六年级下册英语 易错题型专项提高——情景交际、补全对话( 译林三起)

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六年级下册英语 易错题型专项提高——情景交际、补全对话( 译林三起)_第1页
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六年级下册英语 易错题型专项提高——情景交际、补全对话( 译林三起)_第2页
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六年级下册英语 易错题型专项提高——情景交际、补全对话( 译林三起)_第3页
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期中备考 易错题型专项提高 译林三起 六年级下册情景交际和补全对话1.选出正确的答语Are there any cars on the road?_ A. Because we must follow the traffic rules.What did you do last night?_ B. At the bus stop.Where do you wait for the bus?_ C. Yes, there areDoes he wait for the green man?_ D. Yes, he does.Why must we wait for it?_ E. I took a walk.2.选择正确的答语Why does the car stop?_ A. At school.Can you cross the road safely?_ B. Because it must wait for the green man.Lets cross the road now._ C. Yes, I can.What must we do on the road?_ D. OK. Lets go.Where can you play basketball?_ E. We must look out the car.3.选出正确的答语Is there any food?_ A. Great!What do you have for lunch?_ B. I have noodles and meat. Where do you have dinner?_ C. Yes, there is.Does he drink a little water?_ D. Yes, he does.What do you think of the food?_ E. I have it at home.4.选择正确的答语Does your sister like a lot of fish?_ A. Yes, we do.Do you usually eat lunch at school?_ B. No, she doesnt.You shouldnt eat too much meat._ C. Yes, I did.Did you eat dumplings last night?_ D. Sorry, I wont. Where are the potatoes?_ E. On the table. 5.选出正确的答语Can you put the things in order?_ A. I feel sad. Whose book is it?_ B. No, he doesnt. What do you do in the morning?_ C. Yes, I can Does he go home early?_ D. Annas How do you feel?_ E. I wash my face. 6.选择正确的答语Did your sister read last night?_ A. Yes, We do. Do you usually work late ?_ B. No, she didnt. You shouldnt go to school late._ C. Yes, I did. Did you do your homework last night?_ D. Im sorry Where is your bike?_ E. Its here 7.选出对应的答句。A.Its my brothers.B.No, I didnt.C.Im sorry.D.Yes, I do.E.I got up at seven thirty.(_)1. Did you watch TV last night?(_)2. Do you usually help your parents?(_)3. You shouldnt go to school late.(_)4. When did you get up this morning?(_)5. Whose coat is it?8.Do they have a healthy diet?_ A. She has a little rice. Is there any cola?_ B. Yes, they do.What does she have for lunch?_ C. Yes, he does. Does Mike like sweet food?_ D. No, there isnt. What would you like?_ E. Id like some fruit. Can I drink some milk?_ F. Of course, here you are. 9.根据情景选择恰当的句子A. Heres the red light. We must stop here.B. How can you cross the road safely?C. You mustnt talk loudly in the classroom.D. We must look for a zebra crossing.E. Please cross the road with me.F. Its too late. You must go to bed now.(1)看到一位盲人老奶奶想过马路,你会对她说:(2)看到有同学在教室里大声喧哗,你会对他说:(3)已经晚上十点了,你还在看电视,妈妈会说:(4)坐在公交车上,突然停车,你问原因,司机会说: (5)你想到马路对面,妈妈会说:(6)想考考小妹妹对于过马路要注意什么,你可以问:10、从 II 栏中找出与 I 栏相对应的答语。III( )1. How old is Jacks little cat? A. Milk.( )2. Can you see the green man? B. It was Friday.( )3. What day was it yesterday? C. We went to a town in Xian.( )4. What do you have for breakfast, Mum? D. Im sorry to hear that.( )5. Can we have a rest? E. Yes, Id like to.( )6. Where did you go last month? F. Yes. We can cross the road now.( )7. Im not so good today. G. Some bread and two eggs.( )8. Come here. You must walk on the pavement. H. Sorry, Mum. ( )9. Would you like to come to my birthday party? I. Its three.( )10. Which is good for our health? J. Sure.11、从方框中选择合适的句子的序号,完成下面对话。Mum: 1_ Time for breakfast.Mike: OK. 2_Mum: Some porridge and bread.Mike: I dont like them. 3_Mum: Oh, dear! Its not good for your health.Mike: 4 _Mum: Sure. 5_Mike: All right.A. Id like some cola and a hamburger. B. Wake up, Mike.C. You should have a healthy diet, Mike. D. Whats for breakfast?E. Can I have a cake then?1. C;E;B;D;A2. B;C;D;E;A3. C;B;E;D;A4. B;A;D;C;E5. C;D;E;B;A6. B;A;D;C;E7.B;D;C;E;A8. B;D;A;C;E; F9. (1)E(2)C(3)F(4)A(5)D(6)B101.I 2.F 3.B 4.G 5.J 6.C111.B 2.D 3.A 4.E 5.C参考答案7.D 8.H 9.E 10.A


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