广东省小升初英语专项冲刺 完形填空32

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广东省小升初英语专项冲刺 完形填空32_第1页
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广东省小升初英语专项冲刺 完形填空32Look at the picture. Its 1 picture 2 a park. In the park 3 are some big trees and some flowers. 4 the trees there are some birds. There is a river in the park. In the river there is 5 . 6 are in the boat. There is 7 in the river, too. Can it jump?Yes, It can. Look! There is a cat 8 the river. It wants to catch the fish. “Come here, fish!” says the cat.“Would you 9 something to eat?” “No, thank you! I 10 youd like something to eat. Goodbye!” ( A )1.A. aB. theC. anD. /1. A 当可数名词单数初次出现时,其前一般要加不定冠词a或an。picture前应用a.( C )2.A. inB. onC. ofD. to2. C a picture of意为“一幅画”。( C )3.A. theseB. thoseC. thereD. here3. C 本题主要考查There be句型的用法。由上下文可知本句所示意思为“某处有某物”( A )4.A. In B. BehindC. UnderD. near4. A 由题意可知“树上有一些鸟”,故用介词in,其他介词均不合题意。( B )5.A. a girlB. a boatC. a boyD. a dog5. B 从上下文可以看出“河里有一艘船”。( C )6.A. Some womanB. Some girlC. Some boysD. A girls6. C 本题主要考查名词的数。A、B选项中some不可修饰woman和girl,D选项中girls不可用a修饰。( D )7.A. a treeB. a catC. a flowerD. a fish7. D 本题主要考查名词的判断。由下文和猫之间的对话,可看出应是“一条鱼”。( C )8.A. inB. underC. nearD. on8. C 对于“猫”来讲,它应是在河边,它不会游泳,所以不可能在河里、河面上。更不可能在河底。故选C。( A )9.A. likeB. lookC. findD. help9. A 本题主要考查交际用语“Would you like”的用法。它主要用于询问某人是否有某种需要时,常用在商店、饭店或家里。( D )10.A. swimB. jumpC. lookD. think10.D 本题主要考查动词的辨析。由文中可以看出,这里是鱼反驳猫的一句话,反映鱼的机智,应用“认为,想”,其他选项均不能表达鱼的本意。One day an old lady was 1 in the street. When she passed a bank, she saw a car there. A man got 2 it and went into the bank. She looked into the car. The keys were in the lock. The old lady took the keys and followed the man into the 3 . The man 4 a gun out of his pocket, and said to the officers, “Give me 5 money.” But the old lady didnt see. She went to the man and 6 the keys in his hands and said, “Young man, youre careless. Remember not to 7 your keys in your car. Someones going to steal it.” The man looked at the old woman for a few seconds. Then he took 8 and 9 the bank, got into his car and drove away 10 money.(A ) 1. A. walking B. walk C. walked D. to walk was walking过去进行时。(C ) 2. A. out B. of C. out of D. from一个人从车里出来走进银行。(B ) 3. A. school B. bank C. car D. hospital根据上下文意思“这个老人拿了钥匙,跟着那个人进了银行。”(B ) 4. A. take B. took C. bring D. takes叙述过去的事情用一般过去时,故选B。(D ) 5. A. some B. more C. all D. all the把所有的钱都给我。(A ) 6. A. put B. took C. carried D. got她朝那个男人走过去,把钥匙放在他手里。应选A。(C ) 7. A. put B. forget C. leave D. haveLeave落下,本句意思为“记得不要把钥匙落在车里”。(C ) 8. A. money B. keys C. the keys D. key然后他拿了钥匙,第二次后第二次以上提到一物体要用the,故选C。(D ) 9. A. ran B. ran of C. ran outside D. ran out of跑出银行。(B ) 10. A. with B. without any C. with little D. with much没有带钱。


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