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六年级英语第二单元测试题(卷面分5分,书写潦草、卷面不整洁者不得分)姓名_分数_一、判断下列单词画划部分读音是否相同,用“ ” 或“ ”表示。(8分) 1. tailplay () 2. knownow ( ) 3. shorttall ( ) 4. thinkthan ( ) 二在横线处填上缺失的字母,并根据中文意思写出相应的词组(10分) ma_ _er f_ v_er si_k an_r_ s_r_发烧_ 牙疼_ 感冒_ 头疼_ 嗓子疼_二、根据句意完成单词。(7分) 1. There is something wrong with my head. I have a h_. 3. Why are you so s_ ? Because I failed math test today.4. If youre b_, you can come out and play with other children. 5. My nose h_. I feel sick now. 6. W_ the matter with you ? Nothing much. Dont worry . 7. How d_ Mike feel ?He is happy, because he is g_ on a trip. 三、连词成句。(20分) 1. people , in , some, sick , the , feel , winter (. ) 2. drinks, take, medicine, hot, and, drink, some (. ) 3. so, look , happy , today , you ( . ) 4. do , you , how , flu , have , feel, you, if , the ( ?) 5. matter, is , with , what,the,John ( ? ) 四、选择。(20分) ()1. How _ Amy feel? A. doesB. doC. is()2. _ does John feel ? Hes bored. A. WhatB. How C. Where ()3. You _ so happy. A. look B. looks()4. Whats the _ ? I feel sick. A.matter B. feel C. sore ()5. How do you feel? I have a _ . A. feverB. mouth C. sore()6. Whats your problem? My leg _ . A. hurtsB. hurt C. Hurts()7. How _ you feeling ? I am _ better now. A. are, feelB. is, feelsC. are, feeling ()8. The man _ a headache, and the robot _ tired. A. has isB. have isC. has feeling( ) 9. Why are you excited? Because I am _ on a big trip.A. go B. going C. went( )10. Please give _ some bananas. A. hersB. he C. me五、阅读,选择正确的答案,并把字母编号写在括号里(20分)In winter, the weather is very cold. Some people feel sick in the cold weather. If you dont wear enough clothes, you will have a cold. How do you feel if you have a cold? You will be very tired. Your head may hurt badly. Your temperature(体温) will be higher than 37,then the cold may turn into a fever. But dont worry if you are sick, go to see a doctor. Take some medicine and stay in bed for a few days. And drink more hot water. Then you will get well soon.( ) 1. People feel sick in winter because its . A. warm B. cold( ) 2. If you have a cold you will be . A. tired. B. happy. ( ) 3. If your temperature is higher than 37 you will. A. have a cold. B. have a fever.( ) 4. If you are sick, you must . A. see a doctor. B. go to school.( ) 5._is good for you when youre sick. A.Drinking hot water. B. Drinking cold water六、作文(10分)(内容8分,卷面2分)(请注意:内容充实,书写规范,卷面整洁)Mary 今天有点发烧头疼,Amy 问她今天怎么了,Mary 说她不舒服,并且数学考试没及格,感到很难过。请根据此情景,写一段对话,要求不少于五句话。


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