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陪同口译资料(景点旅游) 景点旅游包价旅游 all-inclusive tour; all-expensive tour; package tour; inclusive tour避暑山庄 mountain resort补贴旅游 subsidized tourism出差旅游 travel on official business出土文物 unearthed cultural relics春/秋游 spring/autumn outing单程旅游 single trip; one way travel到处旅行 travel far and wide 度假胜地 holiday resort佛教名山 famous Buddhist mountain公事旅游 travel mission工艺精湛 exquisite workmanship 鼓楼drum tower古建筑群 ancient architectural complex 古运河旅游 ancient Grand Canal tour观光旅游 sight-seeing tour国画 traditional Chinese painting国家公园 national park国内个体旅游 domestic escort tour 海滨胜地 beach resort area 海上/航空/航天旅行 sea / air / space travel 海外旅游 overseas travel; travel abroad湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills环球旅游 around-the-world trip (circumnavigation)皇帝祭天 the scenes of emperors praying for good harvests皇家园林 the imperial garden 会议旅游 congress tour; convention trip家庭式旅游 family individual tour (FIT)假日旅行 vacation tour 金石印章 metal and stone seals锦绣大地 a land of splendors境外旅游 go on a tour abroad; travel abroad 景色如画 picturesque views举世闻名的旅游景观 world-renowned attractions考古工作者,考古学家 archaeologist 历史文化名胜旅游 heritage tourism疗养旅游 convalescent knvles()nttour旅伴 traveling companion; fellow traveler旅差费 traveling expenses (on a business trip)旅程;旅行日程表 an itineraryatn()(r)r; -旅行社 travel service/agency旅游车 tourist coach ; sight-seeing / tour /tourist bus; pleasure /touring car旅游城市 tourist city; city of tourism 旅游管理局 tourist administration bureau旅游公司 tourism company旅游纪念品 tourist souvenirs 旅游景点 a tourist destination; scenic spot; tourist attraction旅游路线 the tour route旅游签证 tourist visa 旅游热 travel craze / boom 旅游胜地 tourist attraction / spot; resort旅游手册 tourist guide / brochure 旅游旺季 peak season of tourism旅游业 tourism; the tourist industry; tourist services旅游证件 travel document 民俗风情 folklore; folk custom民间艺术节 folklore festival 名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers名山古刹 famous mountains and magnificent temples 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites漂流河 drift river品尝风味小吃 to taste the food of local taste汽车旅游 motor coach tour青山绿水 green hills and clear waters轻装旅行travel light人文景观 places of historic figures and cultural heritage三日游 a three-day tour山清水秀 beautiful mountains and rivers; landscape 山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers山水/水墨画 landscape/ink painting时差反应 jet-lag 诗情画意 a scene full of poetic and artistic conception 石刻碑文 stone inscriptions石牌坊 memorial stone archways丝绸之路 the Silk Road / Route手工艺品 artifact; handicrafts唐三彩 tricolor-grazed ceramics of the Tang Dynasty题咏 inscriptions and poems 天下第一洞 the most spectacular cave unparalleled elsewhere in the world天下第一泉 the finest spring under heaven土特产 special local products团体旅游 group / party tour 文化遗产 cultural heritage文人墨客men of letters; writer and poets新婚旅游 honeymoon tour 一日三游 a three-sights-a-day tour依山临水 wedged wddbetween hills and waters adj. 楔形的 v. 锲入有陪同的旅游 conducted tour游船旅游 cruise service诱人景色 inviting views园林建筑 garden architecture中国国际旅行社 China International Travel Service中国国家旅游局 China National Tourism Administration中国民间艺术绝活 Chinese unique skills in folk art珍禽奇兽和奇花异草 unique and intriguing animals and flora自然保护区 nature reserve自然风光旅游 nature tourism 自然景观 natural scenery/attraction中国有句俗话“不到长城非好汉” There is a famous Chinese saying “The one who hasnt been to the Great Wall is not a true man.”这大厅虽说已有600多年的历史,但它仍完整无缺 The halls are still in excellent condition, considering that it was built about 600 years ago.站在顶上,你可以俯视整个地区 On the top you can get a birds eye view of the whole area.对不起,里面不可以照相,外面可以照相留念 Sorry, you cant take pictures inside, but you may take outside as a rememberance.注意你的脚下,地很滑,有好多苔藓Mind your steps. Its slippery. A lot of mosses. 当下毛毛细雨的时候,这里的景观更为壮观。那景象简直描述不出来When it drizzles, its a fantastic sight here. The scene is beyond description.云层一层驾着一层,有时上升有时一下子猛地跌落下来,犹如发怒的大海中的波涛一样。The clouds are driven over on ridge to another, sometimes going up and sometimes dashing down. Just like an angry sea of waves.女士们,先生们,请别高昂着头,否则你的头可能撞倒突出的钟乳石上。 Please, ladies and gentlemen, dont hold your head high, or you might knock your head against some protruding stalactite.看那块石头,看上去好像一个仙女直上天坛Look at that rock. It looks like a fairy going up to the heavens.这洞穴有的地方还待开发,谁也不知道它通到什么地方,谁也不知道它里面有什么There are some parts of the cave that are not explored. Nobody knows where they lead and what might be inside.这条溪流随洞而去,水流很急。然而我们还不知道这溪流是否是一个地下的支流The stream runs along some parts of the cave, and the current is strong, yet, we still dont know if its a branch of an underground lake.洞里的通风差 The ventilation is poor in the cave.请走离溪边远一点的一边。请不要聚集在那儿或者在那儿停留太久Please keep to the farther side of the path. And dont crow there or stay there for too long.这些是大自然的鬼斧神工 These are natural wonders.它是最近才对游人开放的 It is newly opened to the public.游客被它的独创性建筑风格和奇异布局所吸引 Visitors are struck by its ingenious architecture and exotic layout.园里有三十多处各不相同的迷人景色,如池塘、亭台楼阁和人工堆砌的假山等。这里保存着珍贵的文化遗产。There are more than 30 places of distinctive and fascinating scenes like ponds, chambers, pavilions and artificial rockeries. Here rare and precious cultural relics are kept.这些铜器、玉器、陶器,就是那个朝代所创造的The bronze, jade, and earthenware here were created in that dynasty.离开令人发疯的城市生活,到这儿来享受到自然的美丽景色,真是太好了。这些景点真是赏心悦目。Its so nice to get away from the maddening urban life into the natural beauty. These are really incredible spots.我们好像置身于世外桃源We all feel as we had been in a different world.真是值得一看 Its really worth seeing.这里展出的近百幅水彩画,既有画坛大师的精致佳作,也有后起之秀的神来之笔。Here on display are close to 100 water-color paintings which embrace the creative wisdom of master hands and bold brush of promising young artist.它四周树木茂盛,苍翠欲滴,以奇妙幽绝的风韵,秀丽明媚的湖光水色,使众多游人沉醉。It is surrounded by verdant trees on the lakeside and intoxicates tens of thousands of people in its arms with their wonderful charm and its radiant and enchanting scenery in lake water.当大片白云在群峰中回旋缭绕之际,轻风浮于云上,时隐时现,犹如画中之仙境。With white clouds drifting by and green mountain peaks appearing in one moment and disappearing in the next, the scenery is like an enchanting picture of the world of the immortals.


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