冀教版英语四下(一起)《Unit4 Lesson28 How far is Beijing》PPT课件1.ppt

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Lesson 28,How far is Beijing?,冀教版(一起)四年级英语下册,one two three three two one one two three four five six seven five six seven eight nine ten ten nine eight seven six five four six five four three two one hundred thousand ten thousand 百 千 万 se Lo se Lo se Lo se Lo se Lo se Lo se Lo se Lo se Lo se Lo,eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 11 12 13 14 15 sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 16 17 18 19 twenty thirty forty fifty 20 30 40 50 sixty seventy eighty ninety 60 70 80 90 one hundred 100,100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000,one hundred two hundred three hundred four hundred five hundred six hundred seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred one thousand,1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000,one thousand two thousand three thousand four thousand five thousand six thousand seven thousand eight thousand nine thousand ten thousand,Can you say the numbers?,120 234 505 1896 4903 6001 26102,one hundred (and) twenty two hundred (and) thirty-four five hundred and five one thousand eight hundred (and) ninety-six four thousand nine hundred and three six thousand and one twenty-six thousand one hundred and two,Language notes: hundred, thousand 前面有具体数字时,不加“s”. 2. 十位与个位之间可以用连字符,也可不用。 3. 一般情况下,百位与十位之间用and,也可不用。但如果十位上是零要用and。 4. 千位与百位之间不用and, 但如果百位上是零要用and。,two hundred seventy-eight seven hundred and five eight thousand five hundred six thousand one hundred and one ten thousand nine hundred eighty-seven 406 980 2023 9644,278,705,8500,nine thousand six hundred forty-four,6101,10987,two thousand and twenty-three,nine hundred eighty,four hundred and six,406,400,about,980,about one thousand,62,about sixty,1570,about one thousand six hundred,four hundred,How far is Beijing?,4400km,1700km,278km,How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?,How far is it from Guangzhou to Beijing?,How far is it from Lhasa to Beijing?,8500km,China,Canada,How far is it from Canada to China?,Its about eight thousand five hundred kilometers from Canada to China.,Edmonton(爱得蒙顿)是阿尔伯塔省的首府和加拿大最著名的旅游城市,是北美大陆上最靠北的大城市之一,被称为“通向北方的门户”。爱德蒙顿终年蓝天白云,阳光充沛,四季分明,气候干爽宜人。西爱德蒙顿购物商场(West Edmonton Mall)是世界最大的购物游乐场所,占了相当于48条街道的面积。,How far is it from Edmonton to Shijiazhuang? Its about nine thousand six hundred kilometers from Edmonton to Shijiazhuang.,


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