choice.1. These good are for export, though a few of them may be sold on the homemarket.a. completelyb. essentiallyc. necessarilyd. remarkably2. It is essential that these application forms back as early as possible.a. must be sentb. are sentc. will be sentd. be sent3. Features such as height, weight, and skin color from individual to individual and from face to face.a. changeb. varyc. alterd. convert4. We are so familiar with the fact that man ages that people have fbr years assumed that process of losing vigour with time, of becoming more likely to die the older we get, was something self-, like the cooling of a hot kettle or the wearing-out of a pair of shoes.a. plainb. evidentc. apparentd. obvious5. We rarely perceive more than a minute of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs; the greatmajority pass us by.a. fictionb. functionc. fractiond. friction6. Donlme. I dont want to get wet.a. spatterb. splatterc. sprinkled. splash7. Shes lonely, andfor companionship.a. starvingb. strivingc. starringd. stirring8. Numerous housesas a result of the Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008.a. crashedb. batteredc. collapsedd. smashed9. Crystal is amaterial.a. transformb. transparentc. transactiond. transcend10. Mans capacity fbr justice makes democracy possible, but mansto injustice makes democracy necessary.a. inclinationb. tendc. tendencyd. trend11. Those two suggestions arefrom each other.a. distinctb. diversec. variousd. divergent12. Before he started work, I asked the builder to give anof the cost of repairing the roof.a. assessment13. The sailing ships were _ a. succeeded14. In Britain, peoplea. swallow15. When traveling, you are in cash.a. substituteb. estimatec. announcementby the steamships.b. supplantedc. replaced_ four million tons of potatoes every year.b. disposec. consumeadvised to take travellers checks, which provide a secure _b. selectionc. preferenced. evaluationd. supersededd. exhaustto carrying your moneyd. alternativeEnglish prevails in transportation and the media. The travel and language of the international airwaves _2 English. Pilots and air traffic 3 speak English at all international airports.4 traffic uses flag and light signals,5_ if vessels needed to communicate 6, they would find a 7 language, which would probably be English.Five of the largest 8- CBS, NBC, ABC, the BBC, and the CBC - reach a potential 9 of about 300million people through English broadcast. It is 10 the language of satellite TV.Computers 11 to each other mostly in English.12 than 80 percent of all the information 13 in the more than 100 million computers around the world is 14 English.Eighty five percent of 85 telephone conversations are concluded in English,16 are three-fourths of the worlds mail, telexes, and cables. Computer 17 instructions and the software 18 are often supplied _19 in English.German was once the language of science. Today more than 80 percent of all scientific papers are published 20in English.1. a. talkingb. dialoguec. speakingd. communication2. a. wasb. arec. isd. were3. a. leadersb. controllersc. directorsd. keepers4. a. Maritimeb. Airc. Landd. Sea5. a. andb. butc. evend. as6. a. verballyb. orallyc. immediatelyd. seriously7. a. newb. friendlyc. freshd. common8. a. castersb. TV stationsc. sta


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